Lean By Halloween Challenge!



  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    When you set it up there was a link provided to you... you go to that link with your pin to updated it (if you did not save the link you may want to make a new one to save the link :wink:)

    Thank you, I didn't bookmark my link so had to make a new one. I love watching the slider move on down my ticker. UMM, that sounds a little racy doesn't it....hopefully ya'all know what I mean :blushing:
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools

    Weighin 7/1 - 185
    7/6 - 185
    Weighout 10/31
  • kylee_marie
    kylee_marie Posts: 299 Member
    I would like to join. I am new to MFP. This challenge would be great for me as Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and my husband and I will be going to Vegas the week after and I would love to be lighter and happier!
    Weigh In 7/1- (also starting weight) 217
    7/6- 211.8
  • brittbrat892
    brittbrat892 Posts: 46 Member
    Im a few days late starting but I just saw this and would like to join! :)
  • emmoen
    emmoen Posts: 218 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Erin. I just came across this challenge today and figured why not since I planned on meeting my goal weight by Nov 1 anyway. But the reason why I am losing weight is I can get back my body from before the baby. I have been stuck at my current weight for about 6 months now but that's because I have not tried to lose the rest (been stressed and focused on school). But I really want to look great for my husband at the Marine Corps Ball (end Oct/ early Nov). So that is what I am going to do.
  • kaonna
    kaonna Posts: 8
    I'm in =}


    I want to be able to set a good example for friends, and family who also strive to love weight. I would like to go to the doctor and hear that I am out of my BMI range and that I am in a normal range for the first time in my life. Its not a matter of looking pretty and trying to get back at the people who teased me for being overweight, because that isn't important. What's important is my overall health and being able to lead a long healthy life.
  • Kerseygeek
    Kerseygeek Posts: 225
    If you aren't in the best shape where heavy aerobic workouts are doable I recommend the Biggest Loser 10min workout video. It has several workouts that are only 10mins each so you can do them when ever you have time or do several back to back. I liked it and it made it easy to do them when I had time. For something a little more challenging I'm using some zumba videos on youtube. If you're interested I can give you the names of some people on there I use.
  • Kerseygeek
    Kerseygeek Posts: 225
    My ticker isn't going down yet cuz I'm still 1.5lbs over what my ticker was set at cuz of the holiday. I'm hoping to get rid of that this week and start seeing my ticker move next week. I have workout 3 days this week though.

    Why I want to lose weight:
    I have been heavy since about my sophmore year in college. I started gaining right after high school. It's been so long since I was a healthy weight that I don't even remember being between 130-170. But when I graduated from college I was at my heaviest ever and my pics show it. It's sad I never want to look at that pic again. I was slighly better when I got married but looking back I was actually about where I am now. I've had 3 kids and have completely stopped thinking of myself. I need to focus on me now and get at a healthy weight and buy me some new clothes. I joined this website almost a month ago and lost 10lbs before the holiday and it was rough cuz I wasn't careful so I gained half of it back. I've lost about 1lb so far now. I want to be 160 by Halloween. My future goal is at least 135.
  • greenscrapcat
    I am a little late in joining this group, but feel I can do this. I want to be healthy again. Last year was a great year for me, I lost 41 pounds and felt great. I stumbled last fall and started to gain a bit. Then at the first of the year I lost a bit. I had lost my motivation and just recently went through a breakup with my BF. I started eating horribly again and not working out.

    I know that re-joining the Y and eating healthy will help with everything in my life, including teaching my daughter the right values and I know once I'm on track again I will feel so much better about myself.
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    About Me
    I have a strong family history of overweight and diabetes as well as knee troubles (osteoarthritis). I want to be healthy, avoid becoming diabetic, and keep my own knees functioning as long as possible! Losing weight and exercising are what I need to do to achieve this. I also don't want to be embarrassed to wear a swimsuit in public anymore. So tired of that.

    Why I Want To Get In Shape
    Skiing, cycling, hiking, and otherwise enjoying the great outdoors! I live in the fittest state in the country, and am tired of being the fat one. I want to be happy with how I look, and be able to enjoy many different activities.
  • Kerseygeek
    Kerseygeek Posts: 225
    I agree, I'm tired of being too embarrassed to wear a swimsuit. I haven't done anything that required a swimsuit in a long time, including going to the water park which only makes my kids miss out. I miss the beach too.

    On a high note, I burned 509 calories doing zumba today for 45mins. Technically I've burned off more than I've taken in today so far. I hope it shows on the scale tomorrow.
  • jambs5
    jambs5 Posts: 114
    I am holding off on doing a weigh-in as the scale wasn't moving. I may not weigh until my 48th b-day which is 7/24. Unless the scale continues to stalk me...LOL. I may take measurements over the weekend though. If there's a lot of lost inches, I might sneak a peak at the weight.:blushing:
  • MissConfidence
    If you aren't in the best shape where heavy aerobic workouts are doable I recommend the Biggest Loser 10min workout video. It has several workouts that are only 10mins each so you can do them when ever you have time or do several back to back. I liked it and it made it easy to do them when I had time. For something a little more challenging I'm using some zumba videos on youtube. If you're interested I can give you the names of some people on there I use.

    care to share any links to the zumba workouts on yt? I did a search but am only getting 3 minute vids and stuff like that.
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    Hi :) hope it's not too late to join! My 20th birthday is oct 27 and I would LOVE to lose 20lbs by then :) I'll weigh in tomorrow AM and make my ticker and give my why's, cause I'm at work right now :)
  • mdgracia
    mdgracia Posts: 20
    I'm exercising like crazy. I'm glad so many people have joined the challenge!
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
  • Tinasmythe
    Tinasmythe Posts: 45 Member
    I am down 3.2!!! Back in the 150's. I tend to hover here to where I started (163) I am hoping to leave them both behind with this challenge. I have not been very diligent on working out. That is something I really want to change.
  • cvstokke
    cvstokke Posts: 249 Member
    Just checking in - I am down 3.2 (just like the person above me - woo twins!) and at 151.8 YAY!
  • sweetsapphire85
    I have lost a 1/2 pound this week. Not everything I wanted (was aiming for 1lbs.) but I guess progress is progress.
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Week one done, down 3 weeks... no if only I could that up LOL!