Stay at home mommies unite! 60 day challenge



  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Sara: -4 loss
    Keonia: 0 loss
    Katlyn : 0.8 loss
    Ashley : 3.8 loss
    Sarah: 6 loss

    14.6 total loss for Team Black way to go guys!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Week 1

    Green- 27 Points
    We each earned one point for our challenges and because our whole team completed our challenges for the week we earned one more point per challenge and we had 3 team members with before pic posts.







    Black-17 points
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Sara: -4 loss
    Keonia: 0 loss
    Katlyn : 0.8 loss
    Ashley : 3.8 loss
    Sarah: 6 loss

    14.6 total loss for Team Black way to go guys!

    Holy cow! Great job Team Black!
  • antbug21
    antbug21 Posts: 56
    Ok so Team Purple is still missing a Team Member who has not logged on for a few days. But here is our info from the 4 members who have been here:

    Total Points for Week 1: 17 (this may get amended, pending an answered question to one team mate)

    Total Weight Loss for Week 1: 3.4lbs
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Week 1 Weightloss for The Blue Team:

    Devin: +1
    Stacey: +3
    Melissa: -3
    Jennifer: -1
    JwtzBoatie: -7

    Subtracting our down 7lbs. Sorry Team...damn TOM!!

    PS: Karie: did you say that someone was interested in getting on a team since Melissa is off ours now? Pz let me know!!! Thanks!
  • holli3586
    holli3586 Posts: 103 Member
    Weight lose


    Lose of 6.1 wtg ladies
  • CrayonsNCoupons
    Does any team have an opening? I was telling my friend about and she was interested. I told her id check .Let me know. Thanks.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Week 1 Weightloss for The Blue Team:

    Devin: +1
    Stacey: +3
    Melissa: -3
    Jennifer: -1
    JwtzBoatie: -7

    Subtracting our down 7lbs. Sorry Team...damn TOM!!

    PS: Karie: did you say that someone was interested in getting on a team since Melissa is off ours now? Pz let me know!!! Thanks!

    I tried getting ahold of them but no reply, I just saw that crayonsncoupons posted her friend wanted in, I will get the info if you would like.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Does any team have an opening? I was telling my friend about and she was interested. I told her id check .Let me know. Thanks.

    Ble Team has an opening.. Have her join talk to the poesch77 the blue team captain.
  • CrayonsNCoupons
    Does any team have an opening? I was telling my friend about and she was interested. I told her id check .Let me know. Thanks.

    Ble Team has an opening.. Have her join talk to the poesch77 the blue team captain.

    Ok ill get her in contact with her. Thanks.
  • Proudmommyof2girlz
    Hello blue team. Im with you :)
  • CrayonsNCoupons
    Hello blue team. Im with you :)

    You found the right spot. Lol. Your team also has its ow page that you can post on. Im sure your captain will be getting in contact. Glad you joined.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hello blue team. Im with you :)

    Welcome proudmommyof2girlz!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Okay, so it seems that Team Red still has an opening. If anyone is interested please message me and I'll add you to our team.
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310


  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    How do you handle the struggles of being the weight you are in your family?

    I don't handle my weight very well. We don't go to many summer outings when it is really hot outside because I don't like wearing shirts that show my arms. I prefer my baggy sweatshirts.
    Also my husband suffers in the bedroom because I don't even want to be touched. (crying right now). It's not only me that suffers it's my family too.
    I don't have many pictures as a family because I hate how I look in pictures.
    Then when I go with my friends in town, they are all very beautiful people and all the right weight. i am the only one who is overweight and it's by A LOT.
    then when I go visit my family, all we do is eat. it is all focused around food. And there is no way around that.
    So overall I don't handle it well at all. I don't want my son to be teased because he has a fat mom. i know what that is like. I went through it and kids are even more cruel now.
    i could use some pointers on this one.
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310

    Chicken Breast - 6 oz. - Boneless and Skinless 277 0 3 59 135 0
    Generic - Onion Raw Chopped 1/2 Cup, 0.5 cup 34 8 0 1 2 1
    Aldi Fit & Active - Chicken Broth, 1 cup 5 0 0 1 570 0
    Generic - Poblano Pepper, 4 pepper 68 16 0 2 5 5
    Aldi - Be Light - Sour Light Cream, 0.5 container (200 mls ea.) 190 5 18 3 40 0
    Azteca - 6" Flour Tortillas, 5 tortilla(s) 375 65 8 10 900 3
    Kraft - Part-Skim Mozzerella Cheese, 1 cup 320 4 20 32 680 0
    Add Ingredient

    Total: 1269 98 49 108 2332 9
    Per Serving: 317CAL 25 12 27 583 2

    Simmer chicken breasts with onion and chicken broth until meat and onion are tender. Roast peppers over flame or in oven. When blackened, put in plastic bags and let steam for 15 minutes. Remove skin and seeds. Put in blender with sour cream and ½ cup boiling liquid.
    Shred chicken and some of the onion together with some sauce. Put in tortilla and roll up. Put all 6 into baking dish. Cover with rest of blended sauce and top with mozzarella. You could put some cheese in the tortilla as well. Bake for 20 minutes at 350 or until cheese is melted. Enjoy with some salsa or lettuce on the side.

  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Sorry I have company who dropped in so I will post those results to the challenge here shortly.
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    Team yellow stats:
    joshchrisandmom (melissa): -1 met all goals
    the fishers: -1 met all goals
    sisaac2324: 0 met all goals
    stonesmomishot: 0 met all goals except squats
    smalltowngirl78: 0 met all goals

    ***Newlife, Let me know if you need any other info!! Thanks and go team yellow!!
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Hey I'd love to join if I can, I'm a stay at home mommy to a gorgeous little 7 months old! Am always up for a challenge and looking for motivation- especially for exercise!! Does red team still have an opening?