Team Yellow-SAHMU (closed group)



  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    So, I did it. I reduced my calorie burn goal on the spreadsheet, from 5500 to 4500. I thought long and hard about it too.. but decided tonight that it was really what I needed to do. See, I'm kinda AR that way.. if I set a goal that's within reach, then I WILL achieve it. It can still be a challenge, but if it's too high, I'll still drive myself crazy trying to get there.
    I figured out yesterday that because I *only* burned 300ish calories on Monday, then to achieve it I would need to burn at least 860 for the rest of the week. At first I thought " well,that's not too bad... maybe I'll leave it." This am, I did 30 ds and a 4 mile walk with jogging intervals .. , adding up to 75 mins or exercise ( most of that in my high calorie burning zone) and *only* burnt 670 calories. "Well, maybe I'll do something later... ". Ugh. The last few nights I haven't gotten to bed until 1 because I'm starting a workout at 10pm, and then am still having calories that I need to eat back so I'm above my BMR. Of course, I had set that goal before I had my HRM, so things were.. well.. there were somethings that were close to accurate.. and others that were SOOO not.
    So tonight, my calories were perfect, I am pretty much balanced, my sodium is under ( yaay!) and I'm done for the night. Wait, I still have 189 calories that I have to burn, and then eat back? Crap. And, if I leave it then I need to do even MORE for the next 3 days?? Yeah... no.
    And so... changed. It will still be a challenge for me to do 4500 this week, but not something that is drive-me-crazy challenging. Aaannnnd, I know that that's totally fine, and I don't need to explain myself.. but .. well, I like having stories, so indulge me!! :)
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    Well today is Monday and I am back at it! I burned a good amount today and I plan to do the same thing tomorrow to make up for Friday night! Ugh! I ate horribly! So now I am gonna get back in the swing of things. Wish me luck! You girls are doing awesome!!
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    Things have been pretty quiet on here lately, we must all be busy working out! One more day to finish our challenges, so let's see some points totals tomorrow.
  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 178 Member
    I tried to get on here and post yesterday but just realized it never went through OR I never finished writing my post lol! It's hard to juggle sometimes with 3 kids, 7,4,6months, all of which are at home, homeschooling my 7yr old, tending to the baby, babysitting a 2 year old during the week on top of it, yadda yadda lol! Things seem to be at a steady nonstop pace lately...starting to feel somewhat overwhelmed! But I'm still very much dedicated to this challenge, don't get me wrong! haha :) Just venting somewhat I guess.
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    I tried to get on here and post yesterday but just realized it never went through OR I never finished writing my post lol! It's hard to juggle sometimes with 3 kids, 7,4,6months, all of which are at home, homeschooling my 7yr old, tending to the baby, babysitting a 2 year old during the week on top of it, yadda yadda lol! Things seem to be at a steady nonstop pace lately...starting to feel somewhat overwhelmed! But I'm still very much dedicated to this challenge, don't get me wrong! haha :) Just venting somewhat I guess.

    Oh hon.. just reading that made me tired.. and I do home daycare!! Lol.. Glad to hear you're still kicking around though!
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    I tried to get on here and post yesterday but just realized it never went through OR I never finished writing my post lol! It's hard to juggle sometimes with 3 kids, 7,4,6months, all of which are at home, homeschooling my 7yr old, tending to the baby, babysitting a 2 year old during the week on top of it, yadda yadda lol! Things seem to be at a steady nonstop pace lately...starting to feel somewhat overwhelmed! But I'm still very much dedicated to this challenge, don't get me wrong! haha :) Just venting somewhat I guess.

    Oh hon.. just reading that made me tired.. and I do home daycare!! Lol.. Glad to hear you're still kicking around though!

    And I thought homeschooling my 6 year old next year with just my baby there too was work! Go girl! It made me tired also!!
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    HI ladies. I understand that I have been replaced. I just wanted to come in and say that I am so grateful that you were all so kind and welcoming to me when I joined your group. I am terribly sorry for not being a woman of my word and not being a good teammate. Please forgive me, I have some really difficult stuff going on at home right now and sometimes I totally don't even get on the computer besides talking to my mom across country. Good luck with all of your health goals! I'm still cheering you all on. Go Team Yellow!
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    HI ladies. I understand that I have been replaced. I just wanted to come in and say that I am so grateful that you were all so kind and welcoming to me when I joined your group. I am terribly sorry for not being a woman of my word and not being a good teammate. Please forgive me, I have some really difficult stuff going on at home right now and sometimes I totally don't even get on the computer besides talking to my mom across country. Good luck with all of your health goals! I'm still cheering you all on. Go Team Yellow!

    * We will always be here for you so dont you even apologize! Life happens and we all know that. You are a blessing to alot of people so dont you forget that! *hugs*
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    SAHMU Challenge Week 6


    Set you goal this week atleast 5% higher than it was last week, we can do this ladies!! Amazing job last week!
    ** 8/24 done!
    ** 8/25 done!
    ** 8/29 done!
    ** 8/30 done!

    **The Team with the highest Calories burned this week gets an extra point!!

    I added Week 6 to the Calorie Burn Spreadsheet

    Please remember to post on your thread and on the main thread how you burned your calories and how many you burned each day, I think this will give us all some new ideas.

    Strength and Nutrition Challenge: 1 point for each per day ( possible 14 points)

    Nutrition - Under Carbs 8/24 done!
    Exercise - 25 (per side) Hip Flexor

    Nutrition - Under calories 8/25 done!
    Exercise - 50 push ups (modified as needed)

    Nutrition - Under Fat --- Did bad!
    Exercise - 50 bicycle crunches (

    Nutrition - Under Sodium –done!
    Exercise - 50 Bridges (

    Nutrition - Under Carbs --- done!
    Exercise - 50 skater squats (

    Nutrition - Under calories done!! Doubled up!
    Exercise - 25 Tricep Dips with Bent Knees (

    Tuesday done! 8/30/11
    Nutrition - Under Fat
    Exercise - Superman pose - 5 reps, 30 seconds each (

    **Some of you take a day or two break so just double up your strength for one day to get the point

    Emotional Challenge:
    What was your moment of clarity? What was it that made you say "Enough is enough; I am taking control of my life?" and how does remembering that help you through the emotional and life changing journey of taking off the weight?

    **Well I took a look in the mirror for starters then I asked myself, “Would the Jesus approve of his servant carrying around so much fat and being so unhealthy to where she couldn’t even go onto the mission field if she got called?” Then I answered myself, “Absolutely not!”. I wanted to be active and have fun with my boys! When I feel like I am gonna fall down into that pit again, I just remember the words of my one and only Savior that I felt in my heart the day I decided to do this! He told me He wouldn’t give up, if I didn’t. That says it all.

    Week 6 Points = 16 possible per person
    Cardio-1 per person
    Strength- 7 per person
    Food- 7 per person
    Emotion-1 per person

    Week 6 Team point = 4 possible for Team(this goes in the Team point line)
    Your Team earns 1 point for each challenge the whole Team completed ( your Team only gets the Team Point for the strength and food challenge if everyone completes all the daily challenges.)

    Any Week Picture Point=1 per person
    Anyone who posts a before pic will earn this extra point to add to there normal week points.

    Highest Weight Loss Point= 1 for the Team with the highest weight loss for this week.
    Highest Calorie Burn- 1 point for the Team with the highest Calorie Burn

    Week 6 total possible points=84 ( not including the Calorie Burn,Picture or highest weight loss Point)
  • thefishers4
    thefishers4 Posts: 165 Member
    Nutrition - Under Carbs - Done
    Exercise - 25 (per side) Hip Flexor - No
    Nutrition - Under calories - Done
    Exercise - 50 push ups - Done
    Nutrition - Under Fat - Done
    Exercise - 50 bicycle crunches – Done
    Nutrition - Under Sodium Done
    Exercise - 50 Bridges Done
    Nutrition - Under Carbs Done
    Exercise - 50 skater squats Done
    Nutrition - Under calories Done
    Exercise - 25 Tricep Dips with Bent Knees Done!
    Nutrition - Under Fat Done
    Exercise - Superman pose - 5 reps, 30 seconds each No

    Emotional Challenge:
    I would say April 3rd. I woke up that morning and was tired of living my life the way it was. I got up and wrote it on the board and never looked back. I know how I was back then and I don’t want to go back to the old me. I want this new and happy me to stay here and to know that every day is a gift. Life is to short not to live it healthy and to spend it with the ones that you love and matter to you the most. I have also seen how I have inspired others to do this journey and it makes me happy as well.
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    Hey everyone. Keep posting your points, looks like everyone did well this week. There are quite a few points to calculate, so if you guys wouldn't mind posting your own points, I would appreciate it. It get a little complicated with all of those possible points. Here is the link again....
    I'll repost next weeks challenge on our board as soon as it is up on the main one.
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    Emotional: I didn't really have a specific moment of clarity. I was doing really well geting healthy until I found out I was pregnant last year. The first few months after giving birth I didn't really make the decision to become healthier. It was at about 3 months postpartum that I really made the committment. I was just sick of not having any clothes to wear!
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    My points for this week...15 total
    Cardio-1 per person
    Strength- 7 per person
    Food- 6 per person
    Emotion-1 per person

    Nutrition - Under Carbs - Done
    Exercise - 25 (per side) Hip Flexor - Done
    Nutrition - Under calories - Done
    Exercise - 50 push ups - Done
    Nutrition - Under Fat - Done
    Exercise - 50 bicycle crunches – Done
    Nutrition - Under Sodium -Nope, had stirfry for hope!
    Exercise - 50 Bridges Done
    Nutrition - Under Carbs Done
    Exercise - 50 skater squats Done
    Nutrition - Under calories Done
    Exercise - 25 Tricep Dips with Bent Knees Done
    Nutrition - Under Fat Done
    Exercise - Superman pose - 5 reps, 30 seconds each Done
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    New challenge..

    WEEK 7 Challenge:

    (Karie, please add a week 7 section to the calorie spreadsheet. I'm not familiar with google docs and I'm scared I'll screw it up. lol!)
    Nutritional Challenge:

    Calcium – meet or exceed your calcium goal every day. Worth 1 point

    Strength Challenge:

    Build muscle tone in your arms as well as bone strength to help prevent osteoporosis

    Complete full workout (all 8 exercises, 3 x a week, with one day’s rest in between workouts) each workout = 1 point for a maximum of 3 points.

    Added bonus, keep this as part of your routine to see some serious definition within 4-6 weeks!!

    Cardio Challenge:

    Burn Baby Burn! Cardio this week is all about stairs, stairs, stairs! Did you know that jogging up and down stairs for 5 minutes burns approx 130 calories? Add some stairs into your normal routine. 5 minutes x 3 days this week (do it on your rest days from the strength challenge!) each workout = 1 point for a maximum of 3 points.

    (If stairs are too high impact substitute another exercise that burns a similar amount that is outside your regular routine. I just like stairs because it's such a fast way to burn a decent chunk of calories)

    Calorie Challenge:

    Set your goal in the spreadsheet created by Karie don’t just meet it, exceed it! If you’re up for a challenge, increase your goal by 5% from last week. Remember something as simple as running those stairs will significantly boost your calories for the week = 1 available point

    Emotional Challenge:

    We’ve all been working hard for weeks. We’ve all lost weight. And hopefully, we all feel empowered by our demonstrated self control, we feel connected to our fellow SAHMUers and we feel optimistic about the future. But at the same time, I’m willing to bet we all have moment’s where we feel like giving up. Why? Because this is HARD!!! So this week’s challenge is to write yourself a note. Something short and sweet that you can keep in your wallet, or stick to your mirror, something you can pull out to remind yourself of how far you’ve come. Think of that girl you were before starting your weight loss journey. Think about how much better you feel now and give yourself a freaking compliment! Cuz you deserve it!!! Worth 1 point.

    Commitment Challenge:

    Log on to MFP every day! Check in on the calorie burn spreadsheet daily once you have completed your workouts. Keep on track of your points and report in daily to show all your fellow teammates how committed you are to your team (not to mention making it easier on your captain to add up the final tally)! Post an encouraging note on the main thread or your team thread everyday! Report daily 7 days a week to earn 1 available point.

    Total Available Points: Max 10

    Nutrition – 1 point

    Strength – 3 points

    Cardio – 3 points

    Calorie – 1 point

    Emotional – 1 point

    Commitment – 1 point
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Oh my! Looks like I'm getting in on the tail end here!

    Emotional Challenge-- I too didn't really have a "moment".. it was more of a slow burn. I've dealt with weight issues since high school.. so there's always been this " You know... it could be different.." in the back of my head. Over the years, I've done WW, Sparkpeople, had a group of friends organize something, and about 7 other things, but I never stuck with it long enough to really feel like I should ( well, except WW.. but then I couldn't afford it anymore!). I made a resolution this January to get back on the wagon, and worked out diligently 6 days a week for 2.5 months. I felt awesome, and all was great. Then there was the time change, and a new family started coming to daycare REALLY early.. and .. fall. Off the wagon for me! Then in April/May, saw that a friend of mine was recommending MFP to her sister. I thought I would check it out, and signed up with a " well, maybe I should think about doing something".. and even then, got in to it gradually. Heck, even with resistance. But the easier MFP made it, the more hooked I got. Now, knowing I'm providing a good example for my kids, and giving me the opportunity to look freakin' awesome for the next trip East to see the in-laws... I'm in, baby!!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Challenge info!!

    Cardio-- I'm not sure about this one. I changed my goal mid week -- something that would challenge me, but was not completely unattainable, like my pre-HRM goal. I met the new goal.. and even went over, but it's not 5% up from last week. Do I still get the point for this one?

    Strength-- got em all done!!! (7)
    Food-- everyday, baby! ( 7)
    Emotional - yep! ( 1)
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Challenge info!!

    Cardio-- I'm not sure about this one. I changed my goal mid week -- something that would challenge me, but was not completely unattainable, like my pre-HRM goal. I met the new goal.. and even went over, but it's not 5% up from last week. Do I still get the point for this one?

    Strength-- got em all done!!! (7)
    Food-- everyday, baby! ( 7)
    Emotional - yep! ( 1)
    Ok, so I get the cardio point!! That's 16 for me, baby!!!!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    GAAAAHHH!!!!!! I'm freaking UP!! AGAIN!!! :grumble:

    Highest weight-- 265 ( 1 week before delivery) ( Aug3/09)
    Start Weight- 225 ( Nov 15/09)
    Starting MFP 208lbs (June 6/11)
    Starting SAHMU 199lbs
    Week 1 Weight 199.4 lbs
    Week 2 weight 196.4 lbs
    Week 3 weight- 196.2 lbs
    Week 4 weight- 194.4 lbs
    Week 5 weight- 195.4 lbs.
    Week 6 weight- 196.4 lbs.
    Goal Weight 145lbs (loooong term..)

    -/+ this week +1lbs. ...

    I'm assuming I'm retaining water for some reason.. as my body fat percentage is up too. I went way over on my sodium yesterday, but was hoping that drinking 3 litres of water would help me out. Apparently, not enough! I'm trying to stay positive with this, but.. well.. to say that it's getting challenging is a bit of an understatement!
  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 178 Member
    HW: 263
    SW: 250
    SAHMU SW: 226

    Last week: 218
    This week: 217

    -1 pound

    Frustrated I'm losing so slowly (especially when compared to my husband who is SHEDDING the pounds like it's nothing!) But a loss is a loss, and I will accept it!
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    Lost nothing this week! I guess it is better than gaining! Next week will be awesome I hope although TOM is on his way! Ugh!