Gryffindor Common Room



  • Nekoashi
    Nekoashi Posts: 220 Member
    Belated weigh in here, same weight as the prior weeks
  • AshleyNicole8686
    AshleyNicole8686 Posts: 103 Member
    K I totally want in on this? Is it to late to sign up and Pottermore is no longer sorting until October!
  • starjam25
    starjam25 Posts: 4,725 Member

    I had breakfast!!!! It is that simple... WOW. When I started doing this weight loss journer I ate breakfast every morning then about 3 weeks ago I started slacking and soon I was back to my old habit of only drinking coffee in the morning. Yesterday and today I have have had breakfast at 7am and by 10am I am starving!!! I gues the VERY important meal of the day kick starts my metabolism.

    I will continue to have breakfast everyday and see what happens by next monday.... Wish me luck.

    I'm not a breakfast eater either, but the last 2 weeks I've had oatmeal, and what a difference it is making! I totally agree that breakfast is important!

    What are you eating for breakfast? Be sure and get in some protein. Best of luck to you!!
  • starjam25
    starjam25 Posts: 4,725 Member
    K I totally want in on this? Is it to late to sign up and Pottermore is no longer sorting until October!

    I don't think it's too late to join and Pottermore is not sorting. Pottermore sounds so great.... I've been checking 2 times a day since I heard of it! October sounds sooooo far away!
  • starjam25
    starjam25 Posts: 4,725 Member
    Any of you fellow Gryffindor's want to be friends?
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Any of you fellow Gryffindor's want to be friends?

    Sure, I'd love to!
  • AshleyNicole8686
    AshleyNicole8686 Posts: 103 Member
    So how do I get sorted? And also what exactly is the challenge? I am a Harry Potter lover and was excited to see this!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    So how do I get sorted? And also what exactly is the challenge? I am a Harry Potter lover and was excited to see this!

    Read the links in my signature to get started and let me know if you have questions!
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    just wanted to tell you all ....YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!! love all my fellow gryffindors!!!!!!!!
  • AshleyNicole8686
    AshleyNicole8686 Posts: 103 Member
    K I am in I will log my stats next week! My only question is what are the N.e.w.t.s and O.w.l.s.? I figured out the house points so after that I should be all set. Am I in Gryffindor then?
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    K I am in I will log my stats next week! My only question is what are the N.e.w.t.s and O.w.l.s.? I figured out the house points so after that I should be all set. Am I in Gryffindor then?

    The OWLS and NEWTS are our weekly exercise and food challenges. This week's are on page 17 of this thread, but next week's are going up later tonight (I'm typing them up shortly).

    You can check in for next week between Friday and Monday, your choice. If you'd like to be in Gryffindor, you're in! :)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    K I am in I will log my stats next week! My only question is what are the N.e.w.t.s and O.w.l.s.? I figured out the house points so after that I should be all set. Am I in Gryffindor then?

    The OWLS and NEWTS are our weekly exercise and food challenges. This week's are on page 17 of this thread, but next week's are going up later tonight (I'm typing them up shortly).

    You can check in for next week between Friday and Monday, your choice. If you'd like to be in Gryffindor, you're in! :)

    Ok, nevermind. I'm typing them tomorrow :) I'm getting better, guys! lol.
  • lojoend
    lojoend Posts: 21 Member
    CW: 187.4 Lost 13 pounds total!! So excited about this!!!!
    OWLS: 0
    NEWTS: 30
    HP: 400

    This is the busiest time of year for me. I am a photographer on the side and I have a contract with the local football league and I do their action shots every Saturday plus the team and individual photos. I spend all of my time off working on pictures. My goal is to make time to exercise but it just may not happen until the end of October. :)

    Gryffindors - feel free to add me as a friend!!! :)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member

    You guys freaking ROCKED IT this week! Thanks so much for your hard work! I'm going to try to make a point to reply to each of you more often, because you make me so proud :)

    I don't have much news, you guys are posting your stats like champs! Keep it up! And I'm just waiting to hear back from the other Heads of House about some minor details, then the first week's results will be up in the Great Hall (! Keep checking back, it will be posted sometime before the end of the day today!

    Our Prefects this week are Missb92 (weight loss) and MindyBlack (Owls/Newts)! Congrats, guys! You two are amazing! (And so are the rest of you! I love my Gryffs!)

    Don't forget to pin on your shiny new Prefect badges: 316180_581934039153_179201885_32311725_821292401_n.jpg

    Post that link in your signature but change the IMG to img.

    Here's the chart:


    Our House Point average for this week is 489.26 (and we're kicking some major *kitten* for the House Cup, but you'll see for yourselves later)! That's absolutely incredible! Pat yourselves on the back, because you are my heroes :)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    OWLS & NEWTS for the week of 9/16 - 9/25 (Week 3 of the September Challenge):

    First of all, if you ever have any questions about rules, you can always check the links in my signature or send me a message. Most of you veteran Gryffindors do wonderfully, but our new faces might need some help :)

    Also, The OWLs are always going to be an exercise that will be 1 OWL per rep of that exercise unless noted otherwise. There will also never be a cap on how many OWLs you can earn unless noted otherwise. So, rack 'em up if you like! The NEWTs will be specified each week.

    OWL (exercise): Swimmer's Presses ( If you don't have weights, use extra water bottles or cans of veggies or soup. Anything you can grip easily and has a weight you're comfortable with. 1 OWL for every press completed.

    NEWT (food): Plan your meals ahead of time, either the night before or in the morning before you start your day. Especially if you find yourself snacking throughout the day and then wondering where all your dinner calories went by the evening (like me sometimes, lol)! Logging your meals before you eat them takes the guesswork out of it, so you know what you'll be eating throughout the day already, and you'll also know what kind of buffer you have if things come up (like dinners out or extra food at work, etc). When you think about what you'll eat ahead of time, you avoid having to make quick choices when you're already hungry and prone to binging, too. For me, it helps me make those better food choices, too, by having a plan of attack when I head to the kitchen instead of just looking for something that sounds good.

    I encourage you to give this a try if you don't already and see how it affects you. You will earn 5 points for every day you log your food ahead of time for the day (5 points per day x 7 days = 35 total NEWTs possible).

    NOTE: Log your food, but try not to push the green button until the end of the day. This is more my personal preference, but I plan out the things I know I need to/will be eating ahead of time, then add to it as my calories allow (whether I have extra or earn more with exercise) if I need to. THEN hit that complete button. If you like to do it to discourage eating more than you should, then go ahead, but you don't have to push it when you first log :)

    Good luck, Gryffindors!

    If you're still working on the Plie Kicks from last week, don't worry! I just have this posted early so you can plan ahead as you like. You can still check in for the week of 9/9 - 9/19 (Week 2 of the challenge) until Monday by the end of the day!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member

    You guys freaking ROCKED IT this week! Thanks so much for your hard work! I'm going to try to make a point to reply to each of you more often, because you make me so proud :)

    I don't have much news, you guys are posting your stats like champs! Keep it up! And I'm just waiting to hear back from the other Heads of House about some minor details, then the first week's results will be up in the Great Hall (! Keep checking back, it will be posted sometime before the end of the day today!

    Our Prefects this week are Missb92 (weight loss) and MindyBlack (Owls/Newts)! Congrats, guys! You two are amazing! (And so are the rest of you! I love my Gryffs!)

    Don't forget to pin on your shiny new Prefect badges: 316180_581934039153_179201885_32311725_821292401_n.jpg

    Post that link in your signature but change the IMG to img.

    Here's the chart:


    Our House Point average for this week is 489.26 (and we're kicking some major *kitten* for the House Cup, but you'll see for yourselves later)! That's absolutely incredible! Pat yourselves on the back, because you are my heroes :)

    CORRECTION! We had a mistake in reporting House Points for Jersey3025, she reported calories instead of minutes. That should be 775, and our average is 357.39 (which is still winning so far!).

    I'm sorry about that guys!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Oh dear, I'm full of mistakes this week!

    ElisaHelena completed 46 OWLs/NEWTs and earned 218 House points this week!

    Our new House Points average is 366.87!
  • Letty_c
    Letty_c Posts: 278 Member
    Hey is there still anyway of joining you guys it sounds awesome!!!!
  • missb92
    missb92 Posts: 200 Member
    Extremely proud to be wearing the prefect badge! Hopefully thats gonna keep me extra focused this week to do just as well :) Everyone is doing so great! Cant wait to weigh in tomorrow :drinker:
  • starjam25
    starjam25 Posts: 4,725 Member
    Missb92, you're badge is beautiful, and looks so good on you! Congratulations. :-)

    Maybe print it out and put it on your refrigerator door as a constant reminder of what you can do!