DITR Round4 Week1



  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    So I am now friends with several of you diamonds...and I must say...Way to go on all the exercising that is getting done today! I walked for 30 minutes, but that seems like nothing compared to those of you burning around 400 calories. You are motivatiing me to do more!

    And by the way...Yellow Team is Going to Win the first weigh in! Whoot whoot...go yellow!

    No way!!! PINK DIAMONDS Win :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
  • journey2size10
    Wednesday QOTD ~ What are you doing for exercise this summer?

    I'm finally venturing outside of my gym for the past year, not outside cuz its hot as hades here in texas, but starting a new training program called crossift 3x/week, on the other days I continue at my gym with cardio (stairmill, arc trainer, recumbent bike, elliptical) every now and again I will do the wii fit zumba or hula hooping/boxing and sometimes for the helluvit I will do a walk away the pounds dvd. I ordered 30 day shred and still waiting on it, but will somehow incorporate that in the mix...geesh, sounds like alot now that I typed it all!
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    Wednesday QOTD ~ What are you doing for exercise this summer?

    Great question! I have to get my butt in gear and get back on the exercise wagon. I have a love/hate relationship with C25K, but I do really enjoy The Biggest Loser workout videos! It's motivating for sure to see the people on it struggling just like I do. If they can do it so can I. Right? :)
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    I love all these answers today!! Gives me a lot of ideas!! You Diamonds ROCK!!!
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    What are you doing for exercise this summer?

    I'm not doing anything new or outside. It's too hot. I have a workout area in the basement with a set up for exercise DVD's and my treadmill. I'm more active in the winter and typically hibernate during the summer.
  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member
    What are you doing for exercise this summer?

    I have been walking (not this week since the humidity is so high) and doing the 30 day shred. I do have the Wii fit and Biggest Loser DVD that I throw in every once in a while.

    What is C25K?
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    So I am now friends with several of you diamonds...and I must say...Way to go on all the exercising that is getting done today! I walked for 30 minutes, but that seems like nothing compared to those of you burning around 400 calories. You are motivatiing me to do more!

    And by the way...Yellow Team is Going to Win the first weigh in! Whoot whoot...go yellow!

    Keep in mind those calories that MFP posts aren't always accurate, so people like me who aren't using HRMs can get kind of random results. Remember the important thing is to keep walking. Although if I only had half an hour I'd probably try to work in some jogging.

    Wednesday QOTD ~ What are you doing for exercise this summer?

    I just started exercising in June so I'm not doing anything different - walked every day except one for all of june (45 minutes to an hour) then bought a Kinect and Dance Central which had a slight learning curve but is now a great workout. It gets my heart going way more than a walk - i actually find that JUST a walk now doesn't satisfy me so good unless I'm doing it as a rest day (walkin slow).

    I also started doing this http://www.twohundredsitups.com/ although I had to re-do day 2 of week 1 twice so my progress is a little off but I feel really good about it.
  • sistermooooon
    Well today is just Day 8 of my brand new life, and Day 5 at walking. I go to a nearby high school and walk laps around their 1/2 mile outdoor track. Today I got up to 3.5 miles in 30 minutes and even jogged 1/8th of a mile!!!! I was so happy and surprised I could run, I was practically in tears!! I started my journey 8 days ago 266 lbs. So running is quite a sight to see LOL. The temps and humidity here are out of this world this week (106 degrees!). But I get up and out early while it's still just in the low 80's. So when the weather is more normal and not so insane, I better not ever complain that "it's too hot". :)
  • journey2size10
    What are you doing for exercise this summer?

    I have been walking (not this week since the humidity is so high) and doing the 30 day shred. I do have the Wii fit and Biggest Loser DVD that I throw in every once in a while.

    What is C25K?

    couch 2 5k program...it preps you to run a 5k race...
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    Good morning diamonds you are all truely insperational weigh in tomorrow so make today count! Just don't be to disapointed when the pink team win. Have a lovely day :)
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Good morning diamonds you are all truely insperational weigh in tomorrow so make today count! Just don't be to disapointed when the pink team win. Have a lovely day :)


  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Well today is just Day 8 of my brand new life, and Day 5 at walking. I go to a nearby high school and walk laps around their 1/2 mile outdoor track. Today I got up to 3.5 miles in 30 minutes and even jogged 1/8th of a mile!!!! I was so happy and surprised I could run, I was practically in tears!! I started my journey 8 days ago 266 lbs. So running is quite a sight to see LOL. The temps and humidity here are out of this world this week (106 degrees!). But I get up and out early while it's still just in the low 80's. So when the weather is more normal and not so insane, I better not ever complain that "it's too hot". :)

    WOW!!! THAT'S GR8. It's such a gr8 Achievement KEEP IT UP!:flowerforyou:

    & Keep on Moving:wink:
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    QOTD - Monday What is one thing that you are most looking forward to when you hit your goal weight?

    Walking down the aisle:laugh: No seriously I will enjoy living a healthier life. Being obsess make you feel tired and run down sometimes. I can't wait for that feeling to go.

    QOTD Tuesday: I read an article recently that said more than 80% of people that lose weight, regain that weight and sometimes more after two years....so what makes you think you are or will be apart of the 20% that keeps the weight off permanently?? (answer honestly, noone is here to judge you!)

    I don't diet, I think that's where people fall short and gain back weight. I see people on here lose 40lbs in 3 mos by working out 2hrs a day and eating nothing. Unless you plan to do that forever the weight is going to come back. I'm all about lifestyle changes that I can sustain forever.

    QOTD Wednesday ~ What are you doing for exercise this summer?

    I'm going to start back with Turbo Jam this week but I brough P90X 2 mos ago before I got injured so I want to start that asap when I am back into the swing of things.
  • claeysm
    claeysm Posts: 85
    I think its my turn for QOTD (sorry if its not)

    QOTD Thursday : whats your motivation? whether it be a celebrity body, a friend, or even just because you want to feel good for yourself... what motivates you to keep going when it gets tough?

    My motivation is my friends, they all have amazing figures and arent afraid to flaunt it! I stay strong because i want to be like that! :D
  • Moonlight17
    Moonlight17 Posts: 173 Member
    My motivation is to just finally be slim for the first time in my life. I've always been the biggest girl from primary school onwards and I just want to enjoy the rest of my 20's if not my life being the figure I'm meant to be. Seeing my friends be absolutely gorgeous and my own sisters, it makes me want to push myself that much harder to get there.. And I've been to the doctors and asked advice everywhere and they have all made me happy and encouraged me that I can get to my figure in 5 months, which is end of the year and lose half the fat by October if I carry on with my progress.

    When times get tough.. My biggest motivation is to prove all those bullies wrong, who have bullied me about my weight since I was 7 through to high school and even university. No more.. I will prove I can be just as beautiful :)
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    Wednesday QOTD ~ What are you doing for exercise this summer?

    Great question! I have to get my butt in gear and get back on the exercise wagon. I have a love/hate relationship with C25K, but I do really enjoy The Biggest Loser workout videos! It's motivating for sure to see the people on it struggling just like I do. If they can do it so can I. Right? :)

    When I first started working out back in 2007, I started with the Biggest Loser DVD's because I knew if they could do it I can do it. I hate watching skinny people on workout videos. And I love to hear them breathing hard right along with me. The skinny people make it seem way easier.
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    I think its my turn for QOTD (sorry if its not)

    QOTD Thursday : whats your motivation? whether it be a celebrity body, a friend, or even just because you want to feel good for yourself... what motivates you to keep going when it gets tough?

    I have lots of reasons to be motivated, mainly the way I want to look and feel. But you want to know what motivates me when it gets tough? God and my MFP friends. I find that if I just reach out, I find the support or encouragement that I need.
  • CaptObvious
    CaptObvious Posts: 117
    QOTD Thursday : whats your motivation? whether it be a celebrity body, a friend, or even just because you want to feel good for yourself... what motivates you to keep going when it gets tough?

    Fitness and health. When I started this lifestyle change a couple years ago, I just wanted to lose weight. After several months, I realized that my migraines had all but disappeared and I had a lot more energy. During the winter months, I usually catch every virus that goes around and, for the past couple years, I haven't had more than a sniffle. Being sick and tired of being sick and tired motivates me. :)
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    QOTD Thursday : whats your motivation? whether it be a celebrity body, a friend, or even just because you want to feel good for yourself... what motivates you to keep going when it gets tough?

    I'm tired of feeling self concious all the time. When my husband puts his arms around me, I'm very aware of my belly "fluff".
  • twistedsista0408
    Since I began my workout program the first of June, I walk at least 40 minutes per day (2 miles). Three days per week I get the push mower out and cut grass (I live on a very steep slope, so I count that as walking up and down hills for 30 minutes). Three days per week I work out with my Cardio Max DVD with Bob from the Biggest Loser. I also own a bowflex, so I do strength training at least 3 times per week. Finally, I do 100 ab crunches with 40 pounds of weight 5 days a week.