July- Day by Day Challenge- pt 11 (OPEN)



  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    Niki, that's actually my little one! She's almost 8 now. That's my dad with her in the pic! He's no longer with us so I was honoring him today by posting his pic as my profile.

    He looks to be very proud of his granddauther!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    July 16+17:
    1) Make a list of everything I've been putting off YES
    2) Continue cleaning the house YES, but it's still a mess...
    July 18 goals:
    1) Eat better - healthy snacks especially, and only TWO!
    2) Do the immediate things that need to get done on my list
    3) Sweat.
    4) Shower.
    5) Pack more.
    6) Clear bedroom of boxes, or pile them to one side.
    7) Spend less time at the computer.
    8) More cleaning - one whole room.

    Niki... I actually returned my HRM and bought another one on Amazon, cause the Wal-mart one was so bad! :grumble: You'll probably want one with a chest strap.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    I reached all my goals today except ... I ate far too much at dinner. I didn't go over my calorie goal or anything but my dad had a cookout and I ate about 3/4 as much as I usually do BUT I felt so sick afterwards. Which I get is a good thing... my body finally knows what is too much. I'm about to start at that English homework now. Tomorrow is a weigh in. I"m nervous.

    Goals for tomorrow:
    1. Help mom out around the house.
    2. Gym (running! And weights)
    3. Get back into eating healthy.

    Hope everyone had a good day!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Good morning,

    Sorry I've been away so long. Recently things have been a pretty chaotic here for the past month, and MFP was the only thing that could really give. I'm really sorry I haven't been around for you guys, it sounds like there have been some pretty tough times for some of you. I hope that things are improving.

    Goals for Monday:
    1. Plan meals for the week
    2. Only eat whats on said meal plan
    3. Water, must drink lots of water
    4. Run - even if running buddy cancels
    5. Work on house
    6. Come back on this thread tomorrow morning

    Have a lovely day everyone! See you tomorrow.
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    July 17
    1. Drink 64 ounces of water - Check
    2. Log calories - Check (whoa, so glad it didn't have "under calories" as my goal!)
    3. Eat 5 servings of fruits & veggies - Check

    July 18
    1. Drink 64 ounces of water
    2. Log calories
    3. Eat 5 servings of fruits/veggies
    4. 30 DS

    Wishing everyone a fantastic new week!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 17:
    1. Water.--Not bad.
    2. 30 minutes of exercise.--Yes.
    3. TRACK MY FOOD!!!--Yes.
    4. Brush teeth right after dinner.--Soon after.
    5. Bed by 9:30.--Yes.

    Sunday went better and I feel more in control of my eating. I KNOW I can do this so why do I keep letting myself slide?

    I'm going to stop putting bedtime down as a goal. I have been getting bed by 9:30 when I work the next day so I'm going to concentrate on watching my snacking.

    Welcome back, Kim. Hope things start calming down for you!

    Goals for July 18:
    1. Water.
    2. Track my food.
    3. 15 minutes of exercise.--Done.
    4. Only HEALTHY snacks!
    5. Brush teeth right after dinner.
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185

    1: Water 1.5 L..............Yes
    2: Check calories...............Yes
    3: row 3000 m............No only 1618 (10 min) I had to stop because of sore butt again.
    4: walk outside if not too hot.......Too hot........and too late after rowing
    5: stay off computer 2 hours pm ( too late for this morning !)............Yes
    6: read HRM manual.................Yes and it works well

    goals for today

    1: water 2.0 L
    2: check calories
    3: Workout in the morning
    4: stay off computer 1h am 2 hours pm
    5: little clean up in the kitchen
    6: find something to do to enjoy my day

    Have a nice day everyone !

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    July 18's goals:
    1. go to the gym for atleast 1 hour.
    2. eat smart.
    3. drink water and tea only.
    non-fitness goals.
    1. make a few follow up phone calls about job leads.
    2. fill out more applications.
    3. finish the laundry.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Goals for Monday:
    1. Plan meals for the week - No
    2. Only eat whats on said meal plan - No
    3. Water, must drink lots of water - Some
    4. Run - even if running buddy cancels - No
    5. Work on house - No
    6. Come back on this thread tomorrow morning - Phew!


    I worked late last night until i got a call letting me know i was supposed to be at my in laws house having dinner :blushing: so I really didnt have a chance to get too much done yesterday. Will try to do better today.

    Tuesdays Goals:
    1. Plan meals for the rest of the week.
    2. Under on calories
    3. Work on house
    4. Water
    5. Weigh myself and log new weight:sad:
    6. Come back on here tomorrow.

    Have a lovely day!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    July 18
    1. Drink 64 ounces of water - Check
    2. Log calories - Check. And was under! Woohoo!
    3. Eat 5 servings of fruits/veggies - Check. Was a cherry monster yesterday
    4. 30 DS - Check

    Yay! A successful day. Even went to the gym last night! Going to strive to make today as successful.

    July 19
    1. Drink 64 ounces of water
    2. Log calories
    3. 30 DS
    4. Try to get in last 3 miles so am to halfway point on 100 miles logged this summer.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 18:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Track my food.--Yes.
    3. 15 minutes of exercise.--Done.
    4. Only HEALTHY snacks!--Yes.
    5. Brush teeth right after dinner.--No, but shortly after a planned snack!

    Have a good day, everyone!

    Goals for July 19:
    1. Water.
    2. Track my food.
    3. 15 minutes of exercise.
    4. Healthy snacks!
    5. Brush teeth right after dinner.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    July 16+17:
    1) Make a list of everything I've been putting off YES
    2) Continue cleaning the house YES, but it's still a mess...
    July 18 goals:
    1) Eat better - healthy snacks especially, and only TWO! - NO
    2) Do the immediate things that need to get done on my list - NO
    3) Sweat. - NO
    4) Shower. - YES
    5) Pack more. - YES
    6) Clear bedroom of boxes, or pile them to one side. - YES
    7) Spend less time at the computer. - NO
    8) More cleaning - one whole room. - NO
    Thanks for all the friendly discussion in this forum, but I won't be logging daily goals anymore. Perhaps I'll be back in September. Just wanted to let you all know that I really appreciated your kind words and encouragement. :happy: :flowerforyou: GOOD LUCK!!
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185

    1: water 2.0 L............Yes, was easy to go from 1.5L to 2 L:drinker:
    2: check calories.............Yes was under
    3: Workout in the morning........... No but did it in afternoon and 60 minutes.
    4: stay off computer 1h am 2 hours pm..........No
    5: little clean up in the kitchen................No
    6: find something to do to enjoy my day........Watched humour program on tv at night
    Still no voice. Sore butt not better. Moral is still good. Always as lazy. :embarassed:
    I will have dinner with friends tonight.:smile: I'm gonna fall off my calories limit.:grumble: I need to exercise to get extra calories. I will have a small lunch. I was almost hitting 172 on the scale. It will be for next week :sad:

    Steph - Have a nice sommer and see you in September !

    toadiejones - Go Go Go! Get to your half summer goal! You can do it !

    goals for today
    1: water 2.0 L
    2: check calories
    3: Workout a lot to compensate for dinner
    4: stay off computer 2 hours pm
    5: little clean up in the kitchen

    Have a nice day everyone !

  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    Late edition

    Sorry for sommer instead of summer. English is not my first language and I can't see my mistakes quickly sometimes.:blushing:
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member

    1. Help mom out around the house. Check
    2. Gym (running! And weights) Check
    3. Get back into eating healthy. Check

    Hi everyone! A little late today! I actually met all my goals for today already so I'm just checking in. I bumped up my calorie goal yesterday since I felt like I wasn't eating enough and it is so hard to eat as much as it wants me to with my exercise (probably because we really need to go grocery shopping. lol) On the plus side I ran for a mile and a half straight yesterday! I'm amazed at how fast I built up my endurance! It's crazy. Hope you are all doing well! I'll be checking in again tomorrow.

  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Tuesdays Goals:
    1. Plan meals for the rest of the week. - Partly
    2. Under on calories - No
    3. Work on house -Yes
    4. Water - Yes
    5. Weigh myself and log new weight - Yes
    6. Come back on here tomorrow. -Yes


    Did badly on the food yesterday but today is going pretty well. Did get loads done on the house. More of teh same today really.

    1. Stop getting distracted by interent and get on with work
    2. Under on calories
    3. Water
    4. Carry on working on the house.
    5. Check back in her tomorrow.

    Haev a lvoely day.
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    July 19
    1. Drink 64 ounces of water - Check
    2. Log calories - Check
    3. 30 DS - Check
    4. Try to get in last 3 miles so am to halfway point on 100 miles logged this summer. - Got in 1 mile :grumble:

    Good job everyone! Steph -Trying to get off the computer? I should be doing that too.:blushing: Hopefully see you again in Sept.

    July 20
    1. Drink 64 ounces of water
    2. Log calories
    3. 30 DS
    4. Get those last miles in.
    5. Try to average a 500 burn today. :laugh:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 19:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Track my food.--Yes.
    3. 15 minutes of exercise.--Yes.
    4. Healthy snacks!--Yes.
    5. Brush teeth right after dinner.--Yes.

    I do fine on the water during the week so I'm only going to make that a goal on the weekends when I have a problem with it.

    Have a good day, all!

    Goals for July 20:
    1. Track my food.
    2. 15 minutes of exercise.
    4. Healthy snacks.
    5. Brush teeth after dinner.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I love how active everyone has been lately! Keep up the good work. sorry I don't have the time to reply individually but I do see that everyone is doing a good job setting and meeting their goals!

    sorry, no post for yesterday, but I will recap monday!
    July 18's goals:
    1. go to the gym for atleast 1 hour. no :(
    2. eat smart. yes
    3. drink water and tea only. yes, yes
    non-fitness goals.
    1. make a few follow up phone calls about job leads. yes
    2. fill out more applications. yes
    3. finish the laundry. yes

    NO time for the gym, had too many other things going on!

    A little late, but will post for Wed.
    July 20th.
    1. zumba and training...ALREADY DONE
    2. eat a balanced meal afterwards...ALREADY DONE.
    3. do a bonus workout in the evening.
    4. eat only when hungry, no snacking.
    non fitness goals.
    1. sweep and mop the floors.
    2. read
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185

    1: water 2.0 L.........................almost 1.8L
    2: check calories.................Total failure, 164 over. My dinner at friends place was delicious but...
    3: Workout a lot to compensate for dinner..........Yes 60 minutes leslie Samsone but only 300 calories
    4: stay off computer 2 hours pm...............Yes ( no choice, I had to prepare myself for dinner):laugh:
    5: little clean up in the kitchen...............No

    At a goal point of view yesterday was not my best day. I enjoyed dinner with friends, maybe a little too much:blushing:

    pmjsmom and PSUgrl921 - Congratulation for the all positive report!
    toadiejones - Go go go ! you are almost there!

    goals for today

    1: water 2L
    2: Exercise 60 minutes
    3: Calories under 1000
    4:Off computer 1h am 2 h pm
    5:little(big) clean up in the kitchen

    Have a nice day everyone !

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