Team Yellow-SAHMU (closed group)



  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Ok, So I've been thinking about this for the last few days... Excuses?? Hmm. I know that for the last few years, I've fallen in to the "I can't find the time" crap, which I know.. is crap. Or, there's the " Life is so busy, I'm just too tired to get it all done" one. With my hubby being away from home as much as he is, people are reallly willing to enable me with that one too, or even stick that one on me without my preference! But, that's only been the last few years.
    When I think back to when I was in high school... and nothing comes to mind at first. I was one of the bigger girls in my class, at a weight that.. well, as an adult, can see that it really was fine. There were just some underweight girls in my class as well. It's crazy what a little perspective can give you! Anyway, I think I always let it slide because " I'm not as big as ***"" or " well, I'm funny and a nice girl, so... " . Sure, I was unhappy. Sure, it made me put up protective walls that I didn't really let anyone in to, thus making my time there a pretty solitary experience( in a small town high school, with a grad class of 60 kids). Sure, I know it was my own doing. Didn't make it any easier. And that kind of crap follows you. It's really annoying when even as a 33 year old woman, your own insecurities make it so that you don't talk to someone you went to school with because you're thinking in their head that they're thinking ( don't get lost there!) something about you with reference to livestock. Or assuming that "{that person} doesn't want to talk to me.. they think they're better than me.. why would they lower themselves to do that?" so you're quiet and trying to look strong. Heck, it was only a year ago that my "quiet and shy, but strong" persona could have been taken as a "she thinks she's better than us" theory. Ack!

    Geez, I think too much about what other people think.

    Oh. wait. I seem to have gotten a little off track. Well, it's all healing, right?

    Anyway, after high school, I even used the excuse of putting others before myself. Not their needs, no.. their worth. Again, being one of the bigger ones in my circle of friends.. I even would stop getting healthy because "then ---- would be the "fat one'. I can't do that to them.." Not to worry about my own self worth.. *sigh*.
    So what keeps me out? my own new found ability to kick my own *kitten*. I have always pictured myself in the future being a healthy active mom.. she's been waiting a while to get out of there! And, I'm seeing glimpses of her now! And I know that if I REALLY want it, I just have to make it that priority.
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Ok! So I've got my 9!!

    I'm goin' for the spaghetti pasta. You know.. I don't think our voting plan is working very well!! Lol.. ( and no, I'm not just being a smarty pants.. )

    Oops, I mean pizza spaghetti. :)
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    You are all doing fantastic, I wanted to let you know I have let ishallnotwant go due to lack of posting and you will now have sunshineKB from Team Purple joining you. She will make a great new addition to your team!
  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 178 Member
    Hey ladies! I'm bummed that Team Purple fell apart but excited to join you guys for the rest of this challenge!
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    SAHMU Challenge Week 5

    Set a week Goal for yourself this week and achieve it! Your goal can't be under 2500 calories burned. We have to push ourselves.(I got this from another challenge on MFP and thought it was great!)
    **8/17 done!
    **8/18 done!
    **8/19 done!
    **8/22 done!

    Strength: Possible 6 points per person just for this challenge!!
    Day 1 Challenge - 50 Leg Raises (each side) 8/19 done!
    Day 2 Challenge - 40 Squats
    Day 3 Challenge - 50 situps or ab crunches 8/18 done!
    Day 4 Challenge - 40 "Up & Downs" 8/17 done!
    Day 5 Challenge - 25 Pushups 8/19 done!
    Day 6 Challenge - 25 Lunges 8/22 done!
    Day 7 Rest!! You deserve it!!
    *You can do these in any order you would like.

    Food Challenge: Healthy Kids Meal
    Recipe challenge- for this challenge we will each submit a Kids Meal recipe to our team thread, you will receive 1 point for this, take a vote on your team and then submit the best Kids recipe to our main thread, we will then all vote for the best recipe on the main thread and the team with the most votes will receive 1 extra point for this challenge. (the catch is you cannot vote for your own team). Remember to include the nutritional content in your receipe. 8/19 done!

    Emotional Challenge:
    What excuses have you made (to yourself or others) in the past for your weight, and how do you stop yourself from falling back into the "I am heavy because...." attitude?
    **Well I used to make excuses from just having my baby. I’d say things like, “Well this baby done put all this weight on me!” or “Christian why did you make momma so fat”. It was never my fault. I always blamed someone else. Now I see it soooooo different. I have a get to it attitude and I am not stopping until this job is done! I will be 164 lbs again and then 145lbs. I HAVE to get this done for me and no one else!

    ******Yesterday was BAD! Didnt do nothing but cleaned. I had it all planned out to work out but then my mom got sick and I was just plain tired! I'm better today and am gonna hit the gym! Sorry! Welcome Sunshine!!!!

    ***Also I lost only 1/2 a pound. Ugh! THAT depressed me! Oh well, I'm moving on.......
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Highest weight-- 265 ( 1 week before delivery) ( Aug3/09)
    Start Weight- 225 ( Nov 15/09)
    Starting MFP 208lbs (June 6/11)
    Starting SAHMU 199lbs
    Week 1 Weight 199.4 lbs
    Week 2 weight 196.4 lbs
    Week 3 weight- 196.2 lbs
    Week 4 weight- 194.4 lbs
    Week 5 weight- 195.4 lbs.
    Goal Weight 145lbs (loooong term..)

    -/+ this week +1lbs. ... *sigh* Ugh. Blasted TOM!!!
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    Alright sunshine! You're our tie breaker. Spaghetti pizza, chicken and apple quesadilla or meatloaf cupcake s with mashed potato icing.
    Welcome to team yellow! Let's make sure we all have each other as mfp friends.
  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 178 Member
    OK my vote goes to the meatloaf cupacake w/ mashed potato icing. My kids would devour that!! :+)

    Here's my Emotional Challenge:
    What excuses have you made (to yourself or others) in the past for your weight, and how do you stop yourself from falling back into the "I am heavy because...." attitude?
    In the past I always made the excuse of being big since I was a kid, having an obvious slow metabolism (which was true) and then after I had kids it was the excuse of not having time to exercise. And now I know while I do have obstacles to overcome, I am NOT a victim of my circumstance. I have the power and ability to change them and will never turn back! It is so exciting to see such a drastic change in my life and my husband's life! He has lost 83 pounds since the beginning of the year and I have lost 32 lbs since mid May.

    Here's my weigh-in
    Highest Weight: 263
    Beginning Weight: 250
    MFP SW: 243
    SAHMU SW: 226
    This week: 218

    No change from last week (its my TOM right now)

    Points: 8points total
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    Okay girls just weighed my self to be sure (I knew there was no way that it was .5 lb on that scale) I worked my tail off! I weighed after my workout cause that is when I am the most dehydrated and it was 199.2!!! Thats a -2lb. loss! I am reeling!!!!! I changed it on the team goal sheet!!!
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    Alright is my b-day and my present to myself was a 1.8 lbs loss for the week. Yay!

    Starting MFP 215lbs
    Starting SAHMU 211lbs
    Week 1 Weight 211 lbs
    Week 2 weight 209.6 lbs
    Week 3 weight 208.8 lbs
    Week 4 weight 208.8 lbs
    Week 5 weight 207.0 lbs
    Goal Weight 180 lbs

    -/+ this week -- -1.8 lbs

    I'll post the meatloaf cupcakes on the main thread since it was our winner, though not by much!
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    Alright is my b-day and my present to myself was a 1.8 lbs loss for the week. Yay!

    Starting MFP 215lbs
    Starting SAHMU 211lbs
    Week 1 Weight 211 lbs
    Week 2 weight 209.6 lbs
    Week 3 weight 208.8 lbs
    Week 4 weight 208.8 lbs
    Week 5 weight 207.0 lbs
    Goal Weight 180 lbs

    -/+ this week -- -1.8 lbs

    I'll post the meatloaf cupcakes on the main thread since it was our winner, though not by much!

    ** you are beyond the awesomeness!!!! Happy Happy Birthday!!
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    Alright is my b-day and my present to myself was a 1.8 lbs loss for the week. Yay!

    Starting MFP 215lbs
    Starting SAHMU 211lbs
    Week 1 Weight 211 lbs
    Week 2 weight 209.6 lbs
    Week 3 weight 208.8 lbs
    Week 4 weight 208.8 lbs
    Week 5 weight 207.0 lbs
    Goal Weight 180 lbs

    -/+ this week -- -1.8 lbs

    I'll post the meatloaf cupcakes on the main thread since it was our winner, though not by much!

    ** you are beyond the awesomeness!!!! Happy Happy Birthday!!

    Thanks! You're not so bad yourself! 2lbs, Yay for you!
  • thefishers4
    thefishers4 Posts: 165 Member
    SAHMU Challenge Week 5

    Set a week Goal for yourself this week and achieve it! Your goal can't be under 2500 calories burned. We have to push ourselves.(I got this from another challenge on MFP and thought it was great!)
    Got it done :)

    Strength: Possible 6 points per person just for this challenge!!
    Day 1 Challenge - 50 Leg Raises (each side)
    Day 2 Challenge - 40 Squats
    Day 3 Challenge - 50 situps or ab crunches
    Day 4 Challenge - 40 "Up & Downs"
    Day 5 Challenge - 25 Pushups
    Day 6 Challenge - 25 Lunges
    Day 7 Rest!! You deserve it!!
    *You can do these in any order you would like.
    Got those all done :)

    Food Challenge: Healthy Kids Meal
    Recipe challenge- for this challenge we will each submit a Kids Meal recipe to our team thread, you will receive 1 point for this, take a vote on your team and then submit the best Kids recipe to our main thread, we will then all vote for the best recipe on the main thread and the team with the most votes will receive 1 extra point for this challenge. (the catch is you cannot vote for your own team). Remember to include the nutritional content in your receipe.
    didn't get this done :(

    Emotional Challenge:
    What excuses have you made (to yourself or others) in the past for your weight, and how do you stop yourself from falling back into the "I am heavy because...." attitude?
    **Well I am a full time worker and don't have the time. I had a baby, baby comes first. I am tooo tired.

    Didn't lose anything this week :(
  • thefishers4
    thefishers4 Posts: 165 Member
    Starting MFP 218lbs
    Starting SAHMU 181lbs
    Week 1 Weight 181 lbs
    Week 2 weight 179.6lbs
    Week 3 weight 182.2lbs :(
    Week 4 weight 180.2lbs
    Week 5 weight 181.2lbs :(
    Goal Weight 130lbs (loooong term..)
  • thefishers4
    thefishers4 Posts: 165 Member
    Hey ladies! I'm bummed that Team Purple fell apart but excited to join you guys for the rest of this challenge!
    Welcome to team yellow :)
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Can everyone please go to the spreadsheets and input there total points and weight loss this week, remember ifyou have gained weight count it as 0 for the week, also make sure the previous weeks are complete as well. Thanks and as soon as this is done I will give a little update on who won the highest weight loss for the week and who earned the most points.

    Also make sure you go to week 5 and vote for a recipe!!!
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    How is everyone doing on the daily challenges??
    Somehow (even with b-day cake) I stayed just under my carbs for yesterday and today looks alright, too.

    Here's tomorrow's...
    Nutrition - Under Fat
    Exercise - 50 bicycle crunches (
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Helloooo! How's everybody doing? I can say that I'm SOOO glad tomorrow is Friday-- I don't have any daycare kids, so it's a long weekend for me! I'm so going to "sleep in". ( Oh, I'll still be awake at 7 with Emma.. but I can keep her entertained while I lie there comatose for a while!!) I I would like to have a quiet weekend, but there's HUGE goings on in my town this weekend-- TSN is coming to so a spot there as we won a $25000 prize to repair our arena roof as part of the Kraft Celebration Tour. Of course, that also means bbqs all over the place.. so we'll see how I do!

    I'm doin' good with the daily challenges--
    Wed--under carbs-- Yep! I may have only had 6 left, but that counts!!
    --Hip flexors -- done!
    -- cardio--3 mile Leslie Sansone.. at 10:30pm... so that I would be under on my carbs and calories! 331 calories!

    Thurs- Under Calories-- yup!
    - 50 (on your knees)pushups... did them after my workout! Of course, by the time I got to 30, doing more than 5 at a time was killer.. but they're done!
    -cardio-- Day 10 of L2 of 30ds, and tonight 4 mile fast walk DVD... for which I got to use my NEW HRM!!!! Wheeee!!

    As for my emotional... I'm still letting that sink in for a bit. My brain likes to have a little time to process these things!
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    Well I have been doing good with the challenges. I have kicked it up a notch on the cardio and put resistance up to 9 instead of 7 and whew! that does make a huge difference. I didnt want to do the pushups yesterday because I didnt want to make myself exhausted for my birthday getaway tonight! My hubby wont be here on my actual b-day next month so we are celebrating early. I am gonna try to not eat and drink horrible! See y'all on Saturday!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Just had the best post-workout smoothie ever. Mmmmmm... Apparently, a tablespoon or 2 of peanut butter is enough to make me a happy gal! Oh, who am I kidding.. as I've said before, pb is my kryptonite!!

    Anyway, stayed under my fat today! ( Hmm, just got a WEIRD visual there...) Still have 8 to go.. and I actually had to think about it too!!
    Bicycle crunches done this morning, and made my calorie burn up to 1043! ( 30 DS, 3 miles walking DVD, and then tonight 65 min on the gazelle). But my goodness, I'm tired!! It was using my HRM, so now that I know its accurate.. apparently there were some things that may not have been before. I'm actually wondering if I may need to adjust my spreadsheet goal too. Now that I KNOW what I'm burning.. well, I don't know that I can spend 2 hrs working out everyday this week to hit my goal! Plus, trying to eat that back so I'm over my BMR is INSANE. I'll leave it for a bit though.. just to see if I can do it!