TEAM GREEN- SAHMU- Go Green! (closed group)



  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    thats great!!! good job!!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I just got frustrated at work, got up left my desk and went for a quick walk to calm down. Before I would've gone to the cafe downstairs, bought one of their delicious chocolate cookies and ate my feelings. I call that desision a win baby! Plus I took the stairs!

    Great Choice!!! Thanks for being a strong team member!
  • yankeefamily05
    Im crazy! On a 90 degree day (feels 96 bc of the humidity) I decided to start my first day of c25k! I feel amazing:)
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Hi All,

    For the photos, I suppose the link from picasa would do.. Have pasted the link below-

    These photos are when I was still at 155lbs, have maintained this wieght for quite without even trying to reduce...
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Have completed 35 mins of yoga and pilates, 30 mins of Leslie walking (wish i could do the 3 miles, but just couldnt, so ended up in 2 miles).. well was active with my student dancing and walking, but couldnt fill in my student was dancing and me walking.. :-)

    I am becoming so much addicted to this website ... good or bad??? hahahha...

    Good going team Green!!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Im crazy! On a 90 degree day (feels 96 bc of the humidity) I decided to start my first day of c25k! I feel amazing:)

    Great job!!!! Go team green!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Exercise challenge: Goal complete for taday (yay!)
    Strength Challenge: Done for today (Yay!)

    I had a great day, completed my challenges and cleaned my house, it's like this challenge is giving me more energy!

    Great job Green Team!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    re-introduction...I'm Deanna....I'm mommy to ds(almost 8) ds (4) and dd(2) Married to my love for 8 years!

    Our post will read:
    Starting MFP Weight 183
    Starting SAHMU Weight 183
    Week 1 Weight 183
    Goal Weight 135 long term goal dh is in the Army and I say that I want to get to enlistment weight which is atleast 135 but really i don't truely care about a number, i just want to feel good in my own skin, so if it's bigger smaller we'll see!

    squats done with 8# weights, Walked with my daughter today

    Emotional goal---not really sure on this one I do have a crappy self esteem.

    I do have a goal tho, I'm doing a 6 mile mud run on Saturday and my goal is to finish it strong without breaking anything!!!

    Squats with weights! Awesome! Good luck on your run, that is so cool you are doing that, good for you!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member

    Before/after pictures. This was the easiest way to do it!

    I have lost 5lbs since than:)

    Wow, I can really tell a diference! Great job!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Have completed 35 mins of yoga and pilates, 30 mins of Leslie walking (wish i could do the 3 miles, but just couldnt, so ended up in 2 miles).. well was active with my student dancing and walking, but couldnt fill in my student was dancing and me walking.. :-)

    I am becoming so much addicted to this website ... good or bad??? hahahha...

    Good going team Green!!!

    Hi Renu,
    Great job today! Did you do your Squats?
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Im crazy! On a 90 degree day (feels 96 bc of the humidity) I decided to start my first day of c25k! I feel amazing:)

    Wow! That is dedication! Did you do your squats today???
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I just got frustrated at work, got up left my desk and went for a quick walk to calm down. Before I would've gone to the cafe downstairs, bought one of their delicious chocolate cookies and ate my feelings. I call that desision a win baby! Plus I took the stairs!

    Hi Lynda,
    Where are you tonight?
    I hope your day turned out a little better!
    Did you complete your challenges for the day??
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Okay Team Green,
    I think I got everyone, I hope you all had a fantastic day!
    I will try to come up with some kind of spreadsheet for us so we can keep up with our results. Any artists out there want to come up with a team signature?

    Go Team Green!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    Yes i did but without weights..I completed 35 squats... :-))

    Everyone wtg!!!

  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Yay! Green Team it looks like we all completed our challenges today!

    I am so glad you are all on my team!

    Go Green!!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Completed my Cardio part of the challenge and I am still going to mow the lawn wich takes about 40 min, I will get a great burn in for today!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    How is everyone today?
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Great going Karie!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Team Green!
    Where are all my girls at?? I am going to go on another bike ride with my hubby tonight, I feel tired but I am going to go ahead and go for it!

    If you girls could make a post at the end of the day and let me know you completed all your goals for the day so that I can keep track of our points that would be fabulous.
    If your leaving for the weekend or something just let me know that you will complete your challenge that would be great.

  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I just got frustrated at work, got up left my desk and went for a quick walk to calm down. Before I would've gone to the cafe downstairs, bought one of their delicious chocolate cookies and ate my feelings. I call that desision a win baby! Plus I took the stairs!

    Hi Lynda,
    Where are you tonight?
    I hope your day turned out a little better!
    Did you complete your challenges for the day??

    Hi! Sorry for not reporting last night. I met my goals for yesterday and today, even the kitchen close one which was tough cuz my husband made popcorn last night at 835, but i was like "not for me baby!"

    Not only did I meet my exercise goals, I totally exceeded the wealking requirement today. I put in 2 hours of walking. Granted, it was at a slower pace then usual but still, I got 'er done!
