Stay at home mommies unite! 60 day challenge



  • nwinter2612
    nwinter2612 Posts: 8 Member
    Do you guys still have room for one more I would love to participate
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    I'm not having a good day, in fat the last few days have been tough, and I think I've figured out why.

    Here's the deal: I'm an emotional eater. I eat when I'm happy, sad, angry, bored, celebrating, mourning, whatever, whenever I eat. At least, I ate. Since starting my healthy eating lifestyle 8 weeks ago I've lost 24.2 lbs (yay!) and have completly overhauled my eating habits. And my taste buds have changed as a result of this. I no longer enjoy overly salty, sugary or fatty things. My mouth and body knows this - my brain does not.

    Last weekend we had my son's first bday party and I tried to cheat. I really did! I wanted to chow down on chips, soda and sweets but everytime I tried to I ended up switching to water, fruits and veggies cuz it tasted better. Even last night I had some salt and vinegar crispers (15 crackers=90cal. not bad) but immedaitely afterwards had to brush my teeth cuz my mouth felt dirty from all the salt. So I know that this is a good thing. I'm happy that I've made these changes and I'm thrilled with the resilts and can't wait to lose more weight.

    It seems my body and brain are at an impasse. My body says healthy, clean foods; my brain says "go get a big mac! you deserve it!". All I can say is this, I'm not going to listen to my fat brain, I'm going to listen to my getting-less-fat body. But in the meantime, I sure do miss my old friend Junk Food. I guess what I need to do is find a reward system that is non-food based. But all the best rewards I know are all the worst foods out there!!! ARGH!!!

    Any suggestions on ways to reward myself that won't destroy my healthy eating efforts? I'm not yet to the point where I want to buy new clothes/shoes because I still have a lot to lose. No sense wasting money. I'd rather wait until I'm down at least another size before going on a spending spree. Please help!!!!

    Team Green

    ps: sorry I don't post on the main thread more. I post daily on the green thread. But I've been reading your posts and I just want to say that you all are doing awesome!

    How about a mani or pedi or massage? 0 calories and 100% enjoyable!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Starting MFP Weight: 163
    Starting SAHMU Weight: 157
    Week 1 Weight: 157
    Week 2 Weight: 156

    I lost a pound yayyy!!! I was really upset a couple days ago because I took a peek at the scale and I was up 2lbs....grrr I was like wtf!! I hopped on it today and it said 156. I had to double check and it still said 156. So for me I am happy with my 1lb loss.

    To all the ladies here: You all are doing great. For those who stayed the same; its ok keep up the hard work and we will get there together. For those who lost yayyy!!!
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    Here we go!
    Starting MFP: 288.6
    Starting SAHMU: 270.6
    Initial weigh-in: 270.6
    After first week challenge weigh-in: 269.4
    Down:1.2 lbs

    Not as much as I had hoped, but I will take whatever loss I can get right?
    I'm excited and nervous for this weeks new challenge. Being a heavier girl, jumping jacks and I don't get along that well. And I have 0 upper body strength so pushup are going to kick my butt as well. But I'm in this for the long haul, so here's to a challenging 2nd week y'all!!!!
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    Starting MFP Weight :241
    Starting SAHMU Weight : 231
    Week 1 Weight : 227
    Goal Weight : 185
    Loss: -4

    thanks for everyone support this week!

  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Team Green
    Week 2

    Lynda: -4.2
    Tamra: -3.0
    Karie: 0
    Renu: 0

    Green Team Total: -10.2 lbs (yay!!)

    Go Green!!!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Great job getting through week 1, I have seen some amazing weight loss totals through the teams threads!
    I am glad we are all comitted to this journey, remember to be supportive and comminicate often to your teammates, that is a very big key to our success.

    Any team member that feels they cannot commit to this challenge and stick with it for the 60 days, or be suportive to there team. Please let me know because there are other people who want to join. We want our teams to be strong.

    I am not calling anyone out on this but I want to give anyone the option to do this if they decide it is best for them.

    You can send me a private msg if this is what you decide.

    I hope everyone decides to stay and complete the challenge. Just make sure you are supportive because we all need it.

    SAHMU Leader
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Here are the weight loss totals for Team Red:

    Shawn: 0
    Stacy: -1.4
    Redheadhen: 0
    Young9: -3.5

    Total for week 1: -9.9lbs lost, Way to go ladies!! Keep up the good work!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I wanted to share something with everyone that I am so proud of. This year I planted a Garden. I have carrotts,radish,cucumbers,tomatoes,cilantro,chives,onions,snap peas,lettuce and beans. I have worked so hard on it and I am now getting all these fresh veggies from it and that makes it so much easier for ma and my family to eat healthier.

    I have so much, I wish I could share it with you all!

    I will post pics once I figure out how to.

    Anyway, I am very proud of this along with all the beautiful flowers I grew this year.

  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    Starting MFP Weight :211
    Starting SAHMU Weight : 205
    Week 1 Weight : 204
    Goal Weight : 164
    Loss: -1
  • ninasparx
    ninasparx Posts: 18
    hey all! my name is Becky. I just joined the Pink team! I'm a 32 year old stay at home mom of 4. I am super excited to get this journey started! This group challenge seems like it could be so much fun! Good Luck to Everyone!!!!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Team Green
    Week 2

    Lynda: -4.2
    Tamra: -3.0
    Karie: 0
    Renu: 0

    Green Team Total: -10.2 lbs (yay!!)

    Go Green!!!!

    Hi....Captain of the Blue Team here.......not sure where we are at....maybe you got my name wrong? Stacey it is......thanks!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member

    How about a mani or pedi or massage? 0 calories and 100% enjoyable!

    Good call! I haven't been for a massage in a long time and my insurance covers it so I don't even have to feel bad about spending money! Thanks!
  • Mbelzner10
    Mbelzner10 Posts: 39

    I need to take myself out of the challenge :( I have been having some issues with breathing and some heart palpitations the last 2 days. I just got off the phone with my dr and the exercise might be too much for me at this point...(underlying health issues) and I have to take at easy for a few days and then just gradually go back with starting with walking or something with her permission. Sorry blue team!!!!!! But if it is okay, I will still check in and cheer ev1 on :(
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member

    I need to take myself out of the challenge :( I have been having some issues with breathing and some heart palpitations the last 2 days. I just got off the phone with my dr and the exercise might be too much for me at this point...(underlying health issues) and I have to take at easy for a few days and then just gradually go back with starting with walking or something with her permission. Sorry blue team!!!!!! But if it is okay, I will still check in and cheer ev1 on :(

    I am so sorry, no worries please take care of youself and yes come and chat with us whenever you would like.

    Blue team I have someone who may be interested.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    hey all! my name is Becky. I just joined the Pink team! I'm a 32 year old stay at home mom of 4. I am super excited to get this journey started! This group challenge seems like it could be so much fun! Good Luck to Everyone!!!!

    Hi Becky,
    Welcome to the group!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Team Green
    Week 2

    Lynda: -4.2
    Tamra: -3.0
    Karie: 0
    Renu: 0

    Green Team Total: -10.2 lbs (yay!!)

    Go Green!!!!

    Hi....Captain of the Blue Team here.......not sure where we are at....maybe you got my name wrong? Stacey it is......thanks!

    Not sure what you mean this is just Green teams total for the week, I thought all the teams could copy this and past there end result.
  • Mbelzner10
    Mbelzner10 Posts: 39
    Oh and my weight loss for the 1st week was 3 lbs for the record.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Team Green
    Week 2

    Lynda: -4.2
    Tamra: -3.0
    Karie: 0
    Renu: 0

    Green Team Total: -10.2 lbs (yay!!)

    Go Green!!!!

    Hi....Captain of the Blue Team here.......not sure where we are at....maybe you got my name wrong? Stacey it is......thanks!

    Not sure what you mean this is just Green teams total for the week, I thought all the teams could copy this and past there end result. I feel like a fool!! Sorry about that!!! Blonde moment! And about a new member.....please add!!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    [/quote] I feel like a fool!! Sorry about that!!! Blonde moment! And about a new member.....please add!!!

    :happy: You make me laugh:laugh: I needed that!