Challenge of the Living Dead - TEAM EXPLOSIVES! [CLOSED]



  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    And I think the problem is this... athena comes along and says please don't quit, ill do double work to make up for what u can't do, just please don't quit"...and yea when I wanted to quit last week, alot of ppl told me just do what u can and that's good enough for us, but then others were saying they'd to extra to cover me and just do what I was capable of... how is that suppose to make me feel, that other ppl need to carry me? So I did ALL of my miles, everyday, so noone would carry me.

    And with the stairs every thing was looked at as a team total instead of individual total like it should've been...and come to find out that another player can't carry a weaker player anyway, so john doe doing extra to cover jane doe doesn't count as jane doe finishing.I think their is alot of confusion as to how this simple little challenge works and alot of misinformation... yea I was flipping out a little, but I wouldn't at all call it flipping out, more like frustrated, and if talking about frustrations isn't allowed without being called the flipping out stressed team, then maybe I shouldn't talk..? Yea, I am terribly stressed out, but I thought I could talk about it with my friends without the team getting called names. Im sry guys.

    Hi, my name is anna, im 26yrs old living with my mom in a houe that should be condemned, I have plastic covering my floor because the walls leak in water and my carpet is soaking wet, in order to get electricity in my room I have to run extension cords down the hall. Every night I find at least 3bugs in my room, usually on me, like an ant or big spider, or a flying bug... I have a cat that likes to pee on my stuff and tear up anything paper, I've been with my bf nearly 2yrs, we don't live together, and no plans to anytime soon which kills me cuz I thought that by june wed have our own place which is why I moved into this house was because id only be here 6months, not a year, two years, however long it takes... I went up 10lbs this week due to so much activity (although todays weigh in didn't show the full 10lbs cuz I had went back down, and I've been doing pretty decent with water and food, etc...all of my belongings are in boxes, I can't look around and enjoy my life cuz I constantly see mess everywhere (boxes) and this last week of not finding time to clean drove me up the wall cuz I had boxes everywhere then laundry and mess all around and on top of them...I could go on and on, like how the average temperature during winter in the house is 40degrees, and how sucky life is, but im not trying to gain any sympothy trying to point out that maybe I have more stress then the average person on here and its easier for me to get stressed over little things cuz there's too much going on for me to dedicate my life to excercise..and im pretty open so share my feelings often to calm myself down (helps me to get it off my chest, as well as seeing peoples comments on statuses and such), its just usually I am a little more negative because im surrounded by negativity but try to make the most of it and I get my positivity from u guys everyday, evn when ur struggling too, I enjoy trying to ease ur discomforts as well. And once I find my grove again im sure ill be alot more positive. That 5lbs I lost last week was my first loss in a month and to be up 10lbs is beyond hard. I've been the same weight for well over a month for no reason, other than I've increased activity.
  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    So ACowboyKid and I had a very lovely bonding session over AIM and we came up with some new Rules.

    RULE 1: If you have an issue whether it be physically, mentally, numbers, etc. go to me first. Message me with the nature of your issue and we can try to work it out together, if I can't work it out I will go to ACowboyKid and mrtentaclenun.

    So please don't message ACowboyKid or mrtentaclenun about the challenge without going to me first and getting my permission (if it is personal stuff, nothing to do with the challenge, then go ahead:smile: ). They have their own teams to worry about and they need to focus on their 15 without adding Explosives' (12-ish?).

    However, for now, until we work something else out, send your totals into mrtentaclenun until otherwise stated.

    RULE 2: If you have an injury, message me immediately YOU WILL NOT BE KICKED OUT we will find a different work out for you to do with what you have available (this way you can still get some weight-loss in, which is good, right?).

    RULE 3: This challenge is a weight-loss game. A game. A!

    I don't want you to fret over comparing numbers with the other teams. I want you to keep track of your own numbers and see if you can't beat your personal bests!

    I'm so proud of how everyone is pushing themselves...just don't push too hard.

    babybluz33, I told ACowboyKid and mrtentaclenun about your suggestion and we will be working on it this week, thank you for your brilliant idea, you get a gold star! ....or a flower :flowerforyou: since there aren't any star smileys...

    annacataldo and to whomever else I offended with my remark about do you're best, the team can cover...I don't think that came out how I meant it and I apologize. I am so sorry about that and I will work harder in the future to be a better captain for Explosives.

  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    I'm still here and am going to be doing plan A - The River.

    MON - Posted too late for me
    TUES - PU 45 / R 45 / TD 45
    WEDS -
    THURS -
    SAT -
    SUN -

    Push Ups: 45/270
    Rows: 45/270
    Triceps Dip: 45/270
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    I think the best thing to do at this point is put this whole thing behind us and get back to kicking zombie butt. You all are doing fabulous, keep up the good work and just do the best you can do! :happy:

    Go Explosives!!!! :explode:

    I forgot to add a personal goal. I am really trying to get up to 100 miles for July, so I think my goal will be to keep running this week along with the arm exercises. I won't be reaching my goal (that would require 5 miles per day), but it really was a lofty goal to begin with and it would make me feel great just to come close! :bigsmile:
  • brokenxglass
    I'm doing option B and my weapon is an M-32 Grenade Launcher(Thanks Athena.) I have to shoot 8 zombies a day with this!(8 glasses of water.)

    TUES - lunges 100/100
    mt climbers 100/50
    squats 100/50

    WEDS - lunges /100
    mt climbers /50
    squats /50

    THURS - lunges /100
    mt climbers /50
    squats /50

    FRI- lunges /100
    mt climbers /50
    squats /50

    SAT -
    lunges /100
    mt climbers /50
    squats /50

    SUN - lunges /100
    mt climbers /50
    squats /50
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    athena, you didnt offend me what so ever!! i think u r doing a great job as team captain, and i do think there has been some misconceptions amoung all of us regarding the rules but that isnt your fault at all, because i started this team with the same conceptions and it felt like everyone was on about the same page with how we thought about the competition. but now things have been cleared up and it should be much less stressful, and fun.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    i asked last night, but I dont get the arm challenge.. havent heard back.. i know what a push up is, but not tricep drop or row.. i think i probably understand what a row is, but not sure if what my conception is, is false or true. I dont have access to youtube due to not having enough cell service to watch video; can anyone briefly discribe what they are?
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    i asked last night, but I dont get the arm challenge.. havent heard back.. i know what a push up is, but not tricep drop or row.. i think i probably understand what a row is, but not sure if what my conception is, is false or true. I dont have access to youtube due to not having enough cell service to watch video; can anyone briefly discribe what they are?

    I just put a description and some pics as comments to your status :). It may not be the best description but I think it'll work ;)
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    i did 90 push ups and 45 dips, and im at work so dont have a weight to do the rows but consider them done. the dips r hard; not to do, but the feeling my arm feels instantly after, quite the burn!
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    i did 90 push ups and 45 dips, and im at work so dont have a weight to do the rows but consider them done. the dips r hard; not to do, but the feeling my arm feels instantly after, quite the burn!

    When. I was at the hotel I used the iron as a weight. At my parents I've been using a bottle of wine ;)

    It doesn't have to be an actual weight, you could use your water bottle or some office supplies. Oooh maybe a ream of paper! :laugh:
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    i did 90 push ups and 45 dips, and im at work so dont have a weight to do the rows but consider them done. the dips r hard; not to do, but the feeling my arm feels instantly after, quite the burn!

    When. I was at the hotel I used the iron as a weight. At my parents I've been using a bottle of wine ;)

    It doesn't have to be an actual weight, you could use your water bottle or some office supplies. Oooh maybe a ream of paper! :laugh:

    Yea, i know; I lifted my water bottle, didnt think it was heavy enough; looked around and couldnt figure anything else out. lol.. ill be home in a bit and can do them later with my 6lb weight.
  • sineadgrowden
    omg!!!!my legs are so saw just tried ta do the exercises and nearly died lol :laugh:
  • sineadgrowden
    its tues here in NZ so will miss Monday so i dont get confused:smile:
    weapon-dono what its called ball with spikes on it =30 mins of x-trainer (5 times a week)
    TUES - lunges 101/100
    mt climbers 50/50
    squats 50/50
    weapon 0 /30

    WEDS -lunges 100 /100
    mt climbers 50/50
    squats 50/50
    weapon 30/30

    THURS -lunges .../100
    mt climbers ... /50
    squats ... /50
    weapon .../30

    FRI-lunges .../100
    mt climbers .../50
    squats .../50
    weapon .../30

    SAT -lunges ... /100
    mt climbers .../50
    squats .../50
    weapon ... /30

    SUN - lunges ... /100
    mt climbers .../50
    squats .../50
    weapon .../30

    can not believe how saw i am :ohwell:
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    SO this week my crazy *kitten* is going to try to do the arms and legs. Legs will be my official challenge but my arms are wimpy and need help. I have to modify the pushups to the countertop (at this time).

    My minigoal is to do 10 min of exercise within the first 30 min of waking.

    Go Team Explosives :explode:

    p.s. Glad to see so many of you guys here and kickin'!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    So ACowboyKid and I had a very lovely bonding session over AIM and we came up with some new Rules.

    RULE 1: If you have an issue whether it be physically, mentally, numbers, etc. go to me first. Message me with the nature of your issue and we can try to work it out together, if I can't work it out I will go to ACowboyKid and mrtentaclenun.

    So please don't message ACowboyKid or mrtentaclenun about the challenge without going to me first and getting my permission (if it is personal stuff, nothing to do with the challenge, then go ahead:smile: ). They have their own teams to worry about and they need to focus on their 15 without adding Explosives' (12-ish?).

    However, for now, until we work something else out, send your totals into mrtentaclenun until otherwise stated.

    RULE 2: If you have an injury, message me immediately YOU WILL NOT BE KICKED OUT we will find a different work out for you to do with what you have available (this way you can still get some weight-loss in, which is good, right?).

    RULE 3: This challenge is a weight-loss game. A game. A!

    I don't want you to fret over comparing numbers with the other teams. I want you to keep track of your own numbers and see if you can't beat your personal bests!

    I'm so proud of how everyone is pushing themselves...just don't push too hard.

    babybluz33, I told ACowboyKid and mrtentaclenun about your suggestion and we will be working on it this week, thank you for your brilliant idea, you get a gold star! ....or a flower :flowerforyou: since there aren't any star smileys...

    annacataldo and to whomever else I offended with my remark about do you're best, the team can cover...I don't think that came out how I meant it and I apologize. I am so sorry about that and I will work harder in the future to be a better captain for Explosives.


    Yay! I hope were all moving forward now.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    omg!!!!my legs are so saw just tried ta do the exercises and nearly died lol :laugh:
    Saw? that's funny.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    What are your top 3 most used foods?

    1 peanut butter
    2 black beans
    3 protein shake
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    What are your top 3 most used foods?

    Baby carrots (raw as a quick snack to avoid hunger, steamed with dinner seasoned with cinnamon for sweet ones or just plain, easy veggie to throw in a lunch, throw on salads, stir frys, can shred to add more vitamins to chili or throw in soups/stews/crock pot creations, whatever),

    potatoe (baked, roasted, home fries, boiled, in soups/stews, etc), and..

    chicken..? (Salads, entrees, sandwichs, chicken sausage, in soups, etc)
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Tuesday: 90 push ups, 90 dips, 90 rows (each arm--is this correct, or is it suppose to be 45 a day total, not each arm?))..I will aim for double each day because it doesn't give me pain to do it.

    I also want to do part of the leg excercises as well, but not daily cuz I have a lower body disability and its too hard on me.

    100lunges, 50mountain climbers, and 50squats...done. but I did 50lunges per side, is it suppose to be 100 per leg? And did 25mountain climbers per leg (50 total), so same question... too tired to go back and look at challenge listing to see if it says, I guess ill figure that out later.
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    Hey guys.

    I had posted my results in days of 2 last week. probably not the best idea as it gets confusing. sorry. my weight didn't budge. I am going to drop out and be eaten by zombies (make me going out strong). Not because I feel the challenge is too difficult but, because I am pretty busy and am having trouble checking in everyday. And also it's difficult to scroll through all the posts I missed. I'm so sorry guys but being that this is a long challenge I think you need someone who can communicate more throughout. And I saw that some of you were stressing out. Don't. This is supposed to be fun. So those of you that stay just try to do as well as you can and not try for perfection. You started off so great. keep that up. And please for those of you who friended me lets keep motivating eachother. I'll still be on just only once a day and not for long. Keep going strong Explosives. And I hope your new team member is a great help.