P90X: Bringin' it! June-Sept



  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    Im only on P90x doubles ...day 4...can I still join your group? Really need support to stay motovated this time. 5th time starting....never finish the whole 90 days....due drama or sickness....Want stay motovated with other people!

    welcome to the team :)

    yoga last night, didnt fininsh till 9:50pm yawn!! still cant do the half moons or crane!
  • elly620
    elly620 Posts: 209 Member
    hi guys. I haven't done my workouts in a couple of days. its been too hard to find the time plus i'm always exhausted when I get home from work. so I am going to modify the program. I'll workout saturday and sunday and two days during the week. its better than nothing i guess. today i'm going to do shoulder and arms.
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    i forgot to ask, Elly are you actually called elly? just asking cos my real name is Ellie
  • sbechdel
    sbechdel Posts: 29 Member
    Hey all,

    Sorry I haven't posted in a while...fell off the wagon this weekend but got right back on it Monday. Legs/Abs today was a killer but I felt stronger. Kenpo tomorrow - I've got motivation now...starting to see some small differences in my arms and can do a bit more each week. Hope everyone has been doing well!
  • FHWguy
    FHWguy Posts: 15
    P90X Day 17 complete - Shoulders & Arms & Ab Ripper.. didn't do bonus due to running low on time.

    I tried something new with ab ripper... I did 20 of each exercise then rested while they finished up. It really helped me maintain form in the later exercises without quitting so early.

    Tomorrow is the real challenge. Laziness set in for me last weekend and I killed a bag of potato chips and had a lot to drink. Also skipped yoga then, but was able to make it up during the stretching day.
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    i stepped on the scales today and showing a gain STILL >.< this is very frustrating!
  • FHWguy
    FHWguy Posts: 15
    i stepped on the scales today and showing a gain STILL >.< this is very frustrating!
    I know how you feel. I felt like giving up after two weeks since all I had to show for it was a gain of one pound! My weigh in today was the first time I lost anything.

    Hang in there.
  • VBtim180
    VBtim180 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi everyone. Day 18 yeterday . I did chest & Back instead of yoga. I actually am able to do more push ups and pullups everyday. I still use the Chair Pull ups but soon I hope to do them without the chair. For day 19 i completed back & legs and those famous Wall Squats. AaAhhhhh I hate them! I can only do like 10 seconds. Welcome to the new people!
    I dont know about you folks but I am not really losing weight but I am losing inches. That works!
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    measuring and weighing in tomorrow hoping for inches lost even if the scale doesnt comply!

    doing kempo tomorrow instead of tonight got a date with the husband tonight and figured kempo might be a bit of a mood killer lol!!
  • joycemhall
    joycemhall Posts: 164 Member
    I just came across this post. I bought P90X in January 2010 & did the 90 day round & had good results in losing inches but I didn't eat right so I saw very little change in the scales at that time. I fell off my routine after my Mom's health took a turn & she passed away in October, but by March of this year I decided to start in with it again & that's when I joined MFP & started tracking my food. Since that time, I've lost about 20 inches overall and 35 pounds, so I would encourage you all to stick with it and you will see results. I am 48 years old and feel better than I have in years. Good luck to you all:happy:
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    P90X Day 19 complete - Hiking w/trekking poles (instead of Legs & Back)
    Duration: 02:57:28
    Calories: 1804
    Fat Burn: 01:54:33
    Fitness: 01:02:35
    Average HR: 122
    Maximum HR: 165

    I also did some push-ups.
  • evelyn602
    evelyn602 Posts: 43 Member
    Day 18 done yoga x!! I also have not seen the scale or the inches fall but I do feel great and stronger!
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    1lb down thank goodness for that lol!!
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Well, I am still not losing pounds or inches and Im not sure Im feeling stronger either. To say it is discouraging is an understatement. But Im determined to see it through, I suppose. I did Back/Chest, Plyo, arms/shoulders, Run for 60 minutes, Legs/Back, and then Ran for 60 minutes this week. I was hoping to see SOME changes after two weeks of burning 3000-4000 calories, but my clothes fit the same, I was still embarassed in a bathing suit today, and to top it off, my husband (whom i have been working out with daily) received numerous compliments on his weight loss/"he's shrinking before our eyes!" while at a birthday party today. Awesome.

    We watched an infomercial for Insanity this morning, and agreed that it might be more our style since its more cardio, but we have pledged to complete these 90 day, even if it "doesnt work" for me.
    I keep thinking I see minor changes in the mirror, but the measurements are the same, the weight is the same, and my clothes fit the same. Frustrating.

    Soo....Im in it for the long haul, but certainly not singing any praises just yet.
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    P90X Day 20 complete - Kenpo & Ab Ripper
    Duration: 01:26:03
    Calories: 947
    Fat Burn: 00:35:22
    Fitness: 00:45:20
    Average HR: 131
    Maximum HR: 171

    P90X Day 21 complete - Rest/Stretch
  • VBtim180
    VBtim180 Posts: 43 Member
    Day 21 Done. Kenpo 740 calories . looking forward to this recovery week. lost 1 lb since last weigh in.
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    I'm in this! ;)

    Lost 5 pounds this week. It's all coming off now. :)
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    Well, I am still not losing pounds or inches and Im not sure Im feeling stronger either. To say it is discouraging is an understatement. But Im determined to see it through, I suppose. I did Back/Chest, Plyo, arms/shoulders, Run for 60 minutes, Legs/Back, and then Ran for 60 minutes this week. I was hoping to see SOME changes after two weeks of burning 3000-4000 calories, but my clothes fit the same, I was still embarassed in a bathing suit today, and to top it off, my husband (whom i have been working out with daily) received numerous compliments on his weight loss/"he's shrinking before our eyes!" while at a birthday party today. Awesome.

    We watched an infomercial for Insanity this morning, and agreed that it might be more our style since its more cardio, but we have pledged to complete these 90 day, even if it "doesnt work" for me.
    I keep thinking I see minor changes in the mirror, but the measurements are the same, the weight is the same, and my clothes fit the same. Frustrating.

    Soo....Im in it for the long haul, but certainly not singing any praises just yet.

    same here though i managed to shift a whole 1lb! it is very frustrating but then i know i havent stuck to the nutrition plan, i've decided not to move on to the next food phase but concentrate on sticking with the fat shredder phase - especially as though my body fat % hasn't changed like it should!
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    Hopefully you'll see some reduction after this week. The recovery week is more about cardio and the first time I did P90X I didn't start seeing the scale move until after this next week. Of course the evil men tend to loose weight faster than women so congrats to your husband on the compliments.

    Stick it out through the 90 days and you'll be in much better shape for when you start Insanity (you'll need it!).
    Well, I am still not losing pounds or inches and Im not sure Im feeling stronger either. To say it is discouraging is an understatement. But Im determined to see it through, I suppose. I did Back/Chest, Plyo, arms/shoulders, Run for 60 minutes, Legs/Back, and then Ran for 60 minutes this week. I was hoping to see SOME changes after two weeks of burning 3000-4000 calories, but my clothes fit the same, I was still embarassed in a bathing suit today, and to top it off, my husband (whom i have been working out with daily) received numerous compliments on his weight loss/"he's shrinking before our eyes!" while at a birthday party today. Awesome.

    We watched an infomercial for Insanity this morning, and agreed that it might be more our style since its more cardio, but we have pledged to complete these 90 day, even if it "doesnt work" for me.
    I keep thinking I see minor changes in the mirror, but the measurements are the same, the weight is the same, and my clothes fit the same. Frustrating.

    Soo....Im in it for the long haul, but certainly not singing any praises just yet.
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    Stick through it the whole 90 days, and maybe the reason (this usually is the reason) why you're not losing weight is because you're not fueling your metabolism enough throughout the day. Through most weight loss and strength training programs, most women initially believe eating a low amount of calories and creating a deficit will result in more fat loss. Sadly, this is not true, and eating 1400-1800 calories a day while doing P90X (DEFINITELY DON'T DO THIS DURING INSANITY) will not help your body at all.