How did you meet your significant other????



  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    P.C. Verison my Fiance and I met at a party

    Real Story: A mutal friend of ours brought him down to my dorm room to play games. Since she had dragged him out of a party for it he said he would only stay if I had alcohol. We began drinking and never played any board games. In the morning he was not even sure of my name. It was supposed to be a one night stand, but he was at a party the next week and we just kept getting along so well we eventually started dating.

    Short Real Story: My fiance is a one night stand gone horribly HORRIBLE wrong ;-p
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    We met on Facebook :) Such a surprise that we clicked. Neither of us were expecting that. I was planning to move to Ireland at the time. He just wanted to really, really meet me :) He had been commenting and messaging me for a few months. You could say he sort of "stalked" my page but in a gentlemanly way. He's an amazing man who loves the heck out of me now. He has the patience of a saint and he's HOT ;)

    Go Facebook!
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    Options! we will be celebrating 1 year of marriage this July!
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    LOL...we met on the Stairmaster at the gym in 1987. No more stairmaster for us... we walk outside or on the treadmill.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I am from PA and went to visit a friend in the Marines in Oklahoma, on a whim (he was complaining about no one visiting him, so I did, haha- we were not dating, he was actually semi-dating a friend of mine at the time, they are now married). While waiting for him to get his friend out of the barracks to go to dinner, I was surrounded by marines. All introducing themselves with their last name. One guy came around and was the only one to introduce himself with his first name, asked who I was visiting, where I was from and when I told him he said, "No way, I grew up a half hour from there. I don't believe you, whats your area code? No it's not, prove it, call my phone." So I did, obviously his 'slick' way of getting my number.
    He texted me all night and all the next day until I agreed to meet up with him, his friend and my friend for lunch. I was supposed to leave that day but after spending most of the day together, we were all having so much fun, I rescheduled my flight for the next day. We talked every day (all day through text) until he came home the month after, being switched to reservist rather than being stationed in Japan :)

    In July we will have been together for 4 years, engaged for 2 and have a beautiful 3 month old daughter :)
  • Dahamac
    Dahamac Posts: 213 Member
    I was watching the movie Highlander on the TV when this girl from the neighborhood knocks on the door. Since I'd seen the movie a few times, I'd fallen asleep so the knocking woke me up and I figured it was urgent or I wouldn't have answered the door. When I opened the door this girl told me she loved and wanted to hug me, we hugged and decided to hang out later.

    We started dating 25 years ago as of tomorrow and this November we will have been married for 18 years. No kids but four dogs, all adoptions, let me know if you want a dog. :happy:

    I tell people that we have been happily married for 10 years. The wife always corrects and says no we've been married 18 years. I respond, yeah but only 10 have been happy. :bigsmile:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I was the manager of an adult bookstore in vegas,he was buying porn.
    Im completly serious
  • tiffanyquincey
    He was friends with a guy I was talking to. The guy ended up being a creeper but I ended up being really good friends with my guy. He was in the friend zone for a year until I realized the guy I was with was a jerk. I broke up with the jerk and me and my guy have been together ever since.
  • imnotyourpal
    imnotyourpal Posts: 162 Member
    We met at work. He is/was my boss. We're getting married next year.

    Next year, you'll be his boss. ;)

    Met mine on a free weekend of eHarmony. <3 Love him to the moon, too.
  • mandysue1980
    mandysue1980 Posts: 31 Member
    We met at a swimming pool when we were 12 and 13, became friends and went to Jr High and High School together. We did not become an item until we were 23 and 24, this July will be 8 years!
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    We met at a dancehall :) I wasn't going to go that night but my friend convinced me, turns out she and he were friends too. He told her to give me his number and we went out 2 days later. I turned him down the first time he asked though lol.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I went to the car races at the San Jose Speedway on a regular basis. A friend of mine who worked there introduced me to one of the security guards there. The timming of meeting him was not right because he was delivering money - so he was strictly business. After the races, I went back to meet my friend who was driving me home when she got off work. I ended up talking with the guy she had introduced me to. We had a lot in common, had gone to the same college, had the same class (he sat in the back of the room, I sat in front) & I really enjoyed talking with him. Soon after that first talk, HE became the reason that I went to the races on a Saturday night.
    When the racing season ended. I started joining him at other jobsites (no I was not stalking him) & spent almost every weekend with him at the different jobsites. Soon after I met his boss for the first time, his boss said "If you're going to be out here for 8 hours every weekend, you might as well be getting paid for it." & hired me.
    Almost a year after we met, we were visitng the friend who had introduced us & talking about how protective my family is of me. When he said "Well I'm not marrying them, I'm marrying you.." I sat there speecheless & could only nod.
    Next June we will be celebrating 20 years of marriage & I have never been happier!!!!!
  • kitchenfairy
    We met at a church Halloween dance. This guy dressed all in black with silver glitter makeup all over his head, face and hands and sunglasses on came up to where I was sitting and asked me in German (we lived in VA) how old I was. He looked very surprised when I answered him in German. He asked if the seat next to me was free and proceeded to talk to me all night. He asked (repeatedly) for my number and promised to call the next day. Well, my self esteem being what it was I thought ... RIGHT... never gonna hear from him. He called at 9am the next morning. We went on our first date the week after the dance and that was it.. I knew he was the one, as goofy as he was. And he still makes me nuts (in a good way). We celebrated our 10th Anniversary yesterday. :heart:
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    On August 2 (2008) I had been out late with a friend to a book release party. The next night, a mutual friend of ours was having a party that I did not want to go to... I wanted to stay home and read my new book (Breaking Dawn)! However, after much conversation, I agreed to go.

    Prior to the party starting, a few of us showed up to help put things together. DH, living 3 doors away, was already there. When I saw him, my eyes followed him. Then I got up, walked over to him, and looked up (and up and up). "Who are you?" I asked. I was immediately interested.

    Throughout the night we talked, laughed and drank. At one point our whole party was in a hot tub and had his arm around me. I made a few excuses to see him unofficially, and two weeks later I summoned the (liquid) courage to ask him out.

    Three weeks after meeting we had our first date. The following morning we met for a breakfast date, and later that night to enjoy our city's Ghost Walk. I knew then, within 24 hours, that he was the one for me.
  • SUSANB37
    SUSANB37 Posts: 61 Member
    I met my honey in 2nd grade. We started dating as juniors in high school and have been married now for over 19 years :heart:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    My husband and I meet on Meeting place,before online dating.They had colunms in the newspaper.We have been together 20 years,married 18,
  • floozieq
    floozieq Posts: 11
    Funny story - I met my husband about 5 years ago through e-harmony. He was not someone I thought I would be interested in.. I had been divorced and approaching 60. Decided if i didn't meet any one after I turned 59 I was hanging it up!!! Turns out i heard from a man who had been married for 34 years and widowed and worked for the Airlines. I was living in Ohio at the time and he was in Texas. He finally after numerous calls, letters etc... flew in to Ohio and we fell in love in a weekend. He retired at 59 1/2 and we got married. It's beens the best 3 1/2 years of my life.. So if you are older - the internet is not an awful way to go ..:smile:
  • sarahlyzzibeth
    I met my boyfriend of almost six years when we worked together at McDonald's after high school. And guess what? I'm lovin' it! :P


    Funny story about how I met my boyfriend. I had been casually dating this guy who was really interested in me but I just wasn't feeling it. This was the first time I had ever dated anyone and so I had no idea what to do to tell him not to waste his time. Then, we went to a church actvity and he introduced me to one of his friends..... this friend and I hit it off really well... and, well, let's just say, the first guy got the hint when his friend asked me out right in front of him. My boyfriend and I have been together ever since... it's been about a year and a half now. And we couldn't be happier! (and don't worry, the other guy had a happy ending too... he's getting married in a few months to a lovely girl that I'm really good friends with)
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    My hubby and I met at a wedding. I was 18 and just about to graduate from HS and he was long out of college already. I caught the bouquet, he caught the garter. Then we didn't see each other for 9 yrs. Then we both went to a church-related function, led by the (back then) bride and groom. He hung around me so much and finally I said I'd go out with him to just shut him up. That was 20 years ago. OMG--20 years ago! I thought he was old when we first met?! He's just transformed to "ancient."
  • SyddneyyLeigh
    Very similar to me :) but we started dating my freshman year