How did you meet your significant other????

bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
i'm curious how people got i'm starting a thread......

i'll go first.....
i did a bunch of online dating/personals meetups and they ALLLLLLL sucked....i was unhappy with my body and overweight and just not in a good place anyway but i was tired of being alone.....i had breast reduction surgery in february/march? 2000 and while i was home recuperating i guess i was playing around on aol and decide to do some profile searches for men my age with similar interest who were currently online....i instant messaged a few and in the end, i sent mike (my hubby) a message saying, "have i tried to pick you up before?"....i had done soooo many chats i had lost track....he was a bit taken aback and was like, "um, no, who is this?" and we started to chat it turns out he was on that profile for the "last" time to clean it up as he was being "stalked" by some other chick so when i messaged him he was a bit leery to reply....guess it was fate that he was willing to talk to me that night....

we talked online for just under a month and then my little sister and her boyfriend came to florida for spring break and stayed with me at my condo....they were sleeping in my office/2nd bedroom on the futon and so i couldnt talk to mike on my computer.....he offered to give me his phone number so we could talk on the phone (never asked for mine cause he didnt want me to feel unsafe)...we talked for 3-4 wks straight on the phone every single night....a few times he fell asleep while we were talking :)...he was given an opportunity to go to chicago for a job interview and i knew if he went, i would eventually go with him (this is all before we had even met in person)...

we had our first date on saturday, april 22, 2000 (same day i got my tattoo - my other sister was in town and wanted one so i went along with it and got one too - totally not a "me" thing to do but i did it anyway)....we went to dinner at the place we eventually got married at and then went for a walk along the waterfront downtown...we had our first kiss on flagler drive...he came home with me that night and he pretty much moved in that weekend....

we have been together since buying a house in 2002, getting married in 2003, having our son in 2004, having our daughter in 2007.....this november we will celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary and i can honestly say even with the many many many manyyyyyyyyyyy ups and downs that have been thrown our way i am glad he didnt ignore my instant message that first night, we love each other and even with the struggles i know we can make it through anything....


  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    I met my fiancee in a michigan chat room :) I had just gotten out of a wasn't really wanting another one. since I wasn't showing interest he came over to see my sister....and I just couldn't stay out of the room he was in. I kept catching him staring at me.. well I had to babysit my sisters kids a few days later and asked him if he wanted to hang out while I did and we hit it off :) It'll be 11 years in Oct.. we have four kids together
  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
  • KassiV
    KassiV Posts: 28
    I met my boyfriend of almost six years when we worked together at McDonald's after high school. And guess what? I'm lovin' it! :P
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    We went to high school together. I met him when I was a freshman and we started dating when I was a sophomore.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I was going into work my shift as a lifeguard. There was this girl lifeguard and her friend making an almost pornographic message to her friends boyfriends answering machine.
    I got to check mine out then in her bathing suit and as she was being naughty.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    We met via my online personal ad in 1999. I'd been playing with internet dating for a few months. Met a few interesting guys, and heard from a lot of freaks. He was bored one night and wrote to one person.... me.

    We lived 200 miles away at the time. He was in Maryland looking to move to PA. He ended up moving a lot further north than he planned. November will be our 10th wedding anniversary. :heart:
  • Robyn120
    Robyn120 Posts: 249
    I met my fiance freshmen year of high school through a mutual friend in the cafeteria one fine day :)
  • nimbi
    nimbi Posts: 27
    We went to school together from 11 to 15 but didn't know each other well, got back in touch via Facebook and took it from there. We're now 22 and 23 and have been in a relationship together for over 3 years.
  • SarahWrittenThin
    SarahWrittenThin Posts: 595 Member
    Options :) and the first time he messaged me I ignored it and deleted it because I thought he was going to be a jerk playing a joke because he is a drop dead sexy guy. Now we are planning a wedding and I'm losing weight so that we can start a healthy family.
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    I met my soon to be hubby almost 7 years ago playing world of warcraft. I joined his guild to play with his brother cause his brother and i always did PVP together. Well one day i PVPed solo and this stupid guy from my guild was standing there watching me die. after we lost I read him the riot act in guild chat... The next day he followed me around the game he lived 45 minutes away and we've been together since.
  • Shannmarrs
    Shannmarrs Posts: 117 Member
    High school =) We dated in high school, got back together after I had graduated and he came back in town from college and we've been together ever since: 12 years this year, married 9 in September.
  • MissMegan3119
    My husband and I went to junior high and high school together, but never knew each other. One day, I went to my friend's house (he did not attend the same schools as us) to hang out, and they were having a poker game. Turned out that my now husband and friend had been playing poker together for a few years, and we were introduced then. We both were dating other people, but we started hanging out more and more, text messaging each other, and spending most of our time with each other compared to the people we were actually dating. We had a long talk, and decided we were happier with each other, and decided to break it off with our partners, and pursuit our relationship further.

    5 years of marriage and a 3 year old daughter, I would say we made the right decision :)
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    I met my hubby in a parking lot! He and his friend were cruising around. My friend and I stopped, mostly because he had a cool car. But after he got out, I leaned over to my girlfriend and said "That one is mine!" LOL We got married just over a year later and will be married 24 years in July. :-D
  • jpierce8806
    My fiancee and I met online as well!

    I had created an online dating profile because of friend of mine did and she didnt want to do it alone so....I went ahead and did it. I'd met a couple of guys and they were all tried to rape me *yikes*

    I had logged on to delete my profile and Adrian had messaged me....we started kind of talking and I still was thinking Im sure this guy's a creep...ha ha ha

    well aparently not! We're very much in love and getting married soon! :):) and I have since deleted my profile ha ha :)
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    I had just gotten out of a rocky relationship oct of 2004 n had brought myself to create a profile on cpixel (before myspace was popular). This guy attempted to add me n wrote on my profile that he thought I looked good n that I should hit him back up. So i accepted his add n wrote him back. We eventually exchanged yahoo screen names and talked every day until february 2005 wen we finally decided it was time to meet. That day was the first time I had even heard his voice on the phone & instantly I got nervous & canceled. Lol. Days later we attempted to meet again & he cancled on me to get back at me for the first time. :o) February 22nd 2005 we finally met and it was definetly love at first site. We have been together for over 6 years now & i couldnt be any more in love with him then I am now. :heart:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    We share a best friend. Our friend Curt introduced us about 4 years ago. We instantly clicked and the three of us hung out for a few weekends, but I was in a (bad) relationship and he had enlisted in the AF and was getting stationed in Germany. We stayed in touch all 4 years, even when he went to Iraq. We always had a soft spot for each other but after so long we both figured the other person would find someone else. Well, we didn't! :) At the end of March he shared his feelings and we both 'admitted' that we loved each other and decided to date. He is living in Missouri now, but we have seen each other twice since March. He's moving back to VA in Nov/Dec!! We have always been able to talk about anything and our relationship is built on a friendship which is how I always dreamed it would be!
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I met my husband in a NH chatroom 10 years ago on AOL. We started chatting about wrestling, then about the Perfect Circle concert I was going to the following month and probably a week or so after we started talking on the phone. A week later we met at the mall with a huge group of mutual chatroom friends. We went to the movies (Joe Dirt bwahahaaa) and he took my hand and it's been just the two of us ever since. :o)
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    In the ARMY, we happened to be new on base and getting our ID's at the sametime. He said I was stuckup I didn't hear him say I was too embarressed to talk to men. But 3 months later we met again when he was going through the messhall he smiled and I smiled back, he asked me out I said no or I had too work kept asking. After several weeks and him arranging my time off with my sgt. Un.known to me, so when he asked me out I had no excuses. He asked me to marry him on our first date.he said when I smiled at him his whole body tingled...and he knew. Was the one...we have been married for 30 years we have 3 grown children 2 are married and have children of there own.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    My husband and I met at work. We worked together for about 6 months before we started to hang out together outside of work. We hung out for about 4 months just as friends - I was still a bit jaded from my last relationship and really wasn’t interested in him at all. One day it was like I saw him for the first time, I got out of my car and thought, “wow, he's kinda cute!” :laugh: After about 4 months of hanging out he finally got up the nerve to kiss me. 9 months later he asked me to marry him and our wedding was a little less than a year later. Monday was our second wedding anniversary and we’re expecting our first child this October. :happy:
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    We met at work. He is/was my boss. We're getting married next year.