How did you meet your significant other????



  • Cnava01
    Cnava01 Posts: 37
    We met on and will be celebrating our 1 year anniversarry next month! :) I <3 him so and he is a beautiful person!
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    We worked together, hooked up in the parking lot of our favorite pub after work one night and the rest is history. 14 and a half years later she is still pretty awesome!
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I clubbed the b*tch over her head just over 8 years ago and drug her back to my place. We've been together ever since.

    In reality, I popped into the Arizona AOL chat room for a quick minute to harass one of my friends who was in there. Turns out this girl (my now wife) messaged me out of no where right as I was closing out of the room. So for the hell of it, I stayed and chatted with her and ended up marrying her about 2 years later.

    So when did you find out she was this guyDearLordNo.jpg

    JK JK
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    I clubbed the b*tch over her head just over 8 years ago and drug her back to my place. We've been together ever since.

    In reality, I popped into the Arizona AOL chat room for a quick minute to harass one of my friends who was in there. Turns out this girl (my now wife) messaged me out of no where right as I was closing out of the room. So for the hell of it, I stayed and chatted with her and ended up marrying her about 2 years later.

    So when did you find out she was this guyDearLordNo.jpg

    JK JK

    Well when I saw she looked like that, I knew my love for her was true and I had to marry her.
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
  • jenhenning219
    jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
    i met my husband in hs but we never dated, we were just friends and i kept in touch with him when he was in montana for the reserves, we started hanging out 2 years before we started dating and got engaged after being together 6 months got married in feb and we couldnt be happier
  • GrampsWooha
    GrampsWooha Posts: 184
    on mfp. her name is fesse and shes beautiful
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Then roommate invited group over to our place for a game and dinner.

    Voila! 10 months later, hot dude finally asked me out on a date. :smile:

    Do you guys play Magic as well?

    Nope... City of Heroes, D&D Online, D&D tabletop, Shadowrun (currently) tabletop, and some first person stuff.
  • mrscjwilson
    mrscjwilson Posts: 252
    We met Online on got engaged after 3 months, got married 1 year later.
  • Jillian1104
    Jillian1104 Posts: 119 Member
    I met my boyfriend (Jeremy1026 to MFP) through an online dating site called while I was in my second year of college. It was a friend of mine who set up the profile for me after one night of a serious whine-fest about being alone.

    I talked to some serious weirdo-s on the site, and when I was about to give up, he sent me a message and we started instant messaging each other. At first, he just seemed like someone that would end up being a good friend. After a couple weeks of talking to him all the time, and one long 4 hour phone conversation (which I'd never done before), we decided to meet in person. Since we live in Baltimore and dolphins are my favorite animal, he took me to the National Aquarium. Long story short, we hit it off and a few weeks later, we made it official.

    Now we've been together for 3 1/2 years, living together for the past year, and looking to buy a house together next year. Couldn't be happier!
  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    I met him when I was a junior in highschool (may of 1999 ) I was 17and he was 21 we met thru a mutual friend, we dated on and off, and have always been best buds, but have been together as a couple since nov 2006. Were now engaged, but keep setting and putting off dates to get married for various reasons.
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
    We went to HS together but didn't really talk and then one day 6 yrs later we started playing racquetball together at the gym and then started working out together and the rest is history!! :)
  • Solly123
    Solly123 Posts: 162 Member
    Haven't found one yet.. Eekks.. Into my 40's now and haven't even been in a relationship in over 10 yrs. Think I'm at that age where my friends are all married with young families so not much social life going on.

    Plus into horses, so spend so much time with them I probably don't have time for a man on the scene!!

    Am really shocked at how many people have meet on-line. Am in Ireland and I've only know 1 person who met their other half on line..

    Maybe its something I should look into!! (If I find the time....Ha ha)

    Great thread though!!!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    on mfp. her name is fesse and shes beautiful

    *LIKES* :heart:
  • jpeterburs88
    jpeterburs88 Posts: 201 Member
    We went to high school together, but never knew eachother- he was a senior when I was a freshman. Then, I was friends with his younger brother (actually went to his house after prom!) and still never knew him. Then I was out at NIU (a college about a half an hour from my hometown) and met him at a party.
    For five years we had gone to the same high school, knew the same people, and I had even been to his house (which is only 2 miles from my own) without meeting. It took a day trip 30 miles away from where we both live for us to meet.
    We've been together ever since that night :)
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    My husband and I met because we were both cheerleaders my freshman year of high school. We dated off and on thru out school and got married in 2007. I love to tell people the fact that he was a male cheerleader, becuase it embarasses him:laugh:
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    I clubbed the b*tch over her head just over 8 years ago and drug her back to my place. We've been together ever since.

    In reality, I popped into the Arizona AOL chat room for a quick minute to harass one of my friends who was in there. Turns out this girl (my now wife) messaged me out of no where right as I was closing out of the room. So for the hell of it, I stayed and chatted with her and ended up marrying her about 2 years later.

    So when did you find out she was this guyDearLordNo.jpg

    JK JK

    Well when I saw she looked like that, I knew my love for her was true and I had to marry her.

    So THAT'S what happened to the guitarist from Metallica!! You're one lucky guy!!!
  • KMcBandit
    KMcBandit Posts: 65
    Was in a bad relationship with someone who ignored me for the most part he always had his head in a video game so one day I waited until he went to work sat down to see what was more important then me and met my husband :D He was at first just my map guy taught me how to play etc he's 5 years younger then myselfand was in college engaged to be married etc.. then it got to a point where i would log on everyday just to see if he was there. Then a few years passed and we became pretty close (long distance friends only) my grandma got sick and the only person I could think about to talk to was him! It was during that time I knew I loved him and actually said it. When i decided to move out and leave the ex my current husband showed up on my doorstep at 1:30 in the morning to help me move he drove all the way from minnesota and he told me he wasn't leaving because he was completely in love with me and wanted to get married. And that my friends was the best moment of my life except for giving birth to my kids :D
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    band camp..seriously.

    we went to college together. we were both in band. he played tuba and i played percussion. i was on marimba and in one of the formations the tuba line came up to the sidelines right behind me. apparently the first time he saw me it was during this formation. he saw my red hair, looked at the guy next to him and said "she's mine" without even seeing my face or knowing my name. a few weeks later we ended up hanging out and by the end of the night we were dating. we got married last august on our 12 year anniversary.

    on a related great-grandparents have a similar story. my great-grandfather was walking with a friend, saw a lady in front of them whith long read hair, looked at his friend and said "that's the girl i'm gonna marry." i heard this story and loved it because i finally figured out where my red hair came from and the story of when my great-grandfather 1st saw his wife was so similar to the first time my husband saw me.
  • Kalbright79
    My husband and I met on I had been on many dates and talked to alot of different guys - none of which turned out well! Finally I came upon Bill. I winked at his profile because I liked what I saw....he was a single father (who had custody of his son), owned his house and worked! I was a single mother. This all impressed me. He winked back and then we moved to chatting and emailing for a while before we talked on the phone. Then all of a sudden he blew me off (around September of 2005) I thought - oh great what did I do to screw it up! Turns out he saw we could get really serious and he said he needed at least one year of being single after his divorce before he developed strong feelings for anyone....a month later I got an email apologizing for blowing me off and explaining everything and said he understood if I didnt want to talk to him again but he left his number in the email just in case.
    I called him that night - so excited to find out it was not me who messed things up. We talked for several hours a night and finally decided to meet on January 6th 2006. We had such a great connection and decided to keep things going! We got married in Aug. 2007 and had our little princess on Sept. 15th 2008. We have three children together (his mine and ours) We do have our struggles just like any couple and raising two teenagers and a toddler at the same time is enough - let alone dealing with the dynamics of step children. All in all I am so glad he winked back at me and decided to take me on! :heart: