Team Yellow-SAHMU (closed group)



  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    Food Challenge Recipe

    This is super YUMMY!
    Active Time: 10 minutes

    Total Time: 30 minutes

    Serves: 40

    You’ll never miss the fat in these chewy bars made with white whole-wheat flour, mashed banana, light-brown sugar, vanilla extract, cinnamon and mini–chocolate chips.

    Recipe Ingredients

    1 2⁄3 cups mashed ripe bananas (about 5 bananas)
    3⁄4 cup packed light-brown sugar
    1⁄4 cup oil
    1⁄4 cup milk
    2 large eggs
    2 tsp vanilla extract
    1 tsp each baking soda and cinnamon
    1⁄4 tsp salt
    1 3⁄4 cups white whole-wheat flour
    1 cup mini chocolate chips

    Recipe Preparation

    Heat oven to 350ºF. Line a 15 x 10 x 1⁄2-in. baking pan with nonstick foil (let the foil extend about 2 in. above pan at both ends).
    Whisk mashed bananas, sugar, oil, milk, eggs, vanilla, baking soda, cinnamon and salt in a large bowl until mixed thoroughly. Whisk in flour just until blended; gently stir in 1⁄2 cup of the mini chocolate chips.
    Spread batter in prepared pan. Sprinkle remaining chocolate chips on top. Bake 15 to 20 minutes until wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool completely in pan on wire rack.
    Holding foil by ends, lift from pan onto a cutting board. Carefully cut lengthwise in 4 strips and then cut each strip in 10; remove foil.

    Nutrition Facts
    Servings 40
    Amount Per Serving
    Calories 80
    Total Fat 3 g
    Saturated Fat 1 g
    Cholesterol 11 mg
    Sodium 52 g
    Total Carbohydrates 13 g
    Dietary Fiber 1 g
    Protein 1 g
    Sugar N/A
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    I was just thinking that I have to get my stuff done on here... Tonight, after the kids are in bed!!!

    Mel-- those sound SOOO good, and I have all the ingredients in my house!! SO making those for the daycare kids!!! ( well, and me too!!)
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    Alright....Spreadsheet is all filled out for team yellow. Figured I might as well fill them all in while I was doing mine. Would everyone mind just checking their own stuff over??

  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Easiest Chocolate Cupcakes You'll EVER Make

    1 box Chocolate Cake Mix
    1 can pure pumpkin *not pumpkin pie filling**( small can, or 1/2 of a 28 oz can)
    1/2-3/4 c water
    **optional-- 2 egg whites. If using eggs, reduce water to a few Tbsp or omit.

    Note-{I have seen postings of this recipe online with anywhere from 1/2 c water to 1 1/3 cup. If it looks lumpy, or "less than desirable".. add a bit more water to make it more "cakey".

    Mix and cook according to cake mix directions. Top however desired, but certainly not necessary.

    Makes 12 ( or 24 smaller) extremely moist chocolate cupcakes to curb that chocolate craving!

    Nutritional Info

    Servings Per Recipe: 12
    Amount Per Serving
    Calories: 194.1

    Total Fat: 3.6 g
    Cholesterol: 0.0 mg
    Sodium: 402.0 mg
    Total Carbs: 39.4 g
    Dietary Fiber: 2.2 g
    Protein: 2.5 g

    Notes-- these are AMAZING with a spice cake too!!
    -- They tend to mold faster than reg. cupcakes, so I keep them in the fridge. They also separate from the liner much easier that way too!
    -- leave out the water and eggs-- and do cookies!!! Even add in a few choc. chips.. MMMmmmm!
    -- they *may* look a bit unappealing,(don't rise much-- my son told me they looked like poo.) but they are crazy delicious!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I have done a recap on the challenges and point system for each week for everyone here is the link:
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    I was just thinking that I have to get my stuff done on here... Tonight, after the kids are in bed!!!

    Mel-- those sound SOOO good, and I have all the ingredients in my house!! SO making those for the daycare kids!!! ( well, and me too!!)

    **Tell me how you like them! I mean, you cant beat the calories! And you get to eat chocolate!
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    Well today I am not feeling well at all! HAVE to take it easy today. But the bright side is I wont be able to take in many calories today so I wont gain any weight! I guess this IS always a bright side to things. lol
  • thefishers4
    thefishers4 Posts: 165 Member
    SAHMU Challenge Week 4

    Your Normal Routine x3 days
    Dance!!! Dance with your kids, your Husband or by yourself. Have fun with it! x1 day
    Got dance done.
    Try something New! - be it take a class somewhere, try a new workout video, give running a shot, etc. etc x 1 day
    Tried a new workout video

    Step ups x 3 min a day x 4 days (How many can you do in 3 min?)
    I got this done as I love my step ups

    Food Challenge:
    Give something Up for one week! Make it good ladies, something you really enjoy!
    Since I didn't know about the new one I gave up pop and have been doing wonderful and lean pockets and very well on that too.

    Relaxation Challenge:
    Do something for yourself this week that has nothing to do with food. Take a bubble bath or read a book or give yourself a manicure. Almost like a congratulations for the hard work we have put in
    I took a long bath and read a book in the bath. :)

    Emotional Challenge:
    Is there someone in your life that has affected you in a negative way and has contributed to your weight gain? How will this change once you have become more confident and learn to Love yourself.
    No no one has affected me in a negative way.
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    SAHMU Challenge Week 4

    Your Normal Routine x3 days- Done!!

    Dance!!! Dance with your kids, your Husband or by yourself. Have fun with it! x1 day- Dance with my kids all the time. We love some good rockin' fiddlin' Celtic tunes!!

    Try something New! - be it take a class somewhere, try a new workout video, give running a shot, etc. etc x 1 day-- I'm saying done for this one-- I moved up to Level 2 on 30DS!!

    Step ups x 3 min a day x 4 days (How many can you do in 3 min?) -Ugh. no on this one. I had good intentions though!

    Food Challenge:
    Recipe challenge-- submitted!!

    Relaxation Challenge:
    Do something for yourself this week that has nothing to do with food. Take a bubble bath or read a book or give yourself a manicure. Almost like a congratulations for the hard work we have put in-- I went to bed early every night this week! Of course, part of that was to do with Emma taking 1.5 hrs to put to sleep. She loves getting out of her big girl bed!!

    Emotional Challenge:
    Is there someone in your life that has affected you in a negative way and has contributed to your weight gain? How will this change once you have become more confident and learn to Love yourself.

    I've been very lucky-- I haven't had anyone that's been close to me that hasn't been encouraging. That said, if I feel like eating half a cake, they might encourage me on that too, but if it's what I want to do... :) It's all me, baby...
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    Recipe challenge
    Just made these and they turned out really well, but you have to like pink lemonade in order to enjoy them.

    Pink Lemonade Confetti Cupcakes
    Gina's Weight Watcher Recipes
    Servings: 24 • Size: 1 cupcake • Old Points: 2 pts • Points+: 3 pts
    Calories: 97.4 • Fat: 2.3 g • Carbs: 17.3 g • Fiber: 0 g • Protein: 1.0 g • Sugar: 9.8
    Sodium: 103.7 (without salt) 

    18.25 oz box confetti cake mix, I used Duncan Hines
    2 1/2 tsp powdered sugar-free pink lemonade mix
    1 cup water
    1 tbsp vegetable oil
    1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
    lemon zest from half of a lemon
    2 drops pink food coloring (optional)
    confetti sprinkles, optional


    Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.  Line cupcake tins with 24 paper liners.

    Stir together the water and pink lemonade powder.  Combine the cake mix, pink lemonade mixture, applesauce, lemon zest, food coloring and oil in a large bowl and with an electric mixer, mix until all the ingredients are thoroughly combined.

    Pour the batter into the prepared cupcake pans.  Add sprinkles if using and bake in the oven for 22 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cupcakes comes out clean.

    Cool completely on wire racks before serving.

    Nutriwhip (or any low fat whipped toppIng)
    Strawberries, cut up and mixed in.
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    Your Normal Routine x3 days
    8/10 done!
    8/11 done!
    8/12 done!
    8/16 done!
    Dance!!! Dance with your kids, your Husband or by yourself. Have fun with it! x1 day
    **Danced with my baby boy! He loved it! lol
    Try something New! - be it take a class somewhere, try a new workout video, give running a shot, etc. etc x 1 day
    8/11 instead of the elliptical, I tried out the bike due to the tendinitis in my hip.

    Step ups x 3 min a day x 4 days (How many can you do in 3 min?)
    8/10 done!
    8/11 done!
    8/12 done!
    8/16 done!

    Food Challenge:
    Give something Up for one week! Make it good ladies, something you really enjoy!
    **Gave up watching so much tv and played more with my boys!

    Relaxation Challenge:
    Do something for yourself this week that has nothing to do with food. Take a bubble bath or read a book or give yourself a manicure. Almost like a congratulations for the hard work we have put in.
    **I am going to take a bubble bath and read!!!

    Emotional Challenge:
    Is there someone in your life that has affected you in a negative way and has contributed to your weight gain? How will this change once you have become more confident and learn to Love yourself.
    **Not really a person unless I want to count ME! I have started to love myself as of late because I am starting to realize that the outward appearances do not matter. I love the story of Beauty and the Beast. She loved him even though he was hideous on the outside but, kind and loving on the inside. I will NEVER let any person (or myself) affect me in my pursuit to great health!
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    Weighed myself today and I have lost a total of 2lbs. this week!!!! Yay! So excited! I will log it onto the teams main spreadsheet! Love you girls!!! Muuuuuah!
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    Which dessert recipe does everyone want to submit o the main tread??
    Choices are...chocolate pumpkin cupcakes, pink lemonade cupcakes and monkey bars.
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    I vote monkey bars!!! I can only handle so much pink lemonade-- but I'm still totally interested in making those too!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I am going to start a New Thread for Week 5 so it is easier to see the challenge, I will do this each week. Everyone come and say hello. We will complete the weigh in and Recipe challenge here for this week.
    Week 5 Link
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Good morning ladies!! We're fa

    irly qui............ fairly quiet the last few days.. hope everyone is well! We're in the throws of garden harvest here-- bought fresh corn yesterday, picked 5 pails of green beans ( and will be going back for more) and still have grass to mow ( well, whatever hasn't browned and died off..). Busy busy!!

    Oh, and Emma was "helping" me type this one too...
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Highest weight-- 265 ( 1 week before delivery) ( Aug3/09)
    Start Weight- 225 ( Nov 15/09)
    Starting MFP 208lbs (June 6/11)
    Starting SAHMU 199lbs
    Week 1 Weight 199.4 lbs
    Week 2 weight 196.4 lbs
    Week 3 weight- 196.2 lbs
    Week 4 weight- 194.4 lbs
    Goal Weight 145lbs (loooong term..)

    -/+ this week -1.8lbs. Yaay!
  • thefishers4
    thefishers4 Posts: 165 Member
    SAHMU 60 Day Challenge
    Heaviest Weight: 228lbs
    Starting MFP 218lbs (3/3/11)
    Starting SAHMU 181lbs
    Week 1 Weight 181 lbs
    Week 2 weight 179.6lbs
    Week 3 weight 182.2lbs :(
    Week 4 weight 180.2lbs
    Goal Weight 130lbs (loooong term..)

    -/+ this week -- 2lbs lost since last week
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    Your Normal Routine-Everyday this week
    Dance!!! Danced a little with baby....just a little.
    Try something New! - Worlds fastest workout....hard, but a little fun!

    Step ups x 3 min a day x 4 days (How many can you do in 3 min?)
    8/13 done! =82
    8/14 done! =80
    8/15 done! =84
    8/16 done! =90

    Food Challenge:
    Submitted pink lemonade cupcakes

    Relaxation Challenge:
    Took 2 long baths this week, one in the middle of the day!

    Emotional Challenge:
    Is there someone in your life that has affected you in a negative way and has contributed to your weight gain? How will this change once you have become more confident and learn to Love yourself.
    No one person. It would be easy to blame family, but i think that I am going to take this one! I want to be completely in control of my own life, so with that, my problems are my problems.
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    Starting MFP 215lbs
    Starting SAHMU 211lbs
    Week 1 Weight 211 lbs
    Week 2 weight 209.6 lbs
    Week 3 weight 208.8 lbs
    Week 4 weight 208.8 lbs
    Goal Weight 180 lbs

    -/+ this week -- -0 lbs