haloween babes (closed group))



  • curlyjayne
    curlyjayne Posts: 120
    having a bad exercise day today, sorry but i wont be completing anything today as so tired.
    I even went back to bed this afternoon for a couple of hours, i promise to do double tomorrow.
    on the plus side i have extra motivation, my hubby has won an award for the best existing worker of the year (electrician) which means that we have to go to london ist week of october to a big presentation (along with other people who have won awards)
    which means buying a new dress, i would like to be able to buy the dress in a smaller size. we will see, i can only hope!
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    culyjayne- What great motivation! Work hard and you will be looking fabulous in your new dress :)

    I'm impressed at how well everyone is managing to keep track of everything. there is alot to remember this week. I keep forgetting about thoses darn planks! and i'm losing track of my miles too :S

    - 90 curnches thanks to 30DS
    - 22km (5.6km tredmil, 4.8km elliptical, 11.6km bike)
    - 11 glasses of water

    - 60 crunches
    - 9.6km (4km tredmill, 4.6 bike)
    - 2 x 1minute planks + one 30 second
    - 8 glasses of water

    - 90 crunches
    - at least 15km (not sure of the exact number)
    - 8 glasses of water

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • ClareB1974
    ClareB1974 Posts: 224 Member
    Oops - I nearly forgot today!

    This week's challenges:

    a) 30-50 sit ups/crunches a day
    b) drink 8 glasses of water a day
    c) complete 20 miles either running/power walking/jogging or on a bike by sunday morning
    d) and do 2x30 second planks a day
    *do not weigh until weigh day (Friday for me)

    Monday - a) 63, b) 8, c) 0, d) 4
    Tuesday- a) 20, b)9, c) 0, d) 4
    Wednesday- a) 75, b) 9, c) 0, d) 0
    Weekly total- a) 158, b) 26, c) 0, d) 8

    SW: 210
    CW: 203.4
    Loss so far: 6.6lbs

    OK, not a successful day. I'm going to fail at the miles challenge as I'm still stuck indoors with a sickly child, and an OH on nights so I have no evening time this weeks to catch up!

    You're all doing rather well though. I might guilt myself into doing the planks before bed - I'll update tomorrow if I do.

    Night all x
  • ClareB1974
    ClareB1974 Posts: 224 Member
    This week's challenges:

    a) 30-50 sit ups/crunches a day
    b) drink 8 glasses of water a day
    c) complete 20 miles either running/power walking/jogging or on a bike by sunday morning
    d) and do 2x30 second planks a day
    *do not weigh until weigh day (Friday for me)

    Monday - a) 63, b) 8, c) 0, d) 4
    Tuesday- a) 20, b)9, c) 0, d) 4
    Wednesday- a) 75, b) 9, c) 0, d) 0
    Thursday- a) 20, b) 8, c) 0, d) 0 (yet!)
    Weekly total- a) 178, b) 34, c) 0, d) 8

    SW: 210
    CW: 203.4
    Loss so far: 6.6lbs

    Finally should be able to get out the house tomorrow as sickly child is looking much better *yay*!!

    Hope everyone is doing well :)

  • curlyjayne
    curlyjayne Posts: 120
    hi all
    This week's challenges:

    a) 30-50 sit ups/crunches a day
    b) drink 8 glasses of water a day
    c) complete 20 miles either running/power walking/jogging or on a bike by sunday morning
    d) and do 2x30 second planks a day

    I had a better day today and as promised I completed yesterdays challenge as well as todays challenge.
    today - 400 sit ups
    7.5 - 30 second planks
    cross trainer - 30 mins - 4.5 miles
    walk with dog 45 mins - approx 2 miles

    i hope everybodies having a great week

    jayne x
  • curlyjayne
    curlyjayne Posts: 120
    totals so far
    A = sit ups
    B =water
    C = miles
    D = floor planks

    A = 800
    B = working on it!
    C = 20 miles (combination of runs, walks and cross trainer)
    D = 8 1/2
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    - 90 curnches thanks to 30DS
    - 22km (5.6km tredmil, 4.8km elliptical, 11.6km bike)
    - 11 glasses of water

    - 60 crunches
    - 9.6km (4km tredmill, 4.6 bike)
    - 2 x 1minute planks + one 30 second
    - 8 glasses of water

    - 90 crunches
    - at least 15km (not sure of the exact number)
    - 8 glasses of water

    Thursday- I decided to have a rest day today but I'll be back to friday
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    hi ladies hope all is well...i will be weighing tommorow morning as i have a wedding tommorow night in north wales and want to enjoy myself :) i will be going to the gym in the morning tho so i can enjoy without overdoing it

    results so far:- A= SIT UPS B= WATER C= MILES D= PLANKS

    a= 215
    b= 44

    those results are for sunday-thursday. i shall post my full results sat morning
    hope ur week has been a good one :)
  • curlyjayne
    curlyjayne Posts: 120
    enjoy the wedding xxx
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    hello ladies i lost 1.5lbs this week and am nw off to a wedding so see ya soon xxx
  • curlyjayne
    curlyjayne Posts: 120
    hi all
    i lost 2lbs this week - down to 164 now
    didn't do any exercise on friday or saturday (as was feeling very tired)
    going out for a 6 mile slow run in about half an hour with the dog
    i hope you all had a successful weight loss this week
    stay motivated xxx
  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    Still the same weight!! I tend to lose very slowly!! :(

    Also completed this weeks challange!!
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    i've gained a pound this week :( even though i've been eating under my calorie goal and exercising heaps so i'm going to take this week off logging my food to see if it changes anything.
  • lilieslosinit
    lilieslosinit Posts: 101 Member
    Hi ladies! I lost 1.8lbs this week. An amazing thing considering all the crap I ate. I also skipped a lot of exercise. My challenge results are quite embarrassing. I went 7 miles, did 200 sit-ups, 4 planks, and did not drink 8 glasses of water everyday. Next week is a new week. I plan to get back on track!
  • curlyjayne
    curlyjayne Posts: 120
    hi all
    does anybody know what the challenges are for next week
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    hi ladies,

    here are the challenges:-
    a)100 sit ups a day
    b) 20 star jumps a day
    c)20 miles by sunday
    d)10 push ups

    good luck xx
  • ClareB1974
    ClareB1974 Posts: 224 Member
    Last week's challenges:

    a) 30-50 sit ups/crunches a day
    b) drink 8 glasses of water a day
    c) complete 20 miles either running/power walking/jogging or on a bike by sunday morning
    d) and do 2x30 second planks a day
    *do not weigh until weigh day (Friday for me)

    Monday - a) 63, b) 8, c) 0, d) 4
    Tuesday- a) 20, b)9, c) 0, d) 4
    Wednesday- a) 75, b) 9, c) 0, d) 0
    Thursday- a) 20, b) 8, c) 0, d) 0 (yet!)
    Friday-a) 130, b) 8, c) 0, d)0
    Saturday- a)0, b) 8, c) 0, d) 0
    Weekly total- a) 308, b) 50, c) 0, d) 8

    and this weeks challenges:

    a)100 sit ups a day
    b) 20 star jumps a day
    c)20 miles by sunday
    d)10 push ups

    Sunday - a) 0, b) 0, c) 3.81, d) 0
    Monday -
    Weekly total- a) 0, b) 0, c) 3.81, d)

    Finally managed to check in! Sorry it's late, I was at a bbq at my parents house yesterday and was only checking in using my phone so couldn't update! Hope everyone is well, off out to Skeggy today so will try to fit stuff in :D
  • lilieslosinit
    lilieslosinit Posts: 101 Member
    What are star jumps? Jumping jack? I ran 2.5miles today and probably walked about 2.5miles, but I didn't do anything else. I'll do it tomorrow.
  • curlyjayne
    curlyjayne Posts: 120
    star jumps are jumping jacks xxx
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    this weeks challenges:

    a)100 sit ups a day
    b) 20 star jumps a day
    c)20 miles by sunday
    d)10 push ups

    Monday- a) 100 b) 100 c) about 1.5 d) 10
    Tuesday - a) 0 b) 0 c) 0 d) 0