Team Feelin' Nauti (closed group)



  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member

    All of your calories burned will be counted double toward rowing miles!! Let's get movin' and shakin' Team Feelin Nauti!

    We're missing ZannahDia and ANewton's numbers from yesterday. Also, tranceport is making way for someone else to join our crew. Anyone have a friend that exercises daily who might be interested?

    What message do you need to hear, right now,to help you along your journey? We all have different levels of support at home, we share our support for each other online, but, ultimately, the great motivator on your journey is you. So take a moment, even a moving meditation as you workout, to acknowledge all the hard work and effort that you've put forth to get yourself this far, all the effort and awakening that got you started along this path. Look at where you are now and appreciate those efforts and yourself as you are in this moment. Take your time and revel in these accomplishments. When you are ready, look ahead toward the future, and envision yourself with your goals met. You will get there! What is it that your future self would tell you that will help you along your path? This is exactly what you need to hear and, whatever it is, will be exactly right and perfect for you.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    So are we weighing in on Mondays here??

    If so...

    07/01: 165.2
    07/04: 164.0
    07/31: [Goal: 159]
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    Yep. Weigh-ins today, too!

    7-1-11: 173
    7-4-11: 172
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    Just popping in to say a quick good morning and post my weigh-in! I promise to get back to the question of the day, but I just wanna make sure that I get a decent workout in first since it's doubles day today! :)

    07/01: 192.4
    07/04: 191
  • EliteDeeDee77
    Weigh-ins are fine with me. I'm doing a lose 5+ lbs in July challenge and we're weighing in the 1st, every monday of the month, and then the 31st...but whatever days you guys choose for here is fine with me. I weigh random days throughout the week anyway. My July 1st weight was 165.2

    Mondays work for me, too. I am going to keep my start weight at 173, as it was when the challenge started, and go from there. I have to weigh in for the pin up girls on Mondays, anyhow. :wink:

    Rez is our second guy. The other is my husband, Tranceport. He doesn't log on much, but I'm trying to get him back in the habit. He does exercise, he just doesn't always have time to get in the big burns that some of us do. In fact, he's been working most of this weekend. :cry:

    I'm down with the question of the day! I will have to think about it and post one tomorrow. I think going in line of the spreadsheet is a good idea. I'll post who is after me when I post my question and others can do the same, so that people know when they are next.

    EliteDeeDee, I'm so impressed with your daily workouts. I want a Brazil butt lift! lol I think that will have to wait until the fall for me, though.

    Kath, do what you can as you can do it. Don't push too hard and listen to your body as you let it heal. You've been working hard for us in other ways with our gorgeous spreadsheet! :flowerforyou:

    WTG, memphismyluv! I am considering getting 8 lb weights for my boot camp, but I think I'm gonna chicken out and go with the 5 lb ones for now. Bock! Bock!

    Thanks for the attagirl!! Happy C25K graduation my dear!! I usually weigh in on Monday but I can switch to any day that gets the most votes. Question of the day sounds interesting. Today is my rest day from BBL but I'll be swimmimg @ a friends house so I'll be a slow rower today! I love this challenge!!
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Is today doubles day? Dang it. I got to get my burn on! I think this challenge is a little unfair for teams like us made up of mostly women. Dang it. I think our calories should be worth more. Row, ladies, row!! :)

    July 1: 186.5
    July 4: 185.5
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Hey guys I don't have access to my main weigh-in scale today but my calories burned today are 771 from my turbofire 55minute workout. there's about a 400calorie burned difference when i log it under aerobics instead of turbojam workout. i think my body is use to the workouts now, so i log the lower calories since i'm not 100% sure, all I know is a sweated my butt off and that counts for something, lol
  • EliteDeeDee77
    7/1 198.6
    7/4 200 :( Hope it's muscle from my BBL
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    4th of July QOTD:

    What would you tell your future delf to help you stay motivated with your journey?

    I'd say that the comfort I have with bad food is no measure to what I'd feel like with being and looking fit. No matter how good that dessert or meesly bowl of cereal would comfort me.. does not compre to the feeling of accomplishment when I reach my goal weight and body fat percentage. So every time I see that plate of cookies or more share of food tell yourself "No thanks, I MUCH rather feel good about myself!"
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    Hey guys I don't have access to my main weigh-in scale today but my calories burned today are 771 from my turbofire 55minute workout. there's about a 400calorie burned difference when i log it under aerobics instead of turbojam workout. i think my body is use to the workouts now, so i log the lower calories since i'm not 100% sure, all I know is a sweated my butt off and that counts for something, lol

    Don't sell yourself short! You can always take the average, too.
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    Excellent point, Raquel! It can be so hard to turn away a few moments of comfort and look at the bigger picture. Every tiny little battle that we win, or lose, adds up, though. Sage advice!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I have a question!!!

    When we enter our calories in the chart, do you want us to go ahead and double them??
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    Please don't double them. Just put in your calories as normal. Kath might make some magic on the spreadsheet, or I will just double the miles when turning them in to Lee.
  • rez83
    rez83 Posts: 7
    Did a nice long bike ride in the heat, was pretty miserable :( but did a nice burn
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    Since it was a double day today, Rez and I both hit the trails hard on our mountain bikes. Then we took a break, had some delicious Subway lunch, and rode again some more. :D Logging in today with almost 2900 combined calories between the two of us! I really didn't want to let the team down today, and you ladies have all inspired me so much this week already. Everyone has been working so hard, breaking through personal milestones like completing C25K or running an entire mile without stopping, and I just really couldn't be any more proud to be on a team with such wonderful people. Keep up the hard work and keep on a rowin'! :)

    All that being said, I'm glad I have the extra calories cause I'm gonna fully enjoy my veggie burger and kabobs tonight, and probably some ice cream! :D

    Have a happy 4th! :)
  • smilingmakesyouhappy
    Hello everyone! I just started the challenge today and hope that I can contribute to this lots! :D
  • EliteDeeDee77
    Hello everyone! I just started the challenge today and hope that I can contribute to this lots! :D
    Welcome aboard!!
  • EliteDeeDee77
    Question of the day July 4

    The most inspirational thing my future self could encourage me with is to confront me with my before pictures. Looking at my body realistically is a challenge sometimes. Being complacent is not a good motivator for change. Seeing my futture fit self would also be a huge encouragement because I have never been fit before in my life and it would give me hope.
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    I'd love to see the after photos, too, Elite! That would be quite a treat. :)

    Perhaps we should let this question run a second day because of the holiday. I don't even have time to answer it at this moment.

    Just a REMINDER:

    Please update here, on the spreadsheet, or PM me with your totals on a daily basis. Sometimes I go digging through profiles to check on them because I need to get the numbers in to Lee. Even when I congratulate you as exercise is posted, I don't know if you're done for the day or not, so I don't log it for you just then. Even if the number is zero, please post and we'll encourage you to try again another day. I'd rather to have to go back and increase the number than to have no number at all.

    Also, please contact me if you are entering in numbers from more than 1 day back. I usually wait to submit until the morning after to give everyone time to log their exercise. It just gets messy and I want to be sure that every calorie goes toward our rowing totals with Lee.

    Rez83 and Niveous stole the show with their awesome bike rides today! 1839 and 1058 calories burned! That's 115.88 miles rowed! WOW! :drinker: :drinker:

    Thanks, everyone! You are all doing a stellar job! Way to take advantage of the doubles day, too!

    Now, it's time for me to get my butt to bed. I need to get up at 4 AM for boot camp tomorrow morning! EEEK! :noway:
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    Lee is calling for more mini challenge ideas. Go check out the thread and let your voice be heard!