TEAM GREEN- SAHMU- Go Green! (closed group)



  • yankeefamily05
    Today was a TERRIBLE day health wise!!!! I feel like I let ya'll down. I did do alot of walking today at the mall! But I also had a mcdouble at mcdonalds and friendly's for dinner! I know (slap on the wrist)

    But I have my meals planned out for tomorrow and sunday. Its time to get serious.
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Hey girls!
    Sorry I haven't been on much the last two days. yesterday was my son's first bday, and today I spent the whole day cooking and cleaning for his big party tomorrow. Thank god I took yesterday and today off from work to get things ready. I have about 30 ppl coming over tomorrow, so I've been prepping all this food that I won't eat! lol!

    I completed my exercise goals today but I am sorry to say that I had a small snack at 845. I am normally good about the kitchen close at 830, but I barely ate today and I was running around like a crazy person so I was feeling alil woozy. Piece of cheese and a small apple put me back on track tho.

    Karie, to answer your question, I am currently alloted 1300 calories but I never go over 1200. After inputting exercise I usually have anywhere from 150-500 left. Makes me feel good to know there is a deficit.

    Anyways, I might not be on much tomorrow since that's party day, but I'll be back to checking in on you gals more regularly on Sunday. In the meantime, I hope you all know that this group is helping me with every healthy decision I make - I don't wanna let you all down! :)

    I'm off to bed. After spending 4 hours baking/decorating my boy's cake (it's a monkey for our monkey themed party!) I'm freaking wiped! G'nite!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Today was a TERRIBLE day health wise!!!! I feel like I let ya'll down. I did do alot of walking today at the mall! But I also had a mcdouble at mcdonalds and friendly's for dinner! I know (slap on the wrist)

    But I have my meals planned out for tomorrow and sunday. Its time to get serious.

    I was wondering where you had been and I am sure you have given yourself a hard enough slap on the wrist for all of us. I had 3 Coronas toaday and I had to give myself my own slap on the wrist for that one, I never usually drink but a friend of mine came over and I just wanted to feel "normal" and have a few beers with her. I was over my calories today because of it so I was a bit dissapointed. We will have a better day tomorrow right??? It sounds like you are planning on it and I am with you on that.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hey girls!
    Sorry I haven't been on much the last two days. yesterday was my son's first bday, and today I spent the whole day cooking and cleaning for his big party tomorrow. Thank god I took yesterday and today off from work to get things ready. I have about 30 ppl coming over tomorrow, so I've been prepping all this food that I won't eat! lol!

    I completed my exercise goals today but I am sorry to say that I had a small snack at 845. I am normally good about the kitchen close at 830, but I barely ate today and I was running around like a crazy person so I was feeling alil woozy. Piece of cheese and a small apple put me back on track tho.

    Karie, to answer your question, I am currently alloted 1300 calories but I never go over 1200. After inputting exercise I usually have anywhere from 150-500 left. Makes me feel good to know there is a deficit.

    Anyways, I might not be on much tomorrow since that's party day, but I'll be back to checking in on you gals more regularly on Sunday. In the meantime, I hope you all know that this group is helping me with every healthy decision I make - I don't wanna let you all down! :)

    I'm off to bed. After spending 4 hours baking/decorating my boy's cake (it's a monkey for our monkey themed party!) I'm freaking wiped! G'nite!

    Hi Lynda,
    Happy Birthday to your little one! I can relate to all the work that comes with the 1st birthday party I was there only 6 short months ago and I was so tired after getting ready for it. I hope you have a great day and stay away from those hard to resist treats. I know you will!
    The Kitchen actually has to close at 9:30 so you will still get a point for that so Yay!!!
    Talk to you Sunday,
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I completed my sqats as well today. I didn't do a workout today tho wanted to 'rest' for tomorrow's big adventrue! But I did good today. I was only over my calories by 7 calories. so that's not bad!! And my kitchen closed at 9:30!

    O and back to what I wrote before about how many calories remaining, i try not to eat any of the excerise calories that I burn. That way I can lose more. But i don't beat myself up if I do eat some. But I usually have all my exercise calories burned left over.

    Have so much fun tomorrow!!! I wish I could join you, it sounds like a blast!! Let us know how it goes. I was 115 calories over today because I had a few beers so ya you did great!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    First I want to say...I want a snack!!! Don't worry ladies it's too late(the kitchen is closed) but how I wish I could have one, I will wait for breakfast. you know if I wasn't a part of this team I may just cave and go find one but I will not let our team down!
    I did have 3 beers today that put me over my calories for the day so I am bummed about that but I am going to work out super hard this weekend, I may even go swimming.( nearest pool is 45 min away)
    I hope you all have a great weekend and remember to stay strong we only have 4 days left tell weigh in so lets make our team proud, not that the number on the scale means everything but it is nice to have a loss.

    Thanks for your response on the calories left over question. Some days I have a ton but other days, like today, I am negative, I try to have anywhere from 200-500 left to help me lose the weight a little faster. Hope it works.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Do you ladies ever post something and then notice you spelled something I just notice I do that sometimes and I want you ladies to know I do know how to spell most of the time!
  • yankeefamily05
    I beat the heat and got my run in this morning. I was going to do Tae Bo, but our VCR isn't working! Instead of just saying OH WELL im not working out today, I went for a run!:)....I came home and did my squats too!

    We are going to the park for lunch! Im going to make a nice chef salad*toppings controlled of course* and go swimming!:)..Later Steak at my sisters, wish I knew what we were having with it so I cold plan ahead!!!!

    Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I beat the heat and got my run in this morning. I was going to do Tae Bo, but our VCR isn't working! Instead of just saying OH WELL im not working out today, I went for a run!:)....I came home and did my squats too!

    We are going to the park for lunch! Im going to make a nice chef salad*toppings controlled of course* and go swimming!:)..Later Steak at my sisters, wish I knew what we were having with it so I cold plan ahead!!!!

    Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!

    Great job!!! So glad you are back at it today! Have a great day!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Oh gosh! its so hot outside... want to go on a walk...

    As soon as I got up this morning wanted to go on a walk, but it was hot outside... My hubby was still sleeping.. then all of a sudden landed in the gym and completed my cardio exercises...

    When I came back home, I was damn tired and hungry too and even then my hubby was still

    Managed to cook something very healthy...

    Time for a movie, no popcorns......

    Team Green rocks!

    Take care
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Just a quick check in my sister is here visiting but I am still sticking to the plan. She went on my walk with me it was great! Did my squats today. I ate okay today.
    Anyway just wanted to say.... Go Green!!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Cardio- done, squats-done..Kitchen closed on time...
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    just a quick note....i finished my mud run today! it took a 2 hrs and 36 min. but i finished! and am very proud of myself! i'm sore now but i did get my cardio in def.. today lol. and i didn't technically do squats but with all the obstacles i think i'm ok!!! hopefully be on more tomorrow weekends are harder. have a great night all!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Hi Green!

    First of all the party was a HUGE success! Everyone had fun, my boy was in a great mood and he got totally spoiled! Also, I had decided to give myself a "freebi" yesterday. I was determined to have fun and eat whatevver I wanted and you know what? Even though I promised myself I wouldn't count calories I still had a rough idea in my head at the end of it all and I still came in under 1200! I was so proud! And it's because of how much my taste buds have changed! I poured myself a glass of pepsi (which I used to drink all the time) and had one sip, decided I didn't want it and had water. I grabbed some ketchup chips (and old fave) had two or three and felt like my mouth was on fiure from all the artificial flavor, so I switched to carrot sticks. Could it be that I actually LIKE healthy food?!?! *gasp* I didn't even have cake because I was busy helping my son eat his (he loved it!) Plus, all my friends were noticing tht I've lost weight. Felt pretty good :)

    So, with that being said, I just wanted to report in that I got my cardio/squats/kitchen points every day so far this week (can't remember which days I've already reported in on. Sorry Karie!)And have already completed by cardio/squats for today. My hubby and I took my son for a walk with him on his new Trike (it's the kind that Mom or Dad can push with a handle). Felt great to just relax with my boys.

    I see that everyone's been doing well on the exercise but it seems like we are each having our moment of weakness with food. I just want to say (because I have certainly been there!) to please not beat yourself up about it. If you go over your calories one day, or eat an unhealthy snack (like McD's) cut yourself some slack. Think of it as a blip on the radar. Losing weight is a long, hard road and while it's important to acknowledge when we've made a "mistake" it's also important to recognize that we are only human and it is not the end of the world. We can do this!!!!

    Have a wonderful day!
  • yankeefamily05
    I got my run in today. Did my squats!.....

    I'm going to my bff's tonight for dinner, she is making chicken enchilidas. Good thing I worked out today! I will be flushing my body with a ton of water today and tomorrow! I think I'm on a sodium HIGH lately.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Green!

    First of all the party was a HUGE success! Everyone had fun, my boy was in a great mood and he got totally spoiled! Also, I had decided to give myself a "freebi" yesterday. I was determined to have fun and eat whatevver I wanted and you know what? Even though I promised myself I wouldn't count calories I still had a rough idea in my head at the end of it all and I still came in under 1200! I was so proud! And it's because of how much my taste buds have changed! I poured myself a glass of pepsi (which I used to drink all the time) and had one sip, decided I didn't want it and had water. I grabbed some ketchup chips (and old fave) had two or three and felt like my mouth was on fiure from all the artificial flavor, so I switched to carrot sticks. Could it be that I actually LIKE healthy food?!?! *gasp* I didn't even have cake because I was busy helping my son eat his (he loved it!) Plus, all my friends were noticing tht I've lost weight. Felt pretty good :)

    So, with that being said, I just wanted to report in that I got my cardio/squats/kitchen points every day so far this week (can't remember which days I've already reported in on. Sorry Karie!)And have already completed by cardio/squats for today. My hubby and I took my son for a walk with him on his new Trike (it's the kind that Mom or Dad can push with a handle). Felt great to just relax with my boys.

    I see that everyone's been doing well on the exercise but it seems like we are each having our moment of weakness with food. I just want to say (because I have certainly been there!) to please not beat yourself up about it. If you go over your calories one day, or eat an unhealthy snack (like McD's) cut yourself some slack. Think of it as a blip on the radar. Losing weight is a long, hard road and while it's important to acknowledge when we've made a "mistake" it's also important to recognize that we are only human and it is not the end of the world. We can do this!!!!

    Have a wonderful day!

    Hi Lynda!
    Wow, you rocked it yesterday! Good for you! I am so glad the party went well. Isn't it great that once you start living a healthier lifestyle you are so much more aware of what you put in your mouth even when you tell yourself your going to have a cheat day.

    My sister came yesterday and I drank a beer or 2 with her so I know that racked up the calories yesterday but I did pretty well otherwise. I just feel so good about this and I am staying motivated, it isn't like before when I would have to make myself "diet" or workout. I am excited everyday to eat well and I look forward to working out. This is a lifestyle change for the rest of my life and I love it!

    I don't beat myself up to much when I eat a little to much or something that isn't to great because I know I am in control and I am concious of what I am eating unlike before when I would mindlessly eat.

    Anyway have a great Day!!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I got my run in today. Did my squats!.....

    I'm going to my bff's tonight for dinner, she is making chicken enchilidas. Good thing I worked out today! I will be flushing my body with a ton of water today and tomorrow! I think I'm on a sodium HIGH lately.

    I think preparing yourself for the day if you know you are going to have something that night that is higher in calorie/carbs is the way to do it! You can't miss out on life, that is why most "diets" don't work. Great job for drinking that water! I need to drink more because i too have been high in the sodium department lately.

    Have fun!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I hope you have a wonderful Sunday! I think we should keep posting what we do everyday to keep us on track but if you could also keep track and do a final post for me on tuesday night adding up your points for the week that would be great!

    Have a great day and Go Green!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Ugh... I tripped while out for my walk earlier and fell. Didn't think it was a big deal but my sciatic nerve has been killing me ever since. It was a big problem when I was in my third trimester and it bugged me for awhile after giving birth but it has been months since it's acted up. And now I can barely move. I really hope that it doesn't become an issue again. Not a fun way to end my weekend :(

    Anyways, all goals completed for the day (thank God I did my squats first thing this morning otherwise I don't think I would have been able to do them!). Kitchen is closed for me cuz I'm heading to bed. G'nite ladies.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    I hope you are alright...

    Take care dear...
