Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Good Morning ladies. I am far less busy at work today. Thanks goodness. But still very busy in life in general. But enjoying teh season.

    rach - you have a great week planned. Glad Lucy's concert was cute :)

    Jenni - I am right there with you. I havent treally be loggin sicne right before out Thanksgiving holiday. I have been doing some exercies but not like I uasually do. I am tried of logging and want to eat all the sweets and chips and dips. Lets work on gettign our heads back into teh game together.

    Nikki- sorry you are still feeling bad. lost of rest and water. I hope you feel better soon.

    may goal is to get back on track here is the plan

    1. log everything-- good bad and ugly
    2. drink at least 9 glasses of water each day
    3. do the exercise challenges from last weeks point challenge
    4. do other exercise at least 4 times this week. (30 + min, uness I do the 30DS)

    Have a great day ladies!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Hi lovely losers!

    Three days of bootcamp and I'm aching! Had an awful evening yesterday ... stopped logging after I went 200kcal over, but it was worse than that. TOMs fault ... I wanted chocolate, but had turned it all into chocolate brownies, so chocolate brownies it was! Thankfully I'm back in the right head space now. I'm a bit fed up of trying hard and not losing. Still 79.5kg, which is what I was AGES ago ... don't know how long ago, and it's too depressing to have a look! It's a pain though as I thought I was pretty good at this weekends parties, and did expect a loss, but I suppose maybe it is a loss, just hiding behind TOM. And now I think all this weeks work will be put into counteracting last nights overeating grrrrrrr. Man this game is hard!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hey Rach don't be too hard on yourself I am sure you will be fine. You are working so hard. Your body can handle a bad binge and with TOM it's tough. Have had a busy day here so glad it's over. Not logging too tired and I don't want to know how much I went over. Good night to Rach and me and good morning to the rest if you :)
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello Ladies. I am sort of on the rigth track. I have logged the last 2 day but I was grossly over, I did drink al my water and I have completed 1 30min work out. Maybe I will shread or do a yoga video tonight. I have a Dr. appt after work to find out why I have been so tired and then my yearly meeting with the financial advisor after dinner so we will see. I WILL work on some of the exercise challenges in my cube today. (capital letters.. I am tryign to convince myself.)

    Rach- just keep truckign and I know you will get there

    Jenni - i hope you have a good nights sleep and start thursday renewed.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    5 consecutive days of bootcamp, and I'm still alive! Though a little tired!! Hubby came along today, I think he secretly liked it .... I think he expected it to be easier!! LOL love it!

    How we all doing? I can feel Christmas stealing my willpower a bit ... "ah well, it's Christmas" ... but I'm going to fight it ... onto level 3 of 30 day shred today, I missed yesterday (which should have been my last level 2) so I might do a consecutive level 2 & 3 shred session now!

    It's my boys last day of school, and my girls last day at Kindy today, so exercise is going to be more challenging to fit in ... but I'm going to try ... mind you I fortunately still have the 'bootcamp for a cause' next week. Right best go shred before picking up my boy, only half a day for him today.
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Hey lovely ladies.

    Finally my cold seems to have gone completely. I'm feeling so much better. I've been doing some really light exercise over the last few days as I didn't want to do too much and feel awful again.

    Rach - I can't believe you've gone to level 3 of Shred! Be careful that woman doesn't kill you! :laugh: You really are such a huge inspiration to me. When I ready your posts about everything you've been doing it really makes me feel motivated to do something too. Keep up the great work, you're doing so well.

    How is everyone else doing on the Christmas run up?
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I am not rocking this week. It's been a really stressful week at work but it is almost over. I am keep ing up with my water, I am logging but I've been over everyday and I am working on teh exercise challenges from last week. Not much other exercise getting done. I have gaind a bit since Thanksgiving. I am hoping to maintain 207-210 for the rest of the year.

    We have a few gifts lef to purchase fro hubby's family then we are done. We are going to colonial Williamsburg this weekend and to see my Dad on Sunday. Christms Party tonight. it should be a lovely weekend.

    Nikki- I am glad you are feeling better

    Rach - you totaly rock. I agree with Nikki you are inspiring. Maybe my motovation is hanging out at your house.

    Keep up the good work ladies :)
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Just found it here Courtney, I'll put it in the post, it'll be there just after Christmas! :wink:

    Pleased you're feeling better Nicki.

    How's our lovely Jenn getting on?

    I think level 3 of the shred is easier than level 2 actually ...

    Well, I've lost some weight!!! Wooohoooo! Weighing in at 78.2kg or 172lb, really pleased. Plan is to keep on keeping on, and take as few days off as possible over Christmas and new year. I'm still 1kg away from my first treat, which is a facial ... be nice if I could still be a kg away after new year!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I've been so ill with my tummmy since I got back from Egypt, it's not been good! However I got back on the Wii fit today and think I'm going to hit the gym again next week.

    Hope you're all well and looking forward to the holiday season!
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Oh no! The Quality Street tin has found a way into my flat. This could mean bad things. :laugh:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hi all. Not doing to well. Found another pothole on my road to good health.No exercise and plenty of eating. Weight on again. Will not give up though. Its like the festive season is an excuse. Have to get out of this pothole.
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Keep your chin up Jen. We all trip over a pothole on occasion. Think of the positives... At least you recognise that you've slipped a little. I have absolute faith in you and if it takes you a day, a week or until the festive period is over, I know you'll pick yourself up and get right back on the road again. It might be a long journey but we're all here with you until you reach your goal.

    Try not to beat yourself up over this. It only has to be a minor setback. Over the past few months, I've found this thread to be inspirational, watching all of you achieve great things on your weight loss/fitness journey. I hope you can take some of that inspiration from yourself and look at all the great things you've done towards giving yourself a healthier life.

    We're all here for you. :flowerforyou:

  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello Ladies! I am back to work after a fabulous weekend. we went to Colonial Williamsburg...the capital of Virgina during the American Revolution. The town has been restored nad is a huge tourist area here. But in my openion it is still full of charm. The houses are decorated in 18th century fashion with wreathing of pine and fruit. We walked a lot and ate reasonably and finished our christmas shopping. Now I only have a couple of thinsg to buy fro Hubby.

    I have a confession to make. I no longer weight 207. I uasually dont add weight when it comes back on b/c it is uasually off again with in a week. But right now I am bouncing between 211 adn 214 instead of bouncing between 207 and 210. I am havign such a tought time this holiday season. i got my blood test results back from my Dr. everything is fine. The dr is recomending a low fat. low card diet and exercise. I guess beign off track is taking a toll. If i don't fee less tired soon they will do a sleep study. UGH!

    But anyways still in a lovely mood for the season. Still trying to get back on track.

    Becci- sorry you have been sick sicne egypt. I hoep you are feeling wonderful by Christmas weekend or sooner :)

    Rach- i will be looking out for that package. Thanks!

    Jen - I am haning out in your pothole but I know if we work togehter we can climb out.

    Nikki - enjoy your treats and burn them off :)
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Still struggling but I'm at least trying. I have changed my profile to maintenance just to get me through this silly season. Have had to come into the city of temptation. Samara has strained her intercostal? Between her ribs. Hurts to breathe and move. Lucky she was able to see her physio who has her taped up so it doesn't hurt as much. 3 weeks rest 6 weeks to full recovery. She is devasted too long for a dancer and she had her training program mapped out ready for the early round of auditions next year. Still she may heal quicker. So keep changing plans fir Christmas as time flys by. It is no longer important to clean windows or even floors. I will do well to have food in the house. It's only us and my mum thus year so nice and relaxed. (I hope)
    Did the c25k last night and exercise bike this morning thinking I will walk to central station tomorrow to get train home that's about a 30 min walk. Just trying to get back into exercising each day.
    Love to you all and beware of quality streets tins. :)
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Good idea Jenn, I might do that, I've been off the wagon the last two days ... and I hate myself for it ... I'm always growling at myself. I either need to let myself enjoy the silly season, or I need to stay on track! Still exercising, but man I'm eating CRAP!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Good Morning Ladies. I am enjoying the season but still logging so I don't go way overboard. I really need to get some exercise in though. So much to do. Still wrapping last minute gifts and such. Starting to feel a little less tried since I have been eatign a bit better. Hopeign the tirednees iss all from the gray weather and lack of exercise.

    Have a wonderful day ladies!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Friday. Morning Ladies. I'm surrounded by receipe books. Shopping this morning and hope to resist anything bad do not want too many temptations in the house but I have to also be fair to everyone else. I'm hoping they don't notice the lack of usual fare and enjoy the choices I give them. I /we went for a walk around the neighbour last night it was a gentle walk well as gentle as can be with our hills. my husband came with me which was good as he needs to exercise. Not for weight but to control his diabeties, he relys on medications. So hoping he gets into a good habit of a 30 min walk 3 times a week. Ok, heres to friday and good christmas preparations. :drinker:
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Jenni - I'm sure your family and friends will enjoy what you make.

    Things are Holly Jolly over here. I have 2 last minute thigns to grab after work today then 3 days of lovely family time away from work. Ican't wait.

    I hope everyone have a wonderful christmas and if your having a tought time now just remember we can help each ohter get back to the hard work in teh new year. :)
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Ahhh.. Christmas break has started for me. Have my daughter and mum at home with us. If I don't have it, we don't need it. And the sun is shining at last a summers day. Now thats Christmas for us. :flowerforyou:

    Have a wonderful Chtistmas Everyone and Courtney you are right the journey continues in the New Year. :happy:

    Will spend someime thinking about goals for 2012.
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Have a lovely Christmas everyone. :D xxx