Stay at home mommies unite! 60 day challenge



  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    5 people X 4 challenges +20 points right?

    1 extra for each that posts a pic would = 25 points max

    1 team point if all complete the challenges =26 max

    so a possiblitly of 26 points right? i'm confused to how we are adding these up

    You earn 1 extra point per challenge if your whole team completed each challenge so a possibility of 29 points.

    Does that help?
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    5 people X 4 challenges +20 points right?

    1 extra for each that posts a pic would = 25 points max

    1 team point if all complete the challenges =26 max

    so a possiblitly of 26 points right? i'm confused to how we are adding these up

    Waiting to hear this reply also, i want to make sure I added correctly. Also I have an opening for Team Red if anyone still wants to join, please let me know!!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    You can add 1 point PER challenge your whole team completed.
    So a possible 4 extra points

    This week if you are missing a team member you can still earn your total points, we will find you a replacement but I don't think it is fair that you lose points because they quit.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    We are getting our weigh in this morning and we will post that shortly.
    I did not lose anything this week so I am bummed. I was excited this morning to get on the scale and then.....It mad me so mad and upset I wanted to just say forget it and have a total self sabatage day! It didn't take me long to remember this is a slow process and I will succed! Thanks to all of you and your support! I figure I lost 5.6lbs last week so I am okay with no loss this week. I will saty on track and work hard today!
    Have a great day and hope everyone else had a great weigh in.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    5 people X 4 challenges +20 points

    1 extra for each that posts a pic would = 5 points max

    1 team point if all complete the challenges x 4 =4 max

    so a possiblitly of 29 points
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Starting MFP weight: 152
    Starting SAHMU: 134
    Week 1: 134
    Week 2: 134
    My weight stayed the same this week, I'm not surprised, still dealing with TOM. Next week will be better.

    Team Red needs one more member, anyone interested???
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Week 1

    Green- 27 Points
    We each earned one point for our challenges and because our whole team completed our challenges for the week we earned one more point per challenge and we had 3 team members with before pic posts.








    Please just copy and post, I am going to try to make a cool little spreadsheet but I am having trouble pasting my Excel on here..Any Ideas??

    Tomorrow we will add a point to the team with the highest weight loss.

    Good Luck everyone tomorrow, I know I am nervouse I haven't peeked all week!

    If you copy and paste your Excel spreadsheet into Word and format to seperate columns into tabs then you should be able to copy and paste the info from Word into here without losing the effect of your table... in theory anyways. If you need a hand with it msg me and we'll figure it out.
  • Momof2gurls
    I'll join Team Red if you still need someone...just saw this today. Hope it's not too late!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Here I go!

    Starting MFP Weight: 155
    Starting SAHMU: 152
    Week 2 Weight: 152
    Weekly +/-: 0
    Total +/-: 3

    No change in weight, although I have lost tiny bit of my belly fat...

    Go team Green!

  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Starting MFP Weight: 244.8
    Starting SAHMU: 228.2
    Week 2 Weight: 228.2
    Weekly +/-: 0
    Total +/-: 16.4lbs

    I am bummed I didn't lose this week but there is always next week!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Starting MFP Weight: 247
    Starting SAHMU Weight: 225.5
    Week 1 Weight: 225
    Week 2 Weight: 227.....I got TOM today of all days....argh!! End of last week I was done to I am very discouraged! 3lbs of bloat!

    Goal Weight : 60 day goal 210 (ultimate goal, 165)
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Starting MFP Weight: 298
    Starting SAHMU Weight: 248.8
    Week 1 Weight: 248.8
    Week 2 Weight: 249.2

    Im up less than 1 freaking lb. Im fairly certain its all water since I had a rough eating afternoon yesterday (first time in MONTHS!!)
  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    Starting MFP Weight 157
    Starting SAHMU Weight 154
    Week 2 Weight 153
    Goal Weight 135

    So only down 1 lb. this week :( Howeeeever I am down 8 inches this week! Umm heck ya :)
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Starting MFP Weight: 258
    Starting SAHMU: 256.2
    Week 2 Weight: 252.4
    Weekly +/-: -3.8
    Total +/-: -5.6

    Excited about this weeks loss, hoping that I can keep it up! Good Job to everyone for staying motivated this week!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    You all are doing AWESOME! Congrats on the weight loss and inches, too :)

    Here's my info for today:
    Starting MFP Weight 177 (My heighest weight was 223 when starting in my journey in September, 2010)
    Starting SAHMU Weight 141
    Week 1 Weight 141
    Week 2 Weight 141
    Goal Weight 120

    No loss this week, but that's unfortunately been what it's like for me this last couple of months. I'll have no loss for a few weeks and then have a 2-3 pound loss. Sorry girls :(
  • JwlzBoatie
    JwlzBoatie Posts: 51 Member
    Here we go!
    Starting MFP: 320 lbs
    Starting SAHMU: 320 lbs
    Initial weigh-in: 320 lbs
    Second weigh-in: 313 lbs

    Goal: 150-175 lbs

    I may have to update weigh in info as I am not too sure the scale is working properly..Will find out for sure after my appointment this afternoon..:-) Good luck to all!! and congratulations to everyone even those with no weight loss because youre taking that step toward will happen!!! <3
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I'm not having a good day, in fat the last few days have been tough, and I think I've figured out why.

    Here's the deal: I'm an emotional eater. I eat when I'm happy, sad, angry, bored, celebrating, mourning, whatever, whenever I eat. At least, I ate. Since starting my healthy eating lifestyle 8 weeks ago I've lost 24.2 lbs (yay!) and have completly overhauled my eating habits. And my taste buds have changed as a result of this. I no longer enjoy overly salty, sugary or fatty things. My mouth and body knows this - my brain does not.

    Last weekend we had my son's first bday party and I tried to cheat. I really did! I wanted to chow down on chips, soda and sweets but everytime I tried to I ended up switching to water, fruits and veggies cuz it tasted better. Even last night I had some salt and vinegar crispers (15 crackers=90cal. not bad) but immedaitely afterwards had to brush my teeth cuz my mouth felt dirty from all the salt. So I know that this is a good thing. I'm happy that I've made these changes and I'm thrilled with the resilts and can't wait to lose more weight.

    It seems my body and brain are at an impasse. My body says healthy, clean foods; my brain says "go get a big mac! you deserve it!". All I can say is this, I'm not going to listen to my fat brain, I'm going to listen to my getting-less-fat body. But in the meantime, I sure do miss my old friend Junk Food. I guess what I need to do is find a reward system that is non-food based. But all the best rewards I know are all the worst foods out there!!! ARGH!!!

    Any suggestions on ways to reward myself that won't destroy my healthy eating efforts? I'm not yet to the point where I want to buy new clothes/shoes because I still have a lot to lose. No sense wasting money. I'd rather wait until I'm down at least another size before going on a spending spree. Please help!!!!

    Team Green

    ps: sorry I don't post on the main thread more. I post daily on the green thread. But I've been reading your posts and I just want to say that you all are doing awesome!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I wanted to let you all know that I'm going to be gone from tomorrow until next Wednesday on vacation at DisneyWorld. I won't have access to the message boards to post anything, but I will have my iPhone to still log in and do my food/exercise diary. But, I wanted to let you know that I will be doing the cardio and strength challenges daily. I talked to my DH this morning and he's even going to do them with me...which I'm sure the people in the hotel room below us will LOVE, lol!

    I'll have to see about the sleep challenge and let you know on Thursday morning, as well as my weigh in since we don't get home until Wednesday night.

    I already posted my emotional and recipe challenges on the pink team's board.
  • antbug21
    antbug21 Posts: 56
    Starting MFP: 180
    Starting SAHMU: 180
    Week 2: 178
    Overall goal: 140

    Not too bad, but I feel better and have been working my butt of in the cardio dept. Hoping the slower weight loss is from muscle gain. :)
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I wanted to let you all know that I'm going to be gone from tomorrow until next Wednesday on vacation at DisneyWorld. I won't have access to the message boards to post anything, but I will have my iPhone to still log in and do my food/exercise diary. But, I wanted to let you know that I will be doing the cardio and strength challenges daily. I talked to my DH this morning and he's even going to do them with me...which I'm sure the people in the hotel room below us will LOVE, lol!

    I'll have to see about the sleep challenge and let you know on Thursday morning, as well as my weigh in since we don't get home until Wednesday night.

    I already posted my emotional and recipe challenges on the pink team's board.

    Here is an early "Welcome to the Sunshine State!" I hope our afternoon rains showers and 100% humidity let up so you can enjoy yourself!!!