Team Yellow-SAHMU (closed group)



  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    GoOOOoooOOOOd Morning!!!!! Man, I am wired today!! Got my Shred and 2 miles in already.. and I'm not dead!! Of course, sitting down to go the bathroom may be a challenge, but I'm looking at the positive side!!
    Just wanted to check in and say Hi-- you're all awesome, beautiful strong women who are wise enough to take care of yourselves AND your amazing children. Be proud of yourselves-- that's an amazingly important job ( and REALLY hard somedays!!).

    That's it for now-- I gotta run, and won't be around much today-- have daycare kids, plus my house is a fricken' tornado zone. And.. well, I' should really take advantage of my endorphin high while it lasts!! Lol..
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    Elaine...Ahhhh!! I'm trying to keep up with you! I did the 30ds and 1.2 miles on the treadmill. 2 miles...good work!! 30ds isn't getting mug easier yet, but it's not getting harder.

    Melissa- any word from your sil? Karie was asking since I think she has a few people waiting.

    Keep up all the good work ladies!
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    Go ahead and tell Karie that one of her girls can join. My sis in law is not going to be able to do it. I thought she would but she said nope! Sorry for the wait!
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    I just wanted to let you all know that I did not exercise yesterday and today and I am not going to tomorrow :( I have a lump in my breast and they are doing further evaluations tomorrow and I just don't have the energy to do anything. TOM is visiting also! I hope I lose weight if anything! I am sorry girls!! Please dont boot me out :) I will be better soon!
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    Hi everyone, just saw this posted on the main thread and wanted to share...lots of interesting tips!
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    I just wanted to let you all know that I did not exercise yesterday and today and I am not going to tomorrow :( I have a lump in my breast and they are doing further evaluations tomorrow and I just don't have the energy to do anything. TOM is visiting also! I hope I lose weight if anything! I am sorry girls!! Please dont boot me out :) I will be better soon!

    Not a problem at all. Here's hoping for a good day tomorrow for you!

    I contacted karie so hopefully we have our new member soon.
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Melissa-- oh no!! Will be thinking about ya.. and really, take whatever you need! I would be an emotional basketcase-- good luck!! And to top it off its TOM? Crrrraaaaappy.

    Steph-- Yeah, I might be a go-getter, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea!! I'm DYING now... sitting down to go to the bathroom is torture!!:sad: If I can make it through the weekend, with all the distractions ( John is taking Matthew to his first Bomber game tomorrow, Emma's birthday on Sunday, I have a meeting in Brandon on Monday....) I'll be pretty impressed. At this point, curling up and crying seems like a valid option.
  • thefishers4
    thefishers4 Posts: 165 Member
    This challenge updates:

    Get to know: Done!

    Cardio 45 minutes x 5 days
    8/3: Done!

    Strength Lunges: 15 per day x2 days
    8/3: Done!
    8/4: Done!

    Strength Crunches: 50 per day x2 days
    (Haven't done yet. Hate crunches but will get over that and get it in:) )

    Water Challenge: 64oz of water a day x4 days
    8/3: 8-8ozs of water= 64oz Done!
    8/4: 11-8ozs of Water= 88oz Done!
  • thefishers4
    thefishers4 Posts: 165 Member
    I just wanted to let you all know that I did not exercise yesterday and today and I am not going to tomorrow :( I have a lump in my breast and they are doing further evaluations tomorrow and I just don't have the energy to do anything. TOM is visiting also! I hope I lose weight if anything! I am sorry girls!! Please dont boot me out :) I will be better soon!

    I hope you feel better soon hun. I thinking and praying for you.
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    Update on the boob issue! LOL!
    Well I went for the ultrasound today and the tech is not supposed to tell me what she sees (the doc is supposed to do that) but, she told me a little anyway so I could make it thru the weekend sane. She said that it doesnt show up as nothing but breast tissue. Like I said in my newsfeed, I pray she is right. I will find out monday from my doc and I will let you all know! Oh yeah, and on monday (since I did nothing this week so far) I am kickin' some butt in the gym!!!! I am gonna try to not eat bad this weekend while I am out shopping and pray I lost some weight! At least I can contribute that way! LOL! Thanks everyone for caring!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    This challenge updates:

    Get to know: Done!

    Cardio 45 minutes x 5 days
    8/3: Done!

    Strength Lunges: 15 per day x2 days
    8/3: Done!
    8/4: Done!

    Strength Crunches: 50 per day x2 days
    (Haven't done yet. Hate crunches but will get over that and get it in:) )

    Water Challenge: 64oz of water a day x4 days
    8/3: 8-8ozs of water= 64oz Done!
    8/4: 11-8ozs of Water= 88oz Done!

    Yaay! Good job so far!!! I have yet to do my crunches tooo.... uuuuuuggggghhhhhh....

    Mel-- yaaay for your boobies!! And, your sanity!! Now you can kick next week in the patootie!! :drinker:
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Get to know: Not officially done.. but I'm skulking.. :)

    Cardio 45 minutes x 5 days
    8/4: Done!
    8/5: done!

    Stretching: before and after each workout
    I'm all over this!! Doing the shred, I might be dead otherwise.

    Strength Lunges: 15 per day x2 days
    I'm avoiding these... I'm waiting for my quads to stop hurting from 30DS!

    Strength Crunches: 50 per day x2 days
    Are you SUUURRRE we have to do this part??:grumble:

    Water Challenge: 64oz of water a day x4 days
    8/3: 96ozDone!
    8/4: 96 oz Done!
    8/5: 112oz done!!
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    Elaine...I'm counting 30ds as my crunches and lunges, since they are a part of it anyway and I end up doing more than the challenge goal with just the 30ds.
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    Get to know challenge...
    Melissa-a very dedicated and hard working mom. She works out hard and is definitely on her way to big success. She motivates and inspires with her kind words.
    Elaine-a very busy lady! She motivates me to work just a little bit harder (am thinking about a second workout today since I saw that she was doing the same!!) Love it! It keeps me on my toes!
    Cindy-such a hard worker and seems to have great organizational skills(how else would you be able to work ft, take care of kids AND workout). She has worked in fun activities (swimming) into her workout, which is such a great activity to do with kids and to keep up for longterm.
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Hi guys!!! Hope you're all having a FAB weekend.. it's 3:30 here, and I still haven't had a chance to get a workout in. Been insanely busy with "weekend" stuff!! On the plus side-- *finally* picked up our new bike trailer.... it's SO light in comparison to the old one! Emma's gonna love it! Plus, with my doing home daycare, I can write the thing off!! Yaay! :bigsmile:
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Umm.... helloooo???
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    Weekend done! Hallelujah! Weekends are killer for me and that last week..... Whew! It was a rough one. I am back on track and in full swing girls! So excited to be back. God is good and helped me get thru that terrible week. You all helped me alot too! I love having the support.Thanks so much for all you did girls! Go team yellow!!!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Ok, so I'm FINALLY getting around to this. Yikes!!

    Steph-- Ahh, our fearless leader. An organizer at heart ( one of the downfalls of being a teacher!! {or, upsides... however you look at it!}) who is certainly a busy momma. With a move and a new home under your belt, you have exciting things going all the time, plus a sweet babe who is SO cute! You got me started doing the 30 Day shred... and now, you've given me a reputation to uphold!! Believe me, that's motivating!! Your positive energy has inspired me to believe more in myself, and knowing that I'm certainly not the only one that Jillian Michaels is making feel queasy is certainly appreciated. Plus, you live within spitting distance ( well, for a GOOOd spitter) from me in real life! Crazy.

    Melissa-- Your energy and enthusiasm abounds!! A dedicated mom, you've taken on the task of going back to school ( which amazes me) to follow your passion. That takes a lot of guts, plus the ability to know yourself and recognize your dreams makes you awesome! Your faith is an anchor for you and your family-- you word hard to spread that love to those around you, and it's visible in your kind words and determination to live the life that God has made for you to the fullest. Even when things get scary, your optimism and hope shine through. With all that going on, you're still learning to make yourself an important priority in that mix... a lesson that I'm learning as well!

    Cindy-- I've not has as much of a chance to get to know you, but you're working hard to make your fitness plan work for you by making this a LIFESTYLE change, not a "for now plan". You work FT AND have a busy mom life-- I bow down to your awesomeness!! Your family and friends are extremely important to you-- essentially the reason you're on this journey. You can do this! And, you and I both have Gazelles.. we have to share some tips ! ( I just get on there and give'er... :))
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    Cardio Challenge: = Only 3 days this week due to the craziness of last week!

    Strength Challenge: Lunges 15 per day x 2 days and Crunches 50 per day X 2 days= DONE!

    Stretch Challenge: DONE!

    Water Challenge: 64 OZ of Water a day for atleast 4 days.= DONE! (I DRINK THIS MUCH ALL THE TIME)

    Team Challenge:
    Get to know your team: DONE!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Are we still looking for a 5th? I can do some advertising if necessary... might have a few that might be up for it.