July- Day by Day Challenge- pt 11 (OPEN)



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 20:
    1. Track my food.--No.
    2. 15 minutes of exercise.--Yes.
    3. Healthy snacks.--Yes, but too many of them!
    4. Brush teeth after dinner.--No.

    So I end up not logging my food and all my portion control goes out the window! It wasn't a really bad day but I know I can do so much better!
    It seems every good day is followed by a not-so-good one! Will work on that!

    Goals for July 21:
    1. Track ALL my food!
    2. 15 minutes of exercise.
    3. Healthy snacks--2 of them!
    4, Brush teeth RIGHT AFTER DINNER!!!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    A little late, but will post for Wed.
    July 20th.
    1. zumba and training...ALREADY DONE
    2. eat a balanced meal afterwards...ALREADY DONE.
    3. do a bonus workout in the evening... NO :( WELL...SORTA...UNOFFICIALLY.
    4. eat only when hungry, no snacking. COULD HAVE DONE BETTER
    non fitness goals.
    1. sweep and mop the floors. YES, YES
    2. read NO

    It has really been a challenge for me setting goals lately. Here we go again.
    1. log all my food, keep it low carb.
    2. evening zumba, maybe log a few miles (a big maybe)
    3. bonus workout in the evening.
    1. take daughter to last swim lesson
    2. dust

    I hope if I keep it simple, I could actually get it done!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    A little late, but will post for Wed.
    July 20th.
    1. zumba and training...ALREADY DONE
    2. eat a balanced meal afterwards...ALREADY DONE.
    3. do a bonus workout in the evening... NO :( WELL...SORTA...UNOFFICIALLY.
    4. eat only when hungry, no snacking. COULD HAVE DONE BETTER
    non fitness goals.
    1. sweep and mop the floors. YES, YES
    2. read NO

    It has really been a challenge for me setting goals lately. Here we go again.
    1. log all my food, keep it low carb.
    2. evening zumba, maybe log a few miles (a big maybe)
    3. bonus workout in the evening.
    1. take daughter to last swim lesson
    2. dust

    I hope if I keep it simple, I could actually get it done!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Kathy, thanks for joining me today! I'm so glad I came on so you weren't the only one! where is everyone? trying to stay cool and hydrated I hope.

    It has really been a challenge for me setting goals lately. Here we go again.
    1. log all my food, keep it low carb. yes, yes
    2. evening zumba, maybe log a few miles (a big maybe) yes, yes (just one mile)
    3. bonus workout in the evening. no, legs are so sore.
    1. take daughter to last swim lesson yes
    2. dust no

    I hope if I keep it simple, I could actually get it done!

    Friday July 22's goals:
    1. workout early.
    2. run errands early.
    3. log all my food.
    4. try to relax
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    Didn't do any goals yesterday but here was wed.
    July 20
    1. Drink 64 ounces of water - check
    2. Log calories - check
    3. 30 DS - check
    4. Get those last miles in. - nope
    5. Try to average a 500 burn today. :laugh: - nope

    Have so much to do today. Am organizing our block party that is tomorrow (includes a mini carnival for the kids). We leave the country for 3 weeks in 4 days. Have not packed anything for 6 of us. Need to arrange money transfers, mail pickup, cat sitter, lawn maintenance plus pay bills & do all laundry. House is a disaster. Plus it is supposed to be another scorcher today. Bleh. Must remember small steps/small goals to get it all done without melting into a puddle. Stay cool today everyone!

    July 22
    1. Drink water
    2. Log calories
    3. Get chores done before heat of the afternoon
    4. Get to bed at a decent time.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 21:
    1. Track ALL my food!--No.
    2. 15 minutes of exercise.--Yes.
    3. Healthy snacks--2 of them!--No.
    4, Brush teeth RIGHT AFTER DINNER!!!--No.

    Leela--I'm having a hard time staying motivated for some reason. I wonder if I have some depression setting in? I'll have to keep an eye on things. I HATE it when I get like this!

    toadie--Good luck with all you have to do--and dealing with the heat, too!

    Goals for July 22:
    1. Track ALL my food and make HEALTHY CHOICES!!!
    2. Exercise for 15 minutes.
    3. Watch the evening snacking.
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    Hi everyone!
    Not so good days for two days. Here is my report for wednesday. The heat is killing me.

    1: water 2L......................Yes
    2: Exercise 60 minutes..............No
    3: Calories under 1000.......................Yes
    4:Off computer 1h am 2 h pm....................Yes
    5:little(big) clean up in the kitchen...................Yes (little)

    pmjsmom - I know what you mean having myself, in the past, to deal with depression a couple of times. It's scary when you have some symptoms. But consider that whit this heat, everyone has a little domn. Including me. Motivation is hard to keep when there is so much heat. Do you have strategies to get ourt of this mood? Mines are to get out and see friends to do things together, to have a to do list including pleasant activities. And the most important, not to set myself for failure. It is not the time to set a goal too big that I can't realise. I hope you get well soon. Courage!

    goals for today

    1: Water 2L
    2: Log my food, stay under limit
    3: get the garbages to the container
    4: stay cool!

    Have a nice day everyone !

  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well, I am in Indiana visiting family now after the funeral for me my friend. Not always logging, but thinking of you all. Don't want to hog the computer so not checking everything daily, but I hope you are all on track and having a great week. Pray for my mom and dad as my dad is not well and for my inlaws as I found out last night that my father in law also has heart trouble, blocked artery,l almost 100% blocked. Also for my best friend as her and her husband are going through a really rough time right now. This past couple weeks has just been unbelievable. So glad Jesus loves me!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Mommawarrior... hope everything turns around for you soon. I know those times when everything comes one thing after another can get really hard. Hang in there!

    Sorry I haven't checked in much lately! It's not that I haven't been keeping up ... I've just been a little busy.

    Goals for today... (It's midnight here and I'm about to sleep so I thought I'd do this now)

    1. Drink all my water.
    2. Healthy food options.
    3. Rest up. (Tomorrow is a break day from the gym).

    Have a great day!

  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    1. Stop getting distracted by interent and get on with work - Yes
    2. Under on calories -No
    3. Water - Yes
    4. Carry on working on the house. - Yes
    5. Check back in her tomorrow. - Er, obviously not

    Morning Everyone,

    Momma – Hope thing turn around for you soon. In the mean time you and your family are in my thoughts.

    Kathy – Depressions such a frightening thing. I agree with sl1mmy small goals with fun stuff on the list. Really helps me when things start looking bleak.

    Toadie – Hope you have at the block party, it sounds wonderful. Is it for a special occasion?

    I have fantastic news! My brother is moving to the same town as me after more than a decade away. We have always been really close but since he moved we haven’t been able to see each other more than a couple of times a year. Any way he has said he wants to get fit so I’m going to take him through C25k and possibly 30 day shred as well. I’m so happy about it.

    Saturdays Goals:
    1. Meal Plan – Already done
    2. Go to the supermarket so I can eat healthily
    3. Water
    4. 5 portions of fruit or veg
    5. Finish painting the living room (I started this over a month ago and we’ve been sitting on camp chairs ever since.)

    Have a lovely day.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 22:
    1. Track ALL my food and make HEALTHY CHOICES!!!--No and YES!!
    2. Exercise for 15 minutes.--Yes.
    3. Watch the evening snacking.--Did pretty good at this one!

    Niki--Part of the problem I am having is that we have NOT had any summer here! I'm in the Pacific NW and it had been MUCH cooler (60s and 70s) and also very gray and rainy. None of my plants are growing right and I don't think I will get any vegetables at all this year--again. It was almost this bad last year! I have some strategies for dealing with this but I also need to get to the store as I am out of vitamin D. That helps more than anything!
    We are having some sun today so I should feel better--especially as I am going to the Farmer's Market--I love going there!

    Momma--I'm so sorry for all that's on your plate right now. Praying for you, your family and your friends. I hope things get better.

    Toadie--We'll be having our neighborhood party on Aug. 2 for National Night Out. It's always such fun!

    Kim--That's so nice that your brother is moving back. You'll be a very good influence on him, I'm sure, since you are doing so well!

    Goals for July 23:
    1. WATER! (I have trouble with this when not at work.)
    2. Exercise for 30 minutes.
    3. Don't spend too much at the Farmer's Market.
    $. Track my food and HEALTHY choices.
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    Hi everyone! :flowerforyou:

    1: Water 2L............ Almost
    2: Log my food, stay under limit ..........Yes of course!
    3: get the garbages to the container............No, bad girl!
    4: stay cool!...........Yes

    On MFP since a little more than a month, I have lost 5 pounds already. I'm very happy but have expected more.
    My strength is I changed totally my nutrition since a month. I'm very proud of it and not ashamed anymore of my diary.

    My weakness is: I don't move. I really don't. I stick to my computer all day (looking for exercise programs and gadgets:noway: ) searching forum and the web and playing games. It is so hard to me to move. I don't have the motivation and I'm not in good shape. I began Leslie Samsone walking video this week but I stopped because of the heat. I bought myself a rower 2 months ago and I did a lot in the beginning but I over exerted myself and I had to stop for 3 weeks. I now stay sit for so long that I can't use my rower because of my sore buttock. Every excuse is good to do nothing. :devil:

    They say you can only improve one habit at a time. Now for me it is time for this one but I would like to have some help. If anyone can share experience on how they get thru this I would appreciate greatly.

    pmjsmom - I apologise for my mistake about the hot weather but too cold and rainy give same result even worst than too hot. On my mood I mean. Enjoy your Farmer's market. Vege and fruits are good vitamins.

    Have a nice day everyone !:flowerforyou:

  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Epic fail today. I binged... all day ... well starting at around 2. So back on track tomorrow. It's going to be difficult. I haven't been doing the best all week (damn coke addiction... drink 1 can ... then 1 when out to eat... then everything goes downhill). Here's to tomorrow!

    Slimmy... it is so hard to motivate yourself. I know. I've been trying to get training for a 5k for years now. Honestly, the best advice I can give is ... get up and do it! 1 day. Tomorrow. Get up ... go for a walk. Even if it's just around the block. Do something. Force yourself to do that. Then force yourself to go a little farther. In the beginning it was a struggle for me to go to the gym every day. Now... if I don't go I don't know what to do with that hour out of my day. You have to make it a habit. If it really is too hott outside... do you have stairs in your house? During commercials on tv walk up and down them. Stretch. Every little bit helps.

  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Saturdays Goals:
    1. Meal Plan – Done
    2. Go to the supermarket so I can eat healthily - Done
    3. Water – Hmm not so good
    4. 5 portions of fruit or veg - Done
    5. Finish painting the living room - Done and it looks beautiful:happy:


    Sl1mmy – I find it helps not to think about it, don’t even pause just get on do the exercise as soon as you stop to think about it you’ll think of a hundred things you’d rather do.

    Nicole – Sorry to hear about your epic fail. I keep having them too:embarassed: , they are getting less catastrophic though, the more chilled about it the easier it’s got. I’m now getting back to the stage where I want the fitness more than the doughnuts/pizza.

    What a brilliant day, its finally sunny after weeks of rain. I met up with a few friends and we all went for a run on the downs this morning then met up with our partners for in a near by café. I could definitely get used to this. Any way enough of the fun stuff tomorrow is weigh in day and I want to see results on that scale!

    Goals for Sunday:
    1. Run – Done:glasses:
    2. Under on calories, no excuses
    3. Test out new healthy recipe
    4. Carry on sorting out disaster zone of house
    5. Water, lots and lots of water.

    I hope you’re all having a lovely weekend.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 23:
    1. WATER! (I have trouble with this when not at work.)--Not good at all!
    2. Exercise for 30 minutes.--Yes.
    3. Don't spend too much at the Farmer's Market.--Yes.
    $. Track my food and HEALTHY choices.--Phone died (I really thought I had charged it!) but made good choices.

    Phone is all charged up and ready to go!

    I got my Vitamin D AND I got some sunshine yesterday (and will again today!) so I am feeling a bit better. Once my levels of D are back up I will be okay.

    Niki--No need to apologize! To be honest, I feel bad complaining about our weather because it is so HOT everywhere else! When we DID have a summer (2 years ago!) I would walk with Leslie Sansone VERY early in the morning before it got too hot. It is so hard to do anything when it gets too hot! I have to make myself get off the computer, too. If losing weight could be done by reading about it probably we'd all be skinny!

    Kim--We seem to be having the same kind of weather. It IS nice to see some sun, isn't it?

    Well, I need to get my workout in and get ready for the day. Things to do!

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Goals for July24:
    1 WATER!!!
    2. Exercise for 30 minutes.
    3. Track my food and make healthy choices.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Goals for Sunday:
    1. Run – Yes
    2. Under on calories - Yes
    3. Test out new healthy recipe – Yes, it was delicious, I’ve brought the left overs for lunch today
    4. Carry on sorting out disaster zone of house – yes but so much still to do
    5. Water, lots and lots of water. – Yes, more then recently but not enough

    Good morning,

    I had a lovely weekend. Hoping that the happy will carry on into the weekend.

    Kathy – Hows the weather there has it held up? It’s the most beautiful morning here, really clear and crisp.

    Mondays Goals:

    1. Under on Calories
    2. Water
    3. Exercise: Walk at lunch & run after work
    4. 30 minutes housework

    Have a great day!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    I don't even remember my last day so I'm starting fresh.

    July 25
    1. Drink water
    2. Log calories
    3. Pack for Vancouver
    4. Call for pedicure :)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 24:
    1 WATER!!!--Not good.
    2. Exercise for 30 minutes.--Yes.
    3. Track my food and make healthy choices.--Yes and mostly.

    Kim--The weekend was beautiful. It's too early to really tell but it does look like it is clouding up a bit today. The weather forecast is for partly cloudy with a chance of rain until Thursday and then clearing up again. I hope so--I finally have a few little tomatoes and I'd like them to ripen!

    Here's hoping for a good day for all!

    Goals for July 25:
    1. Water.
    2. Exercise for 15 minutes.
    3. Track my food and make healthy choices.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Good morning everyone! Boy have I been off track. Hopefully I'll have time to catch up on everyone's posts tonight! I just wanted to get goals in to help me stay on track throughout the day.

    1. Workout at the gym.
    2. Stay around my calorie goal.
    3. Finish my to-do list. (It's a long one today!)

    Have a good day everyone!

  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Mondays Goals:

    1. Under on Calories - Yes
    2. Water – Yes!:drinker:
    3. Exercise: Walk at lunch & run after work – Yes & yes
    4. 30 minutes housework – Ummm no. Will try harder today.

    Hope you’re all doing well.

    Tusdays Goals:
    1. Under on calories
    2. Water
    3. Walk at lunch & 30 mins of something else
    4. 30 minutes of house work

    Have a great day!
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