haloween babes (closed group))



  • lilieslosinit
    lilieslosinit Posts: 101 Member
    I'm down 2lbs this week!! I am also down 6inches from when I started a month ago (2 of which are from my boobs...bummer), but I'm still rather impressed! I only did 600 sit ups this week, but I did go 10miles. Looking forward to the next challenge. Great week everyone!
  • curlyjayne
    curlyjayne Posts: 120
    Hi All
    Sorry I have not posted until now, only just started to get back into it.
    week one I was on holidays.
    This weeks challenge
    sorry to report NO situps at all :cry:
    But on the plus side
    mon 1 1/4 miles (run)
    wed 1 1/2 miles (run)
    thurs 2.5 miles (run)
    fri 6 miles (run)
    nearly 11 miles
    Lost 2lb's this week.
    weight now 166
    I am looking forward to next week challenge, and I promise to post a lot more regular.
    I have read all the posts from the beginning and everybody is doing so well, I will have to work pretty hard to catch up with all of you.
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    hey ladies as i can see from ur stats ur all doing FANTASTIC im sorry but trying to keep a record of everyones weight etc is proving harder than i thought so we will have to keep or own records and post our results as we are doing and once a month we will tally up our weight loss and tell everyone... is this ok???
    i still want to know ur weekly ones aswell obviosly so we can all see how well ur all doing.

    ok this weeks challeneges:-
    *30-50 sit ups/crunches a day
    *drink 8 glasses of water a day
    *do not weigh until weigh day
    *complete 20 miles either running/power walking/jogging or on a bike by sunday morning
    *and do 2x30 second planks a day (this will be tough but i know you can do it)

    there is a lot there ladies however im just adding to what your already doing.

    good luck and ill see you all tomorow
  • curlyjayne
    curlyjayne Posts: 120
    ok, this is proabaly my age showing but what is second planks?
  • cjsgrimlin
    cjsgrimlin Posts: 246
    ok, this is proabaly my age showing but what is second planks?

    30 second planks.. forearms on the floor supporting your weight while your on your feet stretched out (like push ups)

    It is a killer on the abs to do its like your laying down then get on your toes without coming all the way up, best way i know how to explain it!
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    - 90 curnches thanks to 30DS
    - 22km (5.6km tredmil, 4.8km elliptical, 11.6km bike)
    - 11 glasses of water

    Completely forgot about the planks and i'm in bed now.. I'll do 4 sets tomorrow :)
  • ClareB1974
    ClareB1974 Posts: 224 Member

    *30-50 sit ups/crunches a day
    *drink 8 glasses of water a day
    *complete 20 miles either running/power walking/jogging or on a bike by sunday morning
    *and do 2x30 second planks a day
    *do not weigh until weigh day

    Just needed to add these to a post to remind myself what they were!!

    It's sit ups day today (I have 2 apps on my phone - 'sit ups' and 'push ups' and I alternate them, but I'm also on L3 of the 30DS so I do sit ups there too - roughly 20 each day). I can't go out today as I've got a vomiting child :( I've had 4 hours sleep too, so severely lacking in energy. I have done my 30DS though. :)

    I shall update tonight with my accomplishments :)
  • ClareB1974
    ClareB1974 Posts: 224 Member
    This week's challenges:

    a) 30-50 sit ups/crunches a day
    b) drink 8 glasses of water a day
    c) complete 20 miles either running/power walking/jogging or on a bike by sunday morning
    d) and do 2x30 second planks a day
    *do not weigh until weigh day (Friday for me :smile: )

    Monday - a) 63, b) 8, c) 0, d) 4
    Weekly total- a) 63, b) 8, c) 0, d) 4

    SW: 210
    CW: 203.4
    Loss so far: 6.6lbs

    Today I learnt that on the really crappy days, I push myself harder to do more, whereas on the days things go well, I am happy with what I can easily manage. That really should be the other way around!

    I hope everyone is doing well and has had a lovely day.

    G'night all :yawn:
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    hey all ive done TERRIBLE today :sad:

    im gutted an kicking myself....however for the rest of the week i WILL NOT go over 1200 calries and i WILL go to the gym tuesday wednesday thursday and friday!!!! I WILL I WILL I WILL
  • Mountain_woman
    Mountain_woman Posts: 229 Member
    Okay, Ladies. I'm back in the game now that my internet is fully accessable. I'm excited to pick up the challenge. Hurt my foot when I was moving, but I am going to try and gently work through it. Back on the counting of the calories, so I am hoping that I have found a return to my balance. Nice work to everyone who has been kicking booty while I was goine. Yay!

  • Mountain_woman
    Mountain_woman Posts: 229 Member
    Okay, Ladies. I'm back in the game now that my internet is fully accessable. I'm excited to pick up the challenge. Hurt my foot when I was moving, but I am going to try and gently work through it. Back on the counting of the calories, so I am hoping that I have found a return to my balance. Nice work to everyone who has been kicking booty while I was goine. Yay!

  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    hy ladies im back on the motivation wagon i burnt 835 calories in the gym today :):bigsmile:
    and ive already prpepped my food for tonight so im on track yet again woooooo
  • ClareB1974
    ClareB1974 Posts: 224 Member
    hy ladies im back on the motivation wagon i burnt 835 calories in the gym today :):bigsmile:
    and ive already prpepped my food for tonight so im on track yet again woooooo

    Very nice - well done :)

    This week's challenges:

    a) 30-50 sit ups/crunches a day
    b) drink 8 glasses of water a day
    c) complete 20 miles either running/power walking/jogging or on a bike by sunday morning
    d) and do 2x30 second planks a day
    *do not weigh until weigh day (Friday for me)

    Monday - a) 63, b) 8, c) 0, d) 4
    Tuesday- a) 20, b)9, c) 0, d) 4
    Weekly total- a) 83, b) 17, c) 0, d) 8

    SW: 210
    CW: 203.4
    Loss so far: 6.6lbs

    Today is push ups day, which is why my sit ups are low. Better day today, although I was up til 3am with a poorly little boy (well, 9 years old!) who kept trying to creep into our bed, so I had to keep putting him back in his own. I did, however, sleep until 11am - so I felt all bright eyed and bushy tailed............honest ;)
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    - 90 curnches thanks to 30DS
    - 22km (5.6km tredmil, 4.8km elliptical, 11.6km bike)
    - 11 glasses of water

    - 60 crunches
    - 9.6km (4km tredmill, 4.6 bike)
    - 2 x 1minute planks + one 30 second
    - 8 glasses of water
  • curlyjayne
    curlyjayne Posts: 120
    ok this weeks challeneges:-
    *30-50 sit ups/crunches a day
    *drink 8 glasses of water a day
    *do not weigh until weigh day
    *complete 20 miles either running/power walking/jogging or on a bike by sunday morning
    *and do 2x30 second planks a day (this will be tough but i know you can do it)

    hi all, thought I would post a progress report for this week so far
    sunday 2 mile run on treadmill
    10 mins on the cross trainer
    160 situps
    monday 5 mile run outside with the dog
    tuesday 6 mile run outside with the dog
    200 sit ups
    2 x 15 second floor planks
    I drink a lot of fluids and I am working on drinking 8 glasses a day.
    hope everybody is having a good week so far xxx
    my body is telling me off - I have not done any sit ups in years and as for floor planks..........
    and I only started running last week
    I hope i have a good weight loss this week!
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    nice results so far ladies here are mine:-a=sit ups b=water c=miles/lm d= planks

    sunday a) 0 b)8 c)0 d)0

    monday a)50 b)8 c)0 d)2

    tuesday a)100 b)12 c)10k =6.2 miles d)2
  • curlyjayne
    curlyjayne Posts: 120
    hi all
    It looks like we are all doing absolutely amazing so far this week, keep the motivation up and lets have a fantastic week!
  • lilieslosinit
    lilieslosinit Posts: 101 Member
    Great work everyone! Mountainwoman I hope your foot is feeling better! I think I'm going to be short on the miles this week. I was going to bike to make up for it, but the bike at the apartment gym is broken--go figure! My goal for tomorrow is to keep up on the sit-ups and planks, and go 2.5miles again with C25K. I have no idea when I'm going to find time to run yet, but I'm going to try to make it happen! Keep it up ladies--you're doing awesome!

    Monday--2.5 miles C25K, 100sit-ups, 2-30 second planks, 8 glasses of water
    Tuesday--1.75 miles on the elliptical, 100 sit-ups, 2-30 second planks, 8 glasses of water
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    here are my results so far :-a=sit ups b=water c=miles/lm d= planks

    sunday a) 0 b)8 c)0 d)0

    monday a)50 b)8 c)0 d)2

    tuesday a)100 b)12 c)10k =6.2 miles d)2

    wednesday a) 65 b) 8 c) 8k = 4.8miles d)2
  • Mountain_woman
    Mountain_woman Posts: 229 Member
    Morning all! Yes, my foot is better and my arm decided to throw itself a pity party. Didn't stop me from doing planks. Yesterday I met all aspects of the challenge with the exception of the 20 miles. Will start on the pile today. Keep up the great work, ladies. You inspire me to keep moving when I feel tempted to allow myself a slide to the apathetic. :D See you in a few.