Lean By Halloween Challenge!



  • Kerseygeek
    Kerseygeek Posts: 225
    I finished my workout! I just love saying that cuz it's been a year since I worked out this much. That and MFP are really working and I'm feeling motivated. I'm visiting family this weekend and want them to notice the 10 or so lbs. I've lost.
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    It's been a while since I checked in on this challenge so I wanted to say hi to you all and check how progress is going.
    I can't remember my official sw on this challenge, but so far I have lost 3 #s. My current weight is 175 and my goal is to get down to ~ the 130s range by Halloween. How is everyone else doing so far?
  • megskin15
    megskin15 Posts: 94
    This is perfect! I'm trying to slim down before my cousin's wedding which is October 29th! I want to be able to say that I met a goal in my life. I want to be fit and healthy! So far I've lost 3 pounds since starting (less than a week ago)!!!

    SW 137

    WK1: 134
  • 4jenniferk
    4jenniferk Posts: 307 Member
    So Sundays are my official weigh in days. Weighed in this morning at 197 - that's a 4lbs loss since I joined this challenge. :)

    Awesome numbers.... you're making me feel like a slacker and I have to say thanks.... I need the motivation sometimes. Great job on the losses.
  • 4jenniferk
    4jenniferk Posts: 307 Member
    I missed out on checking in all last week since I was on vacation but wanted to say I managed to even with some bad choices in the food department I maintained last week and I'll take a maintain over a gain any day!!!!

    Has anyone else considered what costume that want to show off for the end of challenge photo?

    Hope everyone is having a fantastic week!
  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428
    I'm new, so I just saw this. I am in for the challenge I'd like to lose 35 by Halloween. Sounds like fun.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Down another 2 pounds as of this morning. It's so cool not to have that 100+ pounds to go on my ticker staring back at me.
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    Ive been eating mediocre these last few days, not so great but not terrible either. still cant really workout because im sore from my car accident this past saturday. although the scale says im up .8lbs (plus i weighed after dinner), my tummy feels so much flatter!! cant wait to weigh myself in the AM for the first time since friday (ive been staying at my BFs house so havent had the opportunity to do a first thing AM weighing) and officially record my weight on friday!

    youre all doing so great, such motivation! :D
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    Starts July 1st and ends October 31st!

    First: go to: http://www.tickerfactory.com to select a ticker with a Halloween theme.

    Next: Title your ticker "Lean by Halloween" and set the values to your personal competition goal (ie: 20lbs).

    Then: Return to the MFP community section, select "signature" & post the code in there!

    Then: (If you haven't already) Introuce yourself & your goal!

    Please try to check in on this thread at least once a week, share where you're at!

    Add myself for updates and other participants if you're looking for support :)

    Cut & paste the "Why I Want to Get in Shape" section from your profile page (if you're comfortable) as a way to get to know each other a bit and remind ourselves why we are here :) Mine is below!

    I'm Renee and I want to lose 25 lbs by Halloween so that Halloween night I can get the most sex I have had since my husband and I first starting dating! That would be nice, but in all seriousness, I just want to feel better and have people notice the weight I've lost. I think when you are fat, you have to be the "funny girl" to get noticed because otherwise you are just another fat person. Anyway, I am excited about this challenge!
  • mjslazak
    mjslazak Posts: 179 Member
    Down another 2 pounds as of this morning. It's so cool not to have that 100+ pounds to go on my ticker staring back at me.

    @pauljsolie: Way to go at being under 100 lbs to go!

    Just realized I need to adjust my ticker to show My Halloween goal! Oops (was too excited about the bat theme)! :laugh:

    CW: 180
    LBHC GW: 152
    UGW: 135-140
  • laurabeerotten
    I'm a little late to the party but I hope it's okay! I'm coming fresh off of the Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge and knew I needed to find something else to motivate me! My absolute favorite holiday is Halloween, so I'm very excited about this challenge!

    I'm a full time student, applying to pharmacy schools at the moment. Very excited and nervous about that. I turn 24 tomorrow. :/

    I've been fat all of my life and last year I decided that enough was enough. I started my journey in June of last year at 282 pounds, and lost about 25 pounds just using intuitive eating. Then I joined MFP and I've never looked back! My goal weight for this challenge is 220 pounds, which is what I weighed during the absolute best summer of my life.

    Thankfully, since I've been tracking religiously, I was able to post my weight on my ticker for 7/1. Someday, I would like to wear a sexy Halloween costume. It won't be this Halloween, but maybe the next!

    I look forward to getting to know all of you!

  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    Paul – Great job!!! That is awesome that you have less than 100lbs to go!!! Keep up the great work!!

    Abbie – I’m sorry to hear about your car accident….take all the time you need to recover. Good luck on your weigh-in!

    Laura – Welcome & Happy Birthday tomorrow!! Great job on your loss so far!

    I look forward to weighing in tomorrow! Keep up the awesome work everyone!!
  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428
    I'm a little late to the party but I hope it's okay! I'm coming fresh off of the Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge and knew I needed to find something else to motivate me! My absolute favorite holiday is Halloween, so I'm very excited about this challenge!

    I'm a full time student, applying to pharmacy schools at the moment. Very excited and nervous about that. I turn 24 tomorrow. :/

    I've been fat all of my life and last year I decided that enough was enough. I started my journey in June of last year at 282 pounds, and lost about 25 pounds just using intuitive eating. Then I joined MFP and I've never looked back! My goal weight for this challenge is 220 pounds, which is what I weighed during the absolute best summer of my life.

    Thankfully, since I've been tracking religiously, I was able to post my weight on my ticker for 7/1. Someday, I would like to wear a sexy Halloween costume. It won't be this Halloween, but maybe the next!

    I look forward to getting to know all of you!


    I am with you on the halloween costume. We go to a costume party and I would love to wear a sexy costume too. Don't think I will hit mine this year like you, but maybe next. Maybe we should start a Sexy Halloween Costume by 2012 Challenge! :happy:
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    had a gain last week and i wasn't sure how to adjust the ticker. happily i lost what i had gained plus a little more with this week's weigh in. ticker now updated!! :bigsmile:
  • laurabeerotten
    Maybe we should start a Sexy Halloween Costume by 2012 Challenge! :happy:

    I think that is a FANTASTIC idea. :)
  • sweetsapphire85
    Love this idea! I love this holiday so I'm all for a sexy halloween costume. We can show off our rocking bods from our hard work!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Well done everyone, there are loads of us :D

    I keep spotting the halloween tickers about the forums,all going down, nice work.
  • Kerseygeek
    Kerseygeek Posts: 225
    I don't put in my gains so it doesn't affect my ticker. I just do my best to bring it back down and when I lose more I can tell how long it took me by looking at my progress chart. I know some people like to see that they've gained in order to lose but it makes me feel worse and I lose my motivation so I just stay focused on the losing. Not seeing my ticker move in a while is the best motivation. Seeing it move backwards would kill me.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I don't put in my gains so it doesn't affect my ticker. I just do my best to bring it back down and when I lose more I can tell how long it took me by looking at my progress chart. I know some people like to see that they've gained in order to lose but it makes me feel worse and I lose my motivation so I just stay focused on the losing. Not seeing my ticker move in a while is the best motivation. Seeing it move backwards would kill me.

    I am exactly the same. I did once have a really bad patch, so moved it back for a fresh start. But other than that I leave it until I catch myself up.
  • Stephiillicious
    I've always wanted to lose weight for years and I kind of regret not taking advantage of the gym while I was still in school. Luckily for me there is a gym right down the street from my house that had a special a few weeks ago and I got a great deal. So now I feel extremely motivated.
    Other motivation stems from the fact that my favorite skirt is starting to fit snug and I am so ready to get rid of mt dreaded muffin top! I lost weight before due to stressing out so much and loss of appetite, then gained it right back with 10 more pounds about 4 months after. But this time I'm ready to keep it off for good!!!