Gryffindor Common Room



  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Here's my stats for the week....

    9/18/11 Sunday
    CW: 137.5
    GW: Oct 1 = 135
    OWL: 1 point per pile kick = 120
    NEWT: water instead of soda = 35
    HP (exercise minutes) =
    Monday to Sunday = 55 minutes

    I think it's funny.... I drink diet soda all day long, breakfast, lunch, dinner and all times in the middle. The NEWT challenge was exchange a soda for water. Big challenge for me, but I think there was some strange hand in this whole thing! It was a busy week and I never got to make my lunch so I had to go out for lunch every day. I pick my lunch spots based on who has a fountain soda machine! Subway, Quiznoes, Togo's, Soprano's, and a small little mom and pop place.... all 5 had non working fountain soda machines or non working diet soda drinks!! So no soda for lunch all week! How strange is that....

    I think that's a great coincidence :)
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    time to measure up!!!

    st (8-1) w 33 h 35 b 37
    10/1 goal: w 28/30 h 30/32 b 34/36
    8-8 to 8-22 same as start
    8-29 w 32 h 35 b 361/2
    9-4 w 311/2 h 341/2 b 36
    9-12 w 31 h 34 b 36
    9-19 w 30 h 32 b 34

    owls: Plie Kicks.... did 438
    newts: drank 2-4 glasses more of water than normal so 35
    hp: minutes of exercise: 2125

    kicking *kitten* and taking inches!!!
  • nattiepeach
    nattiepeach Posts: 40 Member
    Hello Griffindors!!

    CW: 161.9 lb - down 2 pounds!! Yay!!
    GW: 158.4 lb by Oct 1st

    OWLS: 30
    NEWTS: 25

    HP: 290

  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    CW: 176
    Owls: 10 (didn't really care for those plie kicks)
    Newts: 35 (I don't drink sugary drinks, so I did the daily challenge - 10 cups every day)
    HPs: 103
  • tbelivea
    tbelivea Posts: 94 Member
    Good Morning Gryffindor :D

    Last Monday: 164.0 lbs
    Today: 162.6 lbs!
    Oct 1 GW: 160lbs

    Newts: 12 glasses of water per day (personal best) x 4 Days = 20 Points

    Owls: 0 Plie Kicks = 0 Points

    House Points: Monday 12th Sept to Sunday 18th Sept totalled 707 Minutes = 707 Points
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Last Monday: 158.2 lbs
    Today: 159.4 :( I am sure that this is due to pre-TOM
    Oct 1 GW: 150lbs

    *Newts: 10 glasses of water per day x 5 days = 50 Points

    *Owls: 30 Plie Kicks = 30 Points
    I seem to start well with the owls but then I just completely forget about them. Grrrr

    *House Points: Monday 12th Sept to Sunday 18th Sept totaled 535 Minutes = 535 Points
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    WEIGHT this morning - 123lb, which means I lost only 0.2lb this week, even though I've been around 122.5lb for the past four or five days! Still, to my surprise, I've already surpassed my October goal weight of 124lb! :bigsmile:

    35 NEWTS - No longer have sugary drinks, and they taste even more disgustingly sweet to me now so that's a permanent change, so on each day of teh challenge I either replaced a glass of wine with a large soda water, or drank my recommended amount of water. :)

    45 OWLS - Didn't really get into this exercise, only kept it up for three days; I do get masses of other exercise but I know it's not really in the spirit of the challenge to choose not to do it, so I'm sorry about that.

    991 HOUSE POINTS - That's still averaging over two hours a day, helped by a 13 mile hike!

    Start of September 127
    Start of October 124

    25th July 130
    1st August 129.5
    10th August 128.5
    15th August 127.9
    22nd August 127
    29th August 127.3
    5th September 125
    12th September 123.2
    19th September 123
  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    Weight: 153.6
    Newts: 50
    Owls: 35
    House Points: 542
  • farrellb2
    I've been very very busy so I apologize for my absence. But the good news is I've lost 6 lbs since I started, and since I started the Gryffindor Common Room- I've lost 3 lbs!!! So proud of myself!!
  • ElisaHelena
    Checking in late, so sorry.
    Weight - still the same 129.5
    Owls - 35
    Newts - 35 did the water challenge since I only drink water and tea sometimes.
    HP - 240

    Have a great week Gryffindorians!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    OWLs & NEWTs for Week 4 of the September Challenge (9/23-10/2):

    This is the last week for our September Inter-House Challenge! Prefects will be announced tomorrow as well as the updated standings between Houses (as soon as I get all the numbers in)!

    You guys are doing WONDERFULLY, so let's keep it up and finish strong!!!

    OWL (exercise): Seated Drop Kicks (
    I wouldn't try to switch legs in between each rep for this one, it seems a little complicated to do it that way. Instead, I would probably do as many as you can do on one side, then switch. Just to keep it simple, you'll earn 1 OWL for every one you do.

    As an example, if you do 25 drop kicks on the right side, and 20 drop kicks on the left side, you would earn 45 OWLs total. If you have questions, please ask.

    NEWT (food): Post a recipe sometime this week! Either something you already love, something you just found, or something you've just been wanting to try. If you have time, also make one of the new recipes we all post. You will earn 5 NEWTs for the week for posting a recipe, and 5 more NEWTs if you try a new recipe this week. 10 NEWTs total possible.

    Good luck this week!

    ***Don't forget! You have until Monday to post your results from Week 3, so don't feel pressured to start the new challenge for Week 4 before you finish Week 3!***
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    yay i am so excited for next weeks owls!!! i do these already at least once a week. should i maybe do something else to make it fair?
  • lojoend
    lojoend Posts: 21 Member
    Check in
    Weight: 186.3
    OWLS: 0
    NEWTS: 0
    HP: 400
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    yay i am so excited for next weeks owls!!! i do these already at least once a week. should i maybe do something else to make it fair?

    Don't worry about that, it all helps our House average :)
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    yay i am so excited for next weeks owls!!! i do these already at least once a week. should i maybe do something else to make it fair?

    Don't worry about that, it all helps our House average :)

    sounds good to me! i will be kicking major *kitten* this coming week. like i said i already to these at least once a week and when i do them i usually do about an average of between 50 and 100. we will rock this week!!!
  • Letty_c
    Letty_c Posts: 278 Member
    weight: 218.6
    owls: 400
    newts: 5
    HP: 155
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Hello Griffindors!!

    CW: 161.9 lb - down 2 pounds!! Yay!!
    GW: 158.4 lb by Oct 1st

    OWLS: 30
    NEWTS: 25

    HP: 290


    You can totally keep posting your weights in kilograms if you like, sweetie! I just calculate percentage lost, so it makes no difference :)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Hello Griffindors!!

    CW: 161.9 lb - down 2 pounds!! Yay!!
    GW: 158.4 lb by Oct 1st

    OWLS: 30
    NEWTS: 25

    HP: 290


    You can totally keep posting your weights in kilograms if you like, sweetie! I just calculate percentage lost, so it makes no difference :)

    Nevermind. Please do post in pounds if you don't mind!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member

    Oh, man are you guys amazing! I'm gonna keep this short and sweet, but if you ever have any questions please ask them here or PM me. Also, here are our Gryffindor guidelines for anyone who needs a refresher (

    Our prefects this week are:

    Peariel (for weight loss percentage) and MindyBlack (for OWLs & NEWTs)! Congrats to you both!

    Here are your badges, wear them proudly (paste this in your signature, but change IMG to img): 316180_581934039153_179201885_32311725_821292401_n.jpg

    Kelsue35, you had the biggest percentage of everyone, but I'm not sure it's fair to the people who are doing weight, since you're doing inches. You still did AWESOME this week, tho, so I'm naming you an honorary Prefect. There's a third badge in that pile up there for you :)

    Everyone else, you're all doing AMAZINGLY! Keep pushing, and make me proud!

    Here's the chart:


    We've had some moving around of the Heads of Hufflepuff and Slytherin House, so the weekly results are still on hold for this week. We should have them up by Monday, but I'll keep you posted.

    Don't forget to check in for Week 3 on by Monday, and check out the Week 4 OWLs & NEWTs!
  • realia
    realia Posts: 169 Member
    This my first time reporting so sorry if I get things wrong. The OWLS will be 0 because I completely forgot to check what the OWLS were.

    Second week:
    Weight 184.2
    Cw: 185.6 (BOOOOO)
    OWL: 0
    NEWT: water replacing sugary drinks: 7x5=35
    HP: 60

    Third Week
    SW: 185.6
    CW: 184.8 (subject to change since my weigh in is tomorrow morning)
    OWL: 0
    NEWT: 35
    HP: 160

    I hope I'm doing this right. haha