How did you meet your significant other????



  • LdyGeko
    LdyGeko Posts: 433
    My hubby and I met briefly when his cousin married my best friend. He was the best man and I sang in the wedding. He never even talked to me - that same couple set us up on a blind date a few weeks later, and it was a DISASTER. My sitter backed out, so I had to take my daughter with me to the couple's house for our dinner date - and my daughter (3 at the time) was miserable, threw a kicking screaming fit, didn't like him, didn't want to be there, was an absolute terror - which was not like her at all.

    He hardly spoke to me there either - I thought either the couple was pushing him to go out with me or he was mortified by my daughter's behavior - I know I was totally mortified. He never called (gee, I wonder why?) (Turns out here was shy - not ignoring me - I know that now...)

    Two years later, that same couple invited me to go camping, not telling me he would be camping too. We started dating that weekend, moved in a month later, and got married almost 2 years later. Now we've been married 7-1/2 years - guess that other couple knew is better than we knew ourselves.....
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    He was my best friend/fellow partier..never would've dreamed I'd married him..he was such a playa when we use to go out, I wouldn't even fix him up with my friends! LOL Then one night, after many drinks and long talks, we hooked up. Got engaged after a year, got married IN Jamaica, and been married for 12 years! He's still my best friend but the partier in us has definitely chilled, LOL.:love:
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    My (now) DH was on or something similar talking with my best friend. They knew by this time that they were only going to be friends but still enjoyed chatting. She sent him a pic of herself that I was in. He wrote back and said, "No offense, but who's the hot chick in the picture with you?" :smile:

    She got us to meet in person at a karaoke bar - I was big into that at the time. When we first met in person both of us were determined NOT to fall head over heels and to take things very slow. He was fresh out of a bad marriage and I was really relationship-wary in general. Still, we talked a lot that night (he claims he "rescued" me from someone else who was hitting on me; I have no memory of the incident!) and exchanged email addresses. Yes, email addresses.

    Afterwards, BF asked me what I thought of him. Still wanting to play it cool, I said, "He needs a haircut." The first email I received from DH? "BTW, I'm getting my hair cut this weekend." :blushing:

    After a while we moved on to text messaging and pretty much have left it at that - neither one of us are big on talking on the phone. (I do it all day at work; he's just not into it to start with.) We met in January of 2004, he proposed in Feb 2005 (NOT on Valentine's - about a week before) and we married in Sept 2006. I love telling people that I met my husband in a bar, even if it's not completely what they would think. :laugh:
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    LOL...GREAT POST! I always tell people that Google brought us together...We used to work together and I was talking to someone about my gmail...and he was sitting near me and didnt have a gmail I sent him an invitation...Then, he thanked me and asked to add me to his friends list, etc so we could chat at work, etc..

    The rest is history!
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    My husband worked construction and I had to go through his construction zone each day on my way to/from work. Lucky him, he was holding the stop / slow sign and I would wave when I saw him. Had just broken up w/ my boyfriend a few weeks earlier and was feeling down.

    I had this overwhelming feeling that I needed to talk with him. So, against character as I was painfully shy back then (about 14 years ago!) on my way home from work I pulled over, they were just getting ready to leave for the day. Another guy was there and i asked if I could talk to "The guy who usually holds the sign here" LMAO.. so he gets him.... we went out that weekend. Ended up dating on and off for a few years and come October we will be married 10 years!
  • quara
    quara Posts: 255 Member
    This is a cute thread :) I met my now-husband when I started my PhD back in 2005. He was working on his PhD and had been in the lab for 3 years already. Our projects had similar themes so sometimes he helped me out, but even though he was super nice and friendly, it never crossed my mind to date him (kind of like the curse of the "nice guy"). After I'd been in the lab for about a year and a half, we started working on a paper together and hanging out more at work. That led to late nights, grabbing dinners, and getting to know each other a bit more. It was a surprise to both of us when we started dating in May 2007. We got engaged in November 2008, just after he had graduated. We had kept our relationship very quiet at work, since our lab is small (less than 10 people) and we didn't want to create any drama. We married last summer and are about to celebrate our first anniversary!
  • sportsjunkee70
    sportsjunkee70 Posts: 173 Member
    Forever single :sad:

    I hear ya, I am going to be single forever too.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I was the manager of an adult bookstore in vegas,he was buying porn.
    Im completly serious

    I'm BEYOND jealous of this. It reminds me of the hilarious 'how i met my partner' stories Dan Savage sometimes tells.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    We actually met on another social networking site called "My YearBook". I saw his picture on one of their game sections and sent him a message. He replied and we started talking through their mail program. Then it moved to Yahoo messenger, then to texting/talking on the phone.

    At the time, he lived over 100 miles away from me (other side of the same state). We spent the first year or so of our relationship driving 200 miles round trip to see one another. Even with the distance, we still managed to see one another almost every day. In over a year, I put something like 28,000 miles on my car! I used to have to change the oil once a month. lol.

    In September 2010, he found a job here and moved here. :)
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I met my boyfriend of almost six years when we worked together at McDonald's after high school. And guess what? I'm lovin' it! :P

  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I met him on a gothic, alternative, punk, whatever, dating site. We sent each other e-mails for about six months, lost touch, I e-mailed him out of the blue and he drove 2 hours to my parents house ( I was still in high school ) every other weekend until I graduated and then I moved in with him and we haven't been apart since. Met in 2005, married in 2007, Jasper in 2009 and now we're pregnant with our second! :]
  • brph26
    brph26 Posts: 207 Member
    I met mine at a Super Bowl party. My cousin was a mutual friend and he begged her to set him up with me. So, he called, we set up a date and the rest is history! :love:
  • Bristle82
    Bristle82 Posts: 100
    Options I ignored him for ages and then deleted the web page but being a computer geek he found me again on fb and we are now in our 3rd year together. Living together is so much fun and hoping one day he will pop the question LOL

    Nice thread, happy everything worked out for you :love:
  • blackmamba886
    blackmamba886 Posts: 177 Member
    High School. His best friend and my (former) best friend were dating and introduced us. That was in 2000. Engaged in 2006. Married in 2008 and he's still putting up with me. :flowerforyou:
  • Tinalynn15
    Tinalynn15 Posts: 25
    I meet my husband 16 years ago, I just moved into a new apartment and he was my upstairs neighbor. I bugged him for a week, from borrowing sugar, a hammer, I think a phone book. :smile:
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    I clubbed the b*tch over her head just over 8 years ago and drug her back to my place. We've been together ever since.

    In reality, I popped into the Arizona AOL chat room for a quick minute to harass one of my friends who was in there. Turns out this girl (my now wife) messaged me out of no where right as I was closing out of the room. So for the hell of it, I stayed and chatted with her and ended up marrying her about 2 years later.

    Aww how cute!
  • SRS1226
    SRS1226 Posts: 37
    My fiance and I met through a co-ed service fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega, in college. He was already a brother, I was pledging. I thought he was cute...but quite the jerk! Needless to say, he changed my mind :tongue: We were friends for a long time and then I God, I think I like him! As cliche as it sounds, we went from friends to more and we've been together for almost 5 years :heart:
  • Fesse
    Fesse Posts: 611
    on mfp. her name is fesse and shes beautiful
    We are so in love!!!

    We are a match made in heaven, but our own heaven not that one that is crowded with other people......... but a special place just for two amazing people like ourselves.
  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    Me and my husband grew up next door to eachother. i was 6 he was 11 and I was a smitten Kitten :) He and my brother have been best friends and I made all the excuses in the world to be around, didnt get together until I was 19 and I still get butterflies everytime I see him!
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    My husband and I were set up on a blind date by his best friend and one of my best friends, who were a couple. He said he was a little scared when he first saw me because I was blonde (and he'd had bad luck with them)! But he thought I was funny, and we hit it off. We met in 1997, got married in 2005, and had our daughter in 2009. Our friends are great matchmakers! Oh, and they got married in 2005 as well. =)