DITR Round4 Week1



  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: I read an article recently that said more than 80% of people that lose weight, regain that weight and sometimes more after two years....so what makes you think you are or will be apart of the 20% that keeps the weight off permanently?? (answer honestly, noone is here to judge you!)
    I am one of the twenty percent because i am dedicated to losing this weight. I am going to do this the healthy way and will not deprive myself of certain foods. I've been overweight/obese since i was 11, i refuse to remain this way for the rest of my life. As well as this i have medical problems that are going to get better as i lose the weight. The pain from my joint infection will be relieved if there is less strain on them and my asthma will become more controlable. I am in this for the long haul!

    'He conquers who endures!' -Persius
  • twistedsista0408
    I have been overweight my whole life...when I graduated from high school, I weighed 180; even though I had a size 24 waist. I've tried all the fad diets, I've lost the weight over and over again. I know I have the will power to take the weight off but this time it's different. This time, I'm not using the fad dieting methods I used before. I'm not taking diet pills, or shakes, or handfuls of weird and smelly vitamins...this time I'm drinking at least 9 glasses of water per day...not the crystal light water, just plain water. I'm counting calories and measuring my portions. I'm looking at the things I put into my body for other nutritional values...I'm starting to be conscious of fat grams, sodium intake, and carbs. Over the past 6 weeks, I've lost 24 pounds but I haven't starved myself at all. If I want something, I eat it. I think that is the key...changing eating habits little by little so that your body doesn't think you are starving it...

    One more thing...I've taken on the precedent that I control what I put in my mouth: the food doesn't control me! I am in charge of it, I'm responsible for it, I own it. I have earned my own self respect and I intend to keep it.
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    QOTD Tuesday: I read an article recently that said more than 80% of people that lose weight, regain that weight and sometimes more after two years....so what makes you think you are or will be apart of the 20% that keeps the weight off permanently?? (answer honestly, noone is here to judge you!)

    I hope I am part of the 20%. I really felt committed to a life long journey when I began my lifestyle change 6 months ago. I have consistently loss each week by exercising 5 times a week and staying within my MFP guidelines. But every once in awhile I get into a funk and make poor food choices, feel worn-out, and my loss slows. I am currently at one of those spots and am having those self-defeatist thoughts. Even after 6 months it would be so easy to go back to my old habits, and finding comfort from places other food is still a struggle. I hope I can reprogram my thinking so I can keep the weight off that I have loss and continue to lose.
  • claeysm
    claeysm Posts: 85
    i agree with everyone that its a lifestyle change... not sure i've got out of diet mode yet as i still have to think about everything i eat... cant wait till i actually want to choose an apple over a chocolate bar!
  • CaptObvious
    CaptObvious Posts: 117
    QOTD Tuesday: I read an article recently that said more than 80% of people that lose weight, regain that weight and sometimes more after two years....so what makes you think you are or will be apart of the 20% that keeps the weight off permanently??

    I'm already part of the 20%. I went from size 10 to 2 from May to August 2009 and have kept it all off plus lost a few more. I'm back here to lose the last 15 for good. I didn't lose the first chunk by dieting but by establishing new habits that I hold today. I'm losing the last 15 by challenging myself further in the gym.
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    Hey Diamonds! I'm reaching out to you all to let you know that I need your help this week, especially today. I'm in the office all by myself this week. And two of my biggest emotional eating triggers are being lonely and bored. Please keep me motivated to not overeat. I already had an early snack, in which I ate too much. I'm just going to brush it off, not feel guilty, and move on. But I need your support to keep me from unneccessary snacking. Thanks girls!

    I'm glad you reached out!! The biggest thing you can do is be prepared! You know what triggers your snacking, and you are expecting it this week so come to work prepared! You cannot use the excuse of being caught off guard!! Here are some things you may want to try.1) When you feel the urge to snack take a quick walk around the building, even go up and down the stairs a couple times! Put your focus elsewhere! 2) Drink a big glass of cold water 3)Pack your own healthy snacks the night before, so you don't grab anything crappy in a rush out the door ( I love sugar snap peas, they are so crunchy I can trick myself into thinking they are something bad for me...and I use them when I have a serious snack attack.) 3) Chew gum 4) Brush your teeth (there is nothing wrong with taking your toothbrush to work...everything tastes like *kitten* right after you have brushed your teeth!)

    Give it a try! Remember it is mind over matter, you get to tell your body what to do...not the other way around. :)
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152

    One more thing...I've taken on the precedent that I control what I put in my mouth: the food doesn't control me! I am in charge of it, I'm responsible for it, I own it. I have earned my own self respect and I intend to keep it.

    I LOVE this!!!!! Fantastic!!
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    Hey Diamonds! I'm reaching out to you all to let you know that I need your help this week, especially today. I'm in the office all by myself this week. And two of my biggest emotional eating triggers are being lonely and bored. Please keep me motivated to not overeat. I already had an early snack, in which I ate too much. I'm just going to brush it off, not feel guilty, and move on. But I need your support to keep me from unneccessary snacking. Thanks girls!

    I'm glad you reached out!! The biggest thing you can do is be prepared! You know what triggers your snacking, and you are expecting it this week so come to work prepared! You cannot use the excuse of being caught off guard!! Here are some things you may want to try.1) When you feel the urge to snack take a quick walk around the building, even go up and down the stairs a couple times! Put your focus elsewhere! 2) Drink a big glass of cold water 3)Pack your own healthy snacks the night before, so you don't grab anything crappy in a rush out the door ( I love sugar snap peas, they are so crunchy I can trick myself into thinking they are something bad for me...and I use them when I have a serious snack attack.) 3) Chew gum 4) Brush your teeth (there is nothing wrong with taking your toothbrush to work...everything tastes like *kitten* right after you have brushed your teeth!)

    Give it a try! Remember it is mind over matter, you get to tell your body what to do...not the other way around. :)

    Thanks so much. I really feel like I was able to turn my day around just be reaching out. I walked for 30 minutes on my lunch break, I've already had like 6.5 cups of water, and I've stayed out of the kitchen (except to grab my lunch and later for a healthy snack - which I told myself I wouldn't eat unless I really felt hungry in which I did). Now I plan to eat a light dinner.

    And you are right. I know those are triggers for me and I have to be more prepared for the rest of the week.

    Thanks to all of you diamonds that helped me get through the day! Talk to you again tomorrow!
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    GOOD MORNING DIAMONDS, hope you all are having a great day so far..I just got my *kitten* handed to me doing a crossfit class with a bunch of high school cheerleaders (of all people) but I did my best and finished strong (and quite nauseous!)

    QOTD Tuesday: I read an article recently that said more than 80% of people that lose weight, regain that weight and sometimes more after two years....so what makes you think you are or will be apart of the 20% that keeps the weight off permanently?? (answer honestly, noone is here to judge you!)

    First off, WooHoo for having your *kitten* handed to you!! ;) Great job!

    This is a good question!! It's really got me thinking how I am going to be in that 20%. I would have to say that like everyone mentioned, this IS a lifestyle change. I'm so sick and tired of being sick and tired that I am completely done and over it! Time to get healthy and stay that way! I used an unsustainable way of losing weight before, it came off quickly and I was ecstatic. I didn't appreciate what I had done for myself because I never had to work hard at it, so it was easy to get back into old habits. This time I am in the right frame of mind, weight is coming off slowly and I am thrilled because I know it's gone for good. Plus, you can bet your *kitten* it's hard work and I won't be putting myself back into this position again!!
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    QOTD Tuesday: I read an article recently that said more than 80% of people that lose weight, regain that weight and sometimes more after two years....so what makes you think you are or will be apart of the 20% that keeps the weight off permanently??

    I'm already part of the 20%. I went from size 10 to 2 from May to August 2009 and have kept it all off plus lost a few more. I'm back here to lose the last 15 for good. I didn't lose the first chunk by dieting but by establishing new habits that I hold today. I'm losing the last 15 by challenging myself further in the gym.

    Good for you!! Quite Inspirational!
  • majpal
    majpal Posts: 41 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: I read an article recently that said more than 80% of people that lose weight, regain that weight and sometimes more after two years....so what makes you think you are or will be apart of the 20% that keeps the weight off permanently??

    I will not gain the weight back. This is a lifestyle and lifetime change of eating and exercising habits. Also, I have not deprived myself of anything. If I really want something that is not healthy, I eat it in moderation and I enjoy it.
  • lasttimelooser
    lasttimelooser Posts: 74 Member
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: I read an article recently that said more than 80% of people that lose weight, regain that weight and sometimes more after two years....so what makes you think you are or will be apart of the 20% that keeps the weight off permanently??

    I'm learning from previous mistakes and am determined that this time is different. My weight loss goals this time have become secondary to other lifestyle changes I've made, especially goals related to physical activity. My overall fitness level, including goals related to accomplishing physical challenges such as half marathon training with ongoing goals for distance and speed compliment the weight loss goals.
  • CaptObvious
    CaptObvious Posts: 117
    Thanks so much. I really feel like I was able to turn my day around just be reaching out. I walked for 30 minutes on my lunch break, I've already had like 6.5 cups of water, and I've stayed out of the kitchen (except to grab my lunch and later for a healthy snack - which I told myself I wouldn't eat unless I really felt hungry in which I did). Now I plan to eat a light dinner.

    And you are right. I know those are triggers for me and I have to be more prepared for the rest of the week.

    Thanks to all of you diamonds that helped me get through the day! Talk to you again tomorrow!

    Awesome! You've had a successful day. You can do it again tomorrow! Way to hold steady! :)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: I read an article recently that said more than 80% of people that lose weight, regain that weight and sometimes more after two years....so what makes you think you are or will be apart of the 20% that keeps the weight off permanently??

    I plan to do 2 things - one is I will be using my MFP food diary for a long time to learn what "maintenance" calories look like - the other is that I have been watching how my skinny foodie friends eat - they basically do mental calorie counting even if they don't think of it that way. Meaning they will have a meal where they are "sooooo bad" and then the next meal or two that they have will be very low cal and healthy - salad, small amounts of fish or chicken, veggies, or very small portions.
  • majpal
    majpal Posts: 41 Member
    Wednesday QOTD ~ What are you doing for exercise this summer?

    I love to walk/jog outside in the summer. When it is hot and humid, I walk in the lazy river against the current at our aquatic center. If it is raining I go to the gym and do the elliptical and stationary bike. I have also been doing Jillian's 30 Day Shred 5 days per week.
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: I read an article recently that said more than 80% of people that lose weight, regain that weight and sometimes more

    after two years....so what makes you think you are or will be apart of the 20% that keeps the weight off permanently?? (answer honestly, noone is here to judge you!)

    I was extremely active in sports my first 17 years of life.. after that I gained weight as a result lack on knowledge about exercise and healthy eating.. after a lot of research and trail&error i realized how to lose weight so there shouldnt be a problem maintaining it.. im a huge believer in healthy eating.. lot of veggies fruit lean meats whole grains beans and nuts and drinking lots of water and skim milk.. I know what it feels like to be over weight and self-conscious and i never and will not want! go back to that inactive lifestyle. Im majoring in health promotion and education to better myself and the help other people who are struggling with their weight in the huge problem here in the states.. and to be in constant reminder of how important it is to eat healthyl and stay in shape. to be able to live free and enjoy the outdoors and eat fresh/homemade foods seems so much more exciting to me than sitting around all day eating junk food and starring at the screen all day

    life is beautiful and i intend on making an adventure out of it!
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    What makes me think I will be a part of the 20% that keeps the weight off permanently?

    I’m not entirely positive I will be. I’m not foolish enough to assume I would never become complacent or too comfortable and end up in the 80%. It would be so easy for me. I’m naturally lazy, love bacon, and not willing to move to a country where my fat *kitten* is adored and worshiped… if such a place really exists.

    That being said, I still want to acknowledge a few things that make this feel real for me. I believe I’m worth it which is a major mind shift. Man, the self-acceptance factor is huge for me right now. I’m being kind to myself and no longer entertaining feelings of guilt & shame around food, eating, or my body. In fact, I haven’t taken any foods off the table. I’m progressing slowly and not dieting.

    I’m also doing some hoodoo voodoo meditation stuff to help my mind and body align. I’ve always believed that for me any lasting weight loss would come from the inside out. I’m working on my internal stuff and not just focusing on losing weight. Losing weight is great but feeling peaceful around food, people, and actively participating in my life is going to be even greater.
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    Wednesday QOTD ~ What are you doing for exercise this summer?

    I am doing my same exercises just *****ing about them more. :grumble: I run 3 days a week, and the heat really slows me down. I am registered to run my first mini-marathon in the spring so I feel I need to continue running outside vs. a treadmill. The other days I cross train with elliptical, aqua aerobics, and strength training at the gym.
  • CaptObvious
    CaptObvious Posts: 117
    Wednesday QOTD ~ What are you doing for exercise this summer?

    Running, walking, strength training .... the same things as usual, just outside more.