Stay at home mommies unite! 60 day challenge



  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    I just have to say that I am so excited that this weeks challenge has come to an end, not because it was hard, but because when it comes to weight loss I generally start something and then never finish. I am proud to say that I successfully finished week 1 and am pumped and ready for week two! Bring on the burn!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    TZo those of you who are posting daily and staying motivated! Congrats! You are the ones who will follow through with this and get the ultimate reaward!
    Remember Teams keep eachother motivated a little hello goes a long way! We are in this together and with support we will succed! Have a great day!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Awesome job for sticking to it, I feel the same way about not finishing but having this go from week to week keeps me focused and ready to find out what the next challenges are going to be! Keep up the good work!
    I just have to say that I am so excited that this weeks challenge has come to an end, not because it was hard, but because when it comes to weight loss I generally start something and then never finish. I am proud to say that I successfully finished week 1 and am pumped and ready for week two! Bring on the burn!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    I've got a question for everyone and anyone that wants to answer. Last night after I logged my food for the day and excersize I had a big warning at the bottom of the screen come up and tell me I wasnt eating enough and this could lead to my body going into starvation mode. So here's my problem, i've set my limit at 1400 calories per day and then I work off about 450 every day. But my problem is that im getting full, im snacking and eating healthy and still not getting enough calories. Any tips??
  • Purplefly
    Purplefly Posts: 71
    I've got a question for everyone and anyone that wants to answer. Last night after I logged my food for the day and excersize I had a big warning at the bottom of the screen come up and tell me I wasnt eating enough and this could lead to my body going into starvation mode. So here's my problem, i've set my limit at 1400 calories per day and then I work off about 450 every day. But my problem is that im getting full, im snacking and eating healthy and still not getting enough calories. Any tips??

    I have the same issue Bella, it hasn't hampered me so far ... so I am just going with it. Will change things if I reach a stand still. Sorry I know that probably doesn't help lol.
  • JwlzBoatie
    JwlzBoatie Posts: 51 Member
    OK, heres my question..If I can't do jumping jacks, what can replace them? I have Transverse Myelitis so basically anything involving my legs running, jumping, tip-toeing, squatting, things like that are out of the question. I can't even walk without support like a walker, stroller or shopping cart. This is the reason i am undergoing physical therapy. I have been doing different types of cardio on a daily basis and my PT has me doing strength training. I dont want to be a handicap for my team so some input would be greatly appreciated :-)

    If you can maybe add some kind of extra cardio to your routine that would work. I don't want you to feel discouraged at all, we will work with you on this for sure. On your team thread make sure you mention that you did this extra cardio and what it is for your point. Will this work for you?

    Yes, thank you! that would be perfect! Thank you again for understanding my situation..I love this site!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    I've got a question for everyone and anyone that wants to answer. Last night after I logged my food for the day and excersize I had a big warning at the bottom of the screen come up and tell me I wasnt eating enough and this could lead to my body going into starvation mode. So here's my problem, i've set my limit at 1400 calories per day and then I work off about 450 every day. But my problem is that im getting full, im snacking and eating healthy and still not getting enough calories. Any tips??

    I have the same issue Bella, it hasn't hampered me so far ... so I am just going with it. Will change things if I reach a stand still. Sorry I know that probably doesn't help lol.

    Well I guess if Im still losing and feeling good theres not really a big problem! Thanks!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    Have been bit busy today... We are shifting to a new apt in the weekend, so was busy with packing stuffs... will be busy for the entire week... But will try and be online at times when I am tired.. but yes will burn lot of calories as well..

    btw haven't done the squats for today... I better do it now before i

    All you ladies are doing extremely good...

    Catch ya later...
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I've got a question for everyone and anyone that wants to answer. Last night after I logged my food for the day and excersize I had a big warning at the bottom of the screen come up and tell me I wasnt eating enough and this could lead to my body going into starvation mode. So here's my problem, i've set my limit at 1400 calories per day and then I work off about 450 every day. But my problem is that im getting full, im snacking and eating healthy and still not getting enough calories. Any tips??

    I almost always have the red warning flashing up on my screen when I log. I'm allotted 1200 calories a day, but I usually eat around 1100 or so. After so many years of eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, I have finally started listening to my body's signals and when I am not hungry, then I'm not going to eat. I say to just go with what your body tells you that it needs. Some days you'll want to eat more than others, so just listen to your'll tell you :)
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Week 1

    Green- 27 Points
    We each earned one point for our challenges and because our whole team completed our challenges for the week we earned one more point per challenge and we had 3 team members with before pic posts.








    Please just copy and post, I am going to try to make a cool little spreadsheet but I am having trouble pasting my Excel on here..Any Ideas??

    Tomorrow we will add a point to the team with the highest weight loss.

    Good Luck everyone tomorrow, I know I am nervouse I haven't peeked all week!
  • holli3586
    holli3586 Posts: 103 Member
    Week 1

    Green- 27 Points
    We each earned one point for our challenges and because our whole team completed our challenges for the week we earned one more point per challenge and we had 3 team members with before pic posts.


    Pink - 26
    We got all the challenges done per person and had 2 post pics. So i'm hoping i added it right!! :)






    Please just copy and post, I am going to try to make a cool little spreadsheet but I am having trouble pasting my Excel on here..Any Ideas??

    Tomorrow we will add a point to the team with the highest weight loss.

    Good Luck everyone tomorrow, I know I am nervouse I haven't peeked all week!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    yes you are correct team pink! Great Job!!!!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Week 1

    Green- 27 Points
    We each earned one point for our challenges and because our whole team completed our challenges for the week we earned one more point per challenge and we had 3 team members with before pic posts.

    Blue -25pts
    We got all the challenges done per person also and 1 post pic.

    Pink - 26
    We got all the challenges done per person and had 2 post pics. So i'm hoping i added it right!! :)






    Please just copy and post, I am going to try to make a cool little spreadsheet but I am having trouble pasting my Excel on here..Any Ideas??

    Tomorrow we will add a point to the team with the highest weight loss.

    Good Luck everyone tomorrow, I know I am nervouse I haven't peeked all week!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Way to go team Blue!!!
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    Week 1

    Green- 27 Points
    We each earned one point for our challenges and because our whole team completed our challenges for the week we earned one more point per challenge and we had 3 team members with before pic posts.

    Blue -25pts
    We got all the challenges done per person also and 1 post pic.

    Pink - 26
    We got all the challenges done per person and had 2 post pics. So i'm hoping i added it right!! :)



    Yellow 20 points


  • antbug21
    antbug21 Posts: 56
    Still waiting to hear from 2 members of the purple team and I will post our points as soon as I do! Good job to all the other teams!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Team Red checking in, (sorry I didn't get this posted last night ,was on the phone til 10 with the cable company trying to fix our internet connection)

    Team Red- 16 points

    We are still missing one team member, but the rest of the team completed all of the challenges, and no before pics yet..
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    Week 1

    Green- 27 Points
    We each earned one point for our challenges and because our whole team completed our challenges for the week we earned one more point per challenge and we had 3 team members with before pic posts.








    Please just copy and post, I am going to try to make a cool little spreadsheet but I am having trouble pasting my Excel on here..Any Ideas??

    Tomorrow we will add a point to the team with the highest weight loss.

    Good Luck everyone tomorrow, I know I am nervouse I haven't peeked all week!
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    5 people X 4 challenges +20 points right?

    1 extra for each that posts a pic would = 25 points max

    1 team point if all complete the challenges =26 max

    so a possiblitly of 26 points right? i'm confused to how we are adding these up
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    Week 1

    Green- 27 Points
    We each earned one point for our challenges and because our whole team completed our challenges for the week we earned one more point per challenge and we had 3 team members with before pic posts.

    Blue -25pts
    We got all the challenges done per person also and 1 post pic.

    Pink - 26
    We got all the challenges done per person and had 2 post pics. So i'm hoping i added it right!! :)




    Orange= 26 pts, All of us completed the challenges + 4 pts for doing so and 2 pics this week. is this right?


    Please just copy and post, I am going to try to make a cool little spreadsheet but I am having trouble pasting my Excel on here..Any Ideas??

    Tomorrow we will add a point to the team with the highest weight loss.

    Good Luck everyone tomorrow, I know I am nervouse I haven't peeked all week!