How did you meet your significant other????



  • flgirlsteph
    flgirlsteph Posts: 125 Member
    I haven't met her yet but I keep telling myself that I will one of these days

    u will hun dont u worry!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Me and Justin are both police officers. That is where we met. I was working first shift when he was hired, and before you go through the academy, you basically just ride along everyday with other officers as your "work day." We met one day when I was working and he was riding along. We are getting married in 18 days! :heart:
  • GTI_Girl
    GTI_Girl Posts: 207
    He is so lucky...I just showed up at the house he was living at one night lol.

    my good friend and I were cruising around in her VW Jetta when I noticed a GLi (sporty model of what she drives). So jokingly I said "hey, he has the same car as you...flag him down and talk to him!" and well...She did! I couldn't believe it so i just sat in the car while they chatted outside a gas station. I guess I should mention i was eating a salad from Sonic's and they forgot to give me dressing! so I was *****ing about that..

    Anyway, he says to my friend "Wanna come back to my crib? my room mate drives a VW too"
    Im thinking "no. no. I know how this is gonna end! we are gonna die!"
    Of course my friend said yes! And then He mentions to me "i think we have salad dressing at the house"
    So we follow him back to his place. I was expecting his room mate to be like him...but he was the complete opposite in a good way.
    His room mate was sitting on the couch watching "the presidents daughter" lol.
    We hit it off right away...we even finished each others sentences a couple times that night.

    So after hanging out for a little bit, we decide to leave. The greatest part, was that he (the room mate) remembered my name! No one EVER remembers my name!!
    This was back at the end of 2004. We met again on New Years eve.
    it is now 2011 and we have been together for 6 and half years. Craziest part...this has been my first and only relationship lol.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    We lived down the road (long rural road) from each other for about 4 years, but never knew each other existed. The wife of the couple who owned the farm I was living on (in my little 5th wheel by the garden) was working out my wife's horses for her. She kept throwing us at each other, but we were both a little too dense to see what she was doing. When we first met my wife thought I was a biker and thought I looked mean and was the largest guy she had seen. (I'm actually the runt of the litter, I am the shortest of the three boys) Our friends kept at it and we ate dinner at their place a few times then went to see a movie. (Legend of Sleepy hollow) My wife was still leary of me and then as we got to know each other and found our similarities we hung out more and more. We met for the first time in mid-1999 when my wife came over to the farm on her horse. We were married in December of 2000 and she is my best friend and keeps me hopping. We have really weird senses of humor which is one of the reasons we get along so well, plus we both love animals very much. I started cooking for her and I think that was the clincher, plus I had just bought the land we live on and adopted a stray dog that had found it's way to her place.
  • hellosquirtle
    My boyfriend used to work at the same workplace. I noticed that he would follow me around and look whenever I was passing. (I learned the next part after a few months of dating) He used the instant messaging system at work to figure out my name and added me on myspace. He then saw a bulletin that I was attending an event and followed me to it. The rest is history.
  • ShannonBas
    ShannonBas Posts: 101 Member
    One time.... at band camp..... :glasses:

    LOL! Seriously though! I met him at one of the band camp practice sessions. We used poker chips to mark each position we move to while learning a new marching performance routine. I was relieving another band member from their position on the field, so when they returned, I went back to the side lines. We pretty much goofed off during practices on the side lines, but as long as we didn't wander off, the director didn't really care. (as long as he felt we were paying attention)

    Any way... Returning to the side lines, I discovered that my reserve poker chips had been messed with & one was broken. I looked directly at the 3 boys that were standing there. They all pointed at each other. LOL!! Steve admitted it was him, eventually, and that's when we officially met. Started "dating" 3 months later. :love: We've been a couple for a hair over 15 years (16 this next January). We've been married for 4 of those years (5 next April). :heart:
  • sady_uk
    sady_uk Posts: 6
    I met my man in 1984 when I was 6 years old! I moved over from Germany to the UK and he lived 3 doors away with his Mum,Dad and 2 other brothers. Both families became great friends. We finally got together properly Jan 2010 and we now have a 6 month old son.
    Total soul mates :-)
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I met my fiance over a an old Marilyn Manson forum of all places. He is a Muslim. I am a Satanist. I saw The Joker in his signature and fell in love with the cartoon. 5 years later here we are....getting closer to a marriage! :love:
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    I was kinda seeing a guy who was in the same circle of friends as myself, and had arranged to meet up with him on this particular night. We were sitting in the car deciding what to do, when a whole load of other cars pulled in (our friends). There was a bit of banter from everyone that night and we decided just to hang around with them.

    Anyways, in one of the cars was this tall, nice looking guy... I hadn't met him before, but he struck up a conversation with me and was introduced to me as "Walker". He seemed nice and the two of us talked for ages.

    The next night there was a party at my friends house. I went along and Walker was there. He was pretty drunk, and I was perfectly sober.... so when he grabbed me by the hand I was taken back. Nothing happened that night...

    The following Tuesday I was getting ready to go on a four night camping trip and needed to pick up a few bits and pieces, so I went to my nearest Halfords where, lo and behold, it turned out he was a shift manager! He couldn't get me a price for something, so asked if I'd be about later and he'd find out and tell me when his shift was finished. I met up with him... He didn't have a price for me, but after that night we were inseperable.

    We've been together for almost 2 years, and recently got engaged and moved into our own home.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    I met my husband 4,5 years ago. He got on to the same bus as me in the morning. I remember checking him out and thinking he was gorgeous....and he was reading! (I'm a total bookworm). He ended up in the seat beside me but because I've got headphones in he couldn't talk to me. When the bus driver slammed on the breaks he used it as an excuse to elbow me and start talking. He ended up walking me to work and asking for my number. Bless him, the sweet man had travelled 20 minutes past his place of work! It started out casual with neither of us looking for a commitment. That quickly changed and we got engaged after 8 months!! We got married on April 23rd 2011.
  • AnabolicAdam
    Forever single :sad:
  • SweetToothMelissa
    SweetToothMelissa Posts: 137 Member
    We met in Japan.

    He's was from California, and I live in NY state.

    My best friend is married to a US Marine, and they are stationed in Okinawa, Japan. They bought me a ticket to visit themand I stayed there for a month.

    They invited a fellow Marine out for dinner with us, but he didn't pay any attention to me. We went out shopping and walking around the city and then went back to my friend's apartment, where me and Tanner were left to watch "Boyz n the hood" (haha) He thought I was stuck up because I made some comment about the ghetto while watching that movie.

    Anyway, we talked for hours that night, and he slept on the couch, while I slept in the other room. Then...for my birthday we went to a beach resort, all 4 of us. There were only 2 the first night I put a pillow in between us while we slept. The second night, he finally kissed me...and we went out to the water at night and watched the water and got to know each other.

    He got out of the Marine Corps in October, but once I went home at the end of June, we talked on the phone every day, sometimes 5 times a day. He'd call and wake me up every morning. Once he got out of the Marines, he moved here, and we have been together for 2 years!
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    August 06 - met on Yahoo personals

    September 06 - started dating

    Feb 07 - engaged

    July 07 - married

    We'll be going to Tampa to celebrate our 4 yr anniversary next month, and I couldn't be more excited. He's my best friend in the whole world, and I think we'll go the distance! :)

    (we're even losing weight together, lol)
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    my bf was my brother's roomate..he was 18 i was 25, he was soo shy, my brother said brian has a crush on you, so i called him and asked if it was true..he didnt really answer but we started hanging out ...we've been together over 10 yrs and have 2 beautiful children..although people still give me crap about being a "cradle robber" :tongue:
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i met my partner in grade 9. i transferred schools and dated some guy for a few years, he dated some girl. we both broke up with them when we were 17. and then met eachother again through a mutual friend. we were at a burger king and he put a french fry in his mouth and was trying to get me to eat it out of his mouth. i eventually played along but came really close to his lips. 6.5 years later we are still unmarried!
  • Jenny56dreams
    Jenny56dreams Posts: 147 Member
    :love: On line....and we've been together 5 & 1/2 years
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Options :) and the first time he messaged me I ignored it and deleted it because I thought he was going to be a jerk playing a joke because he is a drop dead sexy guy. Now we are planning a wedding and I'm losing weight so that we can start a healthy family.

    YOU MAY BE THE ONLY NON HORROR STORY!!!!! I met nothing but low life pieces of crap on there. Congrats!!!!! those men are single for a reason that i encountered..
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Forever single :sad:

    meeee toooooo! even when i do find a guy he still lives like hes single:sad:
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    grade 7.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    We met in grade 9, we caught eyes as he walked into the homeroom we shared after he accidentally went to the wrong one. We became friends but he didn’t ask me out until Grade 11, December 8th 1998. Ever since that day we have been inseparable. We went to the same university together, got into the same profession and got married August 15th 2009. This December it will be lucky 13 years together.