30DS Started TODAY 6/23- Join if/when you want.



  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    Finshed day 21 (level 3 day 1) ... and I thought level 2 was hard. Ugh!

    NNNOOOO!!!!!! Lol
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Hey, don't worry! I've just done day 2 of level 3, and it seemed a lot easier than the first day. There is one exercise that I will probably never be able to do to advanced level, but generally I'm now feeling positive. I'm also getting rather nice, shapely arms, although I say it myself! :bigsmile:

    Note to self: That was day 22.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Day 19 level 2 done, just tomorrow left and then onto level sacrey mary, eeek!!!

    I really went for it this morning, as strangely had loads of energy after the housework, I burnt more calories than usual!?! Oh and sweated more than usual lol!

    Level 1 got easier as the days passed, Level 2 has been up and down, some days ok others hard. Lord knows what level 3 will be like, i haven't even had a peek.
  • helloclaire
    helloclaire Posts: 191
    L2 D7 done.

  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    first day of level 3 done for me. i think i enjoyed it more than level 2. certainly a few killer moves in there - at times it was like the sweat was flowing from a tap! lol. most certainly had to follow anita for a few of the moves and think i took a couple of mini breaks but there were plenty of moves i managed ok. i'd maybe go as far as saying it wasn't as bad as i feared. once i learn the moves better over the next few days i'll maybe change my mind a bit but so far so good.

    21 down, only 9 to go!! :happy:
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Day 23 done (day 3 of level 3).

    TAKE HEART EVERYBODY! I was just getting ready to start when my partner said "Are you doing that girly dancing around again?" That was it - I FORCED him to do it with me! Now bearing in mind that Steve thinks of himself as reasonably fit, he really brought shame on himself; bright red in the face, huffing and puffing, swearing like I've never heard him swear before, collapsing in a heap, blaming the mat, blaming the weights - it was absolutely hilarious! I felt really good, doing my traveling push-ups next to a sobbing wreck on the floor. And later, he actually said those words a woman longs to hear: "You are fitter than I am". My life is now complete. :love:
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Day 23 done (day 3 of level 3).

    TAKE HEART EVERYBODY! I was just getting ready to start when my partner said "Are you doing that girly dancing around again?" That was it - I FORCED him to do it with me! Now bearing in mind that Steve thinks of himself as reasonably fit, he really brought shame on himself; bright red in the face, huffing and puffing, swearing like I've never heard him swear before, collapsing in a heap, blaming the mat, blaming the weights - it was absolutely hilarious! I felt really good, doing my traveling push-ups next to a sobbing wreck on the floor. And later, he actually said those words a woman longs to hear: "You are fitter than I am". My life is now complete. :love:

    Those mats have alot to answer for eh, making a man look bad, lol!!!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Well i've missed doing my day 20 as i had a nap...and woke up FIVE hours later, guess i was a bit tired then!!!

    Keep going girls!!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    Day 23 done (day 3 of level 3).

    TAKE HEART EVERYBODY! I was just getting ready to start when my partner said "Are you doing that girly dancing around again?" That was it - I FORCED him to do it with me! Now bearing in mind that Steve thinks of himself as reasonably fit, he really brought shame on himself; bright red in the face, huffing and puffing, swearing like I've never heard him swear before, collapsing in a heap, blaming the mat, blaming the weights - it was absolutely hilarious! I felt really good, doing my traveling push-ups next to a sobbing wreck on the floor. And later, he actually said those words a woman longs to hear: "You are fitter than I am". My life is now complete. :love:

    LOL! loved this post! girly dancing around. ha ha!

    tell him to start from day 1, level 1 and he'll be fitter in no time. its working for me so no reason why it wont for him too.
    today will be day 22 for me and i'm down 9lbs since starting 30DS. :happy:
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Day 23 done (day 3 of level 3).

    TAKE HEART EVERYBODY! I was just getting ready to start when my partner said "Are you doing that girly dancing around again?" That was it - I FORCED him to do it with me! Now bearing in mind that Steve thinks of himself as reasonably fit, he really brought shame on himself; bright red in the face, huffing and puffing, swearing like I've never heard him swear before, collapsing in a heap, blaming the mat, blaming the weights - it was absolutely hilarious! I felt really good, doing my traveling push-ups next to a sobbing wreck on the floor. And later, he actually said those words a woman longs to hear: "You are fitter than I am". My life is now complete. :love:

    LOL! loved this post! girly dancing around. ha ha!

    tell him to start from day 1, level 1 and he'll be fitter in no time. its working for me so no reason why it wont for him too.
    today will be day 22 for me and i'm down 9lbs since starting 30DS. :happy:

    Hahahahaha! Message passed on. Actually, I said to him earlier "would you like to join me in the workout this evening?" and he pretended to think about it then replied "Uh, no, I don't think so". Enough said. :laugh:
  • starrygirly
    Just finished Level 1 Day 6! I didn't think I'd stick with it, so I'm happy that I have :D
  • mehs04
    mehs04 Posts: 184
    Finished day 22 (level 3 day 2). I think level 3 was a bit easier today. Hubby is still doing the shred with me (has been since day 10).

    I'm curious ... how heavy are the weight everyone uses? Mine are 3 lb weights. Hubby's are 5 lbs each.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Day 23 done (day 3 of level 3).

    TAKE HEART EVERYBODY! I was just getting ready to start when my partner said "Are you doing that girly dancing around again?" That was it - I FORCED him to do it with me! Now bearing in mind that Steve thinks of himself as reasonably fit, he really brought shame on himself; bright red in the face, huffing and puffing, swearing like I've never heard him swear before, collapsing in a heap, blaming the mat, blaming the weights - it was absolutely hilarious! I felt really good, doing my traveling push-ups next to a sobbing wreck on the floor. And later, he actually said those words a woman longs to hear: "You are fitter than I am". My life is now complete. :love:

    Those mats have alot to answer for eh, making a man look bad, lol!!!

    LOVE it LOVE it LOVe it- I ad made my hubby do level one once and he said "it was challenging" not as good as yours but I will take what I can get!

    Just a quick post- I have been away for a few days- still walking my tail off though

    Day 15 done ( d5l2)

    my weights are 2.5kg (2kg base with the plate nuts on which are 250 gms each) which isa bit more than 5lbs- maybe close to 6? for some things they are waaay too heavy but for others a bit on the light side

    starry girly- good job sticking with it!

    skinnyin notime- it sounds like you needed the sleep- good for you - that's important too!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Taadaaaaaaaaaaaa level 2 is done, finished, complete, at long last ha ha ha ha ha!!!! It was so easy peasy that i went on and zumba'd for another 35 minutes, oh yeah!!:bigsmile:

    Level 3 i'm coming to get you!!!!!!:tongue:
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Day 24 polished off. Starting to wonder what I'm going to do after day 30 (after I've had a rest, that is). Have got a weight training DVD; maybe that. Any other ideas?

    How is everybody's body looking? I can deffo see some changes on the arms, and now have much smaller abdominal region, and then kind of generally everywhere really, although I'm not sure my measurements have changed much.

    Oh, and I use 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs) weights for some things, and 3 kg (6.6 lbs) for a few easier things (that's all the weights I've got).
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Day 24 polished off. Starting to wonder what I'm going to do after day 30 (after I've had a rest, that is). Have got a weight training DVD; maybe that. Any other ideas?

    How is everybody's body looking? I can deffo see some changes on the arms, and now have much smaller abdominal region, and then kind of generally everywhere really, although I'm not sure my measurements have changed much.

    Oh, and I use 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs) weights for some things, and 3 kg (6.6 lbs) for a few easier things (that's all the weights I've got).

    How about Ripped in 30?! I've been thinking of getting another of Jillians dvds, just not sure which one.

    My arms are looking good, legs ok, as for mid section i'm just not seeing any difference...well a little but the jelly belly is not shifting and it's not attractive and certainly doesn't resemble anything like the 'before and afters' i've seen in other peoples results. Oh well, another 10 days might make some more difference....i hope!
  • carteremma
    carteremma Posts: 52 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm new to this topic and to be totally honest feel so intimidated. I did day 1 today and found it so tough! I found the cardio really difficult and I can't do a pushup to save my life! So L1D1 finished... lets see how I feel tomorrow.

    My one question is, do you do this every day or do any of you take days off in between. When I have done workouts in the past I know it can be easier to do it everyday, but I often burn myself out going from nothing to 5 days a week, I'm like a binge excerciser. I over do it then do nothing for months!

  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm new to this topic and to be totally honest feel so intimidated. I did day 1 today and found it so tough! I found the cardio really difficult and I can't do a pushup to save my life! So L1D1 finished... lets see how I feel tomorrow.

    My one question is, do you do this every day or do any of you take days off in between. When I have done workouts in the past I know it can be easier to do it everyday, but I often burn myself out going from nothing to 5 days a week, I'm like a binge excerciser. I over do it then do nothing for months!


    Hello and welcome!! You might find day 3 rather hard, it seems to be a toughie for most then it gets easier, by day 10 you'll be fine...just when you're feeling good level 2 drags you back to the OMG-this-is-so-hard feeling!!

    I've taken 3 sundays off, 2 due to going out the night before and yesterday i fell asleep for 5 hours!! Didn't intend taking rest days they just happened.
  • squigglypuff
    squigglypuff Posts: 279 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm new to this topic and to be totally honest feel so intimidated. I did day 1 today and found it so tough! I found the cardio really difficult and I can't do a pushup to save my life! So L1D1 finished... lets see how I feel tomorrow.

    My one question is, do you do this every day or do any of you take days off in between. When I have done workouts in the past I know it can be easier to do it everyday, but I often burn myself out going from nothing to 5 days a week, I'm like a binge excerciser. I over do it then do nothing for months!


    Great job on finishing the first day! I do it almost every day, but skip either Saturday or Sunday (not both!). I also missed one Monday due to a migraine, but otherwise, it's been 6 days a week for me.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm new to this topic and to be totally honest feel so intimidated. I did day 1 today and found it so tough! I found the cardio really difficult and I can't do a pushup to save my life! So L1D1 finished... lets see how I feel tomorrow.

    My one question is, do you do this every day or do any of you take days off in between. When I have done workouts in the past I know it can be easier to do it everyday, but I often burn myself out going from nothing to 5 days a week, I'm like a binge excerciser. I over do it then do nothing for months!


    Welcome, Emma.

    I find push-ups really difficult too. But do what you can and keep going; you will be surprised by how your body develops after a while.

    I have had just one day off out of 24 so far, because I was away from home that day. However, that's me - I'm an 'all or nothing' type of person. Arguably, it might be better for your body to have rest days.