Gryffindor Common Room



  • AshleyNicole8686
    AshleyNicole8686 Posts: 103 Member
    Healthy Taco soup:
    1 64 oz v8 juice tomato (or western family is fine)
    1Lb hamburger meat browned
    2 cans corn (not the creamy kind)
    1 can rotell diced tomato and chili's
    1.5 pkg's taco seasoning ( I prefer taco bell original)

    *While browning the hamburger, put all other ingredients into your soup pot on med. DO NOT DRAIN JUICES! PUT IT ALL IN! Then when your meat is done, dump it in and you are ready to go. If you can control your portions, top with a few nacho cheese doritos crushed and a bit of grated cheese! Enjoy!
  • AshleyNicole8686
    AshleyNicole8686 Posts: 103 Member
    Hp: 3647
    Owls and newts: 10 for the recipes and I forgot about the other! Sorry!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Hp: 3647
    Owls and newts: 10 for the recipes and I forgot about the other! Sorry!
    You really managed to average eight and a half hours of exercise every day, or is that a typo? If not, what are you doing?
    My friend doesn't even put that many hours in when he's training for a marathon LOL! :bigsmile:
  • blondie2285
    Final weigh in - same. 132.5 (I lost 5 pounds in total).
    Thanks for creating the thread. It was fun.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Final weigh in - same. 132.5 (I lost 5 pounds in total).
    Thanks for creating the thread. It was fun.

    I'm glad you liked it! We're going to keep going (starting fresh every month) as long as interest holds out if you'd like to stay! I'm gonna post about it later today!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member

    You guys are seriously rocking it! We're almost finished with our last week of September, and no matter the outcome at the End of Term Feast, I'm so proud of you guys!

    If you feel like you could have pushed harder, never fear! We'll be continuing the Inter-House Challenge each month for the foreseeable future. That means the October Inter-House Challenge starts fresh as of this week! Any points and weight loss you earn this coming week will go towards October, so everyone gets a clean slate. We've worked out most of the kinks this month, so there will be less confusion and more fun from now on! :)

    Here are your Week 3 Prefects:

    MindyBlack (weight loss) and Kelsue35 (Owls/Newts)! Here are your new badges just in case: 316180_581934039153_179201885_32311725_821292401_n.jpg

    Just remember to change the IMG to img!

    Congratulations to our Prefects, and to everyone else for your hard work!

    Here's the chart:


    QUESTION: Does anyone think it's unfair to give someone a Prefect Badge that's already earned one in a month, or is it motivating to try to keep it/earn it? I go back and forth, but I don't want anyone to be discouraged that can't do as much as someone else. Any feedback is welcome and encouraged, please!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Hp: 3647
    Owls and newts: 10 for the recipes and I forgot about the other! Sorry!
    You really managed to average eight and a half hours of exercise every day, or is that a typo? If not, what are you doing?
    My friend doesn't even put that many hours in when he's training for a marathon LOL! :bigsmile:

    That is a pretty high number for one week. Can you double check that you're posting minutes and not calories burned or something, please? :)

    The same goes for everyone else. Make sure you're posting MINUTES of exercise not any other value in the House Points section!
  • realia
    realia Posts: 169 Member
    Weight Loss: 1.6 lbs (from 184.2 down to 182.6)
    OWLS: 0
    NEWTS: 10
    HP: 120

    It's funny how I was re-watching A Very Potter Musical and I reminded myself to put my stats up. Haha, I also forgot how hysterical AVPM is. :)
  • realia
    realia Posts: 169 Member
    Oops, totally forgot to add a recipe. It's something that I found on the internet awhile ago and I loved it.

    1 cup of sliced zucchini
    1/2 cup of mushrooms
    1 tsp of parsley
    a pinch of salt
    (optional) 1 cup of sliced tomatoes.

    Sauteé all the ingredients together and add to anything (I like it on my salads :D)
  • jls1661
    jls1661 Posts: 586 Member
    New Recipe: Nothing fancy just something my friend and I put together.

    Low Cal. Tostadas (hey I'm from New Mexico what did you expect)

    -2 Corn Tortillas ( I use Smith's brand because not only are they the cheapest they are the lowest calories at 52 calories for 2)
    -2 ounces Extra Lean Ground Beef ( I fry up a pound and put in the food saver to use for the week, 1/4 cup = 1 ounce)
    -Onion diced (roughly 1 tbs if you are frying up 2 ounces of beef, more if your frying up a pound)
    -Fresh garlic minced (again depends on how much beef you are cooking and how much you like garlic)
    -1 Slice of tomato diced
    -2 tbs Green Chile (more/less depending on how hot you want it. if you can get fresh awesome! If not ortega has them canned and it's like 5 calories a Tbs I think)
    -1/2 cup fat free refried beans
    -1/8 cup reduced fat shredded cheddar cheese
    -Spices depending on your tastes when you fry up your beef. I use chili powder, sea salt, fresh ground pepper, paprika, cumin, and a splash or three of hot sauce. My friend cheats and uses one of those taco seasoning packs, but it's a lot of sodium.

    1. Put oven on Broil and place both tostadas directly on rack, keep flipping them so they cook evenly and make them as crispy as you like.
    2. While tostadas are crisping fry up ground beef with onion, garlic, and spices.
    3. While that's frying up warm up your refried beans however you like, microwave or stove.
    4. When everything is all cooked. Spread 1/4 cup refried beans on each tostada, top with 1/4 cup each of ground beef. Sprinkle cheese on evenly as well as tomatoes and chiles.
    5. Put on baking pan and put back in oven long enough to melt cheese (or if using leftovers for everything to warm through).
    6. Enjoy

    It's suprisingly filling. Like I said I fry up a pound of meat and put it in the food saver to use throughout the week as a quick lunch or dinner. The way I have it listed is 1 serving and equals 294 calories, 35 carbs, 5g fat, and 24g protein.
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member

    You guys are seriously rocking it! We're almost finished with our last week of September, and no matter the outcome at the End of Term Feast, I'm so proud of you guys!

    If you feel like you could have pushed harder, never fear! We'll be continuing the Inter-House Challenge each month for the foreseeable future. That means the October Inter-House Challenge starts fresh as of this week! Any points and weight loss you earn this coming week will go towards October, so everyone gets a clean slate. We've worked out most of the kinks this month, so there will be less confusion and more fun from now on! :)

    Here are your Week 3 Prefects:

    MindyBlack (weight loss) and Kelsue35 (Owls/Newts)! Here are your new badges just in case: 316180_581934039153_179201885_32311725_821292401_n.jpg

    Just remember to change the IMG to img!

    Congratulations to our Prefects, and to everyone else for your hard work!

    Here's the chart:


    QUESTION: Does anyone think it's unfair to give someone a Prefect Badge that's already earned one in a month, or is it motivating to try to keep it/earn it? I go back and forth, but I don't want anyone to be discouraged that can't do as much as someone else. Any feedback is welcome and encouraged, please!

    to answer your ?. no i dont think it is unfair if the person that is prefect more than once in a month has earned it each time. i am not only motivated to work hard because i want to lose inches but also motivated to do well and be a prefect. (i just hope noone thinks i said its not unfair because i am one of those who has earned a badge more than once this month, im just lucky enough to work from home and make my own hours and that gives me a chance to work out as much as i want. i just wish i could workout more but i do have a job and kids to take care of or believe me i would workout 8 hours a day lol)
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member

    You guys are seriously rocking it! We're almost finished with our last week of September, and no matter the outcome at the End of Term Feast, I'm so proud of you guys!

    If you feel like you could have pushed harder, never fear! We'll be continuing the Inter-House Challenge each month for the foreseeable future. That means the October Inter-House Challenge starts fresh as of this week! Any points and weight loss you earn this coming week will go towards October, so everyone gets a clean slate. We've worked out most of the kinks this month, so there will be less confusion and more fun from now on! :)

    Here are your Week 3 Prefects:

    MindyBlack (weight loss) and Kelsue35 (Owls/Newts)! Here are your new badges just in case: 316180_581934039153_179201885_32311725_821292401_n.jpg

    Just remember to change the IMG to img!

    Congratulations to our Prefects, and to everyone else for your hard work!

    Here's the chart:


    QUESTION: Does anyone think it's unfair to give someone a Prefect Badge that's already earned one in a month, or is it motivating to try to keep it/earn it? I go back and forth, but I don't want anyone to be discouraged that can't do as much as someone else. Any feedback is welcome and encouraged, please!
    Sometimes I feel guilty that I have earned it a couple of times and think maybe I won't do all those owls but then that kind of defeats the purpose of the challenge.
    I would be totally fine going to only be able to earn it once a month or whatever. Maybe once for each category? Whatver you decide is a-ok with me.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Low Cal. Tostadas (hey I'm from New Mexico what did you expect)
    That looks amazing, I'm definitely trying that!

    I'm posting one of my favourites, I stole the idea from a meal I had at a restaurant but left out the cashews because they added LOADS of calories and I could hardly tell they were in the dish.

    The quantities are simply the values as I weighed them the last time I made it, nothing in there is high calorie or needs to be exact so add or subtract to ingredients however it works for you. Sometimes I add onion too, in which case you I fry it for a minute before adding the other veg; you might want to use far less garlic than I do... :blushing:

    Apologies in advance if the instructions are a bit sketchy, I don't use recipe books, but I think it should all make sense.

    Chicken broccoli & lemon stir fry
    Serves 4 people

    Chicken Breast Fillet, boneless, skinless (Weighed Raw), 377 g
    Asparagus - Spears - Raw, 2.5 oz
    Tenderstem Broccoli, 318 g
    Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 tsp
    Juice and zest of one lemon
    Knorr - Chicken Stock Pot As Sold, 1 pot/ 28g (or any other stock cube)
    Large Flat Mushrooms, 205 g
    Garlic - Raw, 9 cloves 40
    Honey 1 tbsp 52
    Cornflour 6 g 22

    Juice and zest a lemon (cut lemon in half and zap it in microwave for 20 seconds to get heaps more juice out of it) and mix it with the stock cube, honey, a bit of water and then stir the cornflour into it.
    Cut the chicken breast into strips and fry it in the olive oil until brown, remove chicken from pan.
    Fry garlic, asparagus spears and broccoli for a few minutes
    Add the mushrooms and stir fry for a minute.
    Return the chicken to the pan, stir the cornflour mix again and pour it over.
    Serve when the sauce is thickened, which will only take a minute.

    Per Serving:
    Calories 192
    Carbs 11
    Fat 5
    Protein 26
    Fiber 3
    Sodium 156

    I serve it with whatever noodles or rice I happen to have around, depending on what calories I have left.

    This reheats well, but if you're putting some aside to reheat another day, take it out of the pan before it's fully cooked, otherwise it will overcook when reheating. <--- Voice of experience!
  • AshleyNicole8686
    AshleyNicole8686 Posts: 103 Member
    haha! oops posted my cal burned instead of min. My min are 737 :) Thanks!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Hi, Gryffindors!

    This week's OWLs & NEWTs are officially for October!

    I'm trying new something with how I post them. I'm posting them in a blog that I can update quickly each week and link you to it easily.

    The blog for October is here:

    Also, we're going to start posting the weekly results on Wednesdays, so make sure to have your check-ins posted by Tuesday nights at the latest! This is updated in the Gryffindor Guide ( and the Inter-House Challenge rules (

    Another new policy: if you CAN'T do any exercise, please let me (as your Head of House) know before the start of each week, and you won't be counted in that week's House Point average. If you CAN do exercise, but do not, and still check in, you will be counted in the average. (This is outlined in the Rules blog, too!)

    I'm not worried about you guys, you're my gold stars :) This is just to keep you updated.

    Good luck, Gryffs!
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    Recipe for the week: (havent done many and want the newts lol)
    (recipe courtesy of mark yesitis from the biggest loser 2---- bought the biggest loser book years ago and loved this recipe)

    italian flank steak w roma tomatoes
    yields 4 servings
    calories: 241
    protein: 25 g
    carbs: 8 g
    fat: 11 g
    satur fat: 5 g
    polyunsatur fat: less than 1 g
    monounsatur fat: 5 g
    cholesterol: 60 mg
    fiber: 2 g
    sodium: 72 mg

    1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
    1/4 cup water or low sodium beef or chicken broth
    1 TBSP chopped garlic
    1 TBSP chopped fresh basil or 1 tsp dried basil
    1 TBSP chopped thyme or 1 tsp dried thyme
    1 tsp ground mustard seed
    1/2 tsp black pepper
    1 1/4 pound flank steak, trimmed of all visible fat
    8 roma tomatoes, halved crosswise

    combine the vinegar water (broth) garlic basil thyme mustard seed and pepper in large zip top bag. add steak and seal bag. marinate refrigerated for 2 hours or more but no more than 12 hours. turning steak occasionally.
    prepare a fire in a charcoal grill or preheat gas grill or broiler. lightly coat grill rack with cooking spray
    position cooking rack 4 to 6 inches from heat.
    remove steak from marinade drain and blot excess marinade.
    place steak and tomatoes on rack and frill until brown 4 to 5 minutes each side for steak 3 minutes for tomatoes

    hope you all enjoy
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    st (8-1) w 33 h 35 b 37
    10/1 goal: w 28/30 h 30/32 b 34/36
    8-8 to 8-22 same as start
    8-29 w 32 h 35 b 361/2
    9-4 w 311/2 h 341/2 b 36
    9-12 w 31 h 34 b 36
    9-19 w 30 h 32 b 34
    9-26 w 30 h 32 b 331/2
    10-2 w 29 3/4 h 32 b 33

    not a big lose but it was something!!!

    newts: tried a recipe and posted one so 10 pts for me

    owls: seated drop kicks: 1250

    hp: (minutes of exercis for week) 1620
  • Honeybee511
    Honeybee511 Posts: 97 Member
    Check in time!
    current weight- 174.0! yay! I made my Oct. 1 goal!!!
    OWLS/NEWTS- 0, sorry was kind of busy this week
    House points- 625
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Check in time!!

    SW 175
    CW 171
    Lost 4 pounds

    Owls: 850

    I tried Bronwen's recipe. It was so yummy. I substituted canned chicken breast for the tuna though. I would have liked to try the crabmeat but no way would my son have eaten any. I ate five of them and he finished the rest. You have no idea what this means. He is the pickiest eater and never tries anything new or weird. He said they tasted weird in a good way. So kudos to Bronwen's recipe!!
  • peariel
    peariel Posts: 91 Member
    Loving all the recipes and looking forward to trying some out. :) Going to try to do better with challenges this week!

    Check in :

    GW Oct 1: 145

    Week 1: 154.2
    Week 2: 157.6
    Week 3: 155.2
    Week 4: 157
    Week 5: 158
    Week 6: 161
    Week 7: 158.6
    Week 8: 156
    Week 9: 155.2
    Week 10: 154.2 .... back to where I started!