Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Good Morning Ladies, It is Veteran's Day in the US. we are celebrating all the brave men and women who have fought for our freedom. I'm pround to say that group includes my husband. Since you are all over seas except Tami, who I miss, I wanted to suggest that you thanks a hero in your life today :)

    Today is recipe day. One of my favorite weekend meal sis chicken salad

    1 c10oz can all white meat chicken
    1-2 celery stocks chopped small
    1-2 green onions chopped small
    1 carrot chopped small
    2-3 tablespoons of ranch dressing.
    salt and peper to taste if desired ( i don't uasually add salt b/c teh chicken and dressign has enough)

    Mix it al together and serve on a piece of whole wheat toast. it make about 4 servings. I eat this with fruit for breakfest of lunch on busy weekends. it's so yummy.

    Becci - glad to see you back and glad you saw a bigg loss. Keep up the good work!

    Have a wonderful weekend ladies :)
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Wow, you must be doing something right there Becky! Well done!

    It's rememberance day in the UK too, but not here in NZ/ Australia, we have ANZACS day in April. Lovely thought though Courtney, I celebrated 20 years with my lovely husband yesterday, it was his birthday too ... yes, we got together on his birthday! So we ate out, I'm sure I went over my calories, but had a lovely evening out!

    I've got a very busy weekend with kids in athletic competitions, bmx competitions, ANP Show, friends visiting from New Plymouth ... It's going to be a challenge, but I would like to lose this week! I'm loving having my weekly weigh in on the fridge, working really well. Hubby gives me $20 for a loss!

    Anyway, got to go shower then go to watch Lucy dance. 3 yr olds dancing is VERY cute!!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Home briefly. Was going so well and the city did me in again. First Samara were well fed by Nic the chef again onn thursday night, and then we decided to stop at the pub for a drink on the way home. I did have a light beer. Then we grocery shopped so quiet at 10.30pm but after our one drink we were a little too relaxed and also hadd an ice cream. Friday again chef fed me, then I hadd a run in with one of the teachers, ggrrrr... and I was emotional which leads to you know what. So I did come home last night got in late 11.30pm but I got up early and have done Jillian Michaels Level 2 day 1. Going back into the city tonight to stay over, home tomorrow . Oh dear. My week that started so extremely well, has been challenged.

    Rach, hope you enjoy the dance class. I now must get ready to be Smiling Mrs Kennedy on the desk as the 3 yrs olds arrive for dance class this am. Dance teachers today better not give me a hard time, different dance school too last night, so I don't expect it.

    Courtney we had Remembrance day here yesterday. 11th of the 11th and had a minute silence at 11am for reflection.

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member

    No wegiht loss this past week although I started the week really well I rewarded myself to much at the end of the week.
    At least I had no gain either.

    What is our challenge this week. Although for me I think it will be to just stay on track. A star for each day i get through. I have an appointment for the botox treatment for my hyperhidrosis. Excited and very nervous. it will hurt. I just hope it works.

    Hot day expected 36 deg Celcius or 96.8 fahrenheit.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Urgh! Had a wonderful weekend, but ate far too much rubbish ... stayed up late drinking sambucca ... ate yummy chocolate movenpick icecream ... had a terrible night last night, Lucy wheezy and waking every few hours ... forgot to weigh in this morning. I haven't functioned well all day actually ... managed a run, but haven't logged anything today.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Rach I know the feeling of over indulging. Urgh. A bad couple of days. And I can't sleep. I have got to get positive again.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello Ladies. I am thrilled to report a proper 1pound loss for last week. i would love to be 199 by the end of the year :)

    Rach- happy anniversary. i hope you enjoyed it. sorry your littel one is sick I hope she feels better soon.

    Jenni - sorry teh city is so mean to you but your are storng you can keep on track. great job with your 30DS.

    Maybe a 1, 2, 3, 4, for the week?

    So hungry, glad lunch is soon. Have a great day ladies :)
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Weighed in this morning and I'm up 1.3kg, which is a real pain, as I know I had a bad weekend, but other than that I had a good week. Ah well, new week, new day ... focus on actually getting somewhere!! LOL!

    Off to a good start anyhow, cycled to bootcamp this morning!

    1, 2, 3, 4 for the week sounds like a great idea ...
    1 week of staying under calories EVERY day!
    2 ...
    3 runs to school to pick up Bill
    4 8 hour sleeps (early nights!)
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Awesome plan rach..may 2 could be 2 new exercise or 2 swims :)

    My 1, 2, 3, 4,

    1 100 jumping jacks 5 out of 7 days
    2 yoga class or yoga video's
    3 strength training sessions/ 30DS
    4 walks at least 30 min.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Good Morning Ladies.

    The best thing about mornings is the night is over. I have had over 2 weeks now of way worst then usual sleeping or hardly any sleeping. I have an appointment next weeek with my doctor for diabeties update, but want help with this poor sleeping pattern.

    I go for the hyperhidrosis treatment tomorrow. I am 1% excited 99% nervous. My daughter is coming with me. Its actually closer to her so I will go in tonight and stay with her through till Friday now. I know it is going to hurt, I can deal with that, I just want it to work. Its the botox injections. Remember I went about it a month or so ago. I had to go away and try and work out where exactly i sweat from. The whole body. However the head and face bother me the most and I've tried to isolate the trigger points. I'm excited if it works I can lead a life without embrassment. Hyperhidrosis is way more sweating then regular. I carry a small towel with me at all times. I can be at the theatre in air con and suddenly start pouring in sweat. I'm nervous because I have been bought up with herbs not drugs, so it goes against the grain. I'm worried that I might be that small percentage that has an adverse reaction or that it just wont work.

    1. get through hyperhidrosis treatment
    2. 30 min walk.
    3. 30 DS sessions
    4. 4 days of staying in calorie zone

    Although I'm not to sure how my exercise will go after treatment wednesday. Hopefully I will be fine by friday.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Jenn, big hugs and good luck with your treatment tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you, lovely of your daughter to go with you. You two seem to have a great relationship, you're both very lucky x
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Hey ladies!

    My 1,2,3,4

    1 hour of boxing exercises
    2 miles of walking a day
    3 cups of green tea a day
    4 sessions of wii zumba
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello Ladies! It's Tuesday Morning and I wish i were at home with my hubby. I am well on my way to completeing my 1, 2, 3, 4 already. i just have to keep it going today :)

    Jenni- good luck with your treatment.

    Becci- I love you 1, 2, 3, 4, goals. Maybe I need ot get a wii so I can do wii zumba. I miss zumba class.

    Counting down to our big Thanksgiving meal a week from Thursday. I am so excitied to be hoasting my first big family holiday. I am also super excited to do crazy amounts of shopping in teh wee hours of th emorning on teh day after thanksgivig. We call it black friday here. The deals are amazing :)

    I hope everyone has a great day.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    So Jenn? How did it go? All well?

    Black friday sounds like fun, I shopped up a storm in the toy shop today! Seem to have loads for Lucy, but not so much for Bill ... though I think I spent about the same on them ... also have ideas for something for hubby ... had kids making christmas cards after to school to post back home ... I've already received parcels from the UK ... eeek! Why do other people have to make me feel bad by being so organised!! LOL!

    Great 1, 2, 3 4s I'm going to steal your green tea idea Becky, 2 cups a day for me! Great plan!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    1 week of staying under calories EVERY day! - all good so far!
    2 cups of green tea a day (starting on Thursday!!)
    3 runs to school to pick up Bill - done 2 so far
    4 8 hour sleeps (early nights!) - done one so far
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Rach - Black friday is the most fun. I look forward to teh whole Thanksgiving weekend all year. wednesday i am off work to prep, Thanksgiving is Thursday, Then Black Friday, Then my birthday then a day to rest before wi go back to work. My favortie part of Christmas is wrapping all the gifts and pileing them up uinder the tree.

    Also, great job on your 1, 2, 3, 4 so far

    As for me:

    1 100 jumping jacks 5 out of 7 days - 2 so far
    2 yoga class or yoga video's - 1 so far
    3 strength training sessions/ 30DS 1 so far
    4 walks at least 30 min. 2 so far

    i hope to shred tonight, but I have to get my new lenses in my glass and go to a home owners association meetign tonight. Might have to shred and do a yoga video tomorrow. we will see.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Got through treatment should see results in 7 days. It was painful but I had this whistle thing to suck which made me float. Slept the rest of the day away. So I have done number one of of my 4. I have done one 30 min walk. Will try and do jillian today and have to work on calories.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Jenni - I am glad you got through your treatment. I hoe it works well for you.

    Yesterday was crazy busy. Didin't get home for good until after 8pm. Only did jumping jacks yesterday. i was under my cals so I am super happy.

    Planning to do the 30DS this afternoon and maybe a walk with hubby if it stops raining. Havign celery root soup and turkey rubens for dinner. YUM!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Wow Jenn, that sounds crazy! Being mad to float by a whistle!? Hope it's all good, should you be taking it easy? Don't do too much, it's hard to judge the pressure it could put on your body. Hope it's all good!

    Courtney, you sound busy, but like you're doing well!

    Well ...

    1 week of staying under calories EVERY day! - I've been within 60 calories?! That wasn't the deal, but I do find it hard, and I have done better than usual, and that was the aim really!!! MInd I still have the dreaded weekend to come, but no meals out or anything planned, so I should do well!

    2 cups of green tea a day (starting on Thursday!!) - Oh yeah, I'm rocking this one!

    3 runs to school to pick up Bill - done every day this week! So managed 5!

    4 8 hour sleeps (early nights!) - done two so far ... so tonight and tomorrow, but tomorrow is bootcamp, so I need to be in bed by 9pm to get 8 hours ... not sure I'll do that ...

    TOM is here too, but surprisingly I'm not feeling TOO afftected by it's evil ways! Really hoping for a loss this week, make up for last week! LOL!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Home again at last. Have gone way over calories and not enough exercise or sleep and too much stress.

    Busy day ahead of me at work and then home. Which I will first rest and then re program myself witha plan and a goal. I think I will be back to baby steps to begin with.

    I feel fine and am permitted to get straight back into life. No noticable difference yet. 7 days is the magical number that I am suppose to wait to see results.

    I must up my intake of green tea too, I felt better when having it.

    Cheers everyone.