Gryffindor Common Room



  • ElisaHelena
    Weight today: 129.5
    OWLS: 36
    NEWTS: 10

  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Check in:

    CW: 178.5
    Owls: 30
    Newts: 15 (I eat fruit every day in my oatmeal, but other than that I really limit my fruit/sugar intake, so I honestly didn't really consider this a goal for myself)
    HP: 140

    So, I finished my first round of 30DS last week. I took three days off from exercising. I had really only meant to take two, but I had a load of studying, so I took three. At one point I weighed 174.5 for two days!! I was so happy because I know some people have said they didn't see weight loss on 30DS until the end. Now today I weigh 178.5 - REALLY???!!!!!!!!! Grrrr!! The only thing I can think is that those three days I wasn't working my muscles and the break allowed my body to heal a bit, so there was some weight loss (I don't know if that's scientific or not), then I had takeout this weekend and I started Ripped in 30. Is it possible that a combination of the sodium and the tearing of my muscles, leading to water retention (or glucose or whatever it is), has led to such a change? I refuse to believe it is possible that I actually gained 2 pounds in a week from my last weigh in, even worse if I look at those two days I was 174.5, that's a load of calories. I don't know, but it is VERY DISCOURAGING! I want to break 170 damn it!

    Sorry for the pity party. You all are doing AWESOME!
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Thanks to TOM finally leaving, I lost 1.8lb this week, and now weigh 123.2lb! :bigsmile:

    30 NEWTS - Happy with the way I managed this one, loads of fruit, different sorts too which is even better.

    25 OWLS - Didn't really get into this exercise, sort of forgot to do them after a few days, sorry.

    958 HOUSE POINTS - That's over two hours a day. :smile:

    Start of September 127
    Start of October 124

    25th July 130
    1st August 129.5
    10th August 128.5
    15th August 127.9
    22nd August 127
    29th August 127.3
    5th September 125
    12th September 123.2

    Great work on the House Points!
  • jls1661
    jls1661 Posts: 586 Member
    CW: 173 (down 1 pound)
    OWLS: 100
    NEWTS: 25
    HP: 370
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Last week's weight: 157.2
    Current weight: 158.2 - BUMMED!!!
    Owls: 16
    Newts: 0
    HP: 220
  • tbelivea
    tbelivea Posts: 94 Member
    Good Morning housemates :D

    Last Monday: 164.0 lbs
    Today: 164.0 lbs :( I lost 1.2 lbs, but gained it back. No overall loss for me this week.
    Oct 1 GW: 160lbs

    Newts: Fruit as a snack x 5 days = 25 Points

    Owls: 50 Modified Burpees = 50 Points

    House Points: Monday 5th Sept to Sunday 11th Sept totalled 756 Minutes = 756 Points
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Weight: 176.4 (Up 1 lb)
    Trying not to let myself feel beat up about it. I worked out an insane amount and TOM is paying me a visit. I had some issues with sodium yesterday and had too much sugar over the weekend but I stayed under my calorie goals every day. I start P90X or Rushfit today. So, let's hope that helps this whole process.

    House Points: 775
    No OWLS or NEWTS this week as I joined in almost to the end of the week. Next week will be a different story!

    AHH!!! I have to edit my house points!! I did it by calories!! Shoot! So sorry!!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Are we ready for Week 2 of our Inter-House Challenge?!
    ***Also, don't forget that you can only report numbers for 7 days no matter what day you decide to check in!
    There goes my cunning plan! :bigsmile:
  • nattiepeach
    nattiepeach Posts: 40 Member
    Hello friends... I was doing the Plie kick this evening and found the little circular leg movement a bit awkward. So I modified it with a side kick (about waist height) and it worked much better. Its a little more difficult but is fun to do :)
  • realia
    realia Posts: 169 Member
    Happy Monday, Gryffindors!

    I regret (a little) to inform you that Pottermore thinks I'm a Ravenclaw! I was a little bummed, but I always thought the Sorting Hat would have had a hard time deciding if I should belong in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. My personality is Gryffindor, but my skills are pretty Ravenclaw-y. Haha. Anyone else get into Pottermore yet?

    A lot of good points have been brought to my attention, and some very good changes are in order.

    Since all students are allowed to check in anytime between Friday and Monday of each week, I will begin posting the challenges on Thursdays. That way you can post your week's worth of points on that day you weigh in, no matter what day you choose.
    ***Example: If you know you'll check in on Monday, you would count points for Monday thru Sunday of that week and then post the results on the following Monday. And then start counting any points earned on that Monday for the next week.

    As long as you're only reporting a week's worth of scores/weights, and you post it before the end of Monday every week, you can start counting your points anywhere from Friday to Monday. Make sense? If you have questions about what you specifically want to do, feel free to ask.

    FOR THIS WEEK: Since we're a little behind on implementing this program, you'll just have to settle for not earning as many OWLs & NEWTs this week as maybe you would have otherwise. It's only within Gryffindor that those points have value, so it won't hurt the House Cup decisions in the long run. I do VERY much apologize for all the disorganization in this transition, tho :)

    OWLs & NEWTs for the Week of 9/5/11:

    OWL (exercise): We're going to do Burpees ( There is a modified version and a non-modified version within the video. You can do either.

    To make it less likely that we have 4-way Prefect ties and things like that, I'm not going to have caps on the OWL challenges and see how that goes.

    You earn 1 OWL for every Burpee you complete. I challenge you to complete at least 10 each day this week. They're hard, so don't be discouraged if you have to work up to that.

    NEWT (food): Try substituting a piece of fruit for a time when you would otherwise eat some candy or other non-healthy, sweet snack (like dessert or after a meal). Sugar is still sugar, but fruits generally have many more nutrients than sugary treats that will give you more bang for your calorie buck.

    If you don't usually eat a lot of sugary treats but don't eat a lot of fruit, try fitting a piece of fruit in to your day as part of a snack or with a meal.

    If you eat fruit regularly already, try a fruit you have never tried before or that you haven't had in a long while.

    ***You earn 5 points for every day you complete one of the above options for the NEWT (5 points/day x 6 possible days (Tuesday thru Sunday) = 30 points max).

    HOUSE POINTS (minutes): Don't forget to post keep track of your exercise minutes, they start counting towards earning the House Cup this week! You can count your HPs for 7 days starting from Friday (9/2/11) til Monday (9/12/11) by the end of the day.

    Any questions or clarifications, feel free to post them! Good luck, Lions! I'm proud of you!
    I was placed into Slytherin on Pottermore. I am NOTHING like a Slytherin! I've taken extensive quizzes (a lot more extensive than the "Sorting hat" quiz on Pottermore) and I've gotten Gryffindor/Ravenclaw.
    Besides that, can someone message me on how this works? Sorry, I'm new :(
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Check in time!

    SW 182
    CW 180
    Weight loss 2 pounds

    Last week I had OWLS and NEWTS backwards, I guess but it all works out the same.
    This weeks NEWTS (food challenge) =30 points
    OWLS (Burpees)= 640
    Total OWLS/NEWTS=670
    House points=827

    Gotta run and do some Plie w/ kick thingies.
    Have a great week my fellow Gryffs!!

    WOW, you did 640 Burpees (1 point per burpee)? That's incredible!

    Yep, I did them in sets of 10, sometimes 20. I started doing them first thing in the morning and took a few minutes several times a day to do them. My goal was a 100/day and a couple of days I got more sets in.
    It's pretty hard to do 100 burpees at a time, but doing 10 10 times a day isn't so bad. Like eating an elephant, one bite at a time.
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Hello friends... I was doing the Plie kick this evening and found the little circular leg movement a bit awkward. So I modified it with a side kick (about waist height) and it worked much better. Its a little more difficult but is fun to do :)

    I find them somewhat awkward too so I tried some your way except I did them with a front snap kick which was so fun I forgot to count. I think I will mix them up and do some your way and some the other way to try to improve. Next time I might try a round house kick, you know, just for kicks.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Check in time!

    SW 182
    CW 180
    Weight loss 2 pounds

    Last week I had OWLS and NEWTS backwards, I guess but it all works out the same.
    This weeks NEWTS (food challenge) =30 points
    OWLS (Burpees)= 640
    Total OWLS/NEWTS=670
    House points=827

    Gotta run and do some Plie w/ kick thingies.
    Have a great week my fellow Gryffs!!

    WOW, you did 640 Burpees (1 point per burpee)? That's incredible!

    Yep, I did them in sets of 10, sometimes 20. I started doing them first thing in the morning and took a few minutes several times a day to do them. My goal was a 100/day and a couple of days I got more sets in.
    It's pretty hard to do 100 burpees at a time, but doing 10 10 times a day isn't so bad. Like eating an elephant, one bite at a time.

    Oh my gosh, you're amazing!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Happy Monday, Gryffindors!

    I regret (a little) to inform you that Pottermore thinks I'm a Ravenclaw! I was a little bummed, but I always thought the Sorting Hat would have had a hard time deciding if I should belong in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. My personality is Gryffindor, but my skills are pretty Ravenclaw-y. Haha. Anyone else get into Pottermore yet?

    A lot of good points have been brought to my attention, and some very good changes are in order.

    Since all students are allowed to check in anytime between Friday and Monday of each week, I will begin posting the challenges on Thursdays. That way you can post your week's worth of points on that day you weigh in, no matter what day you choose.
    ***Example: If you know you'll check in on Monday, you would count points for Monday thru Sunday of that week and then post the results on the following Monday. And then start counting any points earned on that Monday for the next week.

    As long as you're only reporting a week's worth of scores/weights, and you post it before the end of Monday every week, you can start counting your points anywhere from Friday to Monday. Make sense? If you have questions about what you specifically want to do, feel free to ask.

    FOR THIS WEEK: Since we're a little behind on implementing this program, you'll just have to settle for not earning as many OWLs & NEWTs this week as maybe you would have otherwise. It's only within Gryffindor that those points have value, so it won't hurt the House Cup decisions in the long run. I do VERY much apologize for all the disorganization in this transition, tho :)

    OWLs & NEWTs for the Week of 9/5/11:

    OWL (exercise): We're going to do Burpees ( There is a modified version and a non-modified version within the video. You can do either.

    To make it less likely that we have 4-way Prefect ties and things like that, I'm not going to have caps on the OWL challenges and see how that goes.

    You earn 1 OWL for every Burpee you complete. I challenge you to complete at least 10 each day this week. They're hard, so don't be discouraged if you have to work up to that.

    NEWT (food): Try substituting a piece of fruit for a time when you would otherwise eat some candy or other non-healthy, sweet snack (like dessert or after a meal). Sugar is still sugar, but fruits generally have many more nutrients than sugary treats that will give you more bang for your calorie buck.

    If you don't usually eat a lot of sugary treats but don't eat a lot of fruit, try fitting a piece of fruit in to your day as part of a snack or with a meal.

    If you eat fruit regularly already, try a fruit you have never tried before or that you haven't had in a long while.

    ***You earn 5 points for every day you complete one of the above options for the NEWT (5 points/day x 6 possible days (Tuesday thru Sunday) = 30 points max).

    HOUSE POINTS (minutes): Don't forget to post keep track of your exercise minutes, they start counting towards earning the House Cup this week! You can count your HPs for 7 days starting from Friday (9/2/11) til Monday (9/12/11) by the end of the day.

    Any questions or clarifications, feel free to post them! Good luck, Lions! I'm proud of you!
    I was placed into Slytherin on Pottermore. I am NOTHING like a Slytherin! I've taken extensive quizzes (a lot more extensive than the "Sorting hat" quiz on Pottermore) and I've gotten Gryffindor/Ravenclaw.
    Besides that, can someone message me on how this works? Sorry, I'm new :(

    Read the links in my signature, it will tell you all you need to know! If you have questions, feel free to message me :)

    I know how you feel about your Sorting, but I've done a lot of reading and thinking and I've come to this conclusion: JK invented the Houses so only she knows who would fit in them best (which is not always how we view ourselves, or we may not see something in ourselves that the questions could bring out). She also personally designed the questions and tested it on all her friends and family and even Pottermore staff and it was never not what she believed to be right about a person. If you had never heard anything about the Houses before you got sorted, would you be so upset about Slytherin? I think it's cool, you can prove to the world not all Slytherins are bad :)

    Those are all questions (and many more besides) I went through with myself after being Sorted and I've decided to accept where I've been Sorted for the fun of it. If I hadn't already decided I belonged in another House I wouldn't have been so upset about it anyhow. Even though that quiz isn't extensive and all-encompassing, it doesn't really have to be. Everyone has more than one House's set of characteristics to a certain extent, and it's just a matter that you have some characteristics and you find a place in that House. Being sorted in Ravenclaw has made me look at myself in a whole new way, and that may sound geeky, but it will help build my confidence in real life, too!

    I hope you can accept where you were sorted and have fun with it, but you're welcome to be a Gryffindor on MFP any day!
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Hello friends... I was doing the Plie kick this evening and found the little circular leg movement a bit awkward. So I modified it with a side kick (about waist height) and it worked much better. Its a little more difficult but is fun to do :)

    Thanks Natti... I too found it very awkward. I will try it your way tomorrow!
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Those are all questions (and many more besides) I went through with myself after being Sorted and I've decided to accept where I've been Sorted for the fun of it. If I hadn't already decided I belonged in another House I wouldn't have been so upset about it anyhow. Even though that quiz isn't extensive and all-encompassing, it doesn't really have to be. Everyone has more than one House's set of characteristics to a certain extent, and it's just a matter that you have some characteristics and you find a place in that House. Being sorted in Ravenclaw has made me look at myself in a whole new way, and that may sound geeky, but it will help build my confidence in real life, too!

    I hope you can accept where you were sorted and have fun with it, but you're welcome to be a Gryffindor on MFP any day!

    Very wise words from our dear Headmistress! Embrace it, at least you are part of a world that only exists for a few of us (ok, not that few :tongue: ) and no matter what you are a Hogwarts student and that is what counts in the end!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Those are all questions (and many more besides) I went through with myself after being Sorted and I've decided to accept where I've been Sorted for the fun of it. If I hadn't already decided I belonged in another House I wouldn't have been so upset about it anyhow. Even though that quiz isn't extensive and all-encompassing, it doesn't really have to be. Everyone has more than one House's set of characteristics to a certain extent, and it's just a matter that you have some characteristics and you find a place in that House. Being sorted in Ravenclaw has made me look at myself in a whole new way, and that may sound geeky, but it will help build my confidence in real life, too!

    I hope you can accept where you were sorted and have fun with it, but you're welcome to be a Gryffindor on MFP any day!

    Very wise words from our dear Headmistress! Embrace it, at least you are part of a world that only exists for a few of us (ok, not that few :tongue: ) and no matter what you are a Hogwarts student and that is what counts in the end!

    Exactly! :) I <3 you guys!
  • blondie2285
    Week 7 - same
  • MericoX
    MericoX Posts: 199 Member
    CW: 272 - Gained 1 lb. From eating those damn exercise calories back!
    OWLS: 10
    NEWTS: 10
    HP: 123

    Wasn't able to do much last week, hopefully going to do more this week!
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    So I think I have found the key to my weight loss! I was really bummed yesterday about gaining weight and then this morning I weighed myself and I had lost 2 lbs! Even though it is not a log in day for me I had to do it, just so I could feel better... This is the first loss after 2.5 weeks staying the same or gaining a few. So I have been pondering what did I do different yesterday then the last two weeks....

    I had breakfast!!!! It is that simple... WOW. When I started doing this weight loss journer I ate breakfast every morning then about 3 weeks ago I started slacking and soon I was back to my old habit of only drinking coffee in the morning. Yesterday and today I have have had breakfast at 7am and by 10am I am starving!!! I gues the VERY important meal of the day kick starts my metabolism.

    I will continue to have breakfast everyday and see what happens by next monday.... Wish me luck.