ROW the WORLD - Team Jack SparRow Row Row (CLOSED GROUP)



  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Great job on the kidnapping!

    279 calories for me today - wanted to do more, but I didn't get myself moving until it was time to go run, and then after doing speed work in 98 degree heat, I was completely wiped out :ohwell: Seems like I should have burnt more calories for all that sweat. I'm determined to get started earlier tomorrow, though.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member

    Oh dear, are we boring you??
  • wilsonshome
    wilsonshome Posts: 100

    Oh dear, are we boring you??

    No, no it was bed time.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Oh that's ok then :smile:

    it's my bedtime now, goodnight crew.
    July 6: 499 cals
  • run_momma_run
    July 6: 1184 cals = 23.68 miles!! Woot woot!!

    A walk/jog 10km and day 7 of 30 day shred level 1.

    Have a good one!!
  • wilsonshome
    wilsonshome Posts: 100
    July 6 - 689 calories

    I love the 30 day shred! My core is going to be so strong. :smokin:
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    Hello all!!! Replacement teamie here, ready to row row row my *kitten* off!!
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    Not sure if you can use all my days or not, but here is everything:

    7/2: 1098 calories 21.96 miles
    7/3: 530 calories 10.6 miles
    7/4: 535 calories 10.7 miles
    7/5: 1169 calories 23.38 miles
    7/6: 582 calories 11.64 miles
  • run_momma_run
    Welcome to the team - let's DO this!! :smile:
  • wilsonshome
    wilsonshome Posts: 100
    Welcome to the team! Glad to have you on board.:drinker:
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Hey guys, please give a warm welcome to our newest teammate!!

    @Barbara - I love Shred too, but after listening to Jillian for 10 days in a row, I have to take a break! I never make it to level 3...I like level 2 too much!!

    I may have to make one more replacement and I know someone else emailed me about a possible one (charitydc maybe?), so I will look back and contact you.

    PLEASE make sure you are posting your totals. Sorry to be a pest, but it gets too confusing for me. For future planning, FRIDAY is a double day, so get those miles in!! We have company coming in, so I have NO idea how I will make that work, but I will!

  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    OK, I know some of you are runners (I'm looking at YOU whats_her_name & srp & Rubybelle). Can you share some tips? Have you always been a runner? What do you eat pre/post run?

    I just graduated Couch 25K and am slow as hell, but I keep moving and am always looking for hints and tips.

    Thanks for sharing!!
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    July 6th: 344 calories burned = 6.88 miles.

    Not as good as yesterday, but tomorrow is another double class night for me so I should have some good mileage to add.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    OK, I know some of you are runners (I'm looking at YOU whats_her_name & srp & Rubybelle). Can you share some tips? Have you always been a runner? What do you eat pre/post run?

    I just graduated Couch 25K and am slow as hell, but I keep moving and am always looking for hints and tips.

    Thanks for sharing!!

    Congrats on finishing C25K! That's an awesome start! You are officially a runner now :drinker:

    As for tips, it depends on what your goals are. Basics - if you haven't already, go to a running store and get fitted for running shoes - make sure they look at how you run, how your foot falls, etc... and I also recommend investing in some technical shirts - makes a huge difference from running in cotton that just hangs onto the sweat (I also wear them for exercise classes). As for eating, I don't really eat anything special before or after my runs. For my evening workouts, I just come home and eat my regular dinner. Sometimes I'll have some chocolate almond milk afterwards to help replenish both glycogen stores and protein, but it really depends on if I have calories to spare. Before races in the am, I'll have a half peanut butter and jelly sandwich about an hour and a half before. Also, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

    If you haven't already, sign up for a local 5K - they are really motivational - makes you want to work harder to improve your time. There will be people at all speeds, from the speed demons who win to walkers, so don't worry at all about what point you're at right now, just go do it. They are loads of fun.

    I take a running class, and assuming you can now run a full 3.1 miles at whatever speed, you'll want to start adding some speed and endurance work to your training. A typical weekly schedule for us is 2 days of 30-35 minute runs with some speed work - tempo runs (race pace or just below for 5 min intervals), pick-ups (short 1 minute bursts where you pick up speed), fartleks (pick a spot in the distance and pick up your speed til you reach it), ladders (on a track), etc... Then there is a long run each week - basically take your longest run now and start adding 5 minutes every couple of weeks until you're up to 50-60 minutes - at a slow pace. And then another 1-2 regular leisurely runs.

    If your goal is to run longer distances, check out C210K or related training schedules online. Or look and see if there are any local running groups you can join and train with them - I really like having a group of people to run with - keeps me from slacking off :tongue:

    Good luck and let us know if you have any specific questions!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    OK, I know some of you are runners (I'm looking at YOU whats_her_name & srp & Rubybelle). Can you share some tips? Have you always been a runner? What do you eat pre/post run?

    I just graduated Couch 25K and am slow as hell, but I keep moving and am always looking for hints and tips.

    Thanks for sharing!!

    Oh, I love being called a runner... I always wanted to run but before January this year I would have told you that there would be icebergs in hell before I could run more than 5 seconds!
    I started C25K in January and in the first week I couldn't manage all of the 1 min running intervals, but I kept at it, repeated most weeks and completely amazed myself whenI got to the point where I could run for 20 mins.
    I kept at it until I could run for 30 mins non stop, had some knee pain in March, visited the physiotherapist, started strapping my knee with ROC tape (magic stuff) and kept going.
    I planned to sign up for the City to Surf 5k race in August, but then decided "what the hell" and signed up for the 12k instead. This really has me motivated to keep training, as I am determined to finish it, and really want to run it not walk.

    My best tips:
    - get good shoes. Even if they cost a fortune, painful feet and knees are torture, the shoes are worth it. Get fitted at a sports store or running store to get help finding what is best for you.
    - get a good bra. If I run in my old (too big!) sports bra I'm just not comfortable and this means I don't enjoy my run.
    - I'm still playing around with what to eat before/after. I've heard carbs before and protein after but usually I run early in the morning so there is not much time to eat then wait before I go. I've tried half a banana or muesli bar but they didn't do much for me. The one thing that seemed to work (so I'm going to try again before my next long run) is a mocha - 1/2 tsp instant coffee, 1/2 tsp unsweetened cocoa, sprinkle of cinnamon, dissolve in hot water, top up with cold milk. This seemed to give me lots of bounce, probably the coffee! Afterward I eat whatever I have or whatever I feel like. Usually porridge (oatmeal) on a week day, eggs on a weekend.
    - don't try to run too fast too soon. The only way I've kept going is by starting slow and gradually increasing my pace. SRP has some great comments about intervals etc, I put some of them into my training and find they are helping. It also keeps it interesting.

    Um, that's all I can think of for now, but feel free to fire questions at me, I'll always have an opinion even if I don't have an answer!!
  • charitydc
    charitydc Posts: 106
    Well hello everyone :smile:

    July 6---- 634 cal----12.7 miles :tongue:
  • charitydc
    charitydc Posts: 106
    Welcome Aboard! Looks like you got some great numbers there!
  • charitydc
    charitydc Posts: 106
    Hello all!!! Replacement teamie here, ready to row row row my *kitten* off!!

    Welcome abroad! Great numbers you got :happy:
  • fh1951
    fh1951 Posts: 441 Member
    welcome aboard the sparrow, my new sailor sister
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Thanks for posting cals guys - just waiting on a few more.

    SUPER thanks for the running tips. Today I jogged (wogged really) for about 48 min straight. I am TERRIFIED to sign up for a race, mostly because moving to Colorado has given me fierce asthma and allergies, so I only run on a treadmill.

    When I ran on Monday I put the tread on the hill setting and because I was so darn tired from the weekend, I had to stop and catch my breath. But I still finished! :)

    Running shoes are my next big issue. I looked at a bunch last night and I just need to go to a running store. I have a pretty good case of plantar fasciitis. I can run through it fine, but by the time I leave the gym I am hurting (as I type this I am icing my heel).

    LOVE the idea of the speed/endurance work - I will be looking into this further. I don't think I could run with a club or anything - I am seriously WAY too slow for that. I have been working to slowly increase the speed and did the last almost 3 minutes at a much better speed, so there's progress.

    I will be back to update you guys on our progress. I think we can overtake a few boats in the next few days!! :)