Challenge of the Living Dead - TEAM EXPLOSIVES! [CLOSED]



  • Theweebarrell
    Theweebarrell Posts: 100 Member
    Good Morning all, new to the team so please keep me right - for the challenge i will do the running with hand weights, so have i to cover 3 miles 4 times a week is that correct. Is there anything else i need to do or have missed out . Does the challenge run from Tues to Tues

    My mini challenge is i will drink more water
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Good Morning all, new to the team so please keep me right - for the challenge i will do the running with hand weights, so have i to cover 3 miles 4 times a week is that correct. Is there anything else i need to do or have missed out . Does the challenge run from Tues to Tues

    My mini challenge is i will drink more water

    Welcome to team Explosives! :explode:

    As for the challenge, it actually goes Monday-Sunday. We all have our own spreadsheets now that we fill in daily, but they have to be completed by Sunday at 9pm EST. Each Monday, they will post a new challenge on the main thread, so check it out. It will have the continuation of the story as well as this week's challenge details.
  • Theweebarrell
    Theweebarrell Posts: 100 Member
    Hi where do i get the spread sheets as i dont have one
  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    Hi where do i get the spread sheets as i dont have one

    ACowboyKid will message you with the link once it's set up:)

    Welcome aboard!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Results charts are up on the main page - Let's give a woot-woot to Nessy, and Anna who had an incredible week!

    Go team:explode:
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Results charts are up on the main page - Let's give a woot-woot to Nessy, and Anna who had an incredible week!

    Go team:explode:

    Yay well done you girls and Jenny you deserve a booty dance as well you awesome thing you!!! (_(_) (_(_) (_(_)
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Good Morning all, new to the team so please keep me right - for the challenge i will do the running with hand weights, so have i to cover 3 miles 4 times a week is that correct. Is there anything else i need to do or have missed out . Does the challenge run from Tues to Tues

    My mini challenge is i will drink more water

    Welcome we are very glad to have you here :smile:
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    I will be doing option 2 :smile: I haven't decided on the days yet will have to just see how I go :explode:

    Oh and my weapon is to burn at least 500 cals for 6 days :smile:

    GO TEAM EXPLOSIVES!!!! :explode:
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Hey team!!! Great job last week!

    I'm doing the run 3 miles while carrying supplies options. My mini goal is going to be to do a workout DVD or Wii game at least 3 times this week in order to make up for only running 4 days.
  • Theweebarrell
    Theweebarrell Posts: 100 Member
    Thank you all for the welcome, i managed 3 miles yesterday and upped my water intake :wink:
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Good job!! :explode:
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Results charts are up on the main page - Let's give a woot-woot to Nessy, and Anna who had an incredible week!

    Go team:explode:

    I had an incredible week? lol. according to the results apge i didnt even finish the challenge.
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Week 4 Challenge: Bike for 6 miles 4 days this week
    Mon (tue): 0
    Tue (wed): 0
    Wed (thur): 8miles (13km)
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Results charts are up on the main page - Let's give a woot-woot to Nessy, and Anna who had an incredible week!

    Go team:explode:

    I had an incredible week? lol. according to the results apge i didnt even finish the challenge.

    Your kidding me right? Didn't you lose like 6 lbs?
  • Theweebarrell
    Theweebarrell Posts: 100 Member
    Just had a look at the charts, everyone is doing great, well done
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Results charts are up on the main page - Let's give a woot-woot to Nessy, and Anna who had an incredible week!

    Go team:explode:

    I had an incredible week? lol. according to the results apge i didnt even finish the challenge.

    Your kidding me right? Didn't you lose like 6 lbs?

    I had a huge gain the week before; so I was just relosing pounds I had already lost (I had went up so much due to all the jogging/walking in week two--mass water retintion)--once i stopped the walking/jogging, I lost it all... plus then I lost a couple extra pounds too. I had a decent week with weight loss due to those couple pounds, but i really dont feel like it because the moment i lost two pounds, the next challenge was walking again, so now i went from 262 to 266, again.. im getting super frustrated. Ive been fighting to get into 250's for a long time, and then I fought really super hard to lose my first 50lbs, and now im right back at having lost only 48lbs.. ;-( ;-(
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Results charts are up on the main page - Let's give a woot-woot to Nessy, and Anna who had an incredible week!

    Go team:explode:

    I had an incredible week? lol. according to the results apge i didnt even finish the challenge.

    Your kidding me right? Didn't you lose like 6 lbs?

    I had a huge gain the week before; so I was just relosing pounds I had already lost (I had went up so much due to all the jogging/walking in week two--mass water retintion)--once i stopped the walking/jogging, I lost it all... plus then I lost a couple extra pounds too. I had a decent week with weight loss due to those couple pounds, but i really dont feel like it because the moment i lost two pounds, the next challenge was walking again, so now i went from 262 to 266, again.. im getting super frustrated. Ive been fighting to get into 250's for a long time, and then I fought really super hard to lose my first 50lbs, and now im right back at having lost only 48lbs.. ;-( ;-(

    Ok I can see why that is frustrating - all I can say is that it's still progress you are headed the right way you are just doing a 2 step dance to get there. Your body is getting healthier and the scale will catch up later. (stupid scale)
  • sineadgrowden
    hay guys how are we all?
    having a bit of a arrrr week...over not losing weight!!! tom this week so thet dosnt help =(
    got a q for yous can you help me with food im a really fussy eater and its hard to eat healthy :grumble:
    thanks guys
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    hay guys how are we all?
    having a bit of a arrrr week...over not losing weight!!! tom this week so thet dosnt help =(
    got a q for yous can you help me with food im a really fussy eater and its hard to eat healthy :grumble:
    thanks guys

    I've been here 150days and not lost any weight half the time I've been here..sometimes a month, sometimes 3weeks, 2 weeks, 1...whatever..just remember to look at ur overall lose, and not at weekly loss.

    Im fussy too, but its not hard to eat healthy, so maybe im not as fussy as you? Idk what u like or not...but try things u don't like as much in different I don't like raw brocolli unless it has ranch, but ranch isn't the best for you, but I love brocolli steamed or cooked in stir frys, etc. I hate lima beans...ok, I hate most beans...but lima beans I add into my rice, and season with cayenne, pepper, garlic, fake salt (nu salt), and I love lima beans this way.. or find veggies you love, and stick to them...if u like carrots, then have them raw with lunc or as snacks and steamed for dinner time.. if you like, say spinach, and that's about it, then use it in salads, ommelettes, chopped up in rice, homemade pizzas, on sandwichs...all sorts of things... just try to incorporate small amounts of veggies into foods and eventually it will become natural to u.. fruit is pretty with peanut butter for breakfast, variations of fruit as snacks, berries on top of things like pancakes, salads, etc. Switching bread/flour items to whole wheat items is healthier, not all fiber cereals taste like crap, fiber one honey clusters is good, kashi go lean crunch tastes like golden puffs kid cereal... find brands u like in various items, before u rule out those types of items
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Results charts are up on the main page - Let's give a woot-woot to Nessy, and Anna who had an incredible week!

    Go team:explode:

    I had an incredible week? lol. according to the results apge i didnt even finish the challenge.

    Your kidding me right? Didn't you lose like 6 lbs?

    I had a huge gain the week before; so I was just relosing pounds I had already lost (I had went up so much due to all the jogging/walking in week two--mass water retintion)--once i stopped the walking/jogging, I lost it all... plus then I lost a couple extra pounds too. I had a decent week with weight loss due to those couple pounds, but i really dont feel like it because the moment i lost two pounds, the next challenge was walking again, so now i went from 262 to 266, again.. im getting super frustrated. Ive been fighting to get into 250's for a long time, and then I fought really super hard to lose my first 50lbs, and now im right back at having lost only 48lbs.. ;-( ;-(

    Ok I can see why that is frustrating - all I can say is that it's still progress you are headed the right way you are just doing a 2 step dance to get there. Your body is getting healthier and the scale will catch up later. (stupid scale)

    Im in a biggest loser competition, can't afford two step dances..I need the money desperetaly to fix my roof. ;-(