Things/topics that bother you the most in the forums...



  • Brownski860
    Brownski860 Posts: 361 Member
    people who are on here that only want to lose 10 lbs.. really? Your probably NOT fat..... Those are the people that are complaining the most about things... drives me nuts!
  • TheDeviation
    TheDeviation Posts: 149
    These kind of topics annoy me.
    *Long distance runners have no muscle
    *Carb bashers
    *People who would have you drown in your own drinking water
    *Diet pill people
    *People that act like just because they haven't heard something, it doesn't exist.
    *People bashing others for not liking their specific healthy habit
    1) Excuses (esp. for why you fell off the wagon)
    2) Questions that could easily be answered with a google search
    3) People who assume that the reason they're overweight, is the reason someone else is overweight
    4) Quick Fixes - Drugs, fad diets, eating disorders
    5) Religion. I don't share mine with you, I don't need to hear about yours.
    ...and these...
    I dunno about you guys, but people in general just irritate me.
    ...and this.
    people who are on here that only want to lose 10 lbs.. really? Your probably NOT fat..... Those are the people that are complaining the most about things... drives me nuts!
    Maybe they're on the last leg of their diet plan?
  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    One more, people who type in all caps. It's distracting and what's the point?
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    people who are on here that only want to lose 10 lbs.. really? Your probably NOT fat..... Those are the people that are complaining the most about things... drives me nuts!

    just because someone isn't fat doesn't mean they are healthy.....this website is for people who want to incorporate fitness and healthy eating into their lifestyle. it's a lifestyle change, so maybe the last 10 pounds is really all they want/need to lose.
    also people on here may have self image issues and want to feel better about themselves if they do lose those last 10 lbs.
    or they are on here to lose the last 10 lbs and also support a friend that's doing it.

    just throwing my 2cents out there.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    when people say muscle weighs more than fat.


    if you have 5 pounds of muscle, and 5 pounds of fat sitting side by side on a table. they BOTH weigh 5 pounds. the difference is, muscle is far more dense than fat is. so it takes up less space. But it doesn't weigh less.

    ^ I disagree! Would you dispute "butter has more calories than celery"?

    With your reasoning you should, because 300 calories of butter = 300 calories of celery.

    It is important that when comparing the properties of two substances to keep control variables the same, which in the case of muscle/fat is keeping the volume the same, and in the case of the butter/celery to keep the mass the same.

    Hope it helps you understand! (I don't want to come across as attacking you directly... just if I can truly explain this concept to one person I'll be happy!)

    you explained it well to me,... but then again I agree with you... lol The variable that people are keeping the same when they say muscle weighs more than fat is the body section that the poster was talking about... IE "I lost three whole inches off my mid section but didnt' loose (just to piss the grammar police off tehe) any weight" person two says "well muscle does weigh more than fat" what they fail to leave out and what everyone else takes as ignorance is that they didn't say "well muscle does weigh more than fat, so it is possible to shrink that part of your mid section without losing extra weight." Shrinking the mid section is talking about the volume or the mass.... people need to read between the lines.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Uhh...please don't slam me...I'm just expressing something I find interesting...I know you're not going to clean your house spotless before you take pictures of yourself...but seriously, I'm not looking at how skinny you are, I'm looking at how disgusting your bedroom looks behind you, or your bathroom...or the huge mountain of crap you've got piled on the table that's also in the picture...crop that *kitten*!
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    Uhh...please don't slam me...I'm just expressing something I find interesting...I know you're not going to clean your house spotless before you take pictures of yourself...but seriously, I'm not looking at how skinny you are, I'm looking at how disgusting your bedroom looks behind you, or your bathroom...or the huge mount of crap you've got piled on the table that's also in the picture...crop that *kitten*!

    lol don't judge me because I didn't make my bed. ;)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Uhh...please don't slam me...I'm just expressing something I find interesting...I know you're not going to clean your house spotless before you take pictures of yourself...but seriously, I'm not looking at how skinny you are, I'm looking at how disgusting your bedroom looks behind you, or your bathroom...or the huge mount of crap you've got piled on the table that's also in the picture...crop that *kitten*!

    lol don't judge me because I didn't make my bed. ;)

    and of course I just went to look, you aren't the ones I'm talking about doesn't look like your house should be on an episode of hoarders
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    Uhh...please don't slam me...I'm just expressing something I find interesting...I know you're not going to clean your house spotless before you take pictures of yourself...but seriously, I'm not looking at how skinny you are, I'm looking at how disgusting your bedroom looks behind you, or your bathroom...or the huge mount of crap you've got piled on the table that's also in the picture...crop that *kitten*!

    lol don't judge me because I didn't make my bed. ;)

    and of course I just went to look, you aren't the ones I'm talking about doesn't look like your house should be on an episode of hoarders

    lol :) hehe
    thats the one thing I cant bring myself to do in the morning.... and needless to say i'm a bit OCD. lol (but not with my bed) haha
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    fad diets. low carbs vs low cal. eating less than 1200 cals. muscle weighs more than fat debate, it's denser, we know. and the eating exercise calorie debate.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    People who assert that their method of diet and/or exercise is the *only* method and anything else is a waste of time. That makes no allowances for individual differences or genetics. I bite my tongue because it's usually useless to argue with a set mind.

    People who say that no home workout routine is as good as the gym. (That's tied into the above, now that I think about it)

    Posts where someone is obstensibly asking for help or advice, but are really just looking to be rubber stamped and argue with anyone who contradicts what they already think. (I think I've been guilty of that on a few occasions)
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Uhh...please don't slam me...I'm just expressing something I find interesting...I know you're not going to clean your house spotless before you take pictures of yourself...but seriously, I'm not looking at how skinny you are, I'm looking at how disgusting your bedroom looks behind you, or your bathroom...or the huge mountain of crap you've got piled on the table that's also in the picture...crop that *kitten*!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    As funny as I find the pic of the man taking a pic of his house, it really isn’t appropriate for a site where children could have access.

    You're right. It is inappropriate and it was silly of me to post it.

    I have reported it to the Mods and asked for it to be removed.

    My apologies all.
  • squigglypuff
    squigglypuff Posts: 279 Member
    When people don't actually read the original post. Their response sounds pretty silly.

    Also, people who are just trying to stir up trouble.

    Grammer doesn't even bother me that much... which is really a shocker because I minored in English and it's one of my biggest pet peaves.

    EDIT: I totally agree with all of the above!

    Grammar even... :tongue: Sorry, I couldn't resist! :smile:

    And peeves, not peaves :P
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Cheat days!!, surely this cancels out all your hard work thro week...maybe a treat yes..but a whole day?!

    actually there is method in the madness. Not for everyone mind...
    Actually.... it worked for me at the beginning.... I don't really do it that often (weekly) anymore....
    ooops... let me get back on topic.... :embarassed:
    * MFPers who ask questions that are asked dozens of times, daily. (there's a SEARCH feature in the forums people!)


    I don't bother answering any more, because it's tiring repeating yourself.....!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    As funny as I find the pic of the man taking a pic of his house, it really isn’t appropriate for a site where children could have access.

    You're right. It is inappropriate and it was silly of me to post it.

    I have reported it to the Mods and asked for it to be removed.

    My apologies all.

    Oh Lord. :huh: What are the odds of a kid happening upon this site (okay, you might have it open on your computer and your kid might play around on it at that very time), happening upon this thread, and happening upon that very photo of a nearly invisible naked man in a mirror?
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Uhh...please don't slam me...I'm just expressing something I find interesting...I know you're not going to clean your house spotless before you take pictures of yourself...but seriously, I'm not looking at how skinny you are, I'm looking at how disgusting your bedroom looks behind you, or your bathroom...or the huge mountain of crap you've got piled on the table that's also in the picture...crop that *kitten*!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    People who assert that their method of diet and/or exercise is the *only* method and anything else is a waste of time. That makes no allowances for individual differences or genetics. I bite my tongue because it's usually useless to argue with a set mind.

    I lost a "friend" on this website because of that. He started doing an ultra low carb, ketogenic type diet where he was eating less than 20 grams of carbs per day. That meant that he was eating like 50% protein, 45% fat, and 5% carbs or something like that. He also stopped counting calories completely. He would log his stuff everyday and was eating like 2500-3000 calories a day and it was mostly fatty stuff and protein. He was losing weight, too. I bit my tongue for a long time when he would go on about how I needed to stop eating carbs and I would lose weight faster too. I but my tongue when he told me carbs made me fat. I bit my tongue when he said that all sugar was evil, even that from an apple or orange. I bit my tongue when he said that you could still lose a ton of weight eating things with a lot of saturated fats like bacon and greasy cheeseburgers without the bun. I just let him do his thing I wasn't going to judge him....

    And then one day, he decided to go to my profile page and paste YouTube videos of these low carb fanatic cult type people (not just people on diets like Atkins, but like really fanatical people) who were saying crap like carbs make you fat, give you cancer, cause you to be sicker longer, breed the flu virus, and make your joints ache in the cold weather. And then after that video he proceeded to tell me that I would never reach my goal weight and that I would never shed the fat if I continued to eat "poison" (yeah, that's what he called carbs).

    I have no problems with low carb diets or low carb dieters in general, because we all do what works for our own bodies. I think it is just another tool to be able to use, just like the low fat diets. But people like the above person drive me insane and they seem to be creeping up more and more these days. It's like the really weird vegans who think that people who eat animal products only get sick because of those foods (disclaimer: I am NOT talking about all vegans, but I think we all know at least one "weird" one like that!).

    I have even deleted some Facebook friends recently who turned out to be total food snobs and food Nazis. It's really pathetic!
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Lyadeia, that is unbelievable and absolutely inexcusable. I am a firm believer of every body being different, and that there is no one size fits all, miracle method that works for everyone. I agree it's best to just avoid/ignore them; trying to argue with them is futile, and just causes stress.
  • brocantrs
    brocantrs Posts: 273 Member
    I agree with a lot of what has been said above, and even though my responses would be the same, I will repeat them anyway. :flowerforyou:

    1) I absolutely hate it when people not only tell me that carbs are evil and make you fat, but also cause you to be bloated and sick...

    2) The whole "starvation mode" thing is soooo misunderstood and misused around here that it pisses me off. People honestly don't know what it is concidering that they believe eating 1100 calories will cause me to stop losing weight and actually gain fat. SMH...

    3) "Waaa, waaa!!! I was doing so good but I caved in and ate a cookie!!! I am such a bad person and want to die because I ate 1 cookie today!!!" No explanation needed, but we see way too much of that kind of nonsense.

    4) The people who think it is bad to go over on protein, fiber, etc. Good grief. I wonder if I should worry if I went over on vitamin C from that orange I had this morning???

    5) many "what equipment do I need to do P90X" threads do we need? If you bought the program from a reputable place...NOT ebay, Craig's List, or Costco where there are lawsuits against them for selling fakes...then read the first page of your manual and it tells you what you need...

    6) And how many people whine about P90X or Zumba not being in the exercise database on the "Suggestions" forum daily? We know you want it. If you'd have searched, you'd discovered the other 2398723874658935628345 people that want that too. It's not there, add it yourself and get over it!

    7) I hate reading people's rants. They even title the thread "Sorry but I need to rant" or something like that and then they complain about all the users they don't like. Put that crap on your own page, your own blog, etc and stop cluttering the boards with it!

    8) People that still think that they can do a million crunches...yet practically no other exercise and eat not-so-great...and still end up with a flat stomach.

    9) People who ask for ways to spot reduce. "Even though I have about 45 pounds left to lose, all I want to do is thin out my thighs...what exercises can I do to target the thighs and nothing else?" Will people ever learn that this just isn't going to happen?

    OK...I guess that's all for now. If something else comes to mind, I will be back, lol!