DITR Round4 Week1



  • brit1329
    brit1329 Posts: 293 Member
    I am really looking forward to being able to feel more comfortable. Right now I feel so self conscious every time we go out somewhere and I usually just wear one of my husband's baggy t-shirts with jeans so I don't bring any attention to myself. I hate when the kids want to go swimming and the whole family is in the pool and I'm just sweating it out on the side. I'm also looking forward to being able to go shopping for new clothes. I don't really want to buy anything right now because I don't want them to be too big in a couple weeks like the jeans I just bought (Plus I get depressed whenever I go try on any clothes). Also, on a related topic....have you all noticed how many pieces of clothing you have to buy as a girl just to make one outfit? That doesn't make clothes shopping any better.
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    Aha i am in the right place confusion fixed!:bigsmile:

    What is one thing that you are most looking forward to when you hit your goal weight?

    I'm not really sure what i'm looking forward to my goal weight seems so far away at the moment. I suppose that i'm looking forward to feeling less self concious and being able to go to our local swimming pool again. I've not wore a swimming costume since is was 10.
  • Moonlight17
    Moonlight17 Posts: 173 Member
    I will start today off with the QOTD to get things rolling!
    What is one thing that you are most looking forward to when you hit your goal weight?

    Looking amazing finally for once in my life and being able to wear and choose whatever I want, whether it's fitted or loose or whatever! I want to be spoilt for choice :)
  • DiamondsInTheRough
    Loving all the answers so far ladies! Thank you all for being so open with one another!!

    Go Diamonds!!
  • twistedsista0408
    This will sound crazy but I love to look at shoes, and dream about shoes... trouble is, I can't wear a lot of the types of shoes I love. I can't wait to be able to wear the high heels that look totally outrageous and be able to walk comfortably in them!
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    What is one thing that you are most looking forward to when you hit your goal weight?

    Not thinking about my weight-- I am so tired to being aware of my size every day. I really look forward to living my life without worrying if my shirt is clinging to a fat roll, without being embarrassed to be in a swimsuit, without worrying about crowding the person next to me on an airplane, etc.
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    I am really looking forward to being able to feel more comfortable.

    Yeah, me too and mostly I want to feel more comfortable so I can have uninhibited sex, which requires someone be able to lift me and for me not to run out of breath after a minute and a half.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    What is one thing that you are most looking forward to when you hit your goal weight?

    Ooooh - Lately I have been really motivated by shopping. My local mall has so many fabulous (and expensive...but that's what sales are for) stores and my closest buddy at work and his wife always wear the best clothes.

    Although...maybe the thing I am most looking forward to right at this moment is not feeling like I have to suck my belly in when I am walking outside and people can see me .... which is what I just spent an hour doing.

    (PS First time Diamond, SO excited!)
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I can't wait to fit into smaller clothes too, and to be considered small. But I think having that feeling of accomplishment is going to be the main thing I look forward to. It's kind of like the excitement you feel when you graduate. It's very freeing.

    I agree with this 100%!!!
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    Hey Diamonds! I'm reaching out to you all to let you know that I need your help this week, especially today. I'm in the office all by myself this week. And two of my biggest emotional eating triggers are being lonely and bored. Please keep me motivated to not overeat. I already had an early snack, in which I ate too much. I'm just going to brush it off, not feel guilty, and move on. But I need your support to keep me from unneccessary snacking. Thanks girls!
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    Hey Diamonds! I'm reaching out to you all to let you know that I need your help this week, especially today. I'm in the office all by myself this week. And two of my biggest emotional eating triggers are being lonely and bored. Please keep me motivated to not overeat. I already had an early snack, in which I ate too much. I'm just going to brush it off, not feel guilty, and move on. But I need your support to keep me from unneccessary snacking. Thanks girls!
    Hi i know how you feel loneliness is one of my big triggers for snacking especially if i'm at home on my own during the weekend. Your doing brilliantly by not beating yourself up about it, doing so usually makes it much worse.
    Try taking snacks with you to work that you know that you can fit into your day. For example a box of raisins and other low cal stuff. I hope that this helps!
  • journey2size10
    GOOD MORNING DIAMONDS, hope you all are having a great day so far..I just got my *kitten* handed to me doing a crossfit class with a bunch of high school cheerleaders (of all people) but I did my best and finished strong (and quite nauseous!)

    QOTD Tuesday: I read an article recently that said more than 80% of people that lose weight, regain that weight and sometimes more after two years....so what makes you think you are or will be apart of the 20% that keeps the weight off permanently?? (answer honestly, noone is here to judge you!)

    I am apart of the 20% that has kept the weight off. I have been on my health journey since May of 2009 and lost the majority of the weight in the first 6 months and have kept it off! I've tried various nutrition plans and exercise plans and know that I have to keep moving and growing to be the best me I can be! This is not a phase or a "diet". This is a life-long struggle and journey and one that I refuse to lose!

    A quote that has been helping me through the rough times I have printed on an index card on my nightstand is
    "Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting".
    I'm a fighter and I will not only reach but surpass my goals, what about you?
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    QOTD Tuesday: I read an article recently that said more than 80% of people that lose weight, regain that weight and sometimes more after two years....so what makes you think you are or will be apart of the 20% that keeps the weight off permanently?? (answer honestly, noone is here to judge you!)

    A quote that has been helping me through the rough times I have printed on an index card on my nightstand is
    "Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting".
    I'm a fighter and I will not only reach but surpass my goals, what about you?

    I've read articles that say that 95% of people who lose weight gain it back. Which is much higher than 80%. Regardless the odds are not good. But for the people that are able to maintain, it's because they made it a lifestyle change instead of diet.

    For me even though it is a lifestyle change, it is still hard to accept it, and avoid your old ways. I hope that I can make this a lifestyle and be apart of that small success percentage. Sometimes I think the words lifestyle change puts too much pressure on me...that's a big committment. Is there something else that we can call it that seems less daunting?

    When I lost weight a few years ago, I lost 25lbs. I did regain about half of that weight back, but have been able to maintain 12-14 pounds. At least I did not gain it all and more.

    Love the quote by they way. I'm going to copy that.
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Yup that's the only way MAKE IT A LIFE LONG CHANGE
    & secondly, no need to take pressure Enjoy every bit of it along the way ;)
    And I am planning to do the same too as I have some health issues i.e 3 Discs bulging out in my lower back & i have to lose at any cost & keep it off forever (Pray for me):flowerforyou:
    But I am fighting & am fighting so well:glasses:
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    GOOD MORNING DIAMONDS, hope you all are having a great day so far..I just got my *kitten* handed to me doing a crossfit class with a bunch of high school cheerleaders (of all people) but I did my best and finished strong (and quite nauseous!)

    QOTD Tuesday: I read an article recently that said more than 80% of people that lose weight, regain that weight and sometimes more after two years....so what makes you think you are or will be apart of the 20% that keeps the weight off permanently?? (answer honestly, noone is here to judge you!)

    I am apart of the 20% that has kept the weight off. I have been on my health journey since May of 2009 and lost the majority of the weight in the first 6 months and have kept it off! I've tried various nutrition plans and exercise plans and know that I have to keep moving and growing to be the best me I can be! This is not a phase or a "diet". This is a life-long struggle and journey and one that I refuse to lose!

    A quote that has been helping me through the rough times I have printed on an index card on my nightstand is
    "Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting".
    I'm a fighter and I will not only reach but surpass my goals, what about you?

    I have never really dieted or cared about myself before this year and I decided to get healthy after developing gestational diabeties with my third baby which means I'm at higher risk of developing type 2 diabeties now. After two months of daily checking my sugar and taking pills I decided I never want to do that again so I decided to be healthier the weightloss is just a bonus. I am also not doing anything I don't enjoy so its not like I'm forcing myself to go to the gym or classes which I hate so would be more likely to quit at.

    So that's why I know I won't be one of those people as its about more than size
  • Adynata
    Adynata Posts: 128 Member
    Yeah, I think everyone is right about it being a lifestyle change. I also think because I don't have a real goal date to reach my ideal weight by that I can accept that these things don't happen quickly, and I'll be happy as long as I know that I'm making progress.
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    GOOD MORNING DIAMONDS, hope you all are having a great day so far..I just got my *kitten* handed to me doing a crossfit class with a bunch of high school cheerleaders (of all people) but I did my best and finished strong (and quite nauseous!)

    QOTD Tuesday: I read an article recently that said more than 80% of people that lose weight, regain that weight and sometimes more after two years....so what makes you think you are or will be apart of the 20% that keeps the weight off permanently?? (answer honestly, noone is here to judge you!)

    I am apart of the 20% that has kept the weight off. I have been on my health journey since May of 2009 and lost the majority of the weight in the first 6 months and have kept it off! I've tried various nutrition plans and exercise plans and know that I have to keep moving and growing to be the best me I can be! This is not a phase or a "diet". This is a life-long struggle and journey and one that I refuse to lose!

    A quote that has been helping me through the rough times I have printed on an index card on my nightstand is
    "Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting".
    I'm a fighter and I will not only reach but surpass my goals, what about you?

    I know I will be part of the 20% because I am doing this the HEALTHY way. The reason all of those people gain back the weight is because they try all of the fad diets and pills and dangerous ways to lose was as quickly as possible. But once they start eating like they did before the diet, they'll gain it all back. Plus, most of the people that try to take the easy way out do not exercise and do nothing to try to build muscle. I have been changing my life, making sure to get at least 30 minutes of exercise in every day, and watching what I'm eating while not depriving myself of sweets. While I do get frustrated when the scale does not move, I am happy to be losing slowly knowing that I will not gain it back when I do reach my goal weight! I will continue watching what I'm eating and not going overboard.
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    Not everyone who gains is back does because of a fad diet or diet pills. When I lost weight before, I did it the right way...the healthy way. I just let life take control of me when I was going thru a hard time. I just slowly stopped do the right thing.

    But I do believe as long as you are consistent and positive you will be able to lose and maintain your weight.
  • TwinMom12409
    QOTD Tuesday: I read an article recently that said more than 80% of people that lose weight, regain that weight and sometimes more after two years....so what makes you think you are or will be apart of the 20% that keeps the weight off permanently?? (answer honestly, noone is here to judge you!)

    I think that I have made some really great permanent changes that will allow me to keep the weight off once I finish losing it again. I was able to maintain my loss before I got pregnant and I am slowly getting back to my pre-preg weight. I have given up things like white bread, white flour, regular soda, fast food (except on very rare occasions) and I drink water, focus on eating more fruits and veggies, etc. I have made lifestyle changes. I think that I am building the foundation for a healthier life rather than a short term goal to look good in some pants.

    At my highest weight I was 250 pounds. After delivering twins I am at 206 now. When I was the 250 pound me I was miserable. I ate to feel better. I ate whole pizzas in a sitting, whole boxes of mac and cheese washed down with Cherry pepsi or chocolate milk. I ate hash brown omelets (hash brown and cheese with ham or bacon in an omelet, with more hash browns and bacon on the side). I was lazy, completely sedentary. I hated life. Now, I feel like I am living my life not just watching it. I will never go back to the depressing way I lived. THAT is how I KNOW that I will be one of the people who maintains the loss. This is a lifetime journey. I will have days where I eat more than I should but there will be more where I make the right choices.
  • Moonlight17
    Moonlight17 Posts: 173 Member
    Well I think I will be that 20% because I have not changed my eating habits too much. I've just made lil permanent changes such as no or very lil fizzy drinks and a heck of a lot more water. It's become a habit now to drink like 8 glasses a day or at least one whole litre bottle.

    Also, my portion sizes have decreased to half, as opposed to full plates a month ago. I am relatively new to this weight loss thing.

    I also have made it a aim to exercise everyday at least 30 minutes every morning, and on the days I am at home, I do an extra workout in the evening, which is often 3 times a week.

    I aim to keep up with my exercising, since this is the biggest change from being a COMPLETE coach potato.. You won't believe how lazy I was being a depressed student! I'm surprised I haven't put on even more weight in all these years lol. And I'm adding more veggies and fruit in my diet too and I do treat myself at MOST once a week :)