How did you meet your significant other????



  • doriekaye
    doriekaye Posts: 55 Member
    I met my hubby 20 years ago through a mutual friend. It was Halloween night and he kept putting the straw to his drink up the nose of his gorilla mask...It was love at first sight. LOL
  • kathryn84
    kathryn84 Posts: 25 Member
    I met my husband through my brother. My brother dated his sister in high school and has been dating her for ten years. My husband and I were best friends long before we ever decided to date. We realized we'd rather be with eachother than anyone else and got married. Its interesting because my brother and his sister have a baby girl together. Cant help but wonder if our children will look like my beautiful niece.
  • kathryn84
    kathryn84 Posts: 25 Member
    Love it!
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    I was in the Marine Corps and volunteered to go to the 3-week Marine Corps Instructor of Water Survial course at the Combat Water Survival Swim School. It would barely qualify as co-ed with only about 2% of active MCWIS's being female and as it was, the course had one of the highest attrition rates in the Marine Corps... 60%, right up there with Scout Sniper School. My husband was one of the newest of the schoolhouse's Instructor-Trainers, so he was teaching the majority of the classes. Now, he certainly wasn't the most attractive or built at 6' and 150lbs (edited to add it was a good investment, he filled out to 190 with a shoulder-to-waist ratio of .57!) but he had a sense of humor that would put a lot of stand-up comics to shame. He also got to attack me and drown my butt multiple times and figured out new fun ways to challenge me in the water, tough considering I'm a former USS regional-level swimmer. Oh, and this was back in the day before HQ decided things like tying our hands and feet together and throwin us off the highdive to complete a series of tasks while bound was too dangerous, or that swimming long distances in a camo bottoms & top resulted in too many severe shoulder injuries, etc. Oh, and I did the course with a fractured jaw (long sordid story).

    I graduated SECOND in the whole class! He said he was overly impressed that I could hold my own with the guys and then some and asked me to be his date to the Marine Corps Ball that weekend.
  • nkswans
    nkswans Posts: 469 Member
    Aw this is a cute thread. I like hearing all the different stories :smile:

    I met my boyfriend of almost 3 years when we were juniors in college. We were both taking a geology class which would complete our BS's. I was a history education major but to get a BS I had to complete another science course. Or else trust me I would not have been in a geo class as a junior lol I just randomly picked it from the list of classes. I still remember walking in that first day and meeting his eyes (he was sitting in the middle of the class). I went to the far side to sit. After class he came up to me on the sidewalk and I remember the first thing he said was "It doesn't seem like it will be that bad". From then on he sat next to me and we started talking everyday. He would walk me to my next class. We ended up doing a scavenger hunt project together which was really fun. We ended up living in apartment buildings near each other and his fraternity house was just a few streets down. So we were just a short walk away from each other. The funny thing is at the time he was undecided for a major. A year later he decided to pursue a geology degree. So we joke how geology brought us together lol
  • bakebunny
    bakebunny Posts: 253
    My Very Significant Other and I met online 6 years ago on a band website when I was married. We chatted through the threads and eventually to Yahoo, always platonic, but I could tell him anything, especially the troubles I was having in my marriage. He'd disappear for a while, and I'd miss him and message him. I moved on to another website dedicated to the band, and suggested he join... and he did.
    Then my marriage totally fell apart and he was there to hold my hand and listen. He still listened while I was sorting out my feelings (and hots) for another guy later. When that fell apart too, I did as well... but VSO was still there. When I moved back to Mass to be closer to my family I knew he lived in the general area, but never tried to meet up with him. We finally met in person a little over a year ago, and we've been dating since then.
    He has since told me that he'd been interested in me since we first started talking, and he followed me through 8 websites dedicated to The Cure to get to know me and try to 'reel me in'. It worked. :love:
  • Justcallmejenny
    We met on facebook as well. I deleted him because he wasn't paying me enough attention lol. He noticed and we started talking again. I put him through hell with all my tests to prove he was worthy. And here we are almost three years later! Go facebook!
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    We met in a casino dance-hall/bar. He asked me to two-step, then talked to me until 5 in the morning. We went on a date the next day, spent more time talking, and had a great night. He was actually only in town for the week for a work training, so he had to leave to go back to his home (900 miles away), and we decided to keep in touch. Good thing we did, because a month later, I found out I was pregnant.

    I lost my job last March, so we moved in together last spring (I packed up and moved 900 miles away), now have a little fry now that joined us, and the rest is history.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    We met on WoW (World of Warcraft) lol no joke! XD
  • rickydeuce
    rickydeuce Posts: 80
    Last June, my friend was going to run a race with me. About two days before she said she couldn't because she had to be at another friend's birthday party. I told her we'd do the run then go to the party. A third friend joined us. Me and my other friend introduced ourselves at this party as Chip n Dale figuring we'd never see anyone from this party again.

    One year later, I'm still with the wonderful woman I met that night!! (and she knows my real name now)
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    Met my hubbie in the alabama chat room. I was living in Rhode Island, and went to that room to see if I knew anyone..I had spent a few months in Montgomery. He instant messaged and we chatted for a while. We met online march 1996...he proposed may 1996..we met june 1996..then married july 1997...we will be celebrating 14 yrs on july 12!
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    My ex and I worked in the same place. She actually asked ME out. It was very refreshing to have her ask first. We were married for 9 years.
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    At work. That was 13 years later we are still going strong. He's my number one supporter.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Short story: I stole him from my cousin. :)

    Longer version: I was raised by my aunt and uncle and consider this group of cousins to be more like brothers and sisters. My "brother" brought home this really cute guy one evening but he was really quiet and shy. I was 17 and definitely not thinking long term! Over the next year he was around a lot hanging out with my cousin/brother and we struck up a friendship. I went from thinking he was cute to really liking him and enjoying being around him. I waited and waited and waited for the guy to ask me out but like I said, he was really shy!

    I got tired of waiting and dated a guy for about two weeks. The guy was 21 and already getting divorced but still in love with his wife so it wasn't surprising that he ended up telling me he didn't want to date anymore. Well guess who happened to be at our house when I got home all depressed but cousin/brother's cute friend! He actually let me cry on his shoulder. :D And he was gentleman enough to wait until the next day to ask me out (FINALLY!!)

    That was almost 22 years ago and we'll be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary this fall. I think the two weeks with that other guy were a good little nudge for him. lol So yeah, I stole him from my cousin.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I don't know yet.
  • broganvc
    broganvc Posts: 21 Member
    We met back in 7th grade at my best friend's birthday party. We went to "sister" schools and started online chatting a lot [which was the cool thing to do back in middle school, don't hate!]. We ended up becoming boyfriend/girlfriend for about 4 months and going to see "50 First Dates" as our first "date". He was my first boyfriend..

    Fast forward to Senior year of high school. We began to reconnect, talked a lot, and ended up going on a couple real dates. It never went anywhere further than that, but we stayed good friends and in close communication.

    I was dating a guy during my freshman year of college. He ended up breaking my heart, and Justin was there to pick up those shattered pieces and put them back together. He took me out to get my mind off of him, and our relationship took off from there. Now we're a year and a half strong and grow more in love each day.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    My boyfriend and I met in college in a film class on the director Roman Polanski. It was kind of a love at first sight thing! We were partnered together in a group for a project with 2 other guys. One of the other guys I was casually dating at the time, but as soon as I met Alex (my boyfriend), I dropped that poor guy like a fly. :laugh: We've been together for 5 1/2 years now! He is the love of my life, but we're in no hurry to get married. We're very happy right now as we are.

    Here is a photo of us. :smile:

  • grannyalsop
    We met in high school. He came to watch me eat lunch. My fiance told me to be nice to him because his girlfriend just broke up with him. That was 38+ years ago!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    We're highschool sweethearts :)

    We were introduced by mutual friends. We got married last October after 6 years of dating, technically about to hit 7 this year but I guess we have to start the timer over now since we're married! <3
    He's honestly my best friend and I can't believe he loves someone like me.
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    I met my wife Via Facebook. I had just gotten out of a string of bad relationships and claimed to be done with all women. Two days later, I got a message saying she was moving back to the area and looking for some friends to hang out with, would I like to be a friend. We started hanging out, watching movies, dating, and that was five years ago. We are now living in Austin, TX, ( where she had moved back from, coming up on our fourth wedding anniversary (Oct.) and have a beautiful girl together. The wonders of social networking.