C25K Support Group Starting 6/27



  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Just finished Week 2 this morning! Wow! Can't believe I did it! I am so NOT a runner!!! Next week, we'll be in St. Lucia for our anniversary trip, but my husband and I are determined not to let our C25K slide - although I'm a bit afraid of Week 3 for sure!

    (If possible, can I be added to your group list? Thanks!!!)

    Well done to all my fellow runners! Your progress really inspires me!
  • jtp5184
    jtp5184 Posts: 138 Member
    I finished week 5 :) YAY!

    The 20 minute run was challenaging but not impossible. I definitely kept you guys in mind when i was running to push myself to keep going. I felt like i could have done more but i did not want to push myself too much after a big jump like that.

    I still can't believe i did it. i noticed a change since i started though. i noticed in the beginning my heart rate would be up really high but i wouldnt feel very tired. now my heart rate is muchhhh lower but i tend to feel tired. when i see this i tell myself its the toxic ten minutes of running after that i will be fine and i noticed that i usually am.

    i just wanted to say thank you to all of you for the support and for the accountability i think i probably would have stopped for a half a minute inbetween if i didnt have you guys. thanks for being there to push me :)

    now im going to work from home today but from my bosses home at the beach :) hope everyone has a good day!
  • jtp5184
    jtp5184 Posts: 138 Member
    oh one more question i am kind of new at this but my ticker in my signature i need to update but i usually do that at work and now that i am home when i go to the site its not at my ticker. any idea how to change this or do i need to do that at the same computer?
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    @gnoccola - Treadmill is definitely a bit easier than outside. I've been doing at least one of my runs each week outside. I steadily increase my speed but have not been able to maintain 6mph for more than a minute so far. I haven't had any issues with my calves burning but I can tell you in gets easier. If you feel pain then just slow down. I normally start off with a 3-3.5mph walk and then keep upping it each walk interval. I think the fastest I have managed to walk so far is about 4.2mph. The runs I normally start around 4mph and keep upping it to about 6mph so far. Just try to pace yourself and don't worry about speed for now. You will get there and it will get easier.

    @Olivia - you're welcome!!! You are doing great by the way. :smile:

    @nowornever3 - Congratulations on completing week 1 & 2. I've updated you on the list. And good for you for planning to run while on your vacation. It's so hard for me to keep up with exercise while on vacation but I think that is awesome that you are going to do that. I just finished week 3 today and trust me it isn't as bad as it seems. You can do it!

    @Jtp - You go girl! YOu give me hope because that 20 minute run does look like mission impossible at this point LOL. Working from home by the beach sounds amazing! Wish I was on the beach right now LOL. About the ticker, I'm not sure. I use the MFP ticker and to update that I go to Community>Signature and on the left you can make changes to your signature and on the right there's a link to "MyFitnessPal tickers" where you can then choose a premade or a personalized sticker. Let me know if that helps.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    I finished week 3 today guys!!! I'm so happy and so ready to kick some week 4 butt next week. I feel like I can actually do this. I set a goal today to try to run for at least a minute at 6mph and I did it! I'm going to set another goal to maintain that speed for even longer next time.

    I did today on the treadmill and my time was 30 minutes and 1.7 miles total. At the end I still had a lot of energy and did one more run interval for 2 minutes. I wish I could have stayed on longer but had to get ready for work.

    Has anyone else been getting in longer distances even the full 5K (3.1mi)?
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    My fellow C25Kers, wanted to share this Chinese Proverb with you as a reminder that it's NOT about how fast you can go right now but about completing the sessions.

    "Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still."

    Keep going guys and don't stop. You all are amazing!
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    OneBryteSmile Nice Work!!!
    I did week 6 day 2 last night. Over the weekend I'll do day 3 which seems pretty difficult.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    How many miles are you finishing dyianne?
  • masanz1
    masanz1 Posts: 65 Member
    checking in...finish Week 4 day 3..onto week 5.
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member
    I have just completed w2 d3.
    I run on a common near me. The ground is quite loose and sandy, and there's tree roots and stones etc to avoid. My cropped running trousers, bought mid June,are already too big and I ended up having to hold on to them to stop them falling down! I must have lost concerntration for a minute during my run and fell flat on my face! I fell straight forward, rolled and ended up on in a heap on the floor! There I was in the middle of the common absolutely covered in dirt. My face, in my eye, my arms, hands, legs, bum etc! Fortunately, I didn't hurt myself too much ( except my pride). I sat there, brushed myself down a bit, got the dirt out of my eye, and carried on. My shoulder feels a bit stiff now, hopefully it will be OK after a good soak in the bath. :ohwell:
  • kalcide
    kalcide Posts: 120 Member
    So... i know this support group started a couple weeks ago but im gonna weasel my way in here. :)
    I started my C25K this morning! Feeling good after the first run/walk but im sure it is only going to get harder. The only areas around my house are rather hilly so i know that is going to make things a little more difficult later in the program but at least ill have built legs in a couple months ^.^ Im not usually a person who sticks with things for very long but i hope that knowing there are other people out there experiencing the same thing with me will help keep me on track. Keep on trucking!


    im the same, surrounded by hills of different inclines!! i keep telling myself its gonna make me stronger. but i am getting my breathing better now and the hills are getting 'slightly' better now!!!

    keep going!!!
  • kalcide
    kalcide Posts: 120 Member
    I have just completed w2 d3.
    I run on a common near me. The ground is quite loose and sandy, and there's tree roots and stones etc to avoid. My cropped running trousers, bought mid June,are already too big and I ended up having to hold on to them to stop them falling down! I must have lost concerntration for a minute during my run and fell flat on my face! I fell straight forward, rolled and ended up on in a heap on the floor! There I was in the middle of the common absolutely covered in dirt. My face, in my eye, my arms, hands, legs, bum etc! Fortunately, I didn't hurt myself too much ( except my pride). I sat there, brushed myself down a bit, got the dirt out of my eye, and carried on. My shoulder feels a bit stiff now, hopefully it will be OK after a good soak in the bath. :ohwell:

    aww bless ya!!hope you are ok!! well done for carrying on!! i probably would have cried!! lol
  • kalcide
    kalcide Posts: 120 Member
    hey everyone!!

    finished week 3!! yay!!!

    i really think its getting better. still pratising my breathing whilst doing hills. and i think im cracking it.

    my distances are still averaging 1.8 miles. not sure if this is going to change at any point. im freestyling intervals during the 5 min cool down, so that the rest of the way home isnt wasted.

    going for week 4 tommorow, (was meant to do tonights run last night, but my lil man was up later than usual!)

    my power song was 'Like a G6' today. that came on and i was like YES! here we go!! even played it twice!!

    i added the GPS thing to my app, so it gives me distance and paces.

    tonights run was

    Walk pace : 16.29/mi
    Run Pace: 16.03/mi

    my last run was

    Walk pace: 17.19/mi
    run pace: 13.12/mi

    one before that

    wallk pace 17.55/mi
    run pace: 14.27/mi

    1) what does this mean
    2) my run today, does that mean im walking as fast as im running?

    or maybe the gps thing isnt that accruate?
  • techymum
    techymum Posts: 168
    Just checking in to tell everyone good luck and keep up the running! I'm still on hiatus, due to the little hip issue. Walking lightly. But physio/massage are moving forward. I continue to surround myself with positive people who have never once told me that it seems "silly" someone overweight wants to run. Instead, I just keep hearing how wonderful it is - keep working, etc.

    I am so lucky to have this great physio office just down the street. They are going to video tape me running (I assured them they would be able to follow me just fine with the camera, lol), and see what is causing me to use this hip too much.

    AND the best news, they are all still confident I will make it for the September 5K.

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!!
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    @dyiaane, wow that week 6, day 3 does look scary. That's the big jump eh. But you have come this far so I know you are going to knock this one out of the park. Can't wait to hear all about it.

    @Masan - congrats! How are things going? Are you finding it really hard or are you smooth sailing? :smile:

    @caroline - First, great NSV on the pants being too big! I'm so sorry about your fall though. I'm always worried about falling on my runs as I am accident-proned. Like Kalcide said, I probably would have cried too but way to go picking yourself up and keep going. I hope that bath did the trick and you are feeling better. :smile:

    @Kalcide - Great job! Looks like you and I are averaging about the same miles. I'm glad to know that because I wasn't sure if I should be trying to increase the distance or if where I am at this point is "normal". I guess as the running intervals get longer we'll put in more distance. I'm also adding in extra running intervals when I have the energy at the end. Today at the end the song on my Ipod was Black Eyed Peas "pump it" and I started literally pumping it as I was running LMAO. That GPS app sounds really cool. I wish I had a smartphone so I could get the app. Now I don't know much about pace so I could be wrong here. Hopefully someone smarter than me about this can provide some insight. What it looks like is your walk pace is improving and your run pace is fluctuating but I don't know what I'm talking about LOL.

    @Techy - I'm so glad to hear that things are looking up and that you have positive people around you to support and encourage you. Please let us know how things go with the results. Perhaps it could help us prevent similar issues. Thank you.
  • MistyDC29
    MistyDC29 Posts: 99 Member
    Does anyone have the Nike + ipod thingy? I was thinking about getting it because I run on a trail and have no idea how fast or how far and I am just nerdy enough to be interested in that data! :-) I was going to start w2 today, but things went weird. We went to the midnight viewing of HP7 and I only got 3 hours of sleep...Ew.
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    OneBryteSmile- I'm not sure how many miles it is...I run outside and only have a stopwatch so I do the minutes not miles. I always try to run an extra 30 seconds in case I don't make the miles. I don't like running on the treadmill so I can't really figure out the miles. I think I'll do week 6 day 3 on Sunday- 25 minutes of running here I come....scary.
  • kalcide
    kalcide Posts: 120 Member
    Does anyone have the Nike + ipod thingy? I was thinking about getting it because I run on a trail and have no idea how fast or how far and I am just nerdy enough to be interested in that data! :-) I was going to start w2 today, but things went weird. We went to the midnight viewing of HP7 and I only got 3 hours of sleep...Ew.

    Ive got the Nike gadget thing. I used to use it years ago wen I tried to run. No idea where my shoe bit is though, as moved a couple of times since!!

    Can you use this along side the c25k app? Mine prob needs calibrating again, which I found worked best on a treadmill!!

    Handy piece of kit though!!
  • kalcide
    kalcide Posts: 120 Member
    Anyone thought about getting fitted for some proper shoes? I keep reading stories about how peoples performance improved cos they got proper running shoes!!!
  • Shannon1023
    Shannon1023 Posts: 30 Member
    W6D3 Complete!! *fist pump*

    It was hard, but I DID IT!! :laugh: