DITR Round4 Week1



  • lasttimelooser
    lasttimelooser Posts: 74 Member
    I was with Weightwatchers since 2002. Not until 2007 is when I finally commited and changed my mentality. It is not a diet, it is a life style change. I met my goal that year and kept it off for 2 years strait. Also went from a size 12 to a size 2 and 4 depending on the clothes. My down fall was in Nov and Dec of 2009. I had bunion surgeries on both feet. It took me about a year and a half to do some type of excersise. I was very discorage because I loved going to the gym and doing my favorite cardio class. Since I couldn't workout, I also lost track of my food intake and before I new it, I gained about 75% of the weight. I'm now here and since I started MFP the beginning of this month, I am finally loosing weight again and getting that motivation of going to the gym. I'm sorry for my spelling. I'm not used to typing on the labtop. I prefer to type at work on the desk top.

    Today I went to the cardio class. I love this class because he brings a lot of the free style and hight energy music. It reminds me of my party days when I was in my mid 20s. I will be 40 this October but physicly, I do look much better then when I was in my 20s. Of course aging gracefully :blushing:

    Talk to you all tomorrow and have a good night.

  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    I've been part of that 20% a few times now and I'm not willing to fall back again. This time I'm making it a lifestyle change. I think I have found a new hobbie that's really gonna help with this change too... I'm really loving my morning jogs!
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    Wednesday QOTD ~ What are you doing for exercise this summer?

    I love to walk/jog outside in the summer. When it is hot and humid, I walk in the lazy river against the current at our aquatic center. If it is raining I go to the gym and do the elliptical and stationary bike. I have also been doing Jillian's 30 Day Shred 5 days per week.

    I am doing pretty much what I did in the winter especially now it won't stop raining. I walk and jump rope and run around with.the kids. Oh and my oldest is tryin to teach me to hula hoop which i swear wasnt so hard when i was 6
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    There's a difference between INTEREST:smokin: & COMMITMENT:love:

    When You are Interested in doing something, you do it only when it's Convenient

    When You are committed to something, You accept no Excuses ONLY RESULT!!!:glasses:
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    QOTD Wedneday. What are your summer workouts?
    Swim laps in my pool . going to the gym for treadmill&elliptical when its too hot to run outide.. strength training and HIIT.. hiking..

    Have a great Wedneday.. 2 day til weigh in, LETS DO THIS!
  • Moonlight17
    Moonlight17 Posts: 173 Member
    Wednesday QOTD ~ What are you doing for exercise this summer?

    I am doing P90 and Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred for that extra boost of fat loss.

    Other than that.. The weather here is a bit rubbish (I live in England) no surprise it's dull or raining every other day but I tend to go play in the park with my lil sister after school or badminton in the garden!
  • Adynata
    Adynata Posts: 128 Member
    Currently I jog 2.5 miles every other day after walking a mile each way to get to the start location. For the first part I'm doing C25K (I'm starting week 7) and then run at my own pace for the rest of the way. I do level 3 of the 30 Day Shred on off days for the sake of keeping active. I'd love to pick up a new sport but I'm not really sure what at the moment.
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: I read an article recently that said more than 80% of people that lose weight, regain that weight and sometimes more after two years....so what makes you think you are or will be apart of the 20% that keeps the weight off permanently?? (answer honestly, noone is here to judge you!)

    I know this is late, but I totally forgot to answer yesterday! I think I will keep the weight off because this isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change. I know once I hit my goal I will feel so good about myself I will never want to go back. I'm going to keep a picture of myself when I was at my heaviest on my bedroom mirror to remind myself how miserable I was and how much work I put in to get where I want to be. I don't want to be back in this position, so I will work as hard as I can to make sure I don't.
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    Wednesday QOTD ~ What are you doing for exercise this summer?

    I'm doing TurboFire right now. I love to go to the lake and swim! I also like to go on walks at night with my family when it cools off a little bit.
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    Wednesday QOTD ~ What are you doing for exercise this summer?

    I'm planning on participating in my first half marathon in September, so I will be doing mostly walking and jogging for exercise this summer, but would like to also incorporate swimming and 30DS.

    Earlier in summer I was working on the C25K program. I got up to week 5, day 3 and realized that I would have to jog 20 minutes straight. I got scared and just kind of stopped. But I plan to restart week 5 this week.
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    There's a difference between INTEREST:smokin: & COMMITMENT:love:

    When You are Interested in doing something, you do it only when it's Convenient

    When You are committed to something, You accept no Excuses ONLY RESULT!!!:glasses:

    So TRUE! Thanks for the reminder!
  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: I read an article recently that said more than 80% of people that lose weight, regain that weight and sometimes more after two years....so what makes you think you are or will be apart of the 20% that keeps the weight off permanently?? (answer honestly, noone is here to judge you!)

    I know this is late, but I totally forgot to answer yesterday! I think I will keep the weight off because this isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change. I know once I hit my goal I will feel so good about myself I will never want to go back. I'm going to keep a picture of myself when I was at my heaviest on my bedroom mirror to remind myself how miserable I was and how much work I put in to get where I want to be. I don't want to be back in this position, so I will work as hard as I can to make sure I don't.

    I totally agree with you....thinking the picture on the mirror will be a perfect reminder! I will defiantly have to do that!
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
  • claeysm
    claeysm Posts: 85
    QOTD wednesday.. to all you who work out outside im so jealous!! over in england that can be a bit tricky with our weather.. i bike rode in the pouring rain yesterday!! but i just bike everywhere and do classes at the local gym really..
  • lasttimelooser
    lasttimelooser Posts: 74 Member
    I go to the gym 3 times a week and either join the cardio class or do the elliptical for 30 minutes and free weights for 20 minutes. We also have Knotts Berry Farm season pass so I take my son as much as I can. Our goal is to go every Friday for about 3 hours. Knotts is just down the street where I live.

  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    Wednesday QOTD ~ What are you doing for exercise this summer?

    The only new thing I have added to my workouts is the C25K program. I wanted to get out and do something! Now, this past week has been 100 every day, so I haven't been able to run and I don't own a treadmill nor do I have the money for a gym membership. I also do my own arm, leg, and ab exercises, and sometimes, especially on a rainy day, I use the videos I find OnDemand!
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    Wednesday QOTD ~ What are you doing for exercise this summer?

    Well i.m trying to get in a long walk at least twice a week, some hiking and jogging on the spot. Over the summer i want to increase the intensity slowly as i have a severe joint infection and i dont know whether i should run (attempt to anyway) at this weight. I might do some sea kayaking which is amazing.
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Well, it's hot outside so sticking to Treadmill plus 3min Strength Training plus Belly Dance/Aerobics :glasses:
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    I really enjoy running but anything outside is great. We live in Oregon so the weather doesn't get too crazy hot so i'm lucky in that sense. My family loves to go camping so we do alot of swimming in the lake and small walks/hikes. I think the summer time really gets me motivated to workout because I can get outdoors and i'm not stuck to some boring ole exercise video!
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    So I am now friends with several of you diamonds...and I must say...Way to go on all the exercising that is getting done today! I walked for 30 minutes, but that seems like nothing compared to those of you burning around 400 calories. You are motivatiing me to do more!

    And by the way...Yellow Team is Going to Win the first weigh in! Whoot whoot...go yellow!