Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello ladies! Sorry I have been MIA over my Thanksgiving Holiday. we have been running sround like crazy preparing for our dinner, black friday my birthay and getting the tree up. I haven't logged in days and I have bee over on wine and under on water so my weight isn't looking too good. I imagine half of my gian is water so I am back on track today.

    personal golas this week.

    1. drink 80oz or mor eof water each day.
    2. Be under my cals at leat 6 of 7 days.

    Monday - sculpt class
    Tues - 20-30 min on treadmill and yoga
    Wed. 30DS
    Thurs. walk 30min or more
    Fri- 30DS or walk 30min or more
    Sat/Sunday - keep busy - cleaning, walking, wrapping gifts etc.

    Jenni and Rach - Great job keeping on track!

    Jenni - I hope your next ttreatment goes well. I'm and glad you got to see your dear family friend yesterday. Zumba could defuinatly wait.

    Rach- great job with your 6K run! Black friday was so much fun we go t lots of great stuff.

    Nikki - Thank you Thanksgiving was great. I hope you feel better soon :)

    My cousin and uncle are planning a 10K a the end of march. I think hubby and I will join them. I will .likely walk most of it but i think it's a great goal to look forward to. have a great week everyone!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello All,

    I drank my 80oz yesterday. but I went over on my cals already. Not too bad though. I am soooo tired lately. But planning to go to the gym today. did yoga insted of sculpt yesterday so i will probably do some treadmill intervals today and probably won't stick aorund for yoga. Hunny sprained his ankle really bad and can't do much around the hosue so I donp't want to get home too late. Busy and work and not thinking coherently.

    have a great day everyone!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Tiredness is a killer for my nutrition! Hope you can get some sleep in Courtney.

    I'm still doing well, just been for a swim (1.5km), then got home and did 30 day shred, I really didn't want to do the shred, but did it anyway! Feeling so proud of myself! I managed 7.5 hours sleep last night, which is fabulous, I'll try and do that again tonight, which means being in bed at 9.30pm. Got a busy, busy day ahead ... Have a lovely one everyone x
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hi ladies. Not having the best week but it could be worse. I may not be losing weight this week or anytime soon but will get back to it when I can. Samara has more work than she needs and hates saying no or letting people down so I think I will be in the city a bit to help her out. My auntie is very frail and every day is expected to be her last. This could go on for a long time.

    Keep up the good work. I may not get to respond to your achievements but I do try and check in each day. Know that I am watching you :)
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I'm still pretty well on track to meet my goals. I drank all of my water yesterday adn i am well on my way today. No exercise planned for today but i will stay active hanging christmas lights, decorating and wrapping and cooking dinner...which i don't uasually do. I hope I can mange it all. I'm still so tired even though I went to bed at 9:45 last night.

    Rach- i am proud of you for owrking so hard.

    Jenni - just stay busy and eat as well as possible nad I bet you will see a loss.

    Keep pushing on girls :)
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Over for a second tiem yesterday but only by 28cals.

    Hung lights and cooked dinner yesterday and was almost out by 8:30pm. :yawn:

    Cross you fingers I feel tired for a good reason. I so hope I'm pregnant and not just getting sick. How early did you guys begin having pregnancy symptoms. i am onl yin teh 2 week waiting period. But I can seem to find the energy to do my normal tasks. I love wrapping presents but haven't been able to saty up long enought to wrap any since Monday nigth and that was a stretch i kept messing up.

    I hope you are all doing well :) Have a great day!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Oooh! Fingers crossed here! 6-8 weeks was killer for me, felt gross, and sooooooooooooo tired!

    I've had a great week so far, but look out, here comes the weekend! I've got less than 200kcals left today (my no exercise day) and am going out for dinner ... so .... ermmmm ....

    But got bootcamp tomorrow, plus I'm going to continue with my 30 day shred ... but then out for a BBQ tomorrow too ... Oh please, please let me be good and not just do the old "sod it!".

    Hope all is going well with the rest of our lovely team. x
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Fingers crossed for you Courtney. :heart:

    Rach, you have done so well. Hope you are able to stay focused.:drinker:

    I have over eaten, had to have a bit of take away. And really did not chose the best. Oh well.
    I am home again and extremely tired. My aunty has risen to the challenge is now ordering the nurses around again. My poor mother is exhausted looking after her.

    This is the busy time for the dance school that I work at. Had to take last saturday off because Samara was sick. So I went in this afternoon (friday) to prepare for tomorrow. I was so busy. Its funny, I love working there mostly unpaid, but its nice getting in and doing something well and being appreciated. The 2 principals let me turn up and take over the desk. I would normally have made 300 plus costumes for the concert but this year I decided not to sew. I do miss it but knew I wouldn't have the time. So I am just doing all the admin instead.

    The botox treatment seems to be working. Still need to wait about another 5 days for full benefit to be reached but i have noticed a considerable improvement in my sweating. Hope I get to Zumba next week to test it out.

    So my goals for this week were not reached at all. But will not let this stop me from making goals to try and achieve.
    Tomorrows small goal is to drink green tea and have 2 pieces of fruit.
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Hey ladies

    I'm still pretty crappy and ill at the moment. Sorry for the lack of communication, I've literally been on my sofa with a blanket and a box of tissues. I think I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel though, so I'll be back by the end of the weekend, ready for next week's challenge.

    I haven't read back through the thread yet, but I will catch up with what's going on by the time the end of the week comes. I hope you're all doing well. I've been missing my daily MFP updates from you all.

    Love and hugs.

    N xxx
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Still feeling super tired over here. I am not exactally meeting all of my goals but I am moving. did 30 min on teh readmill yesterday. Today I plan to do some more christmas decorating an wrapping. hubby's ankle is feeling better so hopefully he will be able tp walk with me this weekend.

    Rach - good luck stayong on track, You can do it!

    Jenni- I'm sure beign busy has been a good calorie burn. I'm gld to botox treatment sare helping

    Nikki - keep feelign better we miss you!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Good Morning lovely losers

    I did OK yesterday, didn't log, but was sensible. Friday was AWFUL, dinner was late and I snacked until it came, then ate far too much. I felt quite unwell. Anyway, my head is still in the right space, so I just have keep focussed. I probably won't lose this week because of these two days, but there you go. Just have to get back down to it!

    Pleased the botox treatment is working Jenn.

    Lovely to hear from you Nicki, hope you're better soon. Take it easy.

    Still keeping my fingers crossed for you Courtney x
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Well done Rach. It is so hard when we go out and dont have the control over the food. Or our kitchen scales, so it does make it hard to log not quite knowing our exact foods. You are have been amazing keeping up the exercise.

    I am home which is so much bettter to control my food and portions. I had a good sleep and have only been up about 3 hours but feel ready for a nap already. I dont feel I have the energy for exercise. I know if I did exercise it would probably energise me. We will see how the day pans out.

    Nice to hear from you Whizzy hope you are feeling much better each day.

    Courtney, I have only bought one christmas present so far. I am one of those last minute shoppers. This will be the first year in 20 years that Samara wont be at home to put up the christmas tree :cry: Unless we do it christmas eve. We usually do it Dec 1. Maybe I will have to start a new tradition and put the tree up myself.

    Have a lovely Sunday Ladies.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Points week again this week. We're on week 6, only 2 more weeks to go ... blimey, Christmas has come round fast.

    Here's our exercise challenges for the week. I'm also doing 30 day shred, right up until Christmas day!

    1. 50 jumping jacks & 30 ab crunches
    2. 30 burpies & 25 tricep dips
    3. 30 squats & 30 push ups
    4. 30 bicep curls & 30 jumping twists
    5. 50 high knees & 30 chest flys on the floor (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6v0KAd8U9ZY)
    6. Walk/ run/ jog a mile that you wouldn't normally have & 50 ab crunches

  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Hello all! I am back from Egypt, had an amazing holiday and ready to get back to it!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Weighed in at exactly the same, which is good given the weekend I've had, though I had hoped my 50km bike ride yesterday would promote a loss! Ah well, still got 3 weeks until the big day, fingers crossed for three losses!

    Welcome home Becky, tell us all about it. Where did you go? What did you see?

    right I'm off to do the shred and todays challenges, then I can enjoy my day!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Good morning Ladies.

    NIce to have you home Beccy. Would love to hear about your trip.

    Rach, you will probably see the weight loss from that enormous bike ride tomorrow or the next day. You must feel so fantastic and fit. How are you enjoying 30DS? I must get back into it. Sort of got out of habit.

    I was shocked this morning to hop on the scale and see a loss. I had had such a crap week that I wasn't expecting it at all. Plus I weighed on the DEC 1 and was 94.8kg and was horrified but realise that TOM was responsible for that.

    Its our 5th day of summer and we are wearing jumpers. This is unheard of here in Australia. I hate the heat but this feels strange. It does not feel like christmas. It should be hot and we should be swatting flies.
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Morning ladies

    I'm back! I still have the end of my cold but I'm feeling much better now. My plan for the day is to do my daily exercise challenge and then go for a nice long walk along the beach. The fresh air will probably do me the world of good after being cooped up on the sofa.

    I shall be back later on to properly read back through what I've missed out on over the last week.

    Happy Monday, lovely losers. *mwah*

  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello Ladies. I'm so glad to see everyone doing well. I did not meet all my goals from last week but part of that is due to the fact that I am hoping I'm pregnant and I don't want to restrict cals too much until I know. I'm feeling a little crampy today. I am too scared to take a test. This is the first time in a long time I have thougth I might be pregnant but I am so scared I'll get a big fat NO from a pregnancy test. It's uasually easier if TOM just comes. So i am up for some exercise challenges and water drinking but not really restricting cals until Iknow for sure. But I'm not going over board and eating everything either.

    Becci - so glad you are back and that you had a wonderful trip.

    Nikki - Glad you are back and feeling better

    Jenni - i bet you do miss you daughter right now. but I hope you enjoy putting your tree up. It's 60 degrees F here (15 c) here way to warm for my Christmas I want snow!!!!

    Rach - great bike ride I'm sure it will show on teh scale soon.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Tuesday, had a bit better sleep last night and I was able to sleep in, but I still feel tired. Could be because i am out of my exercise routine. I do know its not Courtney (hopefully) sort of tired. Anyway I have not been sleeping well and i put it down to worry about family members. Samara has been experiencing her heart racing, and so is having tests then something dawned on me this morning about a month ago she and i changed hayfever tablets. Looked up side effects. Fast, pounding or uneven heartbeat. Weakness, tremors or sleep problems. Severe restless feeling, hyperactivity. I'm hoping that stopping these will bring us back into better more stable health.

    I have had my vegie soup for lunch, its listed as Kick start soup on my page, but is really just a vegetable soup. I have frozen 6 serves, gave a serve to my friend who was here mowing my lawn. And i have another large pot on the stove. So i will have no excuse to grab something unhealthy when i have good soup in the freezer.

    Enjoy your Tuesday.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello all. Still tired but feeling pretty good. TOM is still not here. I am cautiously optimistic. Did one exercise challenge and went for a good walk yesterday. I hope is ok to substitute an arm exercise for ab crunches this week. Maybe 3 sets of 21's with the jumping jacks and swimmer presses with teh extra mile walk.

    Jenni - I hope stopping your hayfever tablests helps you and Samara. I hope you are able to get some better sleep soon.

    Have a wonderful day ladies!