Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Wednesday, Hi everyone. Extremely tired one hour sleep, so thinking I will be better off going back to bed. I've been dropping things and forgetting things. I feel awful. I tried everything last night, reading, listening to music, glass of milk, warm shower, and even took a Melatonin, which I feel makes me restless. Urgg its such a waste of a day when I can't function.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Ok so its 4.30pm. I didn't go back to bed have tried to keep going so that I would be super tired tonight, but now I think I am just super over tired. Think I'm sick or is it just tiredness. Have put the christmas tree up which did keep me going. But I have now hit a wall. Maybe if I just close my eyes for 30 mins. not sure I can fall asleep anyway.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Oooooh, Jenn, that is rubbish. I can't imagine being so tired and then unable to sleep. must be awful. Big super hugs coming to get you :-(

    Fingers still crossed Courtney.

    Hope you're feeling better Nicki.

    I'm all good, on to level 2 of 30 Day shred today, eating well, I've signed up for a "bootcamp a claus for a cause", which is for 2 weeks starting on Monday (we have to bring something to donate to sally army in the first week, other than that it's free!), but my current bootcamp is still running so next week will be bootcamp EVERY day! LOL!

    Last 2 days at work tomorrow and Friday, then no school until Feb (I have got some work to do still ... but I'll worry about that in January!!) Woohooo!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Wow Rach you are on fire. Awesome workouts and eating well. I really want to get back into it. I am trying to eat healthy and drink lots of water to give my body the nourishment it needs. It is very frustrating not being able to sleep, I am tired and lay there with my eyes closed but just dont drop off. I wouldnt mind so much if I was up achieving things. Oh well maybe things will be better tonight.
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Wow Rach! As Jen said, you really are on fire. Just reading what you've got coming up has inspired me to do something good exercise related today.

    Jen - I hope you're feeling better. It's so awful when you're that tired and then the one thing that you need, sleep, managed to elude you. I hope you're managing to get some rest.

    Courtney - I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. :)
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Tried sleeping wasnt happening so I got up and did week 1 day 1 on the treadmill. Read a mag during the walk stages which said not to exercise before bed pops on that one but then I did have a bath with lavender oil a cup of warm milk and a small handful of walnuts which are all suppose to help with sleep. So now i lay me down to sleep. Goodnight all.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello Ladies, Thank you for all teh crossed fingers. No TOM yet!!! I will take a test with Hubby on Saturday and let you guys know. I know it' sbad to tell peoel too early in case somthing goes wrong but I know you guys will support me all the way through even if somthing bad happens.n Too tired yesterday to do anythign other that eat dinner when I got home. I was in bed by 9:30 again. it's 9:09 am here and I am alreday yawning.

    Jenni - I hope you are able to get some sleep soon. not being able to sleep must be horrible.

    Rach - i agree you are on fire. keep up the good work and enjoy your time off of work :)

    Nikki- Glad to see you motovated I can't wait to see how many cals you burn this week :)

    Have a great day ladies!!!!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Thursday. Waking this morning was a good feeling because it meant i had fallen asleep. 5 hours last night. Yippee. I'm wondering if the Botox could have something to with the sleeplessness. As I have had a sore head since treatment. Oh well will give it a few more days and see if everything settles down.

    I haven't been doing this weeks exercise challenges as I am was just too tired and now today i go into the city. I have made wheatgerm muffins and trying my hand at my own walnut and date bars. Trying to have healthy choices on hand. Have also picked my first tomato of the season. Will take it in to share with Samara.

    Love to you all. have a wonderful day.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Good Morning. Still no TOM!!! Will test on saturday so hubby can be around. Did an exercise challenge yesterday. realized jumping jacks do not agree with my body at the moment. Hurt my chest and stomach so bad.Kind of scared to try burpies or high knees.

    Jenni - glad you go some sleep last night. I hope you walnut a date bars turn out. Good luck in the city.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Friday. Still in the city but will go Home later today. Have been sick. No voice headache etc. Love to you all and have a great day.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Courtney, you just take it easy. Don't push yourself too hard.

    Big hugs Jenn, sorry to hear you're unwell, hope it passes quickly.

    I finished work for the year today. WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

    We had work christmas lunch today, which was lovely, but I ate too many chippies and nuts and drank a little more alcohol than planned, and so I'm over by 1000kcal, but remember I was 700 under on Monday ... so I'm actually only 400 over for the week, and I can easily balance that out with a good bike ride on Sunday! Anyway I'm feeling quite nice and toned from doing the 30 day shred, I really should have taken some measurements before I started it, but I think you'd have to shred forever to maintain it. What do you think? I've saved it onto an app on my phone, so I can shred anytime, anyplace, anywhere!

    Well have a lovely weekend lovely losers ... I've got two birthday parties, and Lucy's first dance show this weekend. Sooo cute, and the show is just awesome, very impressed by the dress rehearsal!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    TOM arrived. I am super bummed. Probably won't be aroud much till Monday. Gonna spend the weekend hanning with hubby and being just as excited about Christmas as I have for teh past few weeks.

    Keep up teh good work ladies and have a wonderful weekend!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Courtney sending you big hugs. Feelings go out to you. Hang in there and stay positive good idea to focus on the joy of christmas.

    Rach enjoy Lucy's concert. They are fun. I feel like I have been going to dance concerts all my life. oh i have.
    Our dress rehearsal is tomorrow, had show run today with the 3 studios all combining. I work on the admin side of things so its a little different for me. Was way hetic when i had Samara to organise as well but now she has grown up and no longer does concerts. Now i just have to focus on assisting the principals and collecting money etc. Sssshh i actually enjoy helping out.

    Have a lovely week end everyone.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Big super huge hugs Courtney. :cry: Just enjoy trying to make one! :wink: Have lots of Christmassy fun with your hubby.

    I've had a fab weekend, drank too much alcohol, but think I'm under for the week, which is quite amazing, and thanks to my HUGE 45km bike ride today. The party food was remarkably healthy in my opinion. I have a full week of bootcamp ahead, it's going to be tough, but I'm looking forward to the challenge! Hoping the rubbish eating and drinking doesn't have too much impact on my ability to take part! I'm also planning to carry on with 30 day shred every day ... hubby came home from his big bike ride with a sore foot, and says he's not going to do his half iron man next week ... I'm not sure if I should talk him round or leave him be.

    Lucy's show was very cute! She did a matinee and evening show on Saturday. The matinee she just watched the other dancers behind her, then in the evening she actually did a bit of dancing. It doesn't matter, they're only 3 and are just there to be cute!! All good fun!!

    Have a lovely week ... shall we set our own challenges for the week again?

    1. Bootcamp every day!
    2. Under cals for the week, allow days to fluctuate
    3. Two cups of green tea each day
    4. 30 day shred every day
    5. aim for 8 hours sleep each night

    Happy last week of the challenge!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Good morning ladies. Monday here in rainy stormy Sydney.

    Gained 1.5kg in the last week and not at all surprised, if I am honest with myself. Eating badly and no exercise = weight gain. Did enjoy Christmas Party on the weekend. But that was NOT the only time I splurged on calories. I have even given up logging. I admit at this present moment I don't want to do this anymore. Yet I should. Just had 2 full days of rehearsals for dance concert. Had so many compliments on the weight I've loss. Which is great but when i know I could have done better, I inwardly shudder when I'm complimented. And this may sound strange but I'm tired of the focus being on how I look. I focus enough on it and I'm sort of tired of people commenting on it. What about the rest of my life and what I may or may not be doing or interested in. Does anyone relate to this or am I am being over sensitive? I did finally get some sleep last night, so maybe I will feel better when i am better rested.

    Rach so glad Lucy's concert went over well. They are very cute at that age. We always open our show with a seniors number which has WOW factor and then the babies come out next and always get the biggest round of applause. They are so funny to watch. Some watch the others, wave at parents in the front row, look at their teacher in the wings, or will even do steps we have never seen before. Some actually do what they have been taught. Yesterday, one little one stood out to me so much, I went to her mum and said did you know she was a mini Lady GaGa. Once she was in costume and on stage she preformed. Can't wait to see her in the actual concert Wednesday night. We did have a grandma turn up with her little granddaughter at 3pm for the 10am rehearsal asking was she too late. Poor lady, I felt sad for her its hard when so many grandparents are left this task and often not all the information. The photographer was still there so I tried to make her feel better and get the granddaughter's photo taken. Then I had a teenager in tears as her split family had a had a huge fight and she had no money to pay for her costume. We just give it to them in this case, with a big hug. Do you have a photo of Lucy in costume you can share with us?

    My first challenge this week is to get my head back in the right space.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Good morning ladies. Monday here in rainy stormy Sydney.

    Gained 1.5kg in the last week and not at all surprised, if I am honest with myself. Eating badly and no exercise = weight gain. Did enjoy Christmas Party on the weekend. But that was NOT the only time I splurged on calories. I have even given up logging. I admit at this present moment I don't want to do this anymore. Yet I should. Just had 2 full days of rehearsals for dance concert. Had so many compliments on the weight I've loss. Which is great but when i know I could have done better, I inwardly shudder when I'm complimented. And this may sound strange but I'm tired of the focus being on how I look. I focus enough on it and I'm sort of tired of people commenting on it. What about the rest of my life and what I may or may not be doing or interested in. Does anyone relate to this or am I am being over sensitive? I did finally get some sleep last night, so maybe I will feel better when i am better rested.

    Rach so glad Lucy's concert went over well. They are very cute at that age. We always open our show with a seniors number which has WOW factor and then the babies come out next and always get the biggest round of applause. They are so funny to watch. Some watch the others, wave at parents in the front row, look at their teacher in the wings, or will even do steps we have never seen before. Some actually do what they have been taught. Yesterday, one little one stood out to me so much, I went to her mum and said did you know she was a mini Lady GaGa. Once she was in costume and on stage she preformed. Can't wait to see her in the actual concert Wednesday night. We did have a grandma turn up with her little granddaughter at 3pm for the 10am rehearsal asking was she too late. Poor lady, I felt sad for her its hard when so many grandparents are left this task and often not all the information. The photographer was still there so I tried to make her feel better and get the granddaughter's photo taken. Then I had a teenager in tears as her split family had a had a huge fight and she had no money to pay for her costume. We just give it to them in this case, with a big hug. Do you have a photo of Lucy in costume you can share with us?

    My first challenge this week is to get my head back in the right space.
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Evening ladies.

    I've had a bad couple of days. I thought I was over the worst of my cold, but I feel bunged up and pretty crappy again. Just hoping that it'll pass as quickly as it's come back.

    Courtney - Sending you big hugs. Hope you're okay. I can't imagine how you feel but I can only say that I'm sure your time will come and in the meantime, as Rach said, you can have fun trying. ;)

    Rach - Seriously well done on the bike ride and staying under your calories for the week. That's a great achievement!!

    Jen - I feel your pain. I'm pretty sure I've gained this week from the last couple of days of making pretty bad food choices. I'll find out tomorrow when I get on the scales. I guess onwards and upwards (or downwards as we hope the scales go) is the way forward. Also I don't think you're being over sensitive. I get sick of it too. Whilst I know people are only trying to be nice by saying that they can see I've lost weight, I get to the point where it's too much. Every time I put weight on, I end up feeling like everyone is thinking that I've failed. I've even had people say to me, if they see me eat something that they think I shouldn't be eating... "Given up on your diet then?" It's so upsetting and annoying. I hope you feel better soon hun. I'm sending hugs your way.

    I'll post my weekly goals up in the morning. I just want to see how I feel when I get up so I can work out how much exercise I want to set myself. Just hoping that this cold will go really soon.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Not sure if this will work ...


    Here's my facebook album from the show ...

    First day of bootcamp was cool, though I missed my swim ... must still try to fit in two swims this week ...
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Thanks for beign so supportive guys.

    So busy today i ahev to run w/o really catchign up but I wanted you all to know how wonderful you are and how thankful I am for you guys!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Tuesday. Morning all. bad night sleep again, fell asleep around 4am and cat woke me at 7am grrrr.. I didn't have to be up early today. Today I will try to eat well and stay under calories. Will build in exercise as I feel better. Chores today should keep me moving. But i will try and find 30 min to do something that gets my heart rate up.

    Rach, the link worked but I couldn't comment on the photos. She is so cute and obviously happy and excited. Great photos.

    Whizzy, thanks your support helped me a lot yesterday. Understanding what I mean about comments on my weight loss.

    Courtney, try and find 5min for yourself and take a break.

    "Set yourself free - enjoy the magic of each moment."