[closed group] Team Yellow Submarine



  • ClareB1974
    ClareB1974 Posts: 224 Member
    I like prizes!

    Looking at the results for last week, I had 6th highest overall, so I may need to push a bit more.

    I've just seen ClareB's log for yesterday... nearly 2800 calories. That's really impressive!

    Thank you - my feet were mighty sore last night though :-) It's supposed to rain really badly here on Saturday, so I'm not sure how much I'll get done, but then again they'll probably change the forecast several times between now and then.

    We're doing fantastically, yellow submarine, let's keep pushing :D
  • rachel871
    rachel871 Posts: 113 Member
    Dear All,

    Saturday is a TRIPLE (yes that's x3!) distance day. As a motivator - I'm going to award the people with the 5 highest burns ON Saturday a special prize (if you are willing to give me your address so I can pop it in the post). Oooooooooo! GO TEAM YELLOW SUBMARINE.

    Without sounding all soppy etc etc, you're doing an amazing job leading the challenge Leila :)

    I'm going to the Trafford Centre (in Manchester) shopping on Saturday, so no proper exercise!! BOOOO!! Can I put down all my leisurely walking though?! I might wear my pedometer and see how many cals I actually burn!! I'll be there from opening to close probably, attempting to find an outfit for a wedding!!

    Well done with everyone's burns, in awe of a lot of you!! :) xx
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Without sounding all soppy etc etc, you're doing an amazing job leading the challenge Leila :)

    I'm going to the Trafford Centre (in Manchester) shopping on Saturday, so no proper exercise!! BOOOO!! Can I put down all my leisurely walking though?! I might wear my pedometer and see how many cals I actually burn!! I'll be there from opening to close probably, attempting to find an outfit for a wedding!!

    Well done with everyone's burns, in awe of a lot of you!! :) xx

    Shiver me timbers we'll be having none of that. SNAP TO IT RACHEL - I'll be expecting 300 star jumps from you in every shop you visit you slacker. :tongue:
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Looks like we'll be pulling out all stops on Saturday then. Bring it on!
  • vladikavkaz
    vladikavkaz Posts: 137 Member
    sore this morning after the run yesterday. may not be getting anything out of me today :o(
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    sore this morning after the run yesterday. may not be getting anything out of me today :o(

    Take it easy x
  • caligirl2802
    caligirl2802 Posts: 232 Member
    Sorry guys I had to have a rest day yesterday, not feeling 100% so I'm gonna have to take it easy this week, but will be back at it in time for Saturday I hope.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Sorry guys I had to have a rest day yesterday, not feeling 100% so I'm gonna have to take it easy this week, but will be back at it in time for Saturday I hope.

    Hope your feeling better very soon xxx
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Good afternoon shipmates. Great burning on Tuesday. I'm waiting for the map to be updated so hopefully we might start pulling away from the pack soon.

    Today is kidnap day. I have mailed team WTF (Witness the fitness) to kidnap a member. I picked them as pink princess is on their boat. She is a friend of many of us and she runs the regular monthly weigh in challenges. I though we should pick on her a bit :)

    Also, don't forget that Saturday is a triple distance day. This is mega and if we all put a little extra in on Saturday we could start getting nearer the front. And of course there is prizes for shipmates with the top 5 calorie burns on Saturday.

    Leila x
  • vladikavkaz
    vladikavkaz Posts: 137 Member
    nicely done :o)

    I don't usually log gardening calories, but I may just do that on Saturday!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi all, just a very small burn from me today - 173 :o( Lets just say its been a bit of a day. But I'm swimming tomorrow lunch time and Saturday I'll be going for a great big burn.
  • vladikavkaz
    vladikavkaz Posts: 137 Member
    Looking at the mile count, we're pretty much a tenth of the way there. Well done all on a great job so far!
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    We earned an extra 1481 from the kidnap yesterday and nobody tried to kidnap us despite our meddling! Lol
  • caligirl2802
    caligirl2802 Posts: 232 Member
    We earned an extra 1481 from the kidnap yesterday and nobody tried to kidnap us despite our meddling! Lol

    Nicely done!!!
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Captain's Log
    Yellow Submarine
    Day 15
    100 miles off the coast of Senegal

    What a week of turmoil and success. Since Day 7 we have travelled another 1,500 miles. That is a total of nearly 3,000 miles since departure from Plymouth just a short fortnight ago. My admiration goes to ClareB1974 who has been our strongest assest and burned 14,000 calories in pursuit of the finish. She is a machine and I look to her for inspiration in times of drunken depression in my cabin when I cannot be bothered rowing or see an end to our enternal challenge. Meanwhile we have had crew struck down with skurvy including Caligirl2802 who has been in sick bay for a few days. I'm sure she will be back in action soon after being allowed extra rations. We need her. I do continue to worry about the sanity of our crew. This week marmitegirly2 went AWOL and hid in a lifeboat for days without food or water. Only threats pulled her out of her stooper.

    We are due to dock in Dakar briefly to pick up some supplies and replenish ourselves. As Caligirl2802 has kept our moral high, despite her ailments, I allowed her executive power to decide how to respond to the ever increasing threat of the surrounding pirate ships. As a punishment for skiving she forced Charlottekd to send carrier pidgeons (the ones which hadn't been put in the broth by Cook Bullly) to nearby ships warning them of our power. We have yet to receive any backlash - but spies inform me that they are plotting. Also, we again managed to kidnap a rower from a fellow boat (Boat WTF) based on the information provided to me by an old First Mate of mine, xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx, who abandoned my ship for another yet clearly her loyalities still lie with me. Again the skallywag we kidnapped was faithful to their original ship and while we did get some manpower out of them, they soon hung themselves in the Brig out of shame. I shall remind Bullly to use the meat to feed the crew and sustain us before we dock for supplies. Very high winds, in our favour, are forcast for Saturday. I have tried to stimulate the crew by offering them an unknown reward for hard work. We must all pull together tomorrow to make the most of our favourable weather.
  • vladikavkaz
    vladikavkaz Posts: 137 Member
    Mmm, fried pirate.
  • Bullly
    Bullly Posts: 136 Member
    Aye Aye Captain!

    Eat your meat and row like mad you scurvy dogs!!!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Lol Thanks Leila, that was fun! :laugh:

    Yes, come on ship mates, we need some mega burns tomorrow to push us back towards the front of the pack again. ROW!
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Hi everyone. Did you all have a good burn this weekend? I didn't do as well as planned (combination of rain and first days of TOM) but I'm going to work much harder this week. Once everyone has updated their cals on the spreadsheet I will announce the winners of the prizes - the top 5 burns for Saturday.