July- Day by Day Challenge- pt 11 (OPEN)



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 25:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Exercise for 15 minutes.--Yes (Went for 30).
    3. Track my food and make healthy choices.--Yes and yes!

    A good day yesterday. Work went well and it was mostly sunny. Same weather report for today so maybe the rain will move around us again! You could actually see the clouds all around this clear spot in the sky--it was kind of weird--but nice!

    Have a nice day, everyone!

    Goals for July 26:
    1. Water.
    2. Exercise for 15 minutes.
    3. Track my food and make healthy choices.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Good morning ya all.
    I am finally home and hoping to get into the swing of things again today! There is no way to catch up on a weeks worth of stuff so I will just hope that you are all doing well and will try to read through some of the thread later.
    Dad looks horrible, my father in law is not well either I found out on Thursday. He has a clogged artery, had a heat stroke and his kidneys have started to fail. UGH. WILL THIS MONTH EVER END?

    I have a ton of things to do today but first I am going to eat some breakfast and go to the gym!

    1. GYM
    2. Eat decent again for a change. (NO ONE IN MY FAMILY KNOWS WHAT THE WORD HEALTHY MEANS, and my mother, whom I love dearly, gets her feeling hurt if you don't eat what she gives ya....needless to say, I hurt her feelings!)
    3. Log what I eat ..... sharing a computer with 3 other people makes me too lazy to care about logging when I have like 3 minutes of computer time
    4. WATER.....I am so thirsty for water!!!!! Again, my mother....their water is horrible and I am not even a water snob, so I just didn't drink cause if I brought in bottled water, which I do not drink at home, she would have been even more offended! UGH
    5. Be nice to my husband cause I am so just sort of numb from the past few weeks of life and the inevitable with at least my dad, and I normally don't get like this and I am sure the numbness just equals grumpy to him. :grumble: (you may want to pray for him, his name is John! LOL)

    P.S. I still haven't eaten MAYO!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    1. Workout at the gym. Check
    2. Stay around my calorie goal. (Check)
    3. Finish my to-do list. (It's a long one today!) (nope)

    Good morning everyone!!

    Mommawarrior- I am so sorry to hear about your family. Bad things seem to all come at once huh? Good luck and I hope things get better for you.

    Goals for today:

    1. Light workout at the gym.
    2. Stay around calorie goal and drink all my water.
    3. Call for all those appointments I have to get in before school..

    Have a great day!

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hey beauties!
    I'm still having a hard time setting daily goals and sticking with them. Im so glad to read everyone else's posts. it lets me know that I can do this. one day at a time. its been such a struggle. I can't wait for my daughter to go back to school, hopefully things will go back to normal with my workouts and eating.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    1. GYM - YES!!!! FELT SO GOOD
    2. Eat decent again for a change. (NO ONE IN MY FAMILY KNOWS WHAT THE WORD HEALTHY MEANS, and my mother, whom I love dearly, gets her feeling hurt if you don't eat what she gives ya....needless to say, I hurt her feelings!) - YES, that felt good too!
    3. Log what I eat ..... sharing a computer with 3 other people makes me too lazy to care about logging when I have like 3 minutes of computer time. YEPPERS
    4. WATER.....I am so thirsty for water!!!!! Again, my mother....their water is horrible and I am not even a water snob, so I just didn't drink cause if I brought in bottled water, which I do not drink at home, she would have been even more offended! UGH - YES....oh water how I have missed you!
    5. Be nice to my husband cause I am so just sort of numb from the past few weeks of life and the inevitable with at least my dad, and I normally don't get like this and I am sure the numbness just equals grumpy to him. :grumble: (you may want to pray for him, his name is John! LOL) - Yes, but hey, the night isn't quite over, could still fail! LOL

    P.S. I still haven't eaten MAYO!

    Goals for 27 July
    1. GOING TO WORK......woot woot
    2. Water....get back to my gallon a day!
    3. Eat good foods, no junk, even though the farm people will be eating fast food! LOL I am taking my lunch!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member

    Goals for today:

    1. Light workout at the gym. Check
    2. Stay around calorie goal and drink all my water. No on calories, yes on water
    3. Call for all those appointments I have to get in before school.. most of them

    Goodnight everyone! Rough day with binging. Hoping to get back on track tomorrow. I had a long message on here but somehow deleted it (still getting used to my new computer so I'm just going to go to bed.

    Leela... we will be here! If anyone understands life getting in the way of daily goals it's me. lol. Good luck!

  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    O and I'm going on vacation for a couple days where there will be a spotty internet connection so I will check in when I can!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Tusdays Goals:
    1. Under on calories - Yes
    2. Water - Yes
    3. Walk at lunch & 30 mins of something else – Yes & Yes
    4. 30 minutes of house work – Still no!


    Momma- Sounds like you’re doing really well in face of some fierce odds.

    Nicole – Hope you have a lovely holiday!

    Leela – Don’t worry, you’ll get back to doing well. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Maybe just set yourself one goal a day for a while, keep it manageable.

    Yesterday was a good day, I almost don’t want to say this out loud or put it in writing but it’s getting easier. I’m back to running most nights, and I’ve planned my meals properly so it’s easier to eat well while still keeping it interesting. Touch wood I’m back on track. Famous last words. I’ve only got 6 weeks to my friends wedding and I don’t want to blow all that hard work.

    Wednesday’s Goals
    1. Under on calories
    2. Water, it’s cooler today so waters going to be tougher
    3. Exercise: Walk & 30 minutes of something else
    4. House work, seriously, I really really need to do some!

    Have a lovely day!
  • Wow, I haven't posted in a long time... Lots of family drama up in my face left me focusing on things other than my health. But, I do have to say I haven't resorted to eating poorly but as far as working out and truly setting goals and sticking with them...nope! Anyway, I'm wanting to get back into things as soon as my knee heals fully. It may not be until beg of August, so I might see you all on that thread.

    Anyway, aside from the me me me, I actually came here to congratulate you all for continuing to do so well with setting goals and hitting them. Even if they're not all met I noticed a lot of you are working on your weaknesses instead of dwelling on them and allowing that to get you down. This is what's most inspiring to me, because I tend to allow myself to be hard on myself and instead of using that in my favor (ie a kick *kitten* workout) I sit and sulk... Not a healthy habit. So great job on picking things up where you need improvement and excellent job on motivating each other and supporting! Keep it up :)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Thanks everyone! That's the reason that this is by far my favorite board ! Everyone is so forgiving and understanding!
    8 pages and the month isn't even over yet!

    Here are Wednesday's goal:
    1. zumba, followed by training.
    2. go to post office
    3. drop daughter off at art camp
    4. get house work done while she's gone.
    5. no processed junk will enter my body today (or the rest of the week)
    6. water, avoid soda
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 26:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Exercise for 15 minutes.--Yes.
    3. Track my food and make healthy choices.--Yes and mostly.

    I let myself get too tired and slipped a bit on the healthy choices, but it wasn't as bad as it could be. (It would be SO much easier if others kept their 'junk' in their room instead of the main pantry! LOL! I still make the choice, though!)

    Momma--Good to see you back. Family can be hard to deal with and mine is much the same. Praying for you and John. Good for you at staying away from the mayo!

    Leela and Nicole--Just get here when you can. My schedule will be changing a bit here soon so I know how that can be!

    Kim--Try your own advice to Leela-:wink: -pick a household chore and just do that one. (I find that once I get started it's easier to keep going.)

    Hang in there, MissC. Let your knee heal and, oh, how well we know family drama!

    Have a good day, everyone!

    Goals for July 27:
    1. Water.
    2. Exercise for 15 minutes.--Done.
    3. Track my food and make HEALTHY choices.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Kim--Try your own advice to Leela-:wink: -pick a household chore and just do that one. (I find that once I get started it's easier to keep going.)

    Lol! Very true. Alright I pick the bathroom for tonights bid for domestic goddess-hood. Cheers Kathy!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I was actually able to get a lot done today. I love the idea of just focusing on one area of the house. today my focus was on the kitchen.
    Here are Wednesday's goal:
    1. zumba, followed by training. YES, YES
    2. go to post office YES
    3. drop daughter off at art camp YES
    4. get house work done while she's gone. YES
    5. no processed junk will enter my body today (or the rest of the week) YES
    6. water, avoid soda YES, YESSSSSSSS

    I am so happy that I got all my goals done. Hope to be as successful tomorrow.

    Thursday 7/28
    1. finish up arms challenge.
    2. zumba in the evening. Get there early enough to run first.
    3. make healthy choices although its not much to choose from.

    Keeping it simple so I can come back with a check in the win column tomorrow night!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Wednesday’s Goals
    1. Under on calories - yes
    2. Water, it’s cooler today so waters going to be tougher -Yes
    3. Exercise: Walk & 30 minutes of something else –No walk but did do 55minutes of Jillian Michaels
    4. House work, seriously, I really really need to do some! – Still no :embarassed:


    I’m very embarrassed to say I still did no house work. I worked through lunch yesterday so decided to do Jillian Michaels Banish Fat & Boost Metabolism DVD when I got home to make up for the not walking. It totally destroyed me. Afterwards I was so tired I couldn’t cook dinner. I just sat there like a sack of spuds and at the end of the evening I could barely get out of my chair to go to bed! It was crazy. I used to do it fairly regularly but since I’ve been running I haven’t been doing anything DVD’s at home, but I certainly will from now on. Ideally I’ll do 30 day shred and run on the same day.

    Thursday’s goals
    1. Under on calories
    2. Water
    3. Exercise: Walk, Run & shred (if I can find the DVD)
    4. Laundry & bathroom

    Have a lovely day!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    I am so happy that I got all my goals done. Hope to be as successful tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: WTG Leela! :flowerforyou:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 27:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Exercise for 15 minutes.--Done.
    3. Track my food and make HEALTHY choices.--Yes and yes.

    Kim--Housework is the absolutely LAST thing on my to-do list. I HATE it! It's not so bad now but when the kids were little I used to wonder why I even bothered. It seemed they could destroy a room faster than it could be cleaned! Speaking of housework--MAYBE I'll get the downstairs bathroom cleaned today.

    Leela--Great job on meeting your goals!

    Goals for July 28:
    1. Water.
    2. Exercise for 15 minutes.
    3. Track my food and make healthy choices.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Goals for 27 July
    1. GOING TO WORK......woot woot - YES....and it was so fun!
    2. Water....get back to my gallon a day! - LOVE IT....yep
    3. Eat good foods, no junk, even though the farm people will be eating fast food! LOL I am taking my lunch! - Didn't eat a single oz of junk food. I think they finally figured out that no matter how much they offer me, I won't take it! LOL

    Only goal I had for the 28th (today) was to work and get my 6 mile run in.
    I think (hope) my staff infection is all cleared up, just have to wait for the yucky scab to go away now..... and I think too that if all goes well, I will be able to run the half marathon August 21st. (I am praying anyways.....). Sunday is my scheduled 12 mile run, and if I can handle that I will go ahead and finish training! YEAH

    July 29th goals
    1. Water water water.....it is so hot here.
    2. 4 mile run and ab work
    3. LAUNDRY.....................UGH THAT BLASTED LAUNDRY!

    Hope everyone has a great Friday and a wonderful weekend!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Thursday’s goals
    1. Under on calories – Yes
    2. Water - Yes
    3. Exercise: Walk, Run & shred (if I can find the DVD) – I walked, I ran, I lost the DVD
    4. Laundry & bathroom – Yes & yes! :happy:

    Momma – So glad to hear you’re infection is clearing up. Fingers crossed for your run this weekend.

    Kathy – Well done on getting all your goals done!

    It’s Friday! Hooray! I can’t wait for this weekend. I’ve got no plans, I’m just going to potter around the house, draw, mow the grass generally be a homebody. Its going to be great.

    Friday’s Goals (nothing new but I’m going with if ain’t broke don’t fix it):
    1. Under on calories
    2. Water
    3. Walk at lunch & work out after work
    4. More house work this time… …the kitchen :noway:

    Have a great day!

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 28:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Exercise for 15 minutes.--Yes.
    3. Track my food and make healthy choices.Yes. and mostly.

    Had a pretty good day yesterday. Lots of 'strength-training' at work. It was decided to send the trees to a bigger store so I spent a good part of the day loading them onto pallets for pickup. Arms are a bit achy today but not bad.

    I'm going to get my 30 minutes done and then go into Olympia for a while. I just want to walk around and look at the shops, etc. I might stop by the Farmers Market, too. Haven't decided yet.

    Momma--I'm glad your infection is healing.

    Kim--Great job on your goals!

    Goals for July 29:
    1. Water! (Not working and going out so need to remember to drink!)
    2. Exercise for 30 minutes.
    3. Track my food and make HEALTHY choices!
    4. Watch the evening snacking!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for July 29:
    1. Water! (Not working and going out so need to remember to drink!)--Just okay, not the best.
    2. Exercise for 30 minutes.--Yes. AND loads of stairs at the Capitol Building!
    3. Track my food and make HEALTHY choices!--Did well most of the day. Should NOT have had the pizza for supper, though!
    4. Watch the evening snacking!--Yes.

    I had fun playing tourist yesterday. I'd never been to the Capitol Building and it is quite impressive! I plan on going again in a couple of weeks and maybe taking a tour of the Governor's Mansion.

    Eh, I need to clean this keyboard! I think the little guy got to it! Thank goodness for Speckie (a free spell-check program for IE)!

    Hope you are all having a great weekend! (We'll be cleaning gutters and doing yard work.)

    Goals for July 30:
    1. Water!!!
    2. Exercise for 30 minutes.
    3.Track food and HEALTHY choices! (Stay away from the leftover pizza!)
    4. Watch the evening snacking.
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