TEAM GREEN- SAHMU- Go Green! (closed group)



  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Hi All,

    Was getting bit bored, couldn't figure out how to spend my sunday... Then we watched an Indian movie( although it was boring I ate a bit of popcorn today, but still my calories are under control...

    I have completed all my challenges- cardio, squats, and kitchen closed...

    Take care
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    I have a concern to share... I just happened to calculate how many oz of water should I be drinking in a day for my weight... it was 122 oz... I am really bad at drinking water... I don't drink that much of water anyways...

    Pls share any tips to increase my water intake...
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I hope you all had a great weekend. I did okay as far as my calorie intake but I stuck to my workouts for sure, I feel great about that!

    Lynda- I hope you didn't injure yourself to bad. Maybe you should take it easy tomorrow. I am glad you were able to finish your goals for today! Congrats on that.

    Renu- I bought several water bottles for myself and take them with me everywhere. On really hot days I put ice in there to keep it cold, they have a little clip on them so I can clip them to my pants or my stroller. This has helped me alot. Also everytime I go in the kitchen I try to get a glass of water just to form a good habit for myself. Hope this helps!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    just a quick note....i finished my mud run today! it took a 2 hrs and 36 min. but i finished! and am very proud of myself! i'm sore now but i did get my cardio in def.. today lol. and i didn't technically do squats but with all the obstacles i think i'm ok!!! hopefully be on more tomorrow weekends are harder. have a great night all!

    Awesome job on the mud run! You should be proud. I would love to try that one day. I believe you got your cardio in no doubt!
    I didn't see you post today so I hope you had a good Sunday.
    Talk to you soon!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Hi Renu,
    every time I want a snack, or am about to have a meal, I drnk a large glass of water. It helps to make sure I'm getting my water in, but also helps to curb overeating. Sometimes we hink we are hungry when we are really dehydrated, so by drinking the water first it can help to cut some calories as well. If nothing else, maybe try premeasuring it out: designate a specific pitcher to be "Renu's water jug" so you know you gotta drink that sucker down every day. Or premeasure glasses of water and line them up ont he counter so you are always mindful. Journal it the same way you journal food so you are inspired to complete your goal. Whatever works!

    In fact, you've reminded me that I could use a glass. Thanks!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member

    I hope you are alright...

    Take care dear...


    Thanks! I took a few Aleve last night and had a decent night's sleep (would have been better except that my husband's friend felt the need to call at an ungodly hour and wake us up.) Anyways, had some trouble falling asleep from the discomfort but woke up feeling much better, albeit with a massive bruise/scrap on my knee. I'm going to focus on stretches today to hopefully keep it from seizing up. I'll keep you posted.

    BTW: walking goal already complete! squata are maybe depending on how much my butt hurts. LOL! I'll let you know.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Hey Lynda,

    thanks for those tips.. I liked Renu's water

    Will surely help me in drinking more water... :-)

    You already completed your cardio...great!

    Catch ya later...
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Good morning Ladies!

    Wonderful monday is here... Yet to begin my day with the exercise...

    Karie, thanks for the tips...

    Great going everyone...

    Catch ya all later!
  • yankeefamily05
    I am starting 30 Day Shred today!....The first time I tried it was when I was back at 270. I am hoping since I am in better shape now, I can stick with it!

    I am having some major poop issues. I know TMI! But it is frustrating because it keeps the scale from going down!...Poop!:)

    HOpe you are all doing well!!!!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I am starting 30 Day Shred today!....The first time I tried it was when I was back at 270. I am hoping since I am in better shape now, I can stick with it!

    I am having some major poop issues. I know TMI! But it is frustrating because it keeps the scale from going down!...Poop!:)

    HOpe you are all doing well!!!!

    What's the 30 Day Shred? I've never heard of that plan. Sounds intriguing tho! I could certainly use a jumpstart. Now that I'm offically in the 230s I'm super pumped to hit the 220s. Want a buddy?

    Never worry about TMI! I'm an over-sharer and love when I met another one! LOL! But seriously, I feel for you. My whole life I've had random bouts of trouble but I find it especailly frustrating when I know that it hurts my weight loss efforts. Have you tried drinking hot water? Often works for me.
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Just checking in to share that I am having a great day! The stretching has really helped the pain in my sciatic nerve, so I think I'll be back to normal in no time. I'm even gonna attempt the squat challenge when I get home.

    Also, just wanted to share that I had a really great chat with one of my colleagues at lunch (ppl are on holidays so it's only the two of us in the office). Anyways, she is very petite and pretty and her looks have always intimatded me a bit, even though she's the nicest person in the world. Anyways, we got to talkng about weight and healthy eating and she was so supportive of my efforts! It really made me feel good! She said she had noticed that I looked slimmer, but since we met when I was alrady pregnant she wasn't sure if it was approriate to say something. Anyways, we had a great chat about insecurites and healthy living and I was shocked that she had as many insecurites as I do. I realize that this is a horribly close minded thing to admit, but I've always been intimated by petite women - even at my smallest I have a sturdy bone structure and will probably never be less than a size 8-10. Anyways, I've always thought "oh it mst be come so easy, being thin and pretty, they have no idea what it's like to feel big."

    I guess what I'm tryng to say is that support can come from the most unexpected places - even your skinny minny friends that you think have no idea what you feel. So try to be open to it. It might just put a smile on your face:smile:

    So if it's ok, I'd like to add to the "emotional goal" challenge. And I'll wnnr you in advnce, this next part might be a it cheesy, but I truly feel like changing my eating and exercise patterns, living a more healthy lifestyle is impacting my life in so many other, unexpected ways. I'm becoming more open to others around me, letting people in instead of always having my guard up. And I want to thank you girls for helping to do this. By sharing online, more or less anoyomously, I have tapped into the person that I am: what I think, how I feel and I am starting to deal with issues that I've carried with me for a long time without even realizing. So thanks for the support! I really couln't do this without you!!
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    sorry for not checkin in yesterday. it was such a crazy busy day. today is going to go so much smoother i hope lol. how's everyones' week going?
  • yankeefamily05
    I am starting 30 Day Shred today!....The first time I tried it was when I was back at 270. I am hoping since I am in better shape now, I can stick with it!

    I am having some major poop issues. I know TMI! But it is frustrating because it keeps the scale from going down!...Poop!:)

    HOpe you are all doing well!!!!

    What's the 30 Day Shred? I've never heard of that plan. Sounds intriguing tho! I could certainly use a jumpstart. Now that I'm offically in the 230s I'm super pumped to hit the 220s. Want a buddy?

    Never worry about TMI! I'm an over-sharer and love when I met another one! LOL! But seriously, I feel for you. My whole life I've had random bouts of trouble but I find it especailly frustrating when I know that it hurts my weight loss efforts. Have you tried drinking hot water? Often works for me.

    Sure thing! It is Jillian MIchael's 30 Day Shred. It is circuit training. 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of abs. 25-30 minute workout including warm up and cool down. You can get it at walmart for $10! Ill friend request you!
  • yankeefamily05
    Just checking in! Just got done with Day 1 of 30DS!!!!! Jillian really works your body!!!! Not as hard as the last time, but still tasking enough!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Sorry I haven't checked in much today, I had company all day. My sister who I haven't seen in a few months and her 5 kids(crazy, I know) came over, she said she had noticed that I am slimming down so that was nice.

    My 15lb loss reward was to get my hair dyed, I went and had it done but I am bummed because I am not sure I like it! My Mom also came over today and the first thing she said was what did you do to your hair? I don't think she realized it kinda hurt my feelings. I got highlights done and they are okay, I will get used to them. It's just a bummer that i wanted to reward myself but instead it kind of back fired.

    It looks like we are all working hard this week, yay! Go Green!

    Lynda-Thank you for sharing with us the part 2 of your emotional goal. (By the way I love cheese) I am so happy I have this group with me, I really think I would have lost some motivation by now but it inspires me everyday to see you all logging your food and exercise. So I too thank you all for your support!

    Talk to you all soon,
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Team Green
    Week 1 Total Points


    *Please just add your name and paste and copy this so we can have a total by tomorrow night.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Team Green
    Week 1 Total Points

  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Cardio-done, squats- done... Kitchen closed... :-))
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Team Green
    Week 1 Total Points


    *Please just add your name so we can have a total by tomorrow night.
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Team Green
    Week 1 Total Points

    Lynda - I''m not sure... I feel dumb admitting this but I can't remember how the points work. All I know is I did my cardio and squats everyday and closed my kitchen before 930. So whatever the max is - sign me up! LOL!

    *Please just add your name so we can have a total by tomorrow night.