Challenge of the Living Dead - TEAM EXPLOSIVES! [CLOSED]



  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    On vacation put wanted to drop a quick note that I did check in already. Only did arm exercises three days and no scale to weigh myself so I asked her to just use my same weight as last week. Sorry for not being around this week, vacations will do that! Too much living to do to waste time on the Internet! LOL heading home tomorrow tho so I will be back at it then!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    ACowboykid left this message on the main challenge page:

    "Hey guys. Alright so I'm setting up some google docs for everyone so we can record our information and have it nicely assembled for mrtentaclenun. I will be sending you guys the link to your page which you should update with your information (I put in some of as an example so you know what to type). Every week instead of messaging us the info you will be entering it in here. I will also send the link to mrtentaclenun who will be the only other person looking at your information. Please keep it updated by check in every week!

    Expect to see the messages with the link between today and early Sunday morning (EST)."

    I have already played with mine some and it seems pretty easy, just plug in your numbers in their simple format :)
  • agreenmess
    agreenmess Posts: 94
    Filled mine out hope it works lol,

    Did noone else decide to do both the arms and legs? I did both each day as didnt like just doing 1 lol.

    Been a bit absent minded on here, and have slapped myself silly and will be on here more next week, hope everyone is doing ok :)

    Nessy x
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Hey Nessy! I did both too but the arms were a struggle so I didn't hit every number. :)
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Nessy, I did both as well, the arms were the option I chose though, so I did enough to cover arms each day, but legs only enough to cover a few of the days.

    @athena, snack ideas: (I've felt the exact same all week;snack attack!) Popcorn, fruit, nuts, sugar free pudding cups, light string cheese, special k crackers with cheese, fiber granola bars, fruit cereal bars, home fries (roasted in oven using pam olive oil spray and seasonings), baked potatoe, 40calorie breyers real fruit bars, 40calorie sugar free fudgesicles, wheat toast with yogurt butter or sugar free jam, fruit with sugar free chocolate syrup or lite whip cream, yogurt, rice cakes, brocolli with light ranch, and for days where u need to fill up more calories u can add peanut butter (natural) to celery, an apple or banana...oh and fruit smoothies--strawberry and blueberry is my fav, and if they r fresh then u don't need to add yogurt or milk, could add in a bit of water if its even needed...could also do half servings of cereal (dried or in milk, or half a sandwich)...small salads...

    @everyone, I can't open the spreadsheet, but I already posted my challenge results in here like 2days ago, and my weigh in is 262.2...not sure what else to do, not many ppl online so I can't talk to them about how to resove the issue
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Anna, were you ever able to access it?
  • Theweebarrell
    Theweebarrell Posts: 100 Member
    Hi all, i was invited yesterday by cowboykid to join the challenge of the living dead, i am not sure what i am meant to do and which threads to reply too although i know i am in team explosives

    Can anyone help please as i know cowboykid is away to work
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Anna, were you ever able to access it?


    does anyone know when results are posted? im confused if it was yesterday and i somehow missed it, if its no longer posted in the forum and on the link i cant open, or if its suppose to be posted today.. lol
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Hi all, i was invited yesterday by cowboykid to join the challenge of the living dead, i am not sure what i am meant to do and which threads to reply too although i know i am in team explosives

    Can anyone help please as i know cowboykid is away to work

    Hi!!! Welcome to the team! You are in the right place :). The team posts here to keep each other updated, motivated, etc. Athenawho (Rikki) is our team captain. Feel free to add us all as friends, and let any of us know if you have any questions. If Acowboykid hasn't done so already, she will get you a google spreadsheet to log your progress in. The challenges start Monday (posted on the main thread) and results/weights need to be logged by Sunday (U.S. Time zones). Welcome to team Explosives!!!
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Anna, were you ever able to access it?


    does anyone know when results are posted? im confused if it was yesterday and i somehow missed it, if its no longer posted in the forum and on the link i cant open, or if its suppose to be posted today.. lol

    Results will be posted tonight I believe. It will be on the main thread.

    If you forward me the message with your link and give me your email address I will send you an email with a hyperlink :)
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Here is the new challenge for those who haven't seen it yet :). Go team Explosives!!!!! :explode: :explode:

    The terrain was rugged and the river was wild. Luckily this mean few of the undead could pass through into the wilderness. Only a few ghouls had been stumbled upon by the climbers passing through the mountains once they had gotten far enough. Where as the river proved too harsh for any undead to lurk beneath the surface. Although many of the undead began to trail behind the survivors following them along the banks. Occasionally one would stumble too close to the water and fall in quickly being swept away but the others shuffled onward, their moans growing distant.

    It had taken a couple days to climb through the mountains, the river route reached the small town first. The collection of survivors apprehensively paddled towards the dock while scanning what they could see of the town. Unfortunately in the rush to escape from the city the survivors had not considered nor had time to consider collecting supplies for their travels. Already those in the mountains were finding their resources severely limited but those that already passed through the mountains and stumbled upon this abandoned town only had this crossing their mind for the past few hours.

    Quietly the rowers banked their boats and climbed out while continuing to scan the town for any sign of life. Nothing. Once everyone was from their boats they entered into the deserted town. Doors were left open, swining in the wind. Windows broken. Trash scattered about the street. There was the occasional pool of blood or smeared hand prints in dried blood along the buildings but not a body part could be found. “I don’t like this,” someone whispered in your ear. The silence was suffocating.

    Then a gasp broke through the crowd as they turned the corner. “Over here!” someone shouted out. Their voice being far too loud for comfort. The group quickly moved towards the person to witness a giant heap of burned and charred bodies which seemed to have been put out with water. Thankfully they were upwind but the sight was scarring enough.
    “There must be someone uninfected here,” someone said.
    Then a strange voice broke into the commotion, “There following you.” A few new survivors from the town emerged from the buildings. They had been watching you.
    “Seems you’ve attracted the attention of every one of those abominations for miles. They’ve been moving up the river, maybe not more than a day behind you.”
    “None of us can stay here now! We were safe!” Shouted an angry townie. Hostility high in their voice.
    “We we’re never safe. Its about time to move onward anyways, we can’t cling to this town any longer.”
    “We have people in the mountains though!”
    “We’ll just have to get them. We can’t just abandon them and we must move on now.

    Negotiations then began quickly. The survivors discussed the radio signal mentioned previously and how they must abandon the river for fear of running cities further down which were fully infected. The small band of survivors merging in with the larger cluster. The two teams then began to gather supplies. Pots, pans, food, knives, blankets, flash lights, portable radios, and anything they could gather which could be carried. A couple bikes were found and distributed amongst the survivors which caused quite a fuss. Then the cargo was distributed while the plans were made to travel up through the mountains to reunite the teams and travel onward through farmland further on.


    As with the previous challenges please come up with your mini goal weapons (ie. drinking more water, under calories, more veggies, etc). The two options are either hike carrying supplies or bike. Those that chose the mountain climb are still expected to choose one of the options. Each work out is to be done 4 days this week (think of this as a break week).

    Option A - You will be walking or jogging about 3 miles for 4 days this week while carrying some type of weighted load. You may decide the weight you will be carrying. Please specify what it will be. Whether it is a backpack filled with books, a heavy purse or maybe a weighted vest. I realize that some people have limitations so use your own digression on how much you will be carrying.

    Option B - Seeing as your bike will be carrying the weight you are instead required to bike for 6 miles 4 days this week. Please remember you’re trying to move fast to reach the mountain climbers as fast as possible so biking fast is what you want to be doing.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Hmmmm - I am having trouble getting motivated on these. It's SUPER SUPER hot out, and last time I went to the gym some barefoot beer drinker came in and sat down - CREEPY!!!
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    I will be doing option 2 :smile: I haven't decided on the days yet will have to just see how I go :explode:
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Im doing the walking since I dont own a bike. But I'll tell you right now I cant finish. I did 1.5miles this morning and am very very sore; not in my muscles; but in my hip. As i stated before the challenge even started, i was busy tuesday/saturday, and as i found out from week 2 challenge, doing 3miles a day is not physically possible for me/my hip (anything that constantly stretches my hip like walking, i cant do alot of). I had thought doing 1.5miles each day would be ok, until I did the math, by the end I will be 1.5miles behind automatically, plus that i cant work out tuesday/saturday, that will make me 4.5miles behind, out of 12; which isnt even a good percentage :-( Sorry guys.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Hmmmm - I am having trouble getting motivated on these. It's SUPER SUPER hot out, and last time I went to the gym some barefoot beer drinker came in and sat down - CREEPY!!!

    Could walk/march in place...? Or go to the mall and walk around for 30minutes at a fast pace...or any big facility like that.. or even in a pool so you can get a tan, stay cool, and get ur excercise.
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Im doing the walking since I dont own a bike. But I'll tell you right now I cant finish. I did 1.5miles this morning and am very very sore; not in my muscles; but in my hip. As i stated before the challenge even started, i was busy tuesday/saturday, and as i found out from week 2 challenge, doing 3miles a day is not physically possible for me/my hip (anything that constantly stretches my hip like walking, i cant do alot of). I had thought doing 1.5miles each day would be ok, until I did the math, by the end I will be 1.5miles behind automatically, plus that i cant work out tuesday/saturday, that will make me 4.5miles behind, out of 12; which isnt even a good percentage :-( Sorry guys.

    Anna, Don't worry about not finishing. These challenges are for YOU and the improvement of your own health. We all have real lives that do in fact take first place in front of these challenges. :) I was on vacation this past week, so I did as much as I could, but I didn't "finish" the challenge. I can say I am stronger from what I was able to do. :happy: Just take it a day at a time and don't get too stressed about it!
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Im doing the walking since I dont own a bike. But I'll tell you right now I cant finish. I did 1.5miles this morning and am very very sore; not in my muscles; but in my hip. As i stated before the challenge even started, i was busy tuesday/saturday, and as i found out from week 2 challenge, doing 3miles a day is not physically possible for me/my hip (anything that constantly stretches my hip like walking, i cant do alot of). I had thought doing 1.5miles each day would be ok, until I did the math, by the end I will be 1.5miles behind automatically, plus that i cant work out tuesday/saturday, that will make me 4.5miles behind, out of 12; which isnt even a good percentage :-( Sorry guys.

    Don't worry about the points! Just do what you can do, don't hurt yourself. This is about getting healthy and in shape, not pushing beyond what you can do right now. Make sure you take care of your hip :)
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Hmmmm - I am having trouble getting motivated on these. It's SUPER SUPER hot out, and last time I went to the gym some barefoot beer drinker came in and sat down - CREEPY!!!

    Could walk/march in place...? Or go to the mall and walk around for 30minutes at a fast pace...or any big facility like that.. or even in a pool so you can get a tan, stay cool, and get ur excercise.

    I love the pool!!!! but it doesn't help me with the challenge. I may try walking in the house though - I bet I could really pack on the weight that way. (ha ha in a good way)

    and as far as your challenge goes - just do what you can.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Ok so I am going to do the walking with weights - use the wii fit to track miles but I will do double since wii seems to have very generous mileage. :) and I won't die from 110 degree heat index that is predicted most of the week. Really don't want to explain the Zombie challenge on the 5 o'clock news...

    I like this challenge because it makes sense that we would need to take supplies with us (picturing book of Eli).
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    3.1 miles with a backpack of books. Haven't weighed the books yet, will do that tomorrow. Managed it in 43 minutes which is a pretty good 5k time for me. :happy: Def feeling stronger every day I work out.

    I've decided my weekly personal challenge is going to be to do 45 push ups / 45 triceps dips / 45 rows and continue my sit-ups on the days I don't do my run/walk. My arms need some serious work, so I figure I'll just keep up with these arm exercises this week as well.

    So I'll be doing running with weights 4 days this week and arms/abs 3 days this week. (I'll also be doing Zumba on Tuesday and Thursday and I'm gonna try and do some yoga in there too.)

    I think its going to be a good week. Go Team Explosives! :explode: