

  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Diet start weight: 196lbs
    Challenge start weight: 170.5lbs
    Last weigh in: 167lbs
    This week: 164.5lbs! Well happy with that Loss of 2.5lbs!

    Points this week:
    Cardio- 0 - sorry, massive family illness just meant I couldn't exercise. :-/ But aided my overall weightloss haha!
    Strength- 7!
    Food- 7!

    15/16 points! :-)

    I'm off on hol on fri and won't be able to WI next week but will try and get online to get the new challenge and will try and stick to the mini-challenges. Will be back a week on Fri so will update next weeks points and WI then if that is okay? :-)
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    No help from me with the weigh-in this week I am afraid. 184. Sorry.
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Diet start weight: 196lbs
    Challenge start weight: 170.5lbs
    Last weigh in: 167lbs
    This week: 164.5lbs! Well happy with that Loss of 2.5lbs!

    Points this week:
    Cardio- 0 - sorry, massive family illness just meant I couldn't exercise. :-/ But aided my overall weightloss haha!
    Strength- 7!
    Food- 7!

    15/16 points! :-)

    I'm off on hol on fri and won't be able to WI next week but will try and get online to get the new challenge and will try and stick to the mini-challenges. Will be back a week on Fri so will update next weeks points and WI then if that is okay? :-)

    Great job this week! Especially since you were all so sick!!! Your points and weigh in for next week should be fine. Don't worry about it. I will have this weeks challenge up in a few minutes!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    No help from me with the weigh-in this week I am afraid. 184. Sorry.

    It is totally ok Louie! You have been doing such a great job! I had a one lbs gain and then stayed at the same weight for two weeks, and this week I have lost 3 whole lbs. Just sick with it, the important thing with this challenge is that we stick with it and don't get discouraged by no loss. Hang in there! And great job this week on points, you are awesome!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    My progress so far:
    Starting MFP Weight: 286.5
    Starting SAHMU (7/20): 283
    Week 1 Weight (7/27): 280.2
    Week 2 Weight (8/3): 279.2
    Week 3 Weight (8/10): 276.6
    Week 4 Weight (8/17): 276
    Week 5 Weight (8/24): 277
    Week 6 Weight (8/31): 273.6
    Weekly loss: 3.4
    SAHMU Total Loss: 9.4
  • bennight72
    Woo hoo! I know it's not much, but I'm down a pound. As long as it goes down...especially on my B-Day... its a GREAT day! :)
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Woo hoo! I know it's not much, but I'm down a pound. As long as it goes down...especially on my B-Day... its a GREAT day! :)

    That is awesome! One pound is great! Awesome job!!!! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Ooop! I thought I posted this already!!

    WEEK 7 Challenge:

    (Karie, please add a week 7 section to the calorie spreadsheet. I'm not familiar with google docs and I'm scared I'll screw it up. lol!)
    Nutritional Challenge:

    Calcium – meet or exceed your calcium goal every day. Worth 1 point

    Strength Challenge:

    Build muscle tone in your arms as well as bone strength to help prevent osteoporosis

    Complete full workout (all 8 exercises, 3 x a week, with one day’s rest in between workouts) each workout = 1 point for a maximum of 3 points.

    Added bonus, keep this as part of your routine to see some serious definition within 4-6 weeks!!

    Cardio Challenge:

    Burn Baby Burn! Cardio this week is all about stairs, stairs, stairs! Did you know that jogging up and down stairs for 5 minutes burns approx 130 calories? Add some stairs into your normal routine. 5 minutes x 3 days this week (do it on your rest days from the strength challenge!) each workout = 1 point for a maximum of 3 points.

    (If stairs are too high impact substitute another exercise that burns a similar amount that is outside your regular routine. I just like stairs because it's such a fast way to burn a decent chunk of calories)

    Calorie Challenge:

    Set your goal in the spreadsheet created by Karie don’t just meet it, exceed it! If you’re up for a challenge, increase your goal by 5% from last week. Remember something as simple as running those stairs will significantly boost your calories for the week = 1 available point

    Emotional Challenge:

    We’ve all been working hard for weeks. We’ve all lost weight. And hopefully, we all feel empowered by our demonstrated self control, we feel connected to our fellow SAHMUers and we feel optimistic about the future. But at the same time, I’m willing to bet we all have moment’s where we feel like giving up. Why? Because this is HARD!!! So this week’s challenge is to write yourself a note. Something short and sweet that you can keep in your wallet, or stick to your mirror, something you can pull out to remind yourself of how far you’ve come. Think of that girl you were before starting your weight loss journey. Think about how much better you feel now and give yourself a freaking compliment! Cuz you deserve it!!! Worth 1 point.

    Commitment Challenge:

    Log on to MFP every day! Check in on the calorie burn spreadsheet daily once you have completed your workouts. Keep on track of your points and report in daily to show all your fellow teammates how committed you are to your team (not to mention making it easier on your captain to add up the final tally)! Post an encouraging note on the main thread or your team thread everyday! Report daily 7 days a week to earn 1 available point.

    Total Available Points: Max 10

    Nutrition – 1 point

    Strength – 3 points

    Cardio – 3 points

    Calorie – 1 point

    Emotional – 1 point

    Commitment – 1 point
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    I am just having one of those days that just starts off on the wrong foot and I can't seem to get back in the right frame of mind. This morning's weigh in, and the arrival of TOM are certainly not helping matters. Thanks Tasha for your encouragement. :-)

    Will we have a spreadsheet for points again? I found that very helpful in keeping track. :-)

    You guys are great, keep at it !
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    I am just having one of those days that just starts off on the wrong foot and I can't seem to get back in the right frame of mind. This morning's weigh in, and the arrival of TOM are certainly not helping matters. Thanks Tasha for your encouragement. :-)

    Will we have a spreadsheet for points again? I found that very helpful in keeping track. :-)

    You guys are great, keep at it !

    Yes, I will be making a new spreadsheet for this week, I will post the link tonight.

    I hope your day gets better. I bet your discouraging weigh in this morning was because of TOM, I always gain 2 lbs with TOM and magically it is gone within a day of the end.
  • tigertown11
    Wishing you girls luck this week! I know that everyone will do great. I'm keeping an eye on you!!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Here is the spreadsheet for week 7 points. Let me know if you have any questions!!!
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    Here is the spreadsheet for week 7 points. Let me know if you have any questions!!!

    There's no link. :-)
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Not going to be able to do the commitment challenge as I won't be able to get online for a few days after tomorrow, sorry team! The calcium challenge is REALLY tough as well but will try hard! Emotional challenge is done already, stuck a little note on my mirror that just says 'You're Amazing.' haha. Also going to start wearing my yummy mummy necklace more and tell myself I deserve to be called one!! :-) xx
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    The points spreadsheet for this week is on view only btw, can't edit it :-)
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    The points spreadsheet for this week is on view only btw, can't edit it :-)

    Fixed - Sorry didn't realized I missed a box. LOL!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone!

    I have been working hard on cleaning my house today, and chasing my little man around! He is 15 months today and has a TON of energy!!!! Probably won't make it to the gym today, but I am burning nonetheless! I am also hoping to do the strength training today.

    Does anyone have any fun plans this weekend?!?!
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Right guys I'm off on holiday! Hope you all have a great week and i'll catch up when I get back! :-)