Challenge of the Living Dead - TEAM EXPLOSIVES! [CLOSED]



  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    What are your top 3 most used foods?

    1 peanut butter
    2 black beans
    3 protein shake

    1. Slim-fast Meal on the Go Bars - because most of the time I'm too lazy to cook breakfast
    2. Jenni-o Turkey Burgers - because they are awesome and taste-y and can make loads with them
    3. Marketside Vegetable Medley - broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower, the cheapest way to get all 3 at my walmart.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Hey guys.

    I had posted my results in days of 2 last week. probably not the best idea as it gets confusing. sorry. my weight didn't budge. I am going to drop out and be eaten by zombies (make me going out strong). Not because I feel the challenge is too difficult but, because I am pretty busy and am having trouble checking in everyday. And also it's difficult to scroll through all the posts I missed. I'm so sorry guys but being that this is a long challenge I think you need someone who can communicate more throughout. And I saw that some of you were stressing out. Don't. This is supposed to be fun. So those of you that stay just try to do as well as you can and not try for perfection. You started off so great. keep that up. And please for those of you who friended me lets keep motivating eachother. I'll still be on just only once a day and not for long. Keep going strong Explosives. And I hope your new team member is a great help.

    You don't have to check in everyday; just on sundays for totals. Last week I didn't even post my end totals for the last 2days here, I just posted it directly to mrtentacle cuz I was too busy to look at forums.checking in everyday is a personal choice, but isn't neccasary at all and once a week would be fine :-)
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Results-Week 3 Challenge: 45 Push ups 45 Rows 45 Tricep Dips

    Monday: PU 90/45; R 90/45; TD 45/45; ran 1.25 miles

    Tuesday: PU 45/45; R 90/45; TD 45/45; ran 1.75 miles

    Wednesday: PU 45/45; R 90/45; TD 45/45; (will run later)
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    90 push ups,
    90 dips,
    90 rows (per arm)
    50mountain climbers,

    90 push ups,
    90 dips,
    90 rows (per arm).
    100 lunges
    50mountain climbers

    I still dont have an answer regarding if it per leg; or 100 lunges total (50each leg), or if its 50 mountain climbers per leg, or 50 total (25 per leg). If its per leg, then ive only done 25 mountain climbers and 50 lunges each day. I re-read the challenge posting and it did not specify.

    No idea what my mini-challenge is...
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Tuesday -50 mountain climbers, 50 lunges on each leg, 50 squats ( 50 rows on each arm, 50 dips, 40 pushups,)
    Wednesday- 75 mountain climbers, 50 lunges on each leg, 50 squats ( 45 rows on each arm, 35 dips, 28 pushups,)

    My legs are sore, but my arms are SORE!!! I may stay up a little later and do some more and then not exercise until the evening of the following day so the challenge is met but I will have close to 40ish hours to heal. hmmm- we'll see.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I did it! It's 1 am and I am going to hit some advil and get some rest :)

    Tuesday -50 mountain climbers, 50 lunges on each leg, 50 squats ( 50 rows on each arm, 50 dips, 40 pushups,)
    Wednesday- 75 mountain climbers, 50 lunges on each leg, 50 squats ( 45 rows on each arm, 35 dips, 28 pushups,)
    Thursday- 50 mnt climbers, 50 lunges on each leg, 50 squats ( 45 rows on each arm, 25 dips, 45 pushups,)

    :explode: :smokin: :explode:
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    90 push ups,
    90 dips,
    90 rows (per arm)
    100 lunges (50 per leg)
    50mountain climbers (25 per leg)

    90 push ups,
    90 dips,
    90 rows (per arm).
    100 lunges (50 per leg)
    50mountain climbers (25 per leg)

    No idea what my mini-challenge is...

    90 push ups
    90 dips
    90 rows (per arm)
    100lunges (50 per leg)
    50 mountain climbers (25 per leg)
    50 squats

    And Ive now made up enough to cover me through Sunday, so not sure if I will do any more. Im waiting to beable to be seen by doctors. Im physically fine to be able to do more; but Im just too tired. I probably will do more cuz i enjoy this week; but if you dont hear anymore updates from me, you know why :-P
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    whispers ** i can see muscles in my arms and legs**


    **i can't stop playing with them now**
  • sineadgrowden
    its tues here in NZ so will miss Monday so i dont get confused:smile:
    weapon-dono what its called ball with spikes on it =30 mins of x-trainer/walking (5 times a week)
    TUES - lunges 101/100
    mt climbers 50/50
    squats 50/50
    weapon 0 /30

    WEDS -lunges 100 /100
    mt climbers 50/50
    squats 50/50
    weapon 30/30

    THURS -lunges .../100
    mt climbers ... /50
    squats ... /50
    weapon .../30

    FRI-lunges 100/100
    mt climbers 50/50
    squats 50/50
    weapon 80/30

    SAT -lunges ... /100
    mt climbers .../50
    squats .../50
    weapon ... /30

    SUN - lunges ... /100
    mt climbers .../50
    squats .../50
    weapon .../30

  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Week 3 Challenge: 45 Push ups 45 Rows 45 Tricep Dips

    Mon (tue): PU 250/45; R 45/45; TD 45/45

    Tue (wed): PU 0/45; R 45/45; TD 45/45

    Wed (thur): PU 45/45; R 45/45; TD 45/45

    Thur (fri): PU 45/45; R 45/45; TD 45/45

    I didn't select a weapon, this week has been an up and down one for me emotionally, but not to worry there is always next week.
  • brokenxglass
    TUES - lunges 100/100
    mt climbers 100/50
    squats 100/50

    WEDS - lunges 100/100
    mt climbers 100/50
    squats 100/50

    THURS - lunges 100/100
    mt climbers 100/50
    squats 100/50

    FRI- lunges 100/100
    mt climbers 100/50
    squats 100/50

    SAT -
    lunges /100
    mt climbers /50
    squats /50

    SUN - lunges /100
    mt climbers /50
    squats /50
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    next week will be a busy week for me; I hope Im able to keep up with whatever the challenge is, but Im sorry in advance if im not able to.
    Tuesday I have a morning doctors appointment (lovely womens exam..the things we do for birth control), then work, then doing an overnight doctors visit (sleep study)... which will be fun condering they want me to go to sleep by a way early time then i usually do, and then want me to wake up at 6 in the morning--i normally go to bed at 1 and wake up at about 9-ish. I laughed at them: told them they better get out the tranqulizers.

    and im helping my old employer with their fundraiser, so Ill be helping at that next Saturday. I went in for the 3rd time this morning to help them and they are farther behind then I thought; I use to put in 100hours a week for a month in order to pull off the fundraiser, and they are so far behind that idk how they will pull it off LOL, serves them right--they abused me for years and thought I didnt need to work as many hours...well at least they finally see... major projects that took me weeks havent even been started and they are due to printers on monday, etc.. Im laughing on the inside cuz I like the gratification that they cant pull it off without me (after firing me cuz they didnt think they needed me), but pains me to see something that took me years to perfect and work out all the kinks fall too pieces *sigh* i dont know why i agreed to help; hopefulyl the sleep study will answer why ive been so exausted.
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Week 3 Challenge: 45 Push ups 45 Rows 45 Tricep Dips

    Mon (tue): PU 250/45; R 45/45; TD 45/45

    Tue (wed): PU 0/45; R 45/45; TD 45/45

    Wed (thur): PU 45/45; R 45/45; TD 45/45

    Thur (fri): PU 45/45; R 45/45; TD 45/45

    Fri (sat):PU 45/45; R 45/45; TD 45/45
  • sineadgrowden
    its tues here in NZ so will miss Monday so i dont get confused:smile:
    weapon-dono what its called ball with spikes on it =30 mins of x-trainer (5 times a week)
    TUES - lunges 101/100
    mt climbers 50/50
    squats 50/50
    weapon 0 /30

    WEDS -lunges 100 /100
    mt climbers 50/50
    squats 50/50
    weapon 30/30

    THURS -lunges .../100
    mt climbers ... /50
    squats ... /50
    weapon .../30

    FRI-lunges 100/100
    mt climbers 50/50
    squats 50/50
    weapon 0/30

    SAT -lunges 50 /100
    mt climbers 50/50
    squats 50/50
    weapon 0 /30

    SUN - lunges ... /100
    mt climbers .../50
    squats .../50
    weapon .../30

  • miw14
    miw14 Posts: 43
    I haven't done the challenge at all this week. I'll just have to do it all tomorrow.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I haven't done the challenge at all this week. I'll just have to do it all tomorrow.

    YIKES! not recommended! Just get ready to rock next weeks challenge :)
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Tuesday -50 mountain climbers, 50 lunges on each leg, 50 squats ( 50 rows on each arm, 50 dips, 40 pushups,)
    Wednesday- 75 mountain climbers, 50 lunges on each leg, 50 squats ( 45 rows on each arm, 35 dips, 28 pushups,)
    Thursday- 50 mnt climbers, 50 lunges on each leg, 50 squats ( 45 rows on each arm, 25 dips, 45 pushups,)
    Friday-60 mnt climbers, 50 lunges on each leg, 55 squats ( 45 rows on each arm, 15 dips, 40 pushups,)
    Saturday- 60 mnt climbers, 30 lunges on each leg, 30 squats ( 45 rows on each arm, 20 dips, 40 pushups,)
    Sunday- (coming soon)

    Am I the only one who is finding the tricep dips to be getting harder as the week goes on?
  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    My god, I am exhausted...and I ran out of my muscle cream...I've already done more than I need to with the challenge, so I think I'm going to take a day off tomorrow.

    Quick question everyone...

    I've been having crazy snack attacks this week, and I bought some of those 100 calorie snacks and some carrots and celery and stuff like that...

    I was just wondering: what do you snack on?

    I could use some ideas.
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Week 3 Challenge: 45 Push ups 45 Rows 45 Tricep Dips

    Mon (tue): PU 250/45; R 45/45; TD 45/45

    Tue (wed): PU 0/45; R 45/45; TD 45/45

    Wed (thur): PU 45/45; R 45/45; TD 45/45

    Thur (fri): PU 45/45; R 45/45; TD 45/45

    Fri (sat):PU 45/45; R 45/45; TD 45/45

    Sat (sun):PU 0/45; R 0/45; TD 0/45

    Sorry team just didn't have it in me to exercise today.

    I gained 1 kg :( so CW: 145.2lbs darn it!!!

    @ Athena I got some dates which I used to hate as a kid I quite like them now. I also have Weight Watcher bars they are yummy!! Oh and their jellies are good also but I keep forgetting to make them up will go do that now hahaha
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    @ Jenny nope those are killer!!! Definitely will keep them up so weak there!!