ROW the WORLD - Team Jack SparRow Row Row (CLOSED GROUP)



  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Hello all!!! Replacement teamie here, ready to row row row my *kitten* off!!

    Somehow missed this earlier - welcome aboard our ship!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    321 calories today - a mix of biking, elliptical, and swimming - I've got to thank y'all for inspiring me because this was fixing to be a no-exercise day, but I thought of all of you guys and your awesome numbers, and I made myself go to the gym and then hit the pool, and wound up in the green on my calories for the day too!

    amsparky - do NOT be terrified of signing up for a 5K - I promise, there will be people of all shapes and sizes going at all different speeds - there will be people walking fairly slowly, and people run/walking, so even if you need to wog, you will be in good company and you won't be alone - there will be people in front of and behind you, I can pretty much guarantee it :-) It really is a lot of fun - read some of the posts from other C25K grads who have run their first 5K - very few if any are setting speed records, but across the board they are all thrilled they did it - it's the feeling of accomplishment. Also, on the running groups, I agree I couldn't run with the gazelle clubs, but the running store near me offers classes that range from 2:1 run/walk intervals up through marathon and speed classes, and they definitely have slow pace groups - and the local running club also has C25K type training classes where they group you by pace, so don't be intimidated - there are others out there who are at the same exact place you are and it's fun to have some companionship while you run - if that's the main reason you don't want to, then do look into it - but if you are genuinely a solitary runner, that's fine too. I just like to encourage people because the group class is what truly made a runner out of me and has helped so much in my development, and I used to think I was the lone wolf type until I tried it :happy:
  • wilsonshome
    wilsonshome Posts: 100
    321 calories today - a mix of biking, elliptical, and swimming - I've got to thank y'all for inspiring me because this was fixing to be a no-exercise day, but I thought of all of you guys and your awesome numbers, and I made myself go to the gym and then hit the pool, and wound up in the green on my calories for the day too!
  • wilsonshome
    wilsonshome Posts: 100
    321 calories today - a mix of biking, elliptical, and swimming - I've got to thank y'all for inspiring me because this was fixing to be a no-exercise day, but I thought of all of you guys and your awesome numbers, and I made myself go to the gym and then hit the pool, and wound up in the green on my calories for the day too!

    I agree, I have to thank you all for your inspiration. I think of you when I'm out running, biking or walking. Your numbers push me to do more. Thank You!!:flowerforyou:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    July 7: 352 cals today.
    No run today, but that's from strength training, bit of cardio and three short walks.
    Goodnight all
  • run_momma_run
    OK, I know some of you are runners (I'm looking at YOU whats_her_name & srp & Rubybelle). Can you share some tips? Have you always been a runner? What do you eat pre/post run?

    I just graduated Couch 25K and am slow as hell, but I keep moving and am always looking for hints and tips.

    Thanks for sharing!!

    First, NO, I was not always a runner - not even close. I only started running in what -- hmmm... I guess it would have been 2001, maybe? Geez, I'm gonna hafta go back to check. Anyway, on a whim, I signed up for a Joints In Motion (Arthritis Society) fundraiser to run a full marathon. In 4 months I went from couch potato to finishing my first marathon. Yikes! (Don't do that - I do not recommend it!!)

    Before a run, I actually don't eat if I can help it (I usually run early morning) because if I do, I'm not feeling so good. But if it's going to be a long run, then I do try to have oatmeal or something.

    After a run, I try to get some protein in me.

    I don't know how long you want to run in terms of distances, but when you're running for long periods, you'll need to re-fuel during your run as well -- let me know if you need more info on that.

    In terms of running tips, I like to change it up every day to push myself. So my running workouts vary.
    - Long Slow Day to build endurance. This should be a slog jog that allows you to speak comfortably. Try to increase your distance only once per week.

    - Recovery WALK. This is to still get out there and move, but also give my legs a break. ALWAYS do this after your Long Slow Day. I walk 4.0 mph, so it's a brisk walk, but still just a walk.

    - Sprint Training #1 - Walk 4.0 mph for 4 minutes and sprint for 1 minute. Start with a sprint that you can manage - I do 7.2 mph right now. Stick with the same sprint speed for at least 2-3 weeks before you try a faster speed. When I first started, I think I only did 4 sprints, maybe 6? Anyway, now I try to keep sprinting until 60 minutes, then I do 4.0 mph for at least 10 minutes afterwards to cool down.

    - Sprint Training #2 - Same as #1, but only walk for 3 minutes between each sprint.

    - Sprint Training #3 - Same as #1, but only walk for 2 minutes between each sprint (this one isn't fun!)

    - Tempo Pace Training - Walk 4.0 mph for 3 minutes, then jog FAST for 3 minutes. So this is pushing it. You need to go faster than your Long Slow Day pace, but you have to be able to keep it up for 3 minutes, so it needs to be slower than your sprint pace. I am doing 6.0 mph right now. Again, when I started, I think I only did 30 minutes of this, but now I do a full hour. Don't increase this speed until you've significantly incrased your sprint speed for the Sprint Training ones (at all speeds, too, I might add). PURPOSE: Gets you turning your legs over faster for longer durations. Will help increase your overall speed. Again, after I finish the last jog, I always do a 4.0 mph walk for 10 minutes to cool down.

    - And finally HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). - This one is really tough. Makes you suck wind. Walk 4.0 mph for 10 minutes. Then sprint like you're being chased - so fast that you feel like you'll never finish a minute. I do 8.5 mph right now. This sprint is 1 minute, as with the other sprints. But now you slow it down to just 1.0 mph recovery for 2 minutes. You have to get your heart rate down to 120 bpm or less because you have to do the sprint 3 more times! After each sprint, take it down to 1.0 mph for 2 minutes. After the 4th recovery walk, then you bring it back up to 4.0 mph for a 10 minute cool down. You should try to do this 2-3 times per week and only increase your sprint when you can do all 4 sprints for the full minute for at least 4 consecutive HIIT workouts. (Which I haven't been able to do yet). After these workouts I most often continue with 4.0 mph for at least another half hour just to increase the calorie burn.

    - There is also hill training, but I am not doing that right now...

    See how many ways you can mix it up??? :smile:
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    <rubs hands together maniacally>

    Thanks for that! I think this is the stuff I need to try now. I really have no desire to ever do more than a half marathon and even that is not a real big desire for me. 5k's and maybe a 10k distance and I will be happy!

    One question - with those different routines, do you them regularly (I see myself putting together a 2 week schedule with it) or do you, with the exception of the long day, just wing it?

    I bought a book on running (on my Nook because I am *that* impatient) and will be taking notes.

    Thanks again! New and fun ways to torture myself!
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Good Morning everyone!!

    I was going to check the poop deck for you guys, but that just grosses me out, so I bailed.

    How's everyone doing? I haven't checked the updated map yet, so I will do that soon. We have one member who is sick, so she will hopefully be back in action very soon.

    Anything I can do? Any questions?


    Have a great day everyone!
  • run_momma_run
    <rubs hands together maniacally>

    Thanks for that! I think this is the stuff I need to try now. I really have no desire to ever do more than a half marathon and even that is not a real big desire for me. 5k's and maybe a 10k distance and I will be happy!

    One question - with those different routines, do you them regularly (I see myself putting together a 2 week schedule with it) or do you, with the exception of the long day, just wing it?

    I bought a book on running (on my Nook because I am *that* impatient) and will be taking notes.

    Thanks again! New and fun ways to torture myself!

    When I started, I did not do the HIIT training, so the sprint training #1, #2, and #3 were done instead - for probably the first month. You need to build a base of sprinting, I think, before you really go hard for the HIIT. So here was my schedule.
    MON - sprint every 4 minutes
    TUE - sprint every 3 minutes
    WED - Tempo Run
    THU - sprint every 2 minutes
    FRI - recovery walk
    SAT - Long Slow Day
    SUN - recovery walk

    I did that for the first month.

    At the moment I'm kinda all over the map because of the 30 day shred - I can't always do my planned workout because my thighs are so sore. However, if I DID follow my schedule, it would be this:
    MON - HIIT week 1 and Sprint #1 week 2
    TUE - Tempo Run
    WED - HIIT week 1 and Sprint #2 week 2
    THU - Tempo Run
    FRI - HIIT week 1 and Sprint #3 week 2
    Sat - Long Slow Day
    Sun - Recovery Walk

    And then when I'm ready to start hills (HA!) I will be replacing WED for hill training... But I might never be ready for that... :noway: :laugh:
  • run_momma_run
    OK, I'm lost now. Did I report for today yet???

    Just in case I haven't:
    July 7th: 860 cals = 17.2 miles

    But I have to get to work!! Later!!
  • wilsonshome
    wilsonshome Posts: 100
    July 7 - 517 calories
  • fh1951
    fh1951 Posts: 441 Member
    shipmates, i've been nursing a cold since sunday anf it's finally gotten the best of me

    been in a meeting all day and i'm going to bed early - hopefully one day out of circulation is all it takes to get over this
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Feel better soon - we won't make you walk the plank!
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    7/7 60 minutes of Jazzercise 735 calories, 14.7 miles!

    I have big plans for double mile day tomorrow!
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    July 7th: 1624 calories burned = 32.48 miles !!!!! I am really sorry this wasn't tomorrow, but Tuesday and Thursday are my big workout nights. Hopefully we'll get a double day on one of them soon :smile:

    Have a good night everyone!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    July 7th: 1624 calories burned = 32.48 miles !!!!! I am really sorry this wasn't tomorrow, but Tuesday and Thursday are my big workout nights. Hopefully we'll get a double day on one of them soon :smile:

    Have a good night everyone!

    Holy Cow - what on earth did you do to burn that much???? That's is incredible - even when my cals are doubled I can't get close to that :-) Great job!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    July 7 - 246 calories - considering how much I sweat running up hills tonight, it really should be more...
  • charitydc
    charitydc Posts: 106
    Hi all! Hope everyone is having a great week!

    July 7- 553 cal burned= 11.1 miles :smile:
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Nice job everyone!!

    And here's a quote from someone we all probably know...

    "Unless You Puke, Faint or Die, Keep Going!"
    — Jillian Michaels (Making the Cut: The 30-Day Diet and Fitness Plan for the Strongest, Sexiest You)
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    July 7th: 1624 calories burned = 32.48 miles !!!!! I am really sorry this wasn't tomorrow, but Tuesday and Thursday are my big workout nights. Hopefully we'll get a double day on one of them soon :smile:

    Have a good night everyone!

    Holy Cow - what on earth did you do to burn that much???? That's is incredible - even when my cals are doubled I can't get close to that :-) Great job!

    60 minute chair pilates class and then a 60 minute zumba class! Kicks my butt and I love it!!!!! (I use a HRM so I know my calories burned are right, lol). I usually can't get a burn like that on my own.