
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    Hey ladies. I won't be much help on the weigh in. only lost 0.6 lbs this week. Ah well, next time will be better! Have a great day.
  • .8 lost this week.

    I am better and back. sorry for not any points this last week.

    Lets pull together this week.

    New member! one coming back (me) and ready to rock on!!

    Tasha is doing a great job as leader so let's continue to support her as well!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Ladies! Let vote on our recipes to post on the main board.. they need them in today.

    Thanks!! You are doing an awesome job!!!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Hi guys, I'm joining the challenge from the purple group! Just a little about myself, I'm from England so my WI timing might seem a bit strange to you guys, haha! I'm a stay at home mum to a little 8 months old princess, Emily, although I'm soon going to be finishing the final year of my history degree which I'm excited for!
    Looking forward to getting to know you all!

    My emotional challenge this week:
    What excuses have I made? Well every excuse under the sun really. But the biggest one is my depression. I always say I put on the weight because I broke my ankle, had to come home from uni and then got depressed. And I was seriously unhappy during this time. But being unhappy is no excuse to gain the weight that I did. After I lost a lot of weight, I use 'stress from uni' as an excuse as to why I put some of it back on again. But really I just let it go again and slipped back into old habits. I'm scared to admit that as I'm scared I'll do it again this time :-(

    Weigh In-
    Diet start weight: 196lbs
    Challenge start weight: 170.5lbs
    Last weigh in: 167.5lbs
    This week: 167lbs!

    Only a 0.5lb loss but that's amazing considering I'd gained 2 lb on Friday so have also lost that as well! So quite happy! Will do points later as I still haven't found a good recipe, (I'm an awful cook :-S ) But I'm detirmined to get one!

    Welcome to the team! We are happy to have you!!!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    SAHMU Challenge Week 6


    Set you goal this week atleast 5% higher than it was last week, we can do this ladies!! Amazing job last week!

    **The Team with the highest Calories burned this week gets an extra point!!

    I added Week 6 to the Calorie Burn Spreadsheet

    Please remember to post on your thread and on the main thread how you burned your calories and how many you burned each day, I think this will give us all some new ideas.

    Strength and Nutrition Challenge: 1 point for each per day ( possible 14 points)

    Nutrition - Under Carbs
    Exercise - 25 (per side) Hip Flexor (

    Nutrition - Under calories
    Exercise - 50 push ups (modified as needed)

    Nutrition - Under Fat
    Exercise - 50 bicycle crunches (

    Nutrition - Under Sodium
    Exercise - 50 Bridges (

    Nutrition - Under Carbs
    Exercise - 50 skater squats (

    Nutrition - Under calories
    Exercise - 25 Tricep Dips with Bent Knees (

    Nutrition - Under Fat
    Exercise - Superman pose - 5 reps, 30 seconds each (

    **Some of you take a day or two break so just double up your strength for one day to get the point

    Emotional Challenge:
    What was your moment of clarity? What was it that made you say "Enough is enough; I am taking control of my life?" and how does remembering that help you through the emotional and life changing journey of taking off the weight?
    **A special Thank you to LoveNverNds for helping me with the emotional Challenge this week.

    Good Luck Ladies and I hope you enjoy the challenge this week

    Week 6 Points = 16 possible per person
    Cardio-1 per person
    Strength- 7 per person
    Food- 7 per person
    Emotion-1 per person

    Week 6 Team point = 4 possible for Team(this goes in the Team point line)
    Your Team earns 1 point for each challenge the whole Team completed ( your Team only gets the Team Point for the strength and food challenge if everyone completes all the daily challenges.)

    Any Week Picture Point=1 per person
    Anyone who posts a before pic will earn this extra point to add to there normal week points.

    Highest Weight Loss Point= 1 for the Team with the highest weight loss for this week.
    Highest Calorie Burn- 1 point for the Team with the highest Calorie Burn

    Week 6 total possible points=84 ( not including the Calorie Burn,Picture or highest weight loss Point)
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Week 6 day one Done!

    I finished under my carbs and calories. I burned 503 calories and I did my hip flexors! Woohoo!

    How did everyone else do?!
  • I did day one of week 6 and what a struggle!!! i am a carboholic so I already have a low number start with, but I did it and i am super starving this morning. Craving red meat!!
    today under calories and have to travel.. another challenge!

    those hip flexors didn't seem that hard, but I feel it in my lower abs today!
    pushups.... YUCK, coming from a person with a bad neck and upper back. i do modified of course.!!!

    how is the rest of the Orange team today?
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    I did day one of week 6 and what a struggle!!! i am a carboholic so I already have a low number start with, but I did it and i am super starving this morning. Craving red meat!!
    today under calories and have to travel.. another challenge!

    those hip flexors didn't seem that hard, but I feel it in my lower abs today!
    pushups.... YUCK, coming from a person with a bad neck and upper back. i do modified of course.!!!

    how is the rest of the Orange team today?

    Glad you did it!!! I didn't anticipate the hip flexors to be as hard as they are either, and boy did I feel them once I woke up. Ouch! I am excited though because that means results!! Woohoo!!

    Good luck today Becky, I know how hard traveling is while counting calories but I am sure you can do it!!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Can everyone please go to the spreadsheets and input there total points and weight loss this week, remember ifyou have gained weight count it as 0 for the week, also make sure the previous weeks are complete as well. Thanks and as soon as this is done I will give a little update on who won the highest weight loss for the week and who earned the most points.

    Also make sure you go to week 5 and vote for a recipe!!!
  • Can everyone please go to the spreadsheets and input there total points and weight loss this week, remember ifyou have gained weight count it as 0 for the week, also make sure the previous weeks are complete as well. Thanks and as soon as this is done I will give a little update on who won the highest weight loss for the week and who earned the most points.

    Also make sure you go to week 5 and vote for a recipe!!!

    can you remind me where the spreadsheet is?
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    I forgot to report yesterday...
    I did the hip flexors and was under carbs. My cardio yesterday was bowling. :-) Being in a league comes in handy!

    Welcome to our new team member, and welcome back Becky!

    I have a feeling this week is going to kick my hiney, but after only a .6 weight loss, it may be exactly what I need!

    Rock on, ladies!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Great day today! I came in under my calories, I did my regular curves cardio and strength training, oh and lets not forget those push ups, not easy at all!!!! And I got a hair cut! LOL! It was much needed, and it was a nice treat to myself. We had pizza tonight, and I still didn't eat my exercise calories back, so I am feeling pretty good about my food intake for the day.

    I really need a loss this week! It is a little frustrating having no loss last week and only .6 the week before. Hopefully my body is used to the new medication now and I can get back to losing!!!

    Hope it was an awesome day for everyone!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Lets not forget the calories burned sheet that Karie was so awesome to make for us. It is a great way to keep track of our goal for the calories burned. Hope everyone has had a chance to make a goal for the week and start working towards it. Here is a link to the sheet in case you don't have it. Enjoy!!!
  • got those push ups in! YUCK!!! that is my least favorite exercise! it hurts my back along with situps!!
    only burned 302 calories, but stayed under calories!!!! I got my prime rib, but didn't even eat 1/3 of it. that's all I needed!

    I will catch up on the spreadsheets tomorrow.. hopefully!
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Sorry Orange team been really busy since I swapped over, my LO has been really ill the last few days, first teething and then a sickness bug on top of that!!

    Week 5 Points = 9 possible per person
    Cardio-1 point (was 30 off but I'd extended my goal mid-week so I hit my first one and went well over it!)
    Strength- 6 points
    Food- 1 point
    Emotion-1 point

    = 9 points
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Done the food challenges so far but often struggle to stay under fat cuz I love nuts so will have to be careful today! Have needed rest days the last few days so going to catch up with strength today, but went to zumba last night so am clocking up my calorie goal!

    Emotional challenge for this week. What was your moment of clarity? What was it that made you say "Enough is enough; I am taking control of my life?" and how does remembering that help you through the emotional and life changing journey of taking off the weight?

    Well if I take my weightloss journey as 1 long one which happened to have a pregnancy in the middle of it, I guess it was just seeing photos of me that made me feel physically sick. I realised I just wasn't happy to be the fat one. Especially at such a young age (about 20 when these pictures were taken) and that if I didn't change things soon, I'd be like that for the rest of my life. I just realised I was a lazy slob. My ex didn't help very much to be honest, but I managed to break the shackles of that relationship and do something for me. And now I want to be healthy so I can be around as long as possible for my baby girl, and so I can keep up with her and give her the best life possible. I also want to change my habits so that healthy eating and regular exercise will rub off on her and be natural for her so hopefully she will avoid the damage I've done to my body and health in the last few years.
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    What was your moment of clarity? What was it that made you say "Enough is enough; I am taking control of my life?" and how does remembering that help you through the emotional and life changing journey of taking off the weight?

    I tried to lose weight for a long time, but failed and instead put on weight. When I looked at myself in the mirror and started to not like what I saw, I started to avoid mirrors, so I didn’t realize how big I really was getting. After I had my baby and started to take a lot more pictures, it started dawning on me that I needed to do something. It wasn’t until I played back a video of myself playing with my little one that I really noticed how much I had gained. It was then that I realized I needed to do something. I started to work out but wasn’t really seeing results; I tried the slim fast diet and was ALWAYS hungry. I started searching for new ways to lose weight and found MFP.

    I still have a very long way to go, but I think seeing that video of myself brought me back to reality and gave me the push I needed to take control. The empowerment of taking control has allowed me to face myself in the mirror again. I love exercising now, and I love the healthy foods that I am eating. It has become easier for me to recognize when I want to eat because of emotions and stop myself. Portion control isn’t a huge burden like I thought it would be. The happiness I feel with myself everyday for being one step closer to my goal of a healthy life style is much more rewarding then the sickness I felt from over eating. All of those things combined keep me working towards a better me and help me along in my journey.
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Yeah mine was similar to yours, pictures and videos & not being happy with what you saw! :-)
    I agree with what you say about portion control not being as bad as you'd think, it's surprising to see what ACTUALLY fills you up. If I could see what I used to eat now, I bet I'd be shocked. For instance on a similar note, one big thing I remember I used to have a massive cheese and ham sandwich with mayo before bed every night! Not even as a meal, as a snack. And I got in such a habit of it that I'd get hungry every evening for it and then I'd have to have it! Now I would never have it as a snack, it'd be a full meal although I'd probably still have a pitta instead, and there's no way I'd have it before bed. I actually find it shocking to think of some of my old habits now!!
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    I did not meet the fat goal today. Went out and had drinks and mexican food with friends. I did end up under cals though. I forgot to post yesterday, but I did end up under cals and I did those stinky push ups. :-) I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!
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